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View Full Version : Photographers Wanted : Rare Opportunity!

11-10-2009, 04:16 PM
Do you think you have what it takes?
We're looking for select individuals who can take high quality photographs and HD video and find their own models. Must be able to be organised and diligent with all paperwork, legal and material as well as present a good company image.

Apply in full, with your photographic capabilities and equipment, location any samples and details on why we should work with you.

This is a rare opportunity to work with a great company producing the best in TS erotica.

N.America/Canada, Europe (except UK), Australia/NZ, S.Africa mainly what is needed.


11-10-2009, 04:48 PM
Seanchai I have wished for this opportunity for a long time. I'm in the DFW area but don't mind travel for this. Get back to me please as this is a VERY SERIOUS inquiry.

11-10-2009, 04:50 PM
Seanchi I have wished for this opportunity for a long time. I'm in the DFW area but don't mind travel for this. Get back to me please as this is a VERY SERIOUS inquiry.
If your serious - follow the instructions above!

11-10-2009, 05:04 PM
Seanchi I have wished for this opportunity for a long time. I'm in the DFW area but don't mind travel for this. Get back to me please as this is a VERY SERIOUS inquiry.
If your serious - follow the instructions above!


Its cool you are doing this. The previous experience and ability to bring in new girls is a deal breaker for me unfortunately. Good luck. I hope you can find some quality photographers who can offer something unique.

11-10-2009, 07:26 PM
Cool job, but how do you find the tranny girls?
there ain't that many around :roll:

most are in the big cities I would think.

11-10-2009, 08:01 PM
I see free speech is alive and well... took down my post quick didnt you?

All of you who read this know that this is a scam. He doesnt offer you anything other than an opportunity to profit from your work. He offers you nothing. Ask him who will own the contract on the girls?

11-10-2009, 08:04 PM
I see free speech is alive and well... took down my post quick didnt you?

All of you who read this know that this is a scam. He doesnt offer you anything other than an opportunity to profit from your work. He offers you nothing. Ask him who will own the contract on the girls?

Fairly fucking clear how it works you imbecile.
The photographer gets paid to do the job, nobody owns a contract on the girls as we don't contract models. I've photographers who've worked with me for 10+ yrs, many making some form of profit sharing.
I don't need to explain anything further to your miserable hide, so fuck off. It's no different from any other hired freelance photographers.

Start a new post if you've issues with the adult industry, don't hijack this one.

11-10-2009, 08:32 PM
Well it seems like an interesting opportunity for a select few. People who have contacts but maybe don't have the bankroll, large enough portfolio, or business sense to start there own site. I will admit it seems like the potential photographer is being asked to do all the work. But I guess when you have amassed the empire and paid the kind of dues that seanchai has you can afford to be in such a luxury position.

11-10-2009, 08:48 PM
It's freelance photography. If you're good then who knows , maybe you'll become a fulltime Grooby photographer. :shrug:

11-10-2009, 08:51 PM
Oh wow....

11-10-2009, 08:58 PM
Well it seems like an interesting opportunity for a select few. People who have contacts but maybe don't have the bankroll, large enough portfolio, or business sense to start there own site. I will admit it seems like the potential photographer is being asked to do all the work. But I guess when you have amassed the empire and paid the kind of dues that seanchai has you can afford to be in such a luxury position.

Potential photographer isn't really required to do all the work - what they need to do is shoot the content, many models come through our front door and we give them to the closest photographer but a part of the job is making contact with the girls and arranging the shoots.
The work continues when we need to take that content, photoshop and process it, edit the videos, update it into the website, design graphics, promote it, find new avenues for sales, work the affiliate marketing, etc, etc. It's all part of a process.

We get about 30-50 applicants a year but haven't needed a new photographer for over 2 yrs to join our team of 14 shooters, as some of them have had to cut down the amount of product they can get, whilst we've increased the amount we need.

So it's a great opportunity for the right photographer to join a great team, which is why it's so rare ... as most the photographers stick with us.

To the cunt who keeps derailing this post, take it elsewhere, if you have issues then start them in your own thread.

11-10-2009, 09:03 PM
Even i got deleted , and i think it's a cool opportunity.

11-10-2009, 09:16 PM
Cool job, but how do you find the tranny girls?
there ain't that many around :roll:

most are in the big cities I would think.

Eros, Craigslist, bars, clubs and mainly from contacts. Also from ones which email us to the site directly.

11-10-2009, 11:41 PM
I give You sord of re-offer:

I actually am freelance photographer. Never shot TGirls, but allways shot people, Bodybuilders, fitnesspeople etc.

If You need good photographer from Finland (travell if necessary), you got location what fits the images what You want me to produce (i can help with founding them) and a T-girl/girls and I will shot pretty good pictures about her.

What You do with pictures is not my problem, I will charge by working days not by use of photographs + all costs what that session brings with (I will leave right to use pictures in my own commercials about my photographing business, web, ads etc.).

Equipement, everything needed and I will rent what I don't have. If You need camera-, /lens-, and studiolight data I will give them, megapixels enough (35mm FF SLR), lenses best U can buy for my camera, studio lights enough for lightning a people and if necessary, the room. If You need local hairdresser, makup artist etc. I will get them for hire.

I do take photographs for hired bases, and I'm not interested to join any photographing club.

Well...I'm not cheap when it comes to sell day's photosession with all rights :D

11-10-2009, 11:42 PM
I give You sord of re-offer:

I actually am freelance photographer. Never shot TGirls, but allways shot people, Bodybuilders, fitnesspeople etc.

If You need good photographer from Finland (travell if necessary), you got location what fits the images what You want me to produce (i can help with founding them) and a T-girl/girls and I will shot pretty good pictures about her.

What You do with pictures is not my problem, I will charge by working days not by use of photographs + all costs what that session brings with (I will leave right to use pictures in my own commercials about my photographing business, web, ads etc.).

Equipement, everything needed and I will rent what I don't have. If You need camera-, /lens-, and studiolight data I will give them, megapixels enough (35mm FF SLR), lenses best U can buy for my camera, studio lights enough for lightning a people and if necessary, the room. If You need local hairdresser, makup artist etc. I will get them for hire.

I do take photographs for hired bases, and I'm not interested to join any photographing club.

Well...I'm not cheap when it comes to sell day's photosession with all rights :D

Thanks but that's not what we're looking for. Got a million of those waiting in the wings but if you do come across any cute Finnish girls and can shoot with them, drop me a line.

11-10-2009, 11:52 PM
Thanks but that's not what we're looking for. Got a million of those waiting in the wings but if you do come across any cute Finnish girls and can shoot with them, drop me a line.

Yes, I got pleny pictures of them but.. non of them are into pornidustry or TG's. Actually in here we don't have or I haven't see any photogenic TG's, or they must be visitors who drop by for travell call.

I was thinking a pack my camera and rangers into plane one day and hire few BCN beauties for photo session. I will drop a line for You with results :D

11-11-2009, 12:49 AM
...quite frankly-I think this is a great opportunity! And it's a great way to help contour the creative that's on the Grooby sites. For all the folks that bitch about the site's content-I'm sure this goat-roping of shooters will certainly be a positive! Count me in...

11-11-2009, 01:19 AM
seanchai you have mail from me via my yahoo.... i am doing something with spain in newyear as per our last mail x

also let me know about later this month if you are down in london ..

libb x

Willie Escalade
11-11-2009, 06:40 AM
I'd try it out; I have some serious connections and I LOVE taking pictures...but I don't have the time! At least not right now. :shrug

Bob's Tgirls
11-11-2009, 07:09 AM
I see free speech is alive and well... took down my post quick didnt you?

All of you who read this know that this is a scam. He doesnt offer you anything other than an opportunity to profit from your work. He offers you nothing. Ask him who will own the contract on the girls?

It's not a scam. I started out by working for Grooby as a freelance photographer. The experience opened huge doors for me. Although I am no longer with the company, I am friends with several grooby photographers and other staff of the company. A couple of them have been with Grooby for over a decade. If they weren't being offered anything, why are they still there?

Willie Escalade
11-11-2009, 07:31 AM
I started out by working for Grooby as a freelance photographer. The experience opened huge doors for me.
And I've seen what was behind those doors. You KNOW that! :wink:

11-11-2009, 07:35 AM
N.America/Canada, Europe (except UK), Australia/NZ, S.Africa mainly what is needed.


fucking great. No UK citizens?

11-11-2009, 08:24 AM
...man, I know this site's pretty harsh, but c'mon...anyone that fails to see an opportunity here's just missing out. I've dug on the sites that these dude's been working on for years and going out to a club and seeing all the chicks...for chris'sakes-how on earth do you think we got exposure to chick from the farthest corners of the world? Someone shot 'em and posted them for all of us to cyber-jack to...I mean-think of all the folks that this Seanchai-bloke and his merrymen have rounded-up for us to enjoy...it's come a long way, the photo's have gotten 1,000,000 times better and they're only gonna get better...there's probably another Danielle Foxx and Mimi out there, another Japanese Newhalf [never thought someone would ever break that nut] and lord knows-maybe some other ethnicity/culture/nationality to dig on...Pattaya and Peanuts are just a pimple on an elephant's ass compared to what's probably awaiting the next Tony Vee, Bob, of whoever captures the next talent...see you out there, shutterbugs-

11-11-2009, 11:30 AM
Jameshunt its because there is already a photographer in the UK (Trigger) and due to the fact there ls like hardly any english TS girls that will do porn its kind of easy for 1 tog to manage all ...

But europe as a whole :)

11-11-2009, 04:18 PM
i would love to do this, but I see you already have a photographer in Baltimore, MD

11-11-2009, 04:41 PM
Jameshunt its because there is already a photographer in the UK (Trigger) and due to the fact there ls like hardly any english TS girls that will do porn its kind of easy for 1 tog to manage all ...

But europe as a whole :)

Actually, I'll be picking up the camera for N.England and Scotland (no kilts).

11-11-2009, 05:10 PM
Gee, it seems this discussion is getting a little confusing and a little heated. The facts of this are simple.

#1. There has never been any contract girls on any variety transsexual modeling sites. This is for many reasons. One of them, leaves the opportunity for the model and site to work freely and grow individual of each other.

#2. It has been and always will be the job of the photographer to find the models or talent as we say in the biz. Managers and A&R guys for music labels don't have a laundry list of candidates for signing label contracts sitting on their desks every Monday morning. It's their job to go out and cut through the bad ones from the good ones to find the talent needed. The concept applies for models as well. Whether its for an adult site or a fashion site.

#3. This is and was an offer for a freelance photographer to work with an established company that has been the trend setter and leader in the genre from almost the beginning of the internet. Setting the standards that all the fad followers have done since then.

#4. If anyone thinks it's just as simple as shooting a few photos and videos to open a profitable site, must have gotten low grades in business class in high school. If it was that simple everybody and their brother would have a site. You need the content and a marketing plan. Not just photos and videos. So if you got 50 to 100K to throw down on a business, talented models and a fabulous content provider, then hey have at it and good luck.

#5. I've known Seanchai for what, 7 or 8 years now. And when he says something, since he is like the Merryl Lynch of the tranny-site world, people listen. Grooby productions is the only company that offers opportunities to other photographers to come into their corporation and work. No other company offers that. And by the way, I think everyone seems to forget Frank from Frankstgirlworld was a Grooby photographer for years before opening his own site. And he still works for Grooby as well. So given the opportunity, if you worked hard enough, did a great job with your models and content, you could very well be the next "Frank." Who knows.

Just thought I would put in my two cents worth on the post.

Urxposure Productions


11-11-2009, 05:28 PM
Jameshunt its because there is already a photographer in the UK (Trigger) and due to the fact there ls like hardly any english TS girls that will do porn its kind of easy for 1 tog to manage all ...

lol you getting back on tools :) so does that mean when i venture up the north your gonna be snapping my scrawny punk ass :)

Libb x

But europe as a whole :)

Actually, I'll be picking up the camera for N.England and Scotland (no kilts).

11-12-2009, 05:38 AM
DAMN, what an awesome opportunity! I've been wanting to get my foot back in that door since I left the industry last year..... Really sucks that I had to give up my location though! or else I would be all over this like a pedophile to a nambla convention.
sigh. Well, if ya ever need a backup in FL you just let me know :-D

Good luck to whoever gets it!

11-12-2009, 12:37 PM
Thanks everyone ... got some good leads ... could still do with:
East Coast
Texas area.

11-12-2009, 02:25 PM
there are Scottish girls??? :shock:

11-12-2009, 03:02 PM
there are Scottish girls??? :shock:


11-12-2009, 08:35 PM
there are Scottish girls??? :shock:


Sammi is looking pretty awesome!

11-12-2009, 08:58 PM
Yes she is. :D

11-12-2009, 09:42 PM
there are Scottish girls??? :shock:


Sammi is looking pretty awesome!

Thanks Seanchai! x Hopefully bump into you now your back in the UK ?! :-)

(and TY rockabilly x)

11-12-2009, 10:54 PM
It was my impression you already had NYC covered? Perhaps I am reading this request incorrectly.