12-13-2009, 05:02 AM
I just wanna know how many Ts escort in the Sex Industry that wants to have a family one day with Children and how many are working towards that goal right now? I just wanna see how many Ts girls like myself feels the same way, and are they gonna let their kids know what their profession used to be, or even if they are gonna stop the industry?

12-13-2009, 05:23 AM
I would like to some day. I guess I'm kinda lame. I wanna be a soccer mom ._.b Been looking for the right guy to settle down with, but am in no rush. When it happens it happens I suppose.

12-13-2009, 05:35 AM
lmao you're funny yoite

12-13-2009, 05:51 AM
I'm also a whore Ryz. From what I'm told 'don't just settle for one woman, fuck a lot of 'em!'

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 05:56 AM
I'm also a whore Ryz. From what I'm told 'don't just settle for one woman, fuck a lot of 'em!'

OMG! Don't listen to her! She's a good girl! She doesn't mean it! lol

12-13-2009, 05:59 AM
Soccer Mom, nothing wrong with that, Im sure we all have a little Desperate Housewife in us somewhere, lol.

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 06:07 AM
Soccer Mom, nothing wrong with that, Im sure we all have a little Desperate Housewife in us somewhere, lol.

I know my detractors will smugly scoff at this statement, but I have strong maternal instincts. I'd be an excellent mom.

12-13-2009, 06:07 AM
A'las, Nicole is right ._. I'm too shy really to get out there and get some.. I generally end up talking to the same 3 people over and over again (like ex's).

12-13-2009, 06:09 AM
Squeezing a kid out your ass hole is gonna hurt!
LOL, whores and fags do NOT have rights or children!
PROP 8 Rules

12-13-2009, 06:11 AM
Men can too have children! lol[/url]

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 06:13 AM
A'las, Nicole is right ._. I'm too shy really to get out there and get some.. I generally end up talking to the same 3 people over and over again (like ex's).

We'll see about that. lol

12-13-2009, 06:17 AM
Do I atleast get a glass of wine and some dinner first? ._.b

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 06:19 AM
Do I atleast get a glass of wine and some dinner first? ._.b

Of course. I'm not going to spank anyone on an empty stomach. White or red? lol

12-13-2009, 06:23 AM
Depends on what we're eating for dinner >.> Am I cooking or are we going out? I like to cook a lot :3

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 06:36 AM
Depends on what we're eating for dinner >.> Am I cooking or are we going out? I like to cook a lot :3

That's fine. But we should really stop meeting like this, on the forum. Let's talk more on MySpace. Or I'll send you my number and we can chat tomorrow afternoon maybe.

12-13-2009, 06:41 AM
Soccer Mom, nothing wrong with that, Im sure we all have a little Desperate Housewife in us somewhere, lol.

I know my detractors will smugly scoff at this statement, but I have strong maternal instincts. I'd be an excellent mom.

What kind of wifey would you be...excellent wifey too?

12-13-2009, 10:34 AM
No more kids for me thanks. One is plenty and all I ever really wanted. As to whether or not I'd tell him I used to be in the adult industry when he gets older, sure I would, but of course I'd leave out the details. They're nobody's business anyway, least of all his.

I'll also say that there's nothing more emotionally fulfilling than having a child - teaching them, nurturing them, and watching them grow up happy and healthy. :)


T-girl hound
12-13-2009, 10:42 AM
Do I atleast get a glass of wine and some dinner first? ._.b

I offered

12-13-2009, 02:51 PM
Soccer Mom, nothing wrong with that, Im sure we all have a little Desperate Housewife in us somewhere, lol.

I know my detractors will smugly scoff at this statement, but I have strong maternal instincts. I'd be an excellent mom.

Yeah Nicole, you and Joan Crawford!

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 04:00 PM
Soccer Mom, nothing wrong with that, Im sure we all have a little Desperate Housewife in us somewhere, lol.

I know my detractors will smugly scoff at this statement, but I have strong maternal instincts. I'd be an excellent mom.

What kind of wifey would you be...excellent wifey too?

Of course. The best.

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 04:05 PM
Soccer Mom, nothing wrong with that, Im sure we all have a little Desperate Housewife in us somewhere, lol.

I know my detractors will smugly scoff at this statement, but I have strong maternal instincts. I'd be an excellent mom.

Yeah Nicole, you and Joan Crawford!

Why are you trying to start trouble with me, you impotent old fruit? Drop dead, and go to hell. You don't know me. You're still brooding over your stupid comments about silicone which I corrected you on, I see. Your dick must be about two inches long, to have an ego that fragile. Well, ya know what? Fuck you, and everyone like you, you little-dicked bitch.

12-13-2009, 04:40 PM
I rest my case, learn to fuckin take a joke asshole. Of all of the people I've ever encountered in my life who I really wish would die a slow and painful death Nicole, it's gotta be you. You're a fuckin pus-filled cartoon character dipped in vile. Your soul is ugly and it matches your grotesque tatted-up body. Virtually everyone here hates you. How you survived JWBL's purge is beyond me. Please don't go away mad, just GO AWAY

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 05:13 PM
I rest my case, learn to fuckin take a joke asshole. Of all of the people I've ever encountered in my life who I really wish would die a slow and painful death Nicole, it's gotta be you. You're a fuckin pus-filled cartoon character dipped in vile. Your soul is ugly and it matches your grotesque tatted-up body. Virtually everyone here hates you. How you survived JWBL's purge is beyond me. Please don't go away mad, just GO AWAY

Joke? We never became friends. For starters, did you ever apologize for being a snotbag? And who the fuck are you to kid around with me anyway? You're not my damn friend so shut up, you tiny-dicked bastard. Keep your jokes limited to that thing you call your penis.

12-13-2009, 05:27 PM
I would love to have a kid , Boy or girl, don't matter... I just want someone to devote my time to, energy and give love and nurture them. A special bundle of life, who is so innocent , and eager to live life yet I could guard them and teach them the rights and wrongs that I know now... Guide them in the right direction , hoping they wont make the mistakes I did, And install in them security , achieve what they wish to, and let them no "nothing" is impossible!!

12-13-2009, 05:33 PM
who knows but yes i would love it !

12-13-2009, 06:36 PM
I rest my case, learn to fuckin take a joke asshole. Of all of the people I've ever encountered in my life who I really wish would die a slow and painful death Nicole, it's gotta be you. You're a fuckin pus-filled cartoon character dipped in vile. Your soul is ugly and it matches your grotesque tatted-up body. Virtually everyone here hates you. How you survived JWBL's purge is beyond me. Please don't go away mad, just GO AWAY

Joke? We never became friends. For starters, did you ever apologize for being a snotbag? And who the fuck are you to kid around with me anyway? You're not my damn friend so shut up, you tiny-dicked bastard. Keep your jokes limited to that thing you call your penis.

For the record, no tiny dick here, it's bigger than yours but then again most are. And on second thought, I'll limit my jokes to the thing I call my asshole... and that'd be Nicole ("Boo-hoo-hoo, why doesn't anyone love me?") Dupree. It's like, there's just so much to work with, I'd be a pity to let it go to waste.

Nicole Dupre
12-13-2009, 06:56 PM
For the record, no tiny dick here, it's bigger than yours but then again most are. And on second thought, I'll limit my jokes to the thing I call my asshole... and that'd be Nicole ("Boo-hoo-hoo, why doesn't anyone love me?") Dupree. It's like, there's just so much to work with, I'd be a pity to let it go to waste.Talk is cheap, cockbandit. I say you have a little wiener and you're pushing 60.

Anyway, why did you feel compelled to highjack this thread? Did I hurt your feelings so badly when I made it obvious that you're old and retarded?

12-13-2009, 08:21 PM
For the record, no tiny dick here, it's bigger than yours but then again most are. And on second thought, I'll limit my jokes to the thing I call my asshole... and that'd be Nicole ("Boo-hoo-hoo, why doesn't anyone love me?") Dupree. It's like, there's just so much to work with, I'd be a pity to let it go to waste.Talk is cheap, cockbandit. I say you have a little wiener and you're pushing 60.

Anyway, why did you feel compelled to highjack this thread? Did I hurt your feelings so badly when I made it obvious that you're old and retarded?

Right on the first count (Talk is cheap, you're proof of that!). Wrong on the second two count (7", thick, cut but closer to 45, actually). Maybe I'll stop by next time I'm in Wilton Manor or when you're in NYC and we'll compare notes.

I wasn't the garbage mouth who hijacked the thread asswipe, it was you. As for being old (yep, I'm older than you) and retarded? (that's actually one of the funniest things you've ever typed).

Is it any wonder that no one likes you (including you)?

12-14-2009, 01:53 AM
Lol this thread went to shit , its was a shitty thread to start with , I was just bored

12-14-2009, 01:54 AM
I would love to have a kid , Boy or girl, don't matter... I just want someone to devote my time to, energy and give love and nurture them. A special bundle of life, who is so innocent , and eager to live life yet I could guard them and teach them the rights and wrongs that I know now... Guide them in the right direction , hoping they wont make the mistakes I did, And install in them security , achieve what they wish to, and let them no "nothing" is impossible!!

Looking at your comment i think youll make a great mom, would you adopt or get a sergant

12-14-2009, 02:10 AM
Aww ,,lol thx u sweety,

Honestly, if I had been born with the " Equipment "...to give birth I would of love that chance to encounter giving birth to a little life.....

I never really thought of donating my sperm . Adopting would most definite be a route I would go, Just for the reason of giving a baby or a child the love and attention is has lacked and making he or she know that they weren't abandon , but chosen by the right person to give them what they have always wanted.......UNCONDITIONAL LOVE !!!

12-14-2009, 02:13 AM
Yea i was thinking about adoption not knowing how hard it would be to do that. It would def. be later on in life but time go by so fast, its always good to plan for later. So tell me if you had a husband would you still consider adoption or would the sergant thing come into play

12-14-2009, 02:27 AM
Honestly I would go at it alone... Why? "What if things don't work out with me and their father after we adopted",, It would be too painful, and I have seen plenty of single parents who go at it and do a amazing job at being a parent and yet there is no second parent in the picture. Sure , it's easier and less confusing for the child , but to subject a child through all the heartache of splitting up , and the whole separation song and dance,, it'll be too much for the poor child, coming from parents who are divorced and seeing all the hell it caused, i would not.. & cannot endure that pain onto a child .

12-14-2009, 08:50 AM
Lol this thread went to shit , its was a shitty thread to start with , I was just bored

I thought it was great thread and something I think about all the time. I would love to see the day when it wouldn't be a problem for myself and my partner to adopt. Of course, I'd have to find the right partner first, but it's a dream I'd love to make a reality some day.

12-15-2009, 02:25 AM
Soccer Mom, nothing wrong with that, Im sure we all have a little Desperate Housewife in us somewhere, lol.

I know my detractors will smugly scoff at this statement, but I have strong maternal instincts. I'd be an excellent mom.

i'd have children with you. you would be a fierce mother.

12-15-2009, 02:29 AM
get a dog, they're alot more fun! :D

12-15-2009, 11:11 AM
My battleplan:

Become a guide dogs puppy walker for a couple of years to get some training in how to look after dogs (and help out the guide dogs ofc.)

Then get my own dog

Then, pending pressure from a future g/f, kids happen. Ideally adoption after the point when they're babies. I'm not a fan of babies.