View Full Version : What's up with the ethnocentrism among transsexuals?

11-03-2005, 06:30 AM
I want to be a politcally correct as possible, but examine a cultural phenomenon that I simply can't explain.

Why is there such a high-level of ethnocentrism among ts's?

Everywhere you look, you see ts's touting their ethnic background--Ricans, Italians, Cubans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Persians, etc. It's especially evident in the New York City area. While I've never lived in New York, I've visited the City enough to realize there are intense "rivalries" among the various burroughs and I assume many New Yorkers want to praise their native land.

As an Anglo-Saxon, I've never once felt the need to wave the British, Irish nor German flag. In fact, due to the Bush administration, I'm ashamed of the American flag now. In the words of Morrissey, "I am human and need to be to loved just like everybody else does..."

I'm not of Scotts/Irish and German heritage.

I'm not an American.

I'm just me--human.

Is there a certain bond that comes with being born to a different nationality?

Again, I'm not trying to offend anyone, just trying to understand.

11-03-2005, 06:34 AM
care to give a few examples?

The Magic One
11-03-2005, 06:40 AM
It's just like Baskin Robins. The Ethnicities equal different flavors, thats all. Black=Choclate White=Vanilla Hispanics=Whatever flavor of ice Cream is Light-Brown.

It's just that simple, so really, to me you shouldnt take it too serious

11-03-2005, 06:41 AM
Well, let's use AOL as an example. It seems like every profile you read on AOL either has some national flag or you see terms like "pinay", "mami" ,"katoey" etc.,

Many profiles contian an exact ratio of a persons ethnic makeup.

"Hi, I'm Bunny. 70% Cuban/30% Italian."

It seems like Italians and Latin Americans are the most ethnocentric.

Again, I'm not trying to be rude; I just don't understand it.

11-03-2005, 06:47 AM
this whole thing is funny to me because I ALWAYS get asked my nationality and I just end up saying "I'm complicated"

after checking out some of the CL & Eros ads I do agree with you, seems to me thats what some providers think clients want to hear as far as preference when they post an ad

11-03-2005, 07:17 AM
people ask me the same thing...im like what nationality am i not is more like it... :anon

the dude
11-03-2005, 07:26 AM
It's all a goddamn fake. Like Lenin said, look for the person who will benefit. And you will, uh, you know, you'll, uh, you know what I'm trying to say...

11-03-2005, 03:06 PM
I think you're placing too much emphasis on this one classification that girls posting eros ads or AOL profiles use: yes, a lot of guys have a strong preference for certain types (Thai, black, Latina, whatever), so a girl posting her ethnicity will both appeal to those who are attracted to that type and eliminate those who are not. But it's scarcely the only characteristic listed: most ads include physical dimensions, hair color, height, etc. All of these serve to attract certain guys and not others, and that serves the escort's marketing strategy.

11-03-2005, 05:36 PM
HMM- usually, it is a typucal question people ask what is your back ground or where are you from, and I tell them and list it- I don't think there is any wrong with that.

11-03-2005, 06:38 PM

I believe it has more to do with merchanizing/marketing than anything else. There are certain demeanors and dispositions one might ascribe to a particular ethnicity, such as a hot fiery Latina, or the passivity and submissiveness one might tie to a Thai girl. Not all of course will conform to our stereotypes, but it does add to the fantasy imo.

I agree with you on the Bush issue. It really is a bad time to be an American. That is one incompetent fuck.

11-03-2005, 06:53 PM
I don't believe ethnocentrism is particular to trannssexuals, so much as it is a sociological phenomenon brought about by new imigrants in a primarily anglo saxon society. For example, I live just outside of Boston, where there has been a large influx of Brazilians over the last couple of years. They are some of the most hard working, entreprenurial people I've ever seen. A huge number of stores, now opperated by Brazillians have the Brazillian flag flying in their windows. Why? An obvious reason is a practical reason, the flag immediately identifies the store as having a comfort zone for new immigrants where language isn't a problem, and familiar goods and services can be found. Of course, that can be interpreted by natives as being signs of an invasion of nationalistic outsiders who want to make the US a colony of Brazil. Rediculous. The superculture will eventually absorb the subculture, after a generation. Children will replace Portugese with English, and the marketing of American goods and services will replace old world desires. Four generations of my family have lived in the same neighborhood, and we have gone from being a heavily Jewish area with Kosher butcher shops, to French Canadian, to Carribean, to Asian, to Brazilian. Each flod of immigrants comes in, sets up a comfort zone which could be interpreted as being ethnocentric and is replaced in about a generation.

11-03-2005, 10:28 PM
Its a pendulum ... it'll swing the other way before you know it.

11-04-2005, 12:06 AM
I think you're placing the focus too much on ts girls here. You're going to get that same type of response from a lot of ggs too. I have seen the flags - not often, but a few times. I don't think there's any thing wrong with it at all, though. I take a lot of pride in my ancestry and feel sorry for anyone who doesn't.

11-04-2005, 01:43 AM

I believe it has more to do with merchanizing/marketing than anything else. There are certain demeanors and dispositions one might ascribe to a particular ethnicity, such as a hot fiery Latina, or the passivity and submissiveness one might tie to a Thai girl. Not all of course will conform to our stereotypes, but it does add to the fantasy imo.

I agree with you on the Bush issue. It really is a bad time to be an American. That is one incompetent fuck.

I agree to a certain extent with you Realgirls.

I guess as an Anglo-Saxon, it's kind of hard to remove yourself from the American culture and actually look to your ancestry. To a certain degree, I feel that if I were to actually take pride my Anglo Saxon heritage, I would be labeled a racist.

11-04-2005, 08:59 AM
It's just like Baskin Robins. The Ethnicities equal different flavors, thats all. Black=Choclate White=Vanilla Hispanics=Whatever flavor of ice Cream is Light-Brown.

It's just that simple, so really, to me you shouldnt take it too serious

hispanics = coffee bean(ers)

lmao waits for the whole is this racist post to come flying back

11-04-2005, 09:01 AM
also i dont think its transexuals as a whole that youre noticing this "phenomonon" w/ as something that has to do w/ transexuals as much as it has to do w/ the class of ppl youre generalizing

11-04-2005, 09:46 AM

I believe it has more to do with merchanizing/marketing than anything else. There are certain demeanors and dispositions one might ascribe to a particular ethnicity, such as a hot fiery Latina, or the passivity and submissiveness one might tie to a Thai girl. Not all of course will conform to our stereotypes, but it does add to the fantasy imo.

I agree with you on the Bush issue. It really is a bad time to be an American. That is one incompetent fuck.

I agree to a certain extent with you Realgirls.

I guess as an Anglo-Saxon, it's kind of hard to remove yourself from the American culture and actually look to your ancestry. To a certain degree, I feel that if I were to actually take pride my Anglo Saxon heritage, I would be labeled a racist.

IT depends how you embrace your heritage, if you embrace the bad or the good...but you don't have to please anyone. Who cares if your not politically correct?