View Full Version : time for us to voice our opinions

11-04-2005, 04:57 PM
Ksex Radio is a porn station here in L.A.,,,,,,,,,Wankus the guy who runs the show has a girlfriend, Female Pornstar Tyler Faith. A couple weeks ago Tyler said transsexuals were "disgusting" "confused", and were NOT chicks with dicks but men with tits, etc............I guess a few people including myself voiced their opinions stating as it may be her "freedom of speech" doesnt exclude the fact she was ignorant and out right wrong for using her freedom of speech too promote hate and a lack of understanding..................Well she obviously is a stupid redneck,,check out her latest post and fans,,,,,,,,,,,,please do go and respond.



11-04-2005, 05:09 PM
Ksex Radio is a porn station here in L.A.,,,,,,,,,Wankus the guy who runs the show has a girlfriend, Female Pornstar Tyler Faith. A couple weeks ago Tyler said transsexuals were "disgusting" "confused", and were NOT chicks with dicks but men with tits, etc............I guess a few people including myself voiced their opinions stating as it may be her "freedom of speech" doesnt exclude the fact she was ignorant and out right wrong for using her freedom of speech too promote hate and a lack of understanding..................Well she obviously is a stupid redneck,,check out her latest post and fans,,,,,,,,,,,,please do go and respond.


I am not shocked or enraged. I am sadden. It never ceases to amaze me that the people who should be the most tolerant because of their lifestyle or choices are sometimes the most bigoted. I am not in the porn industry, but I wonder if some of her anger is due to the fact that " tranny porn" is popular, and maybe she feels threathen some how. There will never be total agreement about transgendered people or those who admire them. I refuse to get involved in the conversation, because I think it is a waste of time.


11-04-2005, 05:13 PM
In my last post, I must have done something incorrectly, because my comments have been included in Wendy's quote. Wendy I am sorry about this mistake, and I hope that the readers will realize they are my comments and not yours.

11-04-2005, 05:13 PM
Well as you may refuse to respond is your right however when fans of transsexuals or hell just human beings choose to sit back and allow stupid and uneducated comments it only shows the stereotype that most shemale/ts lovers are ashamed and or hidden in back rooms, etc...........I certainly respect your opinion however her latest personal attacks are indeed sad and its time she learns a lesson when it comes to as Vicki calls it on avninsider "Shemale 101".

11-04-2005, 05:15 PM
Well as you may refuse to respond is your right however when fans of transsexuals or hell just human beings choose to sit back and allow stupid and uneducated comments it only shows the stereotype that most shemale/ts lovers are ashamed and or hidden in back rooms, etc...........I certainly respect your opinion however her latest personal attacks are indeed sad and its time she learns a lesson when it comes to as Vicki calls it on avninsider "Shemale 101".

What do you suggest we do? If you think that responding to her will help I will. However, do you think it will change her mind?

11-04-2005, 05:19 PM
Are you missing the point? If you dont feel the need or conviction to respond and her comments calling any man who enjoys ts porn as "FAGS", then by all means Im not saying YOU MUST however I as a transsexual whether in the porn industry or not feel her comments deserved a response, if you dont feel the need to respond than by all means dont however I am sure there will be transsexuals and admirers here who would love to respond.

No Biggie either way.


11-04-2005, 05:21 PM
Hey dude don't get your panties in a bunch.!!!!!
Let me ask you a question and don't worry its not a trick question.
Where you born a male or a female?
If your answer is male than guess what YOUR A DUDE WITH TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(thanx Mike Southxoxoxox)
You can plead your case till your balls turn blue, but it is what it is-YOUR A VERY CONFUSED MAN!!!!
And I do feel bad for you cuz god if my mother gave me tonka trucks instead of barbies I might be as bitter and fucked in the head as you.
And yes tranny porn is very popular, but let me tell you something if my boyfriend was into it I would consider him fucked up and GAY and out the door.
So, let me leave you on this note-CALL ME WHEN YOUR PREGNANT GUY.


11-04-2005, 05:23 PM
Are you missing the point? If you dont feel the need or conviction to respond and her comments calling any man who enjoys ts porn as "FAGS", then by all means Im not saying YOU MUST however I as a transsexual whether in the porn industry or not feel her comments deserved a response, if you dont feel the need to respond than by all means dont however I am sure there will be transsexuals and admirers here who would love to respond.

No Biggie either way.


wendy wrote:

Well she obviously is a stupid redneck

i guess that glass house is actually a one-way mirror, huh?

11-04-2005, 05:25 PM
Are you missing the point? If you dont feel the need or conviction to respond and her comments calling any man who enjoys ts porn as "FAGS", then by all means Im not saying YOU MUST however I as a transsexual whether in the porn industry or not feel her comments deserved a response, if you dont feel the need to respond than by all means dont however I am sure there will be transsexuals and admirers here who would love to respond.

No Biggie either way.


I understand what you are writing, but in my experience it doesn't seem to help these bigots change their minds. Let me ask you this. Does this person have any power or influence in your industry? If not, why should we care what she thinks. Apparently she is not the only one who thinks this way. I am attracted to transgenderd women and genetic women. You may call me what you like, because I am secure in myself. I do not respond to other people labels of me.

11-04-2005, 05:27 PM
oh look mixedprettyboi aka tubgirl is here.

How many personalities do you honestly have?

11-04-2005, 05:29 PM
Wendy have you responded to her comments, and if so what did you write?

11-04-2005, 05:29 PM
Sad as it may seem...she pretty much has a right to say whatever she wants as long as it could not be construed as a DIRECT threat. Now if she said; "All transsexuals should be killed, the next time you see one, kill it", you got a pretty good case. Remember the idiot on the radio two years ago that said we should open our car doors and hit idiot cyclists as we passed by them? Yeah...that guy was kicked off the air and had a nice lawsuit filed against him because it was a direct threat against the bicycling community. Not sure how it would play out here, but, I find it best to not get involved....

11-04-2005, 05:30 PM
Im working on it as I dont want to attack her, the best way is to seem educated and professional.

11-04-2005, 05:31 PM
huh? conspiracy theory again? get one of your mod friends to check my ip bitch. why can't you just realize that more than one person has a view different from yours...

11-04-2005, 05:33 PM
Im working on it as I dont want to attack her, the best way is to seem educated and professional.
I agree with you. When you do write a response, will you post it here? I would very much like to read it. I also think that if you and other women in the industry wrote her it might make a bigger impression on her.

11-04-2005, 05:35 PM
My god , Gman I am not arguing her right to voice her opinion and by all means I am not asking for some revolt, I only posted it so people if they CHOSE could go respond to her comments, SIMPLE.................My life will go on however my grandmother told me one time "Silence is the escuse of weak and one's voice is the key to success". As I said before it is her OPINION but to generalize transsexuals as "fucked up', "men with tits", "disgusting", and their admirers as "gay" to me is worthy of a response.

Why are we turning this into an attack on me here of all places?? Im not twisting your arms to respond and HELL if you dont want to by all means DONT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I just thought that other ladies like myself and some admirers may want to reply or respond.


11-04-2005, 05:37 PM
Im working on it as I dont want to attack her, the best way is to seem educated and professional.
I agree with you. When you do write a response, will you post it here? I would very much like to read it. I also think that if you and other women in the industry wrote her it might make a bigger impression on her.

why not just let her think what she thinks? her remarks were not libelous, they were just different than others.

time for us to voice our opinions

i guess as long as they aren't mine :roll:

11-04-2005, 05:37 PM
I'm not saying that you don't have a right to respond, all I'm saying is that the woman is speaking her opinion, and she has a right to it, and I'm not going to fault her for having an opinion. I disagree with her opinion, but, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

11-04-2005, 05:39 PM
Then tubgirl if you agree or find it funny then why in the name of God are you on a transsexual message board,,,,,,,,,,how the fuck am in a fucking glass house and a redneck for choosing to take up for something Ive worked so dman hard on and NONE knows what we as transsexuals go through to live our lives and by god its not being a "redneck" or casting stones when I didnt make a comment about her as a genetic female being "disgusting" or "fucked up in the head". SIMPLE.

I swear I dont understand how a innocent post has turned into a fucking witch hunt.

11-04-2005, 05:45 PM
Wendy and anyone else who cares to has the right to respond to her comments. Wendy feels strongly about this, and should do what she thinks is right.

11-04-2005, 05:52 PM
Arianna its ok,,,,,,,,,,,Im damned if I do and damned if I dont here..............If I post my website or videos Im only here to self promote, If I try and start a discussion I am attacked too, fucking amazing.

11-04-2005, 05:52 PM
Then tubgirl if you agree or find it funny then why in the name of God are you on a transsexual message board,,,,,,,,,,how the fuck am in a fucking glass house and a redneck for choosing to take up for something Ive worked so dman hard on and NONE knows what we as transsexuals go through to live our lives and by god its not being a "redneck" or casting stones when I didnt make a comment about her as a genetic female being "disgusting" or "fucked up in the head". SIMPLE.

I swear I dont understand how a innocent post has turned into a fucking witch hunt.

i found it funny because it fucking was. i am here because i want to be here. i made the glass house comment because the reason you started this thread was to gain an army of people to show how someone made a (rude) comment about you, then you go ahead and make the same kind of flippant comment about them.


personally, i could give a flying fuck about what you went through. i did not ask you to do it, you took it on yourself. therefore, it affects me none. but then, you'll say "well, tubgirl, you asked me to do it because you are on this site." which, i believe, is reverse logic.

this innocent post was designed to turn into a witch hunt. you just didn't envision yourself being the witch when you hit the submit button.

11-04-2005, 05:54 PM
First of all you stupid piece of shit she didnt ATTACK me, she didnt say "WENDY IS DISGUSTING" she said transsexuals were and I then responded.

11-04-2005, 05:54 PM
I think a mod should remove tubgirl's ignorant comments, which are a distraction from what the original topic was about. Obviously she's just here to stir up shit.

oh, they weren't ignorant. they were my OPINION

11-04-2005, 05:55 PM
First of all you stupid piece of shit she didnt ATTACK me, she didnt say "WENDY IS DISGUSTING" she said transsexuals were and I then responded.


11-04-2005, 06:05 PM
I shemales and transsexuals does that make me gay cuz i consider myself str8.

11-04-2005, 06:20 PM
This discussion is going off topic.

11-04-2005, 07:03 PM
Definetly gay Daebo...In fact you should start practising your walk forthwith, and getting the finger snappin, head jiggling, girl-you-just-dont-know bag down would be good too... :D

11-04-2005, 08:23 PM
oh, they weren't ignorant. they were my OPINIONOh, but that's obvious. Everyone has opinions; but there are such things as the right places and right times to express them. First of all, they're obviously not going to be popular opinions on a transsexual forum. Secondly, they DO show ignorance and insecuity. And third, starting your own private "witch hunt" here indicates that you have a hostile, and pre-existing, agenda.

please don't misunderstand, i have no agenda. i thought a post was funny. it made me laugh, so i quoted it and laughed. this is a discussion board, right? i am not looking to pick fights, i just think some people don't see all angles to the stories...

11-04-2005, 09:38 PM
I tried to register and respond, but for some reason it won't let me

But in any case, I read the comments on the board on that website and find soe of them radiculous. A lot of people there aren't thinking before they write stuff down. They contradict some of their own ideas. For example, this one guy comes and mentions that having a surgery to change you sex or look like a woman is freaky and that "we should accept how we are born." Now that has to be the most absurd statement of the year. Who here on earth accepts how their born? Plastic surgery, face lifts, breast implants, and hack even just working out. Think about it, working out is about changing the way you look and not accepting how you are born (who here is born with a six pack). Movie stars do all sorts of these surgeries and hack they look good, so whats the harm? I wouldn't say Demi Moore has something wrong in the head because she gets a face lift, would you. The whole world is about changing how we look and changing how we are naturally, even makeup changes your natural look. So how can anyone say having a surgery that changes your gender freaky? If that were the case, then we are all freaky. Having a surgery to make you look better or change into something you want to be and paying tons of money for it is not freaky at all. Hack I pay like $700 a year to go to the gym and workout so I can look more muscular. Does that mean I have something wrong in the head? Yea right.

Than whatever that porn star's name is mentioned that if her boyfriend was watching ts porn, he be out. Now come on. Another absurd statement. How many girlfriends out there would also through their boyfriends out if they were watching porn period, whether straight or ts?

Than she talks about how men who like ts are "fags." Well I define fag as someone who likes men. And she assumes that because they like a girl with a penis. Why? Because a penis is associated with a man. Well, all over the world people are interested in things that have traditionally been associated with men. I mean back in the Greek days only men did anal sex. Anal sex, if you really think about, is associated with male relations. Now anal sex is popular among men and women. So does that mean if a guy engages in anal sex with a girl, he is a fag? What if a guy likes a women because she is independent (another traditional musculine trait). That mean he is a fag also? The point is that just because you are attracted to someone that has something that resembles muscularity doesn't mean you a fag and like guys.

The label of bisexual is thought of as someone who likes both men and women. Well, there are many men who like tgirls that aren't attracted to men. So another thing is that the label of bisexual isn't accurate for these men. Another label needs to be made. Just like how flipinos and pacific islanders were discovered to be different than traditional Asians so a new label needed to be made for them. Well the same case here.

11-05-2005, 04:35 AM
Hey dude don't get your panties in a bunch.!!!!!
Let me ask you a question and don't worry its not a trick question.
Where you born a male or a female?
If your answer is male than guess what YOUR A DUDE WITH TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(thanx Mike Southxoxoxox)
You can plead your case till your balls turn blue, but it is what it is-YOUR A VERY CONFUSED MAN!!!!
And I do feel bad for you cuz god if my mother gave me tonka trucks instead of barbies I might be as bitter and fucked in the head as you.
And yes tranny porn is very popular, but let me tell you something if my boyfriend was into it I would consider him fucked up and GAY and out the door.
So, let me leave you on this note-CALL ME WHEN YOUR PREGNANT GUY.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAThis goes beyond an opinion. This is just plain fucking hostile. You suck.

you, uh, do know that i didn't actually write that, right? :roll:

see, that's what i am talking about. i thought that post that i quoted was hilarious, so i quoted it and laughed after it. because, like the title said, this was a thread for our opinions. that that post was funny was mine.

maybe i should have to bounce ideas off of you before i post anything, just to make sure it "fits" the demographic...

11-05-2005, 06:25 AM
Actually, tubgirl, that was the problem: it wasn't clear that you didn't write that but quoted it because it was not in anyway marked as a quote. You could have wrapped it in [ quote ] [ /quote ] (leave out the spaces), or used quotation marks, or otherwise indicated that you were quoting that post, not writing it yourself. Completely changes the impact of your post, and would have prevented all that misunderstanding.

11-05-2005, 11:38 AM
Actually, tubgirl, that was the problem: it wasn't clear that you didn't write that but quoted it because it was not in anyway marked as a quote. You could have wrapped it in [ quote ] [ /quote ] (leave out the spaces), or used quotation marks, or otherwise indicated that you were quoting that post, not writing it yourself. Completely changes the impact of your post, and would have prevented all that misunderstanding.


11-05-2005, 09:29 PM
Sitting back and remembering the pointed quotation:

First they came for the socialists,
and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

I will speak out, I think that is all that I need to say

11-06-2005, 01:21 AM
HEY WENDY im not signing up for this board to make a comment but the opions of these fuctards will not change no matter how normal and more attractive then some skank w/ poor vocab skills.... but someone who is apart of this group SHOULD inform the moderator that the jhellis post should be taken down as it is not the real jhellis and therefore is character deformation and is JUST PLAIN WRONG...

11-06-2005, 01:41 AM
Your right girl so I just ignore it as I said what I needed to say in an intelligent and professional manner and as you see they cant type a sentence without some ignorant statement, LOL

11-06-2005, 01:44 AM
i noticed that.. which is why i didnt want to go thru hassle of signing up just to argue w/ close minded fucktards