View Full Version : Weird Avatars

11-03-2009, 05:54 AM
Post your pick.

This is one of the oddest I've seen yet:


Nicole Dupre
11-03-2009, 06:23 AM
Post your pick.

This is one of the oddest I've seen yet:


Why insult our intelligence? I think it's fairly obvious that you're casting shade on another member of HA. You think that it makes them gay, right? And you think that your avatar proves something about your sexuality. Sorta like when a gay guy marries an attractive woman as a cover story. They call that a "beard". You're pointing fingers at this guy because you want everyone to think he's queer, and that you're not. How low. How utterly scummy of you.

My God, but you're transparent. :roll:

11-03-2009, 06:34 AM
your avatar, on the other hand Nicole, is stunning. Does that make us gay? Only if gay means happy

11-03-2009, 06:37 AM
Post your pick.

This is one of the oddest I've seen yet:


Why insult our intelligence? I think it's fairly obvious that you're casting shade on another member of HA. You think that it makes them gay, right? And you think that your avatar proves something about your sexuality. Sorta like when a gay guy marries an attractive woman as a cover story. They call that a "beard". You're pointing fingers at this guy because you want everyone to think he's queer, and that you're not. How low. How utterly scummy of you.

My God, but you're transparent. :roll:
What are you talking about? I wrote nothing about queer, gay, beards or any of the other hysterical gibberish you just flew off about.

An avatar of a butt-naked dude laying prone in B&W seems odd to me.

Some people might criticize my avatar. So be it. I'm a big boy and I can handle a bit of "shade", whatever that is.

Nicole Dupre
11-03-2009, 06:43 AM
Post your pick.

This is one of the oddest I've seen yet:


Why insult our intelligence? I think it's fairly obvious that you're casting shade on another member of HA. You think that it makes them gay, right? And you think that your avatar proves something about your sexuality. Sorta like when a gay guy marries an attractive woman as a cover story. They call that a "beard". You're pointing fingers at this guy because you want everyone to think he's queer, and that you're not. How low. How utterly scummy of you.

My God, but you're transparent. :roll:

What are you talking about? I wrote nothing about queer, gay, beards or any of the other hysterical gibberish you just flew off about.

An avatar of a butt-naked dude laying prone in B&W seems odd to me.

Some people might criticize my avatar. So be it. I'm a big boy and I can handle a bit of "shade", whatever that is.

Lesson 1. Shade!

http://www.nikki-dupre.com/uncategorized/hara-bald-crossdresser/ :lol:

11-03-2009, 06:48 AM
phobun, your new avatar made me vomit a little bit. :lol:

11-03-2009, 01:54 PM
phobun, your new avatar made me vomit a little bit. :lol:
Yeah, it's not my favorite either, but by nonetheless using this avatar, I'm not saying that I'm an emetophiliac. Instead, I'm recognizing the classic facial structure of icons like Sophia Loren (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?p=770463&highlight=polititely#770463)! :lol:


11-03-2009, 07:31 PM
Whatīs wrong with his avatar?

11-03-2009, 09:51 PM
'gotta say I see nothing weird about that particular avatar. The word avatar takes its meaning from its Sanskrit usage: it is the Earthly form taken by god in order to live and interact with other Earthly forms. The avatar personifies the virtues and characteristic traits of the god who inhabits it. Isn’t it weird that so many men here have chosen to be personified by very alluring, very feminine avatars. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, just unexpected ... not to mention easy on the eye. But personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a few buff dude avatars too. (I do like the Woody Allen avatar, coroner...not all dudes need to be buff to be appealing or intriguing).

The Piper
11-03-2009, 10:04 PM
It could possibly be himself in the avatar????
But i don't see it's odd or weird.
Does my avatar mean i think i'm a mythical bird.

11-03-2009, 10:11 PM
I assume you share the regal characteristics your bird portrays :)

BTW, I do enjoy the artistic avatars such as yours and the humorous ones like hippiefried's.

The Piper
11-03-2009, 10:17 PM
Trish,thats the emblem of the English soccer team i support.
You're right,it is very regal. lol

11-03-2009, 10:26 PM
Yeah, I donīt think that the emblem of Liverpool FC represents some artistic expression. :lol:

11-03-2009, 10:26 PM
Post your pick.

This is one of the oddest I've seen yet:


Why insult our intelligence? I think it's fairly obvious that you're casting shade on another member of HA. You think that it makes them gay, right? And you think that your avatar proves something about your sexuality. Sorta like when a gay guy marries an attractive woman as a cover story. They call that a "beard". You're pointing fingers at this guy because you want everyone to think he's queer, and that you're not. How low. How utterly scummy of you.

My God, but you're transparent. :roll:

You had a beard before, yeah. Like tatoos, although these will remain.'Think you admitted you were a gay man for 39 years of your life -despite claiming you are 21. You also kept pushing the gay terminology often here, and recently to your ex ts friends, or whatever you call them today. Relax, Max. :roll:

The Piper
11-03-2009, 10:39 PM
Yeah, I donīt think that the emblem of Liverpool FC represents some artistic expression. :lol:

You need to watch Stevie Gerrards feet,they are very artistic :wink:

11-04-2009, 12:03 AM
Heīs a good player. However, Iīd like to see Liverpool winning over Olympyque Lyon tomorrow.

Nicole Dupre
11-04-2009, 11:36 PM
You had a beard before, yeah. Like tatoos, although these will remain.'Think you admitted you were a gay man for 39 years of your life -despite claiming you are 21. You also kept pushing the gay terminology often here, and recently to your ex ts friends, or whatever you call them today. Relax, Max. :roll:

I am 21, you diseased queer. Now why don't you admit that your mother has herpes and sucks unbathed Taliban dick?

Anyway, I was labeled gay, yes. Most TS were, or thought they were, at some point. Or they weren't sure because they were also attracted to women. Actually, I also fucked some women in my teens, just to experiment. It wasn't traumatizing or anything, but I simply don't like vagina. I wouldn't fuck a pussy again. I mean, they look great. And for the longest time, I even thought I really needed to have one. And I probably would've had a much easier life if I had been born with one. But I like to fuck with my cock, and to get it sucked. I'm used to it. But I'm no guy. lol I could never even fake being one very well.

As far as tattoos, I think you're just showing us what a cretin you are by saying that they served as a "beard". Maybe for some gay guys, but not on me they didn't. Whatever I was before I transitioned, I never passed as a "straight guy". Genderfuct, or androgynous, I guess would be more accurate. I wasn't exactly a club kid either, but that's a lot more in the ballpark than you are. You're obviously full of shit and clutching for straws, which I love, because now we're learning more about you. lol It actually reveals to me how you relate to the concept of "manhood". To me, manhood is what my dad and grandfathers had. They knew I didn't have any manhood, trust me. lol

And just to get you up to date a bit, women and TS get tattooed like crazy where I grew up. You're simply a sheltered pussy. Oh, and you're a very bitter sheltered pussy too.

And, yes, I most certainly do love to use the words fag and queer. I also like homo, cocksucker, and sperm-guzzler. Oh, and I like the term "fruit". lol :) But I actually love many of my fagot and queer brothers and sisters. You don't understand that? lol The only people I usually have a problem trusting are straight-up breeders. The people who are just a little too straight; probably a lot like the way you try to come off IRL. lol Actually, I think the idea of heterosexuality and homosexuality being mutually exclusive is borderline-nonsense. The Cobain guy was right. Everyone is gay. And I'm ok with that.

So tell us more about you. What's your story, Sugar-Nutz? Confused? lol

11-05-2009, 02:44 AM
how about mine?

11-05-2009, 10:11 PM
You had a beard before, yeah. Like tatoos, although these will remain.'Think you admitted you were a gay man for 39 years of your life -despite claiming you are 21. You also kept pushing the gay terminology often here, and recently to your ex ts friends, or whatever you call them today. Relax, Max. :roll:

I am 21, you diseased queer. Now why don't you admit that your mother has herpes and sucks unbathed Taliban dick?

Anyway, I was labeled gay, yes. Most TS were, or thought they were, at some point. Or they weren't sure because they were also attracted to women. Actually, I also fucked some women in my teens, just to experiment. It wasn't traumatizing or anything, but I simply don't like vagina. I wouldn't fuck a pussy again. I mean, they look great. And for the longest time, I even thought I really needed to have one. And I probably would've had a much easier life if I had been born with one. But I like to fuck with my cock, and to get it sucked. I'm used to it. But I'm no guy. lol I could never even fake being one very well.

As far as tattoos, I think you're just showing us what a cretin you are by saying that they served as a "beard". Maybe for some gay guys, but not on me they didn't. Whatever I was before I transitioned, I never passed as a "straight guy". Genderfuct, or androgynous, I guess would be more accurate. I wasn't exactly a club kid either, but that's a lot more in the ballpark than you are. You're obviously full of shit and clutching for straws, which I love, because now we're learning more about you. lol It actually reveals to me how you relate to the concept of "manhood". To me, manhood is what my dad and grandfathers had. They knew I didn't have any manhood, trust me. lol

And just to get you up to date a bit, women and TS get tattooed like crazy where I grew up. You're simply a sheltered pussy. Oh, and you're a very bitter sheltered pussy too.

And, yes, I most certainly do love to use the words fag and queer. I also like homo, cocksucker, and sperm-guzzler. Oh, and I like the term "fruit". lol :) But I actually love many of my fagot and queer brothers and sisters. You don't understand that? lol The only people I usually have a problem trusting are straight-up breeders. The people who are just a little too straight; probably a lot like the way you try to come off IRL. lol Actually, I think the idea of heterosexuality and homosexuality being mutually exclusive is borderline-nonsense. The Cobain guy was right. Everyone is gay. And I'm ok with that.

So tell us more about you. What's your story, Sugar-Nutz? Confused? lol

Diseased queer, hum...ok.

You are 45, Monsieur :lol:.

I am so not confused as you are: it makes for an even funnier read seeing you portray your denial as an (*ex) gay man (?). The ''Cobain guy'' commited suicide...but that was in your youth, hey -what, were you 5 or something? You should learn from this. 45, and gay for 39 years.

Half half, never a full woman with srs. Will not want to be a woman, too. All too late? How Hara trashed you with your constant lies was so much fun...guess that is why you are after her up till now. Cahoot, shade, don't hate! What a joke. :roll:

11-05-2009, 10:31 PM
Oh, cīmon folks. Enough now. :lol: