View Full Version : Self defence or malicious revenge?

12-21-2009, 03:35 AM
A businessman who fought off knife-wielding burglars who were threatening to kill his family was jailed for 30 months in a case that has reignited the debate on how far householders can go to protect themselves and their property.


12-21-2009, 03:55 AM
You break into my home and threaten to kill my family and you expect me to simply call the police and follow the person until they can finally arrest them? Then watch them skip out on bail or get a slap on the wrist from the courts? Yeah right. You do that to my family and you would be lucky to only suffer brain damage.
What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.

The judge wanted those two victims to believe in the justice system? That's laughable. 50 previous crimes committed and the person was free and on the streets to hold their family hostage? Yeah. The system is great and trustworthy. :roll:

Good for them. Those two brothers did nothing wrong

12-21-2009, 04:11 AM
A businessman who fought off knife-wielding burglars who were threatening to kill his family was jailed for 30 months in a case that has reignited the debate on how far householders can go to protect themselves and their property.


That's business as usual in "nanny state" politically correct Britain, thanks to Tony Bliar and Gordon Brown. It makes me want to puke. God help the pikey scumbag who breaks into my gaff! :angry :angry

12-21-2009, 04:12 AM
Whats not widely reported is one of the victims wives, suffered a stroke shortly after the incident. So that scumbag isn't the only one who got a brain injury as a result. And I fail to see how you can call this a simple burglary.Most burglars , try to to avoid a situation with a homeowner ,they don't want the additional trouble. No this went far beyond that.

And the other thing is, if those burglars had stayed home that day and not taken a man hostage with his family beat him up and waved knives around one of them wouldn't be having to have his arse wiped for him.

And about the judge it's all very well him sitting and judging a man from his position. A judge who will have a fortress for a house with panic alarms with a direct line to the Police.A judge who hasn't had his family taken hostage and threatened. The fact is,if the victims had let the burglar go and hadn't made him into a vegtable who's to say he wouldn't come back with some mates and finish his family off?

The Liberal elite who run the UK are closeted to a rather evil and dark reality that runs through communitys now. If it carrys on in the end people will be paying criminals to hurt other criminals instead of going the legal route. And the UK will start to look like Rwanda.Bascially if those men were criminally minded and knew the law, they would not be in jail now.

They could easily have grabbed hold of the scumbag, dragged him into the house chucked him down some stairs a few times or out of through a double glazed upstairs window and he might have hit his head on something. Because I doubt they would be going to prison right now if they had done that.Bascially those men acted in the heat of the moment.There was no planning involved.

Willie Escalade
12-21-2009, 11:13 AM
"Don't trespass on my personal property if you don't want to get fucked up."

I agree with the Captain. :evil: