View Full Version : What's with all the hateful, mean, and insulting posts??

12-22-2009, 07:23 AM
I have been a member of this board for a few years now and don't know why these type of posts and comments have been coming up so much lately. When I joined almost all the posts were positive and shed a good light on the girls here. Now girls are actually leaving because of what's been going on. This forum is one of the only places you can actually chat with girls around the world, famous or not famous. Where else can you have a chat with someone you might have just jerked off to their videos or pictures? Many of these girls make the time to chat with their fans and it shouldn't be a place where they need to defend themselves all the time. I love the fact that I can chat with a Jennifer Paris, Yasmin Lee, and Susi and then when I meet them in person it's cool that they know who I am. Many of the girls do have personal issues they have to deal with and when someone comes on here and brings those issues up and makes them uncomfortable, they might not be as friendly, open and honest, and may not even come back. Can we all try to just keep the bullshit off here and get things back to the way they used to be.

12-22-2009, 07:25 AM
good luck finding an answer to that question.

i cant believe how low this place has stooped.

when i was lurking here, this would not have happened, let alone be tolerated.

12-22-2009, 07:34 AM
I know, it's pretty much just a few posters who changed this forum. Because of them quite a few girls have left here and some of the girls still here start to think we are all like them. Too bad the mods can't ban those people for good. There should be an option to flag a post or topic that we think should be taken down so it's easy for the mods to find. That's just my opinion though, I know it can't happen that way.

12-22-2009, 07:36 AM
yeah, i have noticed it usually is the same people.

i can understand that there would be differences in opinion when discussing things, but there are ways to have a discussion without being rude and hurtful.

ive noted this in several threads already. the ones doing it, i dont think they pay attention to anything unless they have rude and hateful comments to say to it.

12-22-2009, 08:02 AM
Could not agree more with the OP.

I don't logon here to read someone hating on a girl, I post on HA strictly because of the beautiful hung angels who are kind enough to give up a few minutes of their day to connect with their fans.

IMO the hating really needs to stop.

If you don't have anything positive to say without being hostile, there's no need to post.

This is a rare, unique forum and I would hate to see it destroyed by the petty, spiteful, vindictive people who make it suck for the rest of us.


12-22-2009, 08:24 AM
This Forum has become a dump for Negative Energy ( Sorry to say), And I believe it's all coming from one source........

All these hateful Comments about Girls who are successful , Beautiful , and have probably great things going for them, only goes to show the irony in all of this... ( The Attacker has a envious Tick with only those who are most popular, or seem to shine in this Forum.....

12-22-2009, 08:28 AM
you have a point there. it is that way for the most part.

12-22-2009, 08:46 AM
I know, it's pretty much just a few posters who changed this forum. Because of them quite a few girls have left here and some of the girls still here start to think we are all like them. Too bad the mods can't ban those people for good. There should be an option to flag a post or topic that we think should be taken down so it's easy for the mods to find. That's just my opinion though, I know it can't happen that way.

I think you all give certain individuals too much power over this situation. Has anybody considered that the porn business is slow right now and the girls are concentrating more on making money elsewhere (or even just celebrating the holidays) than they are posting? I know I for one have cut way back on my posting over the last few months. There just hasn't been enough time lately.


12-22-2009, 08:46 AM
It's not just here. The political forums have gotten totally out of hand. It's just bad manners. It's as if some people don't know how or are just too stupid to be polite, or see it as a sign of weakness. It's a lack of discretion too. Folks should keep their petty bickering & personal feuds in the PMs. If it's nobody else's business, leave it off the general board.

But yeah, there seems to be a viscious & nasty tone creeping across the internet in general. It sucks. Maybe it's the anonymity. Maybe it's the overall stress. Maybe it's the water. Maybe it's because people tend to avoid loudmouthed assholes until that's all that's left.

12-22-2009, 09:31 AM
It is very clear what ruined this board.

Nicole Dupre
12-22-2009, 12:34 PM
I blame Rockabilly.

12-22-2009, 12:39 PM
I blame Rockabilly.

LMFAO! OMG thank you. I really needed the laugh!


12-22-2009, 12:44 PM
This Forum has become a dump for Negative Energy ( Sorry to say), And I believe it's all coming from one source........

All these hateful Comments about Girls who are successful , Beautiful , and have probably great things going for them, only goes to show the irony in all of this... ( The Attacker has a envious Tick with only those who are most popular, or seem to shine in this Forum.....No offense but its always been like this, Not as bad but people will always not like what others have to say, especially online. I used to lash the hell out on people and occasionally I may in the future but you know its a thing people learn over time. I have things to do in life so its a factor why I dont post as much as I used to, cant talk for other users but I can give idea...get video games,read a book, learn things that interest you.

12-22-2009, 01:04 PM
I guess Phobun has been rehabilitated. No one mentioned his name.

12-22-2009, 01:38 PM
I guess Phobun has been rehabilitated. No one mentioned his name.

You can kiss my favorite ass...


12-22-2009, 04:02 PM
I guess Phobun has been rehabilitated. No one mentioned his name.

You can kiss my favorite ass...


you love you some flat butts dont you old phobunny

12-22-2009, 06:28 PM
This Forum has become a dump for Negative Energy ( Sorry to say), And I believe it's all coming from one source........

All these hateful Comments about Girls who are successful , Beautiful , and have probably great things going for them, only goes to show the irony in all of this... ( The Attacker has a envious Tick with only those who are most popular, or seem to shine in this Forum.....co-sign i read some of the post and just shake my head its sad really.

Felicia Katt
12-22-2009, 08:44 PM
For Evil to triumph, all that is necessary is that good men do nothing

In the last 6 months or so on this board, I have been compared to Herman Munster, Larry Bird, Jon Lithgow from the World According to Garp, and The Joker. I've been called rough and scary and worse

Maybe one or two people spoke up once or twice.

For the last 6 months, a poster here who was outed as being an anonymous asshole on the other board, has been active and accepted here. He has never once expressed any regret or remorse or any apology for any of the hurt he caused me.

Only one person here has spoken up against him, and she has been attacked for it, while more than one or two others have defended him.

People routinely refer to girls that I would relate, or equate to, as men, as he or him, as shameful fetishists, as unworthy and unwelcome here.

Almost no one calls out these posters for this disrespect and rudeness.

When I expressed how different things were here, and how hostile and hateful this place has become, I was told I was wrong, and that it was always this way.

Because of all of these things, I don't post here very much anymore. Maybe I have overstayed my welcome or overestimated my value here. I'm not here promoting myself, only expressing myself, and if its met with scorn or apathy or both, why should I bother. So I rarely do.

There are a few hateful posters here who are insulting and hateful. Maybe there always have been, maybe there always will be. But it really seems now that they are aided and abetted by those who ignore their hostility or who embrace them or their views. Its one thing when some troll flings shit on you. Its another thing entirely when people you think of as friends watch, and do nothing to stop it or to help clean you off after wards.


12-22-2009, 09:03 PM
whoever made those comparasins to you must be blind, or stupid. probably both. because i dont see it.

it hasnt always been this way. a few years ago, this would not have been tolerated, to the extent it is now.

12-22-2009, 09:08 PM
Maybe one or two people spoke up once or twice.

This is a job for mods. Random commentators only serve to fan the flames of negative posters. Hence the "Do Not Feed the Trolls" dictum.

Felicia Katt
12-23-2009, 04:00 AM
thanks to the one person who cared to read and respond to my post. I guess everyone else was too busy protecting Jennifer Paris for 11 pages from old pictures of herself. Never mind that they have been posted many times before. Never mind that many girls would love to look "as bad" as she did back then. Never mind also that she has said she has no problem with and only fond pride for her old pictures and past life.

Jennifer is a friend of mine and I've spoken up for her many times before until she told me it really wasn't necessary because nothing anyone said to her on here really hurt her. That she never minded what they said.

And never mind I'm that much closer to not posting here at all. That every one comes back sooner or later doesn't invalidate their reasons for leaving. That every one who leaves still lurks and listens as a shadow doesn't mean they are participating. A shadow is the absence of light, not the presence of darkness. I haven't left here yet, but whatever limited light or lightheartedness I ever shined here is waning.


12-23-2009, 04:37 AM
If you disaggree w/ someones opinion then debate the facts but it seems most people will resort to name calling or mockery.

It's childish and pointless. If you can't say anything nice , then don't say anything at all.
Felicia has for as long as i've been here , always been a nice and insightful poster. I've never heard her argue w/ anybody and she does not deserve to be treated poorly. If she leaves then the forum will be a much poorer place and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.

12-23-2009, 04:40 AM
If you disaggree w/ someones opinion then debate the facts but it seems most people will resort to name calling or mockery.

It's childish and pointless. If you can't say anything nice , then don't say anything at all.
Felicia has for as long as i've been here , always been a nice and insightful poster. I've never heard her argue w/ anybody and she does not deserve to be treated poorly. If she leaves then the forum will be a much poorer place and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Agreed 1000%.


12-23-2009, 04:49 AM
If you disaggree w/ someones opinion then debate the facts but it seems most people will resort to name calling or mockery.

It's childish and pointless. If you can't say anything nice , then don't say anything at all.
Felicia has for as long as i've been here , always been a nice and insightful poster. I've never heard her argue w/ anybody and she does not deserve to be treated poorly. If she leaves then the forum will be a much poorer place and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Exactly, a main reason I started this topic. Felicia, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your post yet. I got off for a little bit to wrap a few presents. This topic is in defense of you, Jennifer, and every other girl who has been insulted for no reason. For someone to actually call you Herman Munster or the Joker is disgusting. You did nothing wrong as far as I've seen to be talked to or treated that way. Only reason I defended Jennifer like that is because I have met and hung out with her a few times before and that person started that thread only to make fun of her and insult her. I don't know you but you come across as a nice and decent girl who would like to enjoy being a part of this forum. It's unfortunate certain people are making this a place you don't like to visit anymore.

12-23-2009, 04:53 AM
I usually only come on from time to time but I have had more free time lately which is why I'm posting more frequently. I hope this page gets back to the way it was when I first joined because it looks like more and more girls are getting tired of the bullshit and drama. I'm still unhappy that Sunny and Allanah aren't on good terms anymore. They are the reason I joined in the first place.

12-23-2009, 04:56 AM
If you disaggree w/ someones opinion then debate the facts but it seems most people will resort to name calling or mockery.

It's childish and pointless. If you can't say anything nice , then don't say anything at all.
Felicia has for as long as i've been here , always been a nice and insightful poster. I've never heard her argue w/ anybody and she does not deserve to be treated poorly. If she leaves then the forum will be a much poorer place and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.


Its just a winless situation with those pathetic assholes. If you say nothing they win. If you defend the person and bring up valid points you still lose for arguing with an idiot. Situations like this should really be dealt with by the ADMINS. I don't know if they're on vacation but when someones makes a new username with the sole purpose of harassing and being hateful they should be deleted/banned immediately. They add nothing to this site. I know there are many threads on this board but I really don't see how some members aren't dealt with promptly. That loser "curiouspinga" has been around since the 19th. Spewing nothing but hate. WHY ISN'T THAT PERSON GONE? WTF?!!

12-23-2009, 04:59 AM
Mods must be away for the holidays or they don't really care about it since so many people bash other people anyway. Although a new account created just to do that should be banned but then they will just keep coming back as another account. Can't really win that war.

12-23-2009, 06:25 AM
Most..not all..but most hatred is coming from TS To TS. No guy can chop a TS woman down like they do each other.Eventually one leaves.I believe it puts the MODS in a difficult position,as most of us come here for the ladies.One leaves...the Mods ban
the other one..and the forum is two ladies short.

12-23-2009, 06:46 AM
Everyone should make a New Years Resolution to stop the drama and keep the peace. I'm sure that will work :wink:

12-23-2009, 06:55 AM
I don't think that will work. What might actually work is if the MODS put a hold on accepting new members. At least temporarily. That way banning someone might actually carry some weight and they will learn there are consequences for their actions.

12-23-2009, 06:56 AM
thanks to the one person who cared to read and respond to my post

FWIW, I hope you don't stop posting on here Felicia, your posts are funny & insightful. Merry Xmas 8)

12-23-2009, 07:56 AM
If you disaggree w/ someones opinion then debate the facts but it seems most people will resort to name calling or mockery.

It's childish and pointless. If you can't say anything nice , then don't say anything at all.
Felicia has for as long as i've been here , always been a nice and insightful poster. I've never heard her argue w/ anybody and she does not deserve to be treated poorly. If she leaves then the forum will be a much poorer place and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Agreed 1000%.


luv the hairdo 8)

Nicole Dupre
12-23-2009, 08:49 AM
Hey! Here's a nasty post for you, you drunken crazy bastard! Fuck you, James Hunt! lol



12-23-2009, 10:05 AM
Just want to say ,that anyone who posts on a fake account to get at someone is a cowardly cunt. If you have beef with someone at least be man enough or woman enough to post on your normal account.

In my opinion the mods could 'out ' anyone doing this in a 'list of shame'. Oh and 'curiouspinga' or whatever it is ,is deffo a jealous girl but I expect thats obvious just by looking by how it writes and the insults it uses.

Oh and Felicia Katt don't deserve what she got.She is one of the most inoffensive people who uses this forum.

12-23-2009, 10:05 AM
thanks to the one person who cared to read and respond to my post

FWIW, I hope you don't stop posting on here Felicia, your posts are funny & insightful. Merry Xmas 8)

12-23-2009, 01:15 PM
Sadly its a feature of the internet and you see it on many forums. It is of course quite possible to express opinions without being abusive or belittling - but all too many use the relative anominiety to not bother with the nicities. Its almost like road rage - people who behave in a totally OTT and unreasonable manner when they are behing the wheel of a car who are nice as pie in a normal social situation. I'm sure there miust be a good few psch papers out there on the phenomenon of "internet rage"

12-23-2009, 02:10 PM
luv the hairdo 8)

Thanks babes! I hope you have a great holiday. :)


Felicia Katt
12-26-2009, 11:21 PM
thanks everyone. I guess the lights will stay on for a little while longer :)


12-27-2009, 02:30 AM
thanks everyone. I guess the lights will stay on for a little while longer

yes, please stay. you're a sweetheart, an obviously cool person. thanks for sticking around...


03-27-2010, 09:12 PM
Assholes are all around, statistically HA should have its share... alas, apparently it's more than its fair share.

03-27-2010, 09:36 PM
There's an ignore feature now. Use it.

Nicole Dupre
03-28-2010, 02:29 AM
Awesome. :)

03-28-2010, 11:34 AM
Where is it?

03-28-2010, 11:56 AM
What we really need is a spell check feature. Is it available here in this updated version? If so where?

03-28-2010, 04:57 PM
To ignore just click on the person's name by their avatar where you'll find the option in the scroll down menu. You can also go to ur CP at the top of the page to edit ur Ignore list anytime u want. (To take people off Ignore etc)

02-12-2011, 10:03 PM
This Forum has become a dump for Negative Energy ( Sorry to say), And I believe it's all coming from one source........

All these hateful Comments about Girls who are successful , Beautiful , and have probably great things going for them, only goes to show the irony in all of this... ( The Attacker has a envious Tick with only those who are most popular, or seem to shine in this Forum.....

this place has always been like that

02-13-2011, 03:34 AM
There have always been flamewars (Salvage!), I think its better now that the ignore feature is available.

As for people leaving this board it is natural I think. You can't really expect someone (especially a pornstar) to keep posting here forever. People just simply need to get busy and move on with their lives sometimes. Especially when the discussion on the board seems like a broken record most times.

02-13-2011, 08:29 AM
Ultimately, the Internet is, and will always be, a haven for the depressed, the degenerate, the despicable and the downright dastardly. What can I say? That's technology, baby.

At some point, the individual needs to take a step back from their computer and say, "hey. This isn't me. It's a computer. Who I am, who I choose to be, isn't summarised by spiteful words on a screen a few feet from my face. It's in my soul, in my actions and in my choice of acquaintances."

Bottom-line: they're but words on a screen. They can't hurt you. Well, at least not *yet* (but I bet somebody's working on the technology to make that happen.)

04-08-2012, 11:59 PM
Fuck you!!