View Full Version : Allanah in L.A.?

the dude
11-01-2005, 07:47 AM
Hey Allanah,

I've been checking your site out for quite sometime now - love what you've done with the new look on shemaleexotica. Was wondering if you had any travels plans to the west coast L.A. area? And "Hi" to everyone on this board as well.

the dude

Hugh Jarrod
11-01-2005, 07:48 AM
Welcome aboard Dudearonami (I'm onto the whole berevity thing).

11-01-2005, 07:56 AM


Thanks for the compliment- glad u like the new look! I finally got it up after a long re-desing period! Now just fixing the glitches...

As far as L.A.- I am not sure when I will be there next- as I really, really, do not like L.A. (sorry L.A. ers ;) But maybe with the production of one of my films- though not the next one, As I think all of it is going to be shot in NYC.

Sowwy! But my site has tour dates on it as well baby, to keep you up to date on where I am.

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the dude
11-01-2005, 08:05 AM
Hey Allanah (& Hugh),

Thanks for the quick reply. :) I just moved out here from Boston 2 months ago, I think I can understand why you don't dig the whole L.A. scene - I might make it a year here. Guess I'll have to make it to NY someday and attend one of your famous parties. Nice to meet you both and I'll keep a watch on those tour dates on shemaleexotica.

I'll just pour myself another caucasian until then.

Hugh Jarrod
11-01-2005, 10:43 AM
No problem Dude.

Somehow I think the Dude's gonna be alright.