View Full Version : Which Am I?

11-01-2005, 03:24 PM
The second one lol :lol: ....but seriously I don't know :roll:...is it important for u?

11-01-2005, 03:29 PM
is there a C ???? just kidding :D

11-01-2005, 03:56 PM
i think i'm banana-sexual or something :D


11-01-2005, 03:58 PM
You like who you like, and you are who you are. Don't stress over labels.

11-01-2005, 04:47 PM
mds, I'd say you're a Trysexual (with a Y) because you'll try anything sexual.

OK, old joke....sorry...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-02-2005, 02:28 AM
I personally agree with Ari. Attraction or attractiveness like beauty is subjective. What I might find attractive may not be attractive to some and vice versa.

But then who really cares? The point of the matter is really, You like what you see and are both attracted to eachother which matters most. As if there would be a 3rd party involved anyways to say or tell you.."Hey, I dont think he is cute at all". LOL.

As for your question..You're pansexual. :wink:



11-02-2005, 02:35 AM
I have been told that I am a metrosexual.


metrosexual (plural metrosexuals)

1. A young man concerned with self-image, self-indulgence and money.(Usually urban, heterosexual, probably affluent).
2. A young man who is seen, sociologically, as having attributes common to homosexuals, but is in fact heterosexual.

11-02-2005, 05:29 AM
I had a pro domme friend who was picky as hell about who she thought was attractive; but she still had experiences with all of the above mentioned kinds of people. If someone asked her what her preference was, she'd say, "I'm into good-looking people only, regardless of their genitals. My sexuality all depends on who I'm with each time. Fuck labels."

You know ... that's an excellent point. Its right up there with "the heart wants what the heart wants." Perhaps the heart isn't the only organ that operates on the same principle. lol

Here's a snippet of a U Penn article that I remember

"Psychology has often viewed relationships as transactions where people select mates based on substantial qualities a mate has to offer, such as power and money. According to Kurzban, the data show that, when people meet face-to-face, things like smoking preferences and bank accounts don seem to loom large in intricate complexities of attraction.

"The speed dating offered us, as psychologists, something that we rarely get in conducting research: a systematic look at the genuine behavior of people selecting mates," Kurzban said. "The actual behavior of people is worth more to us than their stated beliefs. In this case, because participants might suffer the consequences of a bad date with someone who might look compatible on paper, they had more incentive to follow their hearts and desires. Behavior, more than self-reports, give us an important window into the underlying psychology of mating."

You can view the rest at http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/article.php?id=747

P.S. I wonder how many people thought the 'other organ' is the one between their legs versus how many people thought the 'other organ' is the one between their ears. lol

11-02-2005, 05:30 AM
I had a pro domme friend who was picky as hell about who she thought was attractive; but she still had experiences with all of the above mentioned kinds of people. If someone asked her what her preference was, she'd say, "I'm into good-looking people only, regardless of their genitals. My sexuality all depends on who I'm with each time. Fuck labels."

You know ... that's an excellent point. Its right up there with "the heart wants what the heart wants." Perhaps the heart isn't the only organ that operates on the same principle. lol

Here's a snippet of a U Penn article that I remember

"Psychology has often viewed relationships as transactions where people select mates based on substantial qualities a mate has to offer, such as power and money. According to Kurzban, the data show that, when people meet face-to-face, things like smoking preferences and bank accounts don seem to loom large in intricate complexities of attraction.

"The speed dating offered us, as psychologists, something that we rarely get in conducting research: a systematic look at the genuine behavior of people selecting mates," Kurzban said. "The actual behavior of people is worth more to us than their stated beliefs. In this case, because participants might suffer the consequences of a bad date with someone who might look compatible on paper, they had more incentive to follow their hearts and desires. Behavior, more than self-reports, give us an important window into the underlying psychology of mating."

You can view the rest at http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/article.php?id=747

P.S. I wonder how many people thought the 'other organ' is the one between their legs versus how many people thought the 'other organ' is the one between their ears. lol

11-02-2005, 06:43 AM
I am a "beautifuleyesprettyfacenicehairlovelybodyallgentai liapleasecumforwardsexual"! We're a growing group but we can't come out of the closet yet because both our hands are always occupied and can't find the door knob. But one day, one of us will be in a closet with press doors, and just come tumbling out and end up on Morey Povitch!

Join us in our anthem ..... "Our day will cum...." We are the three shades of grey coalition! Stand up and be pounded!

Sorry, I digress ... to answer your question, yes I agree.


11-02-2005, 08:41 AM
Margaret Cho did a routine where she said "I slept with a woman on the ship, and afterwards I was thinking, 'Am I gaaaay? Am I straaaaight?' And then I realized: I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? "

11-02-2005, 08:52 AM
Margaret Cho did a routine where she said "I slept with a woman on the ship, and afterwards I was thinking, 'Am I gaaaay? Am I straaaaight?' And then I realized: I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? "

*Snicker* :lol:

Cho's a caution.

I knew a couple some years back that was very active in the gender community (As in: All of the above) and when they were attending a rally in DC once the wife (A 3G: Gay Genetic Girl) was approached by a reporter and in the interview it came up that she was a married lesbian. When the reporter asked about her female partner she said "Oh, no, I'm married to a man. That one!" and she pointed him out.

Intrigued, the reporter dashed across the room to interview her husband. "So, what's it like to be a heterosexual man married to a lesbian?" he asked.

"I'm not heterosexual" was the response.

"Oh, so you're homosexual also?" which got the response "No, I'm not homosexual".

Releived to be getting to the only remaining option, the reporter said "Ah, I see! You're bisexual!"

"No" was the lighthearted but factual response "I'm just sexual".

I think the reporter resigned. :)