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11-05-2005, 08:19 AM
Looking back, I wish I had purchased a camera phone to ensure that I have at all times, a means of digitally recording those thought provoking moments in life that words cannot explain. As I pulled through the drive through of local fast food restaurant on a recent evening, I noticed a beer can, standing upright, on the bumper of the truck in front of my car. On closer look, I noticed that the beer can was positioned directly over a “W ‘04” sticker. Initially, a million humorous thoughts about “redneck Republicans” and George W’s own documented past with DWI’s ran through my head, but after further reflection I now realize it represents a more serious thought.

As well know, drinking and driving do NOT mix. The drunk driver represents a person who has bad judgment. The beer can on the bumper of the truck kind of symbolizes the Republican party to me—a party full of bad decisions, which may be bring temporary relief but sure to end in tragedy.

During the height of the “Reagan Revolution”, conservative thought dominated our nation’s foreign policy. Stretching back into the Nixon and Ford administration, we see this same “what works now” type of philosophy. Whether you realize it or not, Donald “Rummy” Rummsfield, Dick “The Cardiac Kid” Cheney, and many other members of the present Bush administration had a direct hand in placing Sadam Hussein in power in Iraq. They saw it as a temporary means to defeating the evil “Iranians”. They didn’t bother to think of future consequences. So, when you think of the atrocities committed by men like “Chemical” Ali, thank Rummy for his own brand of “drunk driving.” (but keep in mind Westerners, Winston Churchill specifically, were the first ones to consider gassing the Kurds). When you hear the horror stories from the people of Iraq, thank a Republican, they put the system in place that allowed the torture to occur. When you see an innocent Iraqi child murdered in the streets of Bagdhad, when you hear of American soldier killed in the line of fire, thank America’s most notorious “drunk drivers”, the Republican Party.

For those of you still searching for the link between 9/11 and Iraq here you go…the Republicans are responsible for both. Not only did the Republican Party put Sadam Hussein in power, but they also made Osama bin Laden and the Taliban very rich and powerful. You see, during the 1980’s, we had a much different threat. Ronald Wilson Reagan was still living in the 1950’s…a time when he led a witch hunt against his friends in Hollywood trying to weed out suspected communists….He carried that fervor with him into the White House and was determined to battle communism regardless of the cost. Forget that he destroyed our economy with his spending, instead focus on the fact that he funded, with money and weapons, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban in their fight against the Soviets occupying Afghanistan. Like a drunk driver, the Republicans in power didn’t bother to think, “what potential harm could this have on our country”…they saw it merely as a means to fight communism…NEWSFLASH: Communism was…and ultimately did kill itself…no man..no political system..no Star Wars program brought the Iron Curtain down…it fell because of the laws of nature.

Drunk drivers make very bad decisions. Sometimes their decision to drink and drive ends in tragedy, anger and outrage are expected and acceptable forms of response to their actions. It doesn’t necessarily make them bad people, just shows they are incapable of making competent decisions. They need treatment and our love and support. Republicans are the same way, incapable of rational thought but not “bad people” by nature.

the dude
11-05-2005, 08:59 AM
All democrats are angels then?


11-05-2005, 09:08 AM
Some Republicans Are capable of rational thought. After almost 30 years of being a registered democrat, after almost 20 years of being in a union that stole my dues, so they could support democrats, and then watching bill clintons antics, and cohenand berger's ineptitude........I became a Proud Republican.

11-05-2005, 09:12 AM
Your Daddy,

I gather that rational thought isn't within you then ?

Bill Clinton's antics didn't get 2000 Americans killed, break the treasury, and sour the world against us, did he ?

When did the Republicans support the union that provided you with your wages and protection ?

the dude
11-05-2005, 09:29 AM
You think the Kopechne's wish they had a camera?

11-05-2005, 12:12 PM
Looking back, I wish I had purchased a camera phone to ensure that I have at all times, a means of digitally recording those thought provoking moments in life that words cannot explain. <snip about 500 words of useless, meaningless, unfocussed verbiage>

Look up. Josh. LOOK UP. What does it say up there? Hm? Okay, tell ya what, I'll read it for ya. It says "Hung Angels". Now which one in your novella there was the one with the tits and the dick? Was it the truck driver? Donald Rumsfeld or maybe Saddam Hussein? Mmm?

See I know you think that your pretentious witterings constitute some sort of "art of journalism," but they don't.

You know what I'm beginning to smell when I see these over-length, ill considered essays of yours, most of which have nothing whatever to do with the rubric of this forum?


Not all trolls have bad breath, are unable to distinguish when to use the cap key and when not to, or have the spelling ability of a nine-year-old. Some of them come across as urbane, polished, even articulate. But they all have one end in common, and that is to subvert the discussion.

I have no issue with regs whose content is 90% on topic coming up with off-topic material from time to time. A quick look at your stats and we see something quite different though.

This is a board for transexuals, shemales and men who like 'em. Post on topic or get back under the bridge.

11-05-2005, 01:43 PM
No Real Girls 4 Me, but their lack of strengyh for all those years, caused us to inherit an emboldened Al Qaeda. The rest is history. I shudder to think whare we would be if al bore had been elected. See, there is a God.

11-05-2005, 03:58 PM
yes yourdaddy, there is a God, and borrowing from your logic...since you cheated on the elections in 2000, it sure seems he's been hammering the great state of Florida with alot of hurricanes the last few years

11-05-2005, 04:08 PM
That's the same stupid logic that Zawahiri used when Katrina hit New Orleans. Speaking for Al Qaeda, he said that it was Allah's retribution to America. I didn't hear one sane person that said the earthquake in Pakistan was God's getting back at the muslims.

11-05-2005, 04:58 PM
jHellis and johnB, I forgot that liberals like you two know absolutely nothing about the real world. Al Qaeda is a group of good old boy camel drivers, who live mostly in dark caves somewhere outside of the Eastern United States. They love to get high on tea and tear shit up. Wahabi is the form of education given to Saudi children which was approved by the ACLU, justice ginsberg, and more recently by the 9th circuit court. Zawahiri is the grand klaxon of that good old boy fraternity, who promises that no harm will comne to liberals on judgement day. If you're accidentally in the line of fire, he says you will go to a Cristian form of heaven, and be given a fat-butted boy to play with for eternity.

11-05-2005, 05:48 PM
Yes, thanks for the above and god bless. Democrat apologism got us into this mess and they won't get us out.

The Magic One
11-05-2005, 07:59 PM
fuck u daddy, unappreciative son of a bitch..

its fuckin liberals that allow this website to run unadulterated...its fuckin liberals who allowed women the right to vote....its fuckin liberals who stood besides MLK...its fucking liberals who are constantly fighting for ur right to read, act and think whatever u want...whether it be desiring a tranny cock up ur ass or some beliefs u DONT agree with...

this world, will one day be a great and equal place for blacks, women, gays and transsexuals...that day will come in spite of conservatism not due to it!!!

Don't like you but at least all this shit you typed is 100% truth.

Fuck Conservatives!

The Magic One
11-05-2005, 08:10 PM

11-05-2005, 08:28 PM
Maybe we need to poll the audience on this?