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View Full Version : How do fat guys still hook up with hot chicks

11-12-2009, 12:22 PM
i dont understand it.......i keep seeing this around here more and more when im at the mall and shit....i dont understand it lol im not hating cuz a friend of mine is a fatass and pulls all kinds of hot girls and he looks like the guy from the Paul Blart Mall Cop movie lol idk how he keeps doin it....i see fatasses out with some fine ass girls....whats the appeal???? it cant just be $$$

11-12-2009, 12:24 PM
I Love going to the mall with a "fatass wallet" lol

11-12-2009, 12:35 PM
they have long tongues :)

11-12-2009, 01:33 PM
Call me a cynic (go on, you know you want to... :lol: ), but if I see a fit bird with fat/ugly bloke, I usually suppose that the bloke has a fat bank account...

11-12-2009, 01:34 PM
it keeps the girl thin, fatties don't share !

11-12-2009, 02:06 PM
a lot of women love guys that don't give a shit

women loved Tony Soprano, an ugly mofo if ever there was one

but the man he played was alpha

11-12-2009, 02:56 PM
i have a friend like that....he is in shape now....u could be the hottest best looking guy and i will bet every cent on my former fat friend landing that girl over the other person....its called game ....secondly its called money...with him its def not money...he is the cheapest son of a bitch i have ever met...

11-12-2009, 03:01 PM
Is he funny ?:P

11-12-2009, 03:21 PM
LilWyte is such a cutie i think i have a crush on him :oops:

ok going back on the topic it will always boils down i think who have a good attitude and a guy who knows how to treat a girl properly and happy ;)

I had some really good looking boyfriends before but their attitude sucks i kick them out as soon as i can jeje

11-12-2009, 03:59 PM

11-12-2009, 04:34 PM
Hes not funny, hes fat

11-12-2009, 05:11 PM
Kinda like how he bangs the hottest tgirls? And he looks like :anon


11-12-2009, 06:26 PM
Could be any combo of these ....
1. Personality
2. Humor
3. Swagger
4. Money

edit - And i forgot
5. Confidence

11-12-2009, 06:53 PM
Not all women are shallow materialistic whores. :shrug

11-12-2009, 07:33 PM
How call all the bummy bitches in sweatpants and unbrusged hair get all the guys then?

11-12-2009, 07:47 PM
If you git a little game, you can get a lot of girls.

11-12-2009, 08:07 PM
Sometimes those hot girls are only with the fat/ugly guys because those are the only guys that ask them out. Most guys just assume a hot ass girl is already taken or she's out of their league and don't even try.

Mr Dazzle
11-12-2009, 09:01 PM
People don't always choose their partners based on physical appearance.

11-12-2009, 09:31 PM
Maybe it's because they don't spend all their free time on a transexual forum........

El Nino
11-12-2009, 09:51 PM
Girls like guys with giant penises. End of thread

11-12-2009, 10:21 PM
Game and money. Simple.

Girls are attracted to 3 things:

Game (being the alpha male)

Good looks


The more you've got the better. If you've no game though, you're fucked.

11-12-2009, 10:32 PM
Maybe it's because they don't spend all their free time on a transexual forum........

Lol, You might be on to something!

11-12-2009, 10:35 PM
I should add fame/celebrity as well

11-12-2009, 11:40 PM
i dont understand it.......i keep seeing this around here more and more when im at the mall and shit....i dont understand it lol im not hating cuz a friend of mine is a fatass and pulls all kinds of hot girls and he looks like the guy from the Paul Blart Mall Cop movie lol idk how he keeps doin it....i see fatasses out with some fine ass girls....whats the appeal???? it cant just be $$$

Looks matter far less with guys than they do with girls. A fat guy is going to have a much easier time at finding dates then a fat girl. In our society girls are more expected to maintain their appearance, so stuff like obesity, fashion matter more.

It's also a lot less stressful to "date down." If you date down, the guy knows how lucky he has it and will be less likely to cheat or play games.

11-12-2009, 11:41 PM
How call all the bummy bitches in sweatpants and unbrusged hair get all the guys then?

Or the girls who live in their school's hoodies 24/7 as if it and a couple pair of jeans are all they own.

11-13-2009, 06:13 AM

in that order

11-13-2009, 06:21 AM
How do fat guys still hook up with hot chicks

they mostly have one hell of a sense of humour.

11-13-2009, 07:05 AM
How call all the bummy bitches in sweatpants and unbrusged hair get all the guys then?
Okk, like daymn!
Me and Mimi look and wonder ouselves about that as well.
But the thing is
guys with ugly girlfriends always cheat on them with us and pay us, so I guess in the end everybody gets something out the deal

11-13-2009, 07:06 AM
Girls like guys with giant penises. End of thread
Hmm then why have all my fat clients had baby dicks????

Willie Escalade
11-13-2009, 07:30 AM
I have little game and an average amount of money. I'm just cool to the girls. I don't pretend I'm something I'm not...fat included!

11-13-2009, 07:34 AM
You girls wanna look skinny? Well when you're w/ a fattie it makes YOU look thinner. :lol:

See ... sense of humor.

11-13-2009, 07:37 AM
I'm not fat, so I couldn't tell ya why fat guys still hook up with hot chicks. The question should be, why would anyone want to have sex with an old guy? That is the question that should be asked.

11-13-2009, 08:23 AM
Could be any combo of these ....
1. Personality
2. Humor
3. Swagger
4. Money

edit - And i forgot
5. Confidence

I like thick guys, not obese, but yeah personality, intelligence, sense
of humor, and confidence could get me interested in the man.

El Nino
11-13-2009, 09:05 AM
Girls like guys with giant penises. End of thread
Hmm then why have all my fat clients had baby dicks????

I am not talking about prostitution

11-13-2009, 10:29 AM
I'd rather be a little pudgy... I'm thin as sin and it doesn't do well for my frame :/

11-13-2009, 12:40 PM
I'm not fat, so I couldn't tell ya why fat guys still hook up with hot chicks. The question should be, why would anyone want to have sex with an old guy? That is the question that should be asked.

Some old guys rock it. More ass available to me than any other time in life. 20's on up to 60's, GG, TG... its like a candy store and easier than ever.

11-13-2009, 08:05 PM
Girls like guys with giant penises. End of thread
Hmm then why have all my fat clients had baby dicks????
that doesnt make sense i have a huge dick and if i jus started eatin big mac's all the time n got fat it wouldnt just disappear loll

11-13-2009, 08:48 PM
Game and money combined. If a fat guy walks up to a hot chick in a bar and has something interesting to say and then pulls out the cash for drinks, she is in it for drinks at first. The more he buys her drinks the more she likes him. Then she thinks he is a cool guy with money so he will buy her things to help keep her interested. If you take her shopping she's yours. I have a buddy who has to be close to 350lbs, is 5'11, not very good looking, and pretty small dick from what his ex says but has a nice bank account. He pulls decent to hot chicks quite often. I'm 180lbs, 5'10, and around 8 inches, I'm above average but not hot in the looks but don't have near as much money as him. I can't afford to take girls on shopping sprees so I get less girls. I'm the one the girls have sex with but no relationship and he keeps them around longer but gets laid less. I'm glad I get laid like that but would like to keep some around a bit longer too. Money would solve that problem. Money is the answer in my opinion.

11-13-2009, 09:02 PM
Girls like guys with giant penises. End of thread
Hmm then why have all my fat clients had baby dicks????
that doesnt make sense i have a huge dick and if i jus started eatin big mac's all the time n got fat it wouldnt just disappear lolldifferent people different metabolisms bro...not everyone can eat like a beast and not gain shit ya know?But back on subject...how bigger dudes get hot chicks...Mostly from what ive seen is that when a dude is bigger weight wise, the dude is mostly extremely nice.

11-13-2009, 09:06 PM
Tongue and Money

11-13-2009, 10:21 PM
Girls like guys with giant penises. End of thread
Hmm then why have all my fat clients had baby dicks????
that doesnt make sense i have a huge dick and if i jus started eatin big mac's all the time n got fat it wouldnt just disappear lolldifferent people different metabolisms bro...not everyone can eat like a beast and not gain shit ya know?But back on subject...how bigger dudes get hot chicks...Mostly from what ive seen is that when a dude is bigger weight wise, the dude is mostly extremely nice.
yea but what im sayin is what diff does my metabolism have, whether im fat or not my dick aint gonna shrink lol i dont get how ppl's weight has anything to do wit that

11-13-2009, 10:29 PM
Girls like guys with giant penises. End of thread
Hmm then why have all my fat clients had baby dicks????
that doesnt make sense i have a huge dick and if i jus started eatin big mac's all the time n got fat it wouldnt just disappear lolldifferent people different metabolisms bro...not everyone can eat like a beast and not gain shit ya know?But back on subject...how bigger dudes get hot chicks...Mostly from what ive seen is that when a dude is bigger weight wise, the dude is mostly extremely nice.
yea but what im sayin is what diff does my metabolism have, whether im fat or not my dick aint gonna shrink lol i dont get how ppl's weight has anything to do wit thatgotcha bro- I guess I understand how weight can effect size since if your bigger in size blood doesnt flow as easily :shrug

11-13-2009, 10:31 PM
Imma start a thread.

How do dudes who live with their mama get chicks?

11-13-2009, 10:34 PM
Imma start a thread.

How do dudes who live with their mama get chicks?lmao do they actually get chicks??

11-13-2009, 10:41 PM
Maybe the girls like chubby men. :shrug:

And men who still live w/ their mom have a larger disposable income. When they have a mortgage and bills and other obligations then that money goes quick.

11-13-2009, 11:13 PM
And being funny helps alot. Ralphie May is a big guy w/ a hot wife.

11-14-2009, 01:53 AM
^ that dudes beyond fat tho

11-14-2009, 02:31 AM
I've never been with a fatty

11-14-2009, 02:33 AM
I have my own question it kind of relates to the topic.

I always wondered how two obese people have sex?

Nicole Dupre
11-14-2009, 02:36 AM
Maybe the girls like chubby men. :shrug:

And men who still live w/ their mom have a larger disposable income. When they have a mortgage and bills and other obligations then that money goes quick.

That's the lamest thing I've ever heard. That's like saying you'll never get carpal tunnel syndrome because your mommy still does your laundry. lol

Nicole Dupre
11-14-2009, 02:37 AM
"The bigger the cushion... "

11-14-2009, 02:38 AM
by the love handle lol smiling lol

Nicole Dupre
11-14-2009, 02:40 AM
I have my own question it kind of relates to the topic.

I always wondered how two obese people have sex?

I'm not sure, but they keep doing it in trailer parks all over the country every day.

11-14-2009, 02:43 AM
I have my own question it kind of relates to the topic.

I always wondered how two obese people have sex?

I'm not sure, but they keep doing it in trailer parks all over the country every day. lol Nicole did I ever tell you much I love your comebacks I am dying!!

Nicole Dupre
11-14-2009, 02:47 AM
I have my own question it kind of relates to the topic.

I always wondered how two obese people have sex?

I'm not sure, but they keep doing it in trailer parks all over the country every day. lol Nicole did I ever tell you much I love your comebacks I am dying!!

lol Yeah. Don't you remember? It was at that last KKK meeting. lol We had a blast that night. lol

11-14-2009, 02:50 AM
Personality....everyone's looks fade with time (tho no one puts a gun to fat people's heads and tells them to eat and not exercise)..everyone. But a good personality generally stays in place.

11-14-2009, 02:50 AM
I have my own question it kind of relates to the topic.

I always wondered how two obese people have sex?

With advanced pulley systems and frequent twinkie breaks. I think there's also a rule that music with a large amount of tuba solos needs to be playing in the background.

11-14-2009, 03:00 AM
Once you go fat , you say it's all that.

11-14-2009, 03:14 AM
^ that dudes beyond fat tho

Actually he's lost alot of weight , being in a relationship and changing his lifestyle has kept him motivated to lose more weight.
And there are people much bigger than him around. Will he ever be "fit" maybe , maybe not ... but he has a great career and wife and honestly what more could you want?

He's kinda inspirational.

11-14-2009, 04:19 AM
fat father syndrome

11-14-2009, 04:27 AM
Ralphie is a BEAST, I remember seeing him on last comic standing in like 2001? Funny guy, hope he has a long life.

11-14-2009, 04:36 AM
^ that dudes beyond fat tho

Actually he's lost alot of weight , being in a relationship and changing his lifestyle has kept him motivated to lose more weight.
And there are people much bigger than him around. Will he ever be "fit" maybe , maybe not ... but he has a great career and wife and honestly what more could you want?

He's kinda inspirational.wtf u gotta hard on for this dude damn lol

11-14-2009, 04:42 AM

Nicole Dupre
11-14-2009, 04:49 AM
Personally, I don't mind a guy carrying a few extra pounds... as long as it's nice and green, and doesn't have seeds. lol

And I really love phatties from THAI-land...


11-14-2009, 06:02 AM
I think one thing is that these guys treat the girls nice. Good looking guys often treat girls like shit. Sometimes you find that once these girls give someone who maybe isn't classically handsome a go they realise that maybe there is more in life than good looks. Of course plenty of ugly people are dicks and plenty of good looking people are sweet and nice so u shouldn't assume a pretty girl will automatically be a bitch and visa versa.

Nicole Dupre
11-14-2009, 07:06 AM
I think one thing is that these guys treat the girls nice. Good looking guys often treat girls like shit. Sometimes you find that once these girls give someone who maybe isn't classically handsome a go they realise that maybe there is more in life than good looks.

That's what Rockabilly thinks. But I think it's really shitty of guys to assume that attractive people have less-than-warm personalities. Like, he tried selling himself to me as being a "nice guy" who "just wants love". To me that reeks of insecurity and social awkwardness. Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.

Many attractive and secure people intimidate the living shit out of insecure people. Insecure guys just feel better thinking that a girl is a 'stuck up bitch' because, in reality, they're too scared and/or unworthy for her. Hey. Many of you ARE unworthy. It's not anything we can help you with, so don't bitch. You want your luck to change? Grow some gonads and live a little. "Life's not fair." The end. Now what? I was born with a cock instead of a vagina. Do you hear me bitching? Noooooo. You don't. Transsexuals were given lemons and they made lemonade. See how that works? That's life in the fast lane. If you're not content, get off your fat ass and do something about it. This Rockabilly person is a nice enough guy, I'm sure. But that's not enough to base a relationship on. That's only step one.

Personally, I like handsome and well-built guys, but also artistic and creative guys. And those motherfuckers are often veeeeerrrrrry complicated. lol But that's what I like. Depth. They can be warm and sweet, but much of the time they take shit from no one. I fucking love that. No one's gonna tell me what my standards are to high. That's bullshit. I never have high hopes of a LTR anyway. Real emotions are never anything you actively seek out and cling to, unless you're a desperate chump. People get together out of convenience, more times than not. But fucking A, at least be a little selective and bring something to the table. Who the fuck wants a basket case on their hands? Live in moment, and work towards the future. You big ol' fatsos. :P lol

11-14-2009, 07:16 AM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

11-14-2009, 08:09 AM
I think one thing is that these guys treat the girls nice. Good looking guys often treat girls like shit. Sometimes you find that once these girls give someone who maybe isn't classically handsome a go they realise that maybe there is more in life than good looks.
Personally, I like handsome and well-built guys, but also artistic and creative guys. And those motherfuckers are often veeeeerrrrrry complicated. lol But that's what I like. Depth. They can be warm and sweet, but much of the time they take shit from no one.
i fall into this category. however, i don't consider myself a motherfucker or veeery complicated. but complicated? yeah, that'll suffice.

11-14-2009, 11:21 AM
actually its hard to have sex or session with an unfit and fat clients. not too much thing to do. its hard for them to top me and hard for me to top them. even blowjob is very hard to do with them.

dont get me wrong i dont hate and i respect fat people but better to be healthy and stay fit many things you can do in bed ;)

Mr Dazzle
11-14-2009, 11:57 AM
actually its hard to have sex or session with an unfit and fat clients. not too much thing to do. its hard for them to top me and hard for me to top them. even blowjob is very hard to do with them.

dont get me wrong i dont hate and i respect fat people but better to be healthy and stay fit many things you can do in bed ;)

You're very nice.

11-14-2009, 12:17 PM
actually its hard to have sex or session with an unfit and fat clients. not too much thing to do. its hard for them to top me and hard for me to top them. even blowjob is very hard to do with them.

dont get me wrong i dont hate and i respect fat people but better to be healthy and stay fit many things you can do in bed ;)

See thats a decent reason, of course I'm sure not all overweight guys are shit in bed but I think it probably doesn't help.

11-14-2009, 12:25 PM
I think one thing is that these guys treat the girls nice. Good looking guys often treat girls like shit. Sometimes you find that once these girls give someone who maybe isn't classically handsome a go they realise that maybe there is more in life than good looks.

That's what Rockabilly thinks. But I think it's really shitty of guys to assume that attractive people have less-than-warm personalities. Like, he tried selling himself to me as being a "nice guy" who "just wants love". To me that reeks of insecurity and social awkwardness. Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.

Many attractive and secure people intimidate the living shit out of insecure people. Insecure guys just feel better thinking that a girl is a 'stuck up bitch' because, in reality, they're too scared and/or unworthy for her. Hey. Many of you ARE unworthy. It's not anything we can help you with, so don't bitch. You want your luck to change? Grow some gonads and live a little. "Life's not fair." The end. Now what? I was born with a cock instead of a vagina. Do you hear me bitching? Noooooo. You don't. Transsexuals were given lemons and they made lemonade. See how that works? That's life in the fast lane. If you're not content, get off your fat ass and do something about it. This Rockabilly person is a nice enough guy, I'm sure. But that's not enough to base a relationship on. That's only step one.

Personally, I like handsome and well-built guys, but also artistic and creative guys. And those motherfuckers are often veeeeerrrrrry complicated. lol But that's what I like. Depth. They can be warm and sweet, but much of the time they take shit from no one. I fucking love that. No one's gonna tell me what my standards are to high. That's bullshit. I never have high hopes of a LTR anyway. Real emotions are never anything you actively seek out and cling to, unless you're a desperate chump. People get together out of convenience, more times than not. But fucking A, at least be a little selective and bring something to the table. Who the fuck wants a basket case on their hands? Live in moment, and work towards the future. You big ol' fatsos. :P lol

I agree that you cant automatically assume people have certain personalities because of how they look. I know a model who is incredibly insecure. she is totally stunning but any minor skin imperfection stresses her out. She actually hates her looks.

Real life is not like the movies where the beautiful pople are often horrible while the not so beautiful people (who are played by attractive actors most of the time) are sweet. I would say though that the classically physically beautiful people do sometimes over rely on that especially when they are in their teens and early 20's. We've all encountered people like that who just have really big heads and think they are gods gift.

11-14-2009, 03:24 PM
actually its hard to have sex or session with an unfit and fat clients. not too much thing to do. its hard for them to top me and hard for me to top them. even blowjob is very hard to do with them.

dont get me wrong i dont hate and i respect fat people but better to be healthy and stay fit many things you can do in bed ;)
I bet the fatties smell, too?

11-14-2009, 03:27 PM
I read a lot of posts about fat guys being nice and having a good personality. Not all fat people are nice and jolly. I know this one fat guy who treat the girls he goes out with like shit. I don't know if he is just insecure or just cocky, but he treats them like shit. So just because you are fat doesn't mean all of sudden you are a nice guy and hot chicks find you "attractive" based on a personality.

Just because a chick is hot doesn't mean she is shallow. Some girls like fat guys, we shouldn't assume just because a girl is hot that she only likes skinny hot guys.

11-14-2009, 03:39 PM
I read a lot of posts about fat guys being nice and having a good personality. Not all fat people are nice and jolly. I know this one fat guy who treat the girls he goes out with like shit. I don't know if he is just insecure or just cocky, but he treats them like shit. So just because you are fat doesn't mean all of sudden you are a nice guy and hot chicks find you "attractive" based on a personality.

Just because a chick is hot doesn't mean she is shallow. Good points.

11-14-2009, 03:46 PM
it keeps the girl thin, fatties don't share !

LOL funny :)

Nicole Dupre
11-14-2009, 03:59 PM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

When someone basically asks three times in one thread, "But, Nicole. Wouldn't you prefer someone like me, who wants to love you and be good to you, than one of those Tyler Durden type guys?". That is just obnoxiously needy.

You don't ask someone something that pathetic more than once. I started out by basically saying, "No, but thank you." But Mr Suffocation Artist couldn't wrap his brain around that. That was when his boyfriends, Phobun and Transmaven, came to the rescue of their virgin buddy from me, the mean tranny. :roll:

This guy, Phobun, is a total dick. He's the world's angriest virgin. And Rockabilly is the world's most complacent virgin. Thank God they've found each other. Now they just need to get a room and start fucking one another. I'd lay odds that Phobun is the natural bottom. Phobun is the most classic case of latent homosexuality to ever fester on HA.

11-14-2009, 04:14 PM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

When someone basically asks three times in one thread, "But, Nicole. Wouldn't you prefer someone like me, who wants to love you and be good to you, than one of those Tyler Durden type guys?". That is just obnoxiously needy.

You don't ask someone something that pathetic more than once. I started out by basically saying, "No, but thank you." But Mr Suffocation Artist couldn't wrap his brain around that. That was when his boyfriends, Phobun and Transmaven, came to the rescue of their virgin buddy from me, the mean tranny. :roll:

This guy, Phobun, is a total dick. He's the world's angriest virgin. And Rockabilly is the world's most complacent virgin. Thank God they've found each other. Now they just need to get a room and start fucking one another. I'd lay odds that Phobun is the natural bottom. Phobun is the most classic case of latent homosexuality to ever fester on HA.
Yes, all this must be true because of the unflattering things I've said about you.

Except for the handful of desperate toadies who lick your throne, everyone else has in some way ruffled your feathers and been psychoanalyzed by you. So in my case, I'm a homosexual virgin. Logical, indeed.

I still think you're a bitter sniping queen with little to offer. Pass the quiche.

11-14-2009, 04:31 PM
I think one thing is that these guys treat the girls nice. Good looking guys often treat girls like shit. Sometimes you find that once these girls give someone who maybe isn't classically handsome a go they realise that maybe there is more in life than good looks.
Personally, I like handsome and well-built guys, but also artistic and creative guys. And those motherfuckers are often veeeeerrrrrry complicated. lol But that's what I like. Depth. They can be warm and sweet, but much of the time they take shit from no one.
i fall into this category. however, i don't consider myself a motherfucker or veeery complicated. but complicated? yeah, that'll suffice.

Me to- i'm too much of a gentleman to be an arsehole and i'm VERY complicated. lol.

11-14-2009, 04:37 PM
You definately have some real bad homophobic hang ups..... and an absolute loathing of guys like me. Trying to tar us all as 'cock chasers' with some really disgusting fetish. It speaks volumes about you, I think.

11-14-2009, 04:41 PM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

When someone basically asks three times in one thread, "But, Nicole. Wouldn't you prefer someone like me, who wants to love you and be good to you, than one of those Tyler Durden type guys?". That is just obnoxiously needy.

You don't ask someone something that pathetic more than once. I started out by basically saying, "No, but thank you." But Mr Suffocation Artist couldn't wrap his brain around that. That was when his boyfriends, Phobun and Transmaven, came to the rescue of their virgin buddy from me, the mean tranny. :roll:

This guy, Phobun, is a total dick. He's the world's angriest virgin. And Rockabilly is the world's most complacent virgin. Thank God they've found each other. Now they just need to get a room and start fucking one another. I'd lay odds that Phobun is the natural bottom. Phobun is the most classic case of latent homosexuality to ever fester on HA.
Yes, all this must be true because of the unflattering things I've said about you.

Except for the handful of desperate toadies who lick your throne, everyone else has in some way ruffled your feathers and been psychoanalyzed by you. So in my case, I'm a homosexual virgin. Logical, indeed.

I still think you're a bitter sniping queen with little to offer. Pass the quiche.

You definately have some real bad homophobic hang ups..... and an absolute loathing of guys like me. Trying to tar us all as 'cock chasers' with some really disgusting fetish. It speaks volumes about you, I think.
I don't loathe you, squishy boy. Stiffen your spine.

11-14-2009, 04:45 PM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

When someone basically asks three times in one thread, "But, Nicole. Wouldn't you prefer someone like me, who wants to love you and be good to you, than one of those Tyler Durden type guys?". That is just obnoxiously needy.

You don't ask someone something that pathetic more than once. I started out by basically saying, "No, but thank you." But Mr Suffocation Artist couldn't wrap his brain around that. That was when his boyfriends, Phobun and Transmaven, came to the rescue of their virgin buddy from me, the mean tranny. :roll:

This guy, Phobun, is a total dick. He's the world's angriest virgin. And Rockabilly is the world's most complacent virgin. Thank God they've found each other. Now they just need to get a room and start fucking one another. I'd lay odds that Phobun is the natural bottom. Phobun is the most classic case of latent homosexuality to ever fester on HA.
Yes, all this must be true because of the unflattering things I've said about you.

Except for the handful of desperate toadies who lick your throne, everyone else has in some way ruffled your feathers and been psychoanalyzed by you. So in my case, I'm a homosexual virgin. Logical, indeed.

I still think you're a bitter sniping queen with little to offer. Pass the quiche.

You definately have some real bad homophobic hang ups..... and an absolute loathing of guys like me. Trying to tar us all as 'cock chasers' with some really disgusting fetish. It speaks volumes about you, I think.
I don't loathe you, squishy boy. Stiffen your spine.

Really, you could have fooled me. Squishy boy?

11-14-2009, 04:56 PM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

When someone basically asks three times in one thread, "But, Nicole. Wouldn't you prefer someone like me, who wants to love you and be good to you, than one of those Tyler Durden type guys?". That is just obnoxiously needy.

You don't ask someone something that pathetic more than once. I started out by basically saying, "No, but thank you." But Mr Suffocation Artist couldn't wrap his brain around that. That was when his boyfriends, Phobun and Transmaven, came to the rescue of their virgin buddy from me, the mean tranny. :roll:

This guy, Phobun, is a total dick. He's the world's angriest virgin. And Rockabilly is the world's most complacent virgin. Thank God they've found each other. Now they just need to get a room and start fucking one another. I'd lay odds that Phobun is the natural bottom. Phobun is the most classic case of latent homosexuality to ever fester on HA.
Yes, all this must be true because of the unflattering things I've said about you.

Except for the handful of desperate toadies who lick your throne, everyone else has in some way ruffled your feathers and been psychoanalyzed by you. So in my case, I'm a homosexual virgin. Logical, indeed.

I still think you're a bitter sniping queen with little to offer. Pass the quiche.

You definately have some real bad homophobic hang ups..... and an absolute loathing of guys like me. Trying to tar us all as 'cock chasers' with some really disgusting fetish. It speaks volumes about you, I think.
I don't loathe you, squishy boy. Stiffen your spine.

Really, you could have fooled me. Squishy boy?
Yes, I think you lack a spine and I think you're being overly emotional about this. If you think this is some sort of nefarious insult, look the word up. Then toughen up, you're too easily wounded.

11-15-2009, 03:49 PM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

When someone basically asks three times in one thread, "But, Nicole. Wouldn't you prefer someone like me, who wants to love you and be good to you, than one of those Tyler Durden type guys?". That is just obnoxiously needy.

You don't ask someone something that pathetic more than once. I started out by basically saying, "No, but thank you." But Mr Suffocation Artist couldn't wrap his brain around that. That was when his boyfriends, Phobun and Transmaven, came to the rescue of their virgin buddy from me, the mean tranny. :roll:

This guy, Phobun, is a total dick. He's the world's angriest virgin. And Rockabilly is the world's most complacent virgin. Thank God they've found each other. Now they just need to get a room and start fucking one another. I'd lay odds that Phobun is the natural bottom. Phobun is the most classic case of latent homosexuality to ever fester on HA.

ooh i got u. i never rlly understood what passive agressive meant lol.

Nicole Dupre
11-15-2009, 06:26 PM
Yes, all this must be true because of the unflattering things I've said about you.

Except for the handful of desperate toadies who lick your throne, everyone else has in some way ruffled your feathers and been psychoanalyzed by you. So in my case, I'm a homosexual virgin. Logical, indeed.

I still think you're a bitter sniping queen with little to offer. Pass the quiche.

Honestly, I think you need to swallow the fact that no one here cares what you think; and, not for me, but for yourself. Grandiosity and denial are vicious circles. As I said, I'm trying to help you, and my fee is your energy. I don't want to burn you out too quickly. Please pace yourself.

But no one here has to toughen up, my gay friend. This is a porn forum. Rigidity is on only for penises , not people. Now, are you trying to say that you're a penis?!? Wait. Don't answer that! I will. You are most certainly a total dick. lol

Nicole Dupre
11-15-2009, 06:28 PM
Yes, I think you lack a spine and I think you're being overly emotional about this. If you think this is some sort of nefarious insult, look the word up. Then toughen up, you're too easily wounded.

Again, please don't forget. We're not playing WoW. This is not a "quest". It's a porn forum. ;)

11-15-2009, 07:20 PM
Yes, I think you lack a spine and I think you're being overly emotional about this. If you think this is some sort of nefarious insult, look the word up. Then toughen up, you're too easily wounded.

Again, please don't forget. We're not playing WoW. This is not a "quest". It's a porn forum. ;)
This is now your second consecutive reply to me today, and this to a post of mine that was not involving you. And with the tired WoW bit you got from googling.

I'm not putting that much effort into you. You are not representative of transsexual women, and it consumes no energy on my part to point out that you do a disservice to them.

11-15-2009, 07:25 PM
This thread is about to get.................HIJIZZACKED!

Nicole Dupre
11-15-2009, 08:05 PM
Yes, I think you lack a spine and I think you're being overly emotional about this. If you think this is some sort of nefarious insult, look the word up. Then toughen up, you're too easily wounded.

Again, please don't forget. We're not playing WoW. This is not a "quest". It's a porn forum. ;)
This is now your second consecutive reply to me today, and this to a post of mine that was not involving you. And with the tired WoW bit you got from googling.

I'm not putting that much effort into you. You are not representative of transsexual women, and it consumes no energy on my part to point out that you do a disservice to them.

"That much"? lol Bullshit. You've inserted your pointless diatribe and hurled insults at Me out of nowhere, often. Shall I link them back here to prove it?

Remember, you placed your self on My radar, and that's how this works. You came to Me, and you'll pay through the nose each and every time. This relationship is very old; older than either of us. But you will indeed be paying My services in the here and now.

How are you feeling, btw? Healthy? lol

Sing it, fagot. 8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yosCYE4vwlY

11-15-2009, 09:17 PM
Plus, he was sooo fucking passive aggressive about it. Good lord. Talk about needy.what do u mean? what kinda stuff do u classify as passive aggressive

When someone basically asks three times in one thread, "But, Nicole. Wouldn't you prefer someone like me, who wants to love you and be good to you, than one of those Tyler Durden] type guys?". That is just obnoxiously needy.

You don't ask someone something that pathetic more than once. I started out by basically saying, "No, but thank you." But Mr Suffocation Artist couldn't wrap his brain around that. That was when his boyfriends, Phobun and Transmaven, came to the rescue of their virgin buddy from me, the mean tranny. :roll:

This guy, Phobun, is a total dick. He's the world's angriest virgin. And Rockabilly is the world's most complacent virgin. Thank God they've found each other. Now they just need to get a room and start fucking one another. I'd lay odds that Phobun is the natural bottom. Phobun is the most classic case of latent homosexuality to ever fester on HA.

Is it bad if I think I'm Tyler Durden in my head????? Or am I Tyler Durden?????

11-16-2009, 01:08 AM
And Nicole, rockabilly can't be that bad I mean he is the biggest asskisser on here but still..

11-16-2009, 01:32 AM
<3 Tyler Durdan
I haven't been fucked like that since grade school.

11-16-2009, 12:14 PM
I haven't been fucked like that since grade school.

For that comment alone you surely deserve the great accolade of hot natural amateur young shemale, Miss Y.

11-16-2009, 04:27 PM
actually its hard to have sex or session with an unfit and fat clients. not too much thing to do. its hard for them to top me and hard for me to top them. even blowjob is very hard to do with them.

dont get me wrong i dont hate and i respect fat people but better to be healthy and stay fit many things you can do in bed ;)
I bet the fatties smell, too?

yes a lot of fat people do smell stinky no offense and even i requested them to take shower they still smell :(

even some fit guys stink very much even they already had shower they still smell i dont know why maybe due to their hygiene

11-16-2009, 04:56 PM
actually its hard to have sex or session with an unfit and fat clients. not too much thing to do. its hard for them to top me and hard for me to top them. even blowjob is very hard to do with them.

dont get me wrong i dont hate and i respect fat people but better to be healthy and stay fit many things you can do in bed ;)
I bet the fatties smell, too?

yes a lot of fat people do smell stinky no offense and even i requested them to take shower they still smell :(

even some fit guys stink very much even they already had shower they still smell i dont know why maybe due to their hygiene
Hairy people tend to smell, that's for sure. And supposedly uncircumcised guys have a lot of dickcheese under their foreskin which probably doesn't smell like roses.

How many lesbian clients do you have? It must be nice for you to eat some pussy for a change.

11-16-2009, 06:41 PM
Some girls love the chubs. 8)

Nicole Dupre
11-17-2009, 06:12 AM
And Nicole, rockabilly can't be that bad I mean he is the biggest asskisser on here but still..

I don't think he's "bad". It's more like "sad". Life's passing him by, and he's posting pics of fat guys?!? lol There comes a time when you stop doing what obviously doesn't work. Or you just admit that you're too lazy and chickenshit to bother. But blaming the girl for not looking hard enough for your "good qualities" is as lame as you can get.

But at least he admits that he's an obese virgin. I do give him credit for that. Because I'm sure he's not the only one here. This forum is overflowing with bad bluff artists.

Look at Phobun. How damn obvious is it that the guy has never even met a TS? His lack of experience is clearly a taboo subject for him, which he attempts to change at all costs. And that's exactly why he has a soft spot in his heart for Rockabilly.

And then they say they're not "gay". lol

11-17-2009, 07:41 AM
wow, this thread is fucking awful.