View Full Version : TG on TG porn

12-21-2009, 03:03 PM
My reason for posting is two-fold. First I'm trying to find some good TG on TG pr0n. 2nd I'm curious why there seems to be such a lack of what I'm looking for in this niche.

It looks like most TG porn is where the TG is topping some hairy man-ass, but only 10% the other way around. Don't get me wrong I totally respect that TG porn is about as gay as porn gets without being full-blown gay porn. But it looks like more T's are into topping than bottoming, let alone fucking other T's. Why's this?

In my mind I imagine it the other way around. T's are more feminine so to me it makes sense that they'd be submissive. I'm more into girls than guys so what makes T's so attractive to me is that, well they look like girls. Every time I see a dude though it's like watching a very ugly girl get fucked.. just not into it. I thought T's would have this same mentality, but I guess I'm missing something.

Anyway, any good prons with TG and TG only? Or where the T is getting topped? anything with as few hairy asses and goatees as possible.

12-21-2009, 03:15 PM
Like this you mean :)