View Full Version : long time lurker first time poster

10-30-2009, 11:48 AM
For the longest time, I've been content to lurk in the shadows, reading post here and there and consuming pics,
however a number of recient post have pulled me into the light, so I will introduce myself by telling all of you how my
worship began.

It was the eighty's, I was helping my mom move out of her fifth apartment that year when I noticed the neibor Doyle
throw out a pile of spider-man comics , he said his nephew left a whole box inside, and told me to take what I want,
then he started to work on his car. I went into the duplexx and found the room he described which was full of ropes and
ductape I mean boxes of it the box of comics was on a chair and under the chair was a toolbox with rolls of film. I was
scared, I was ready to grab the whole box of comics and get the hell out of there when I tripped on one of the peices of
rope and fell to the floor. there on the floor were two porno mags which I had never heard of, the names on them were
transexual and shemale very strange names indeed but glancing into them I was instantly carried away to a world of
fantasy and desire, I had seen porn before but this was somthing special somthing captivating somthing in a word
devine. so I did what any teen who has just discovered the holy grail amist the temple of doom would. I stuffed the two
mags into my underware,grabbed the box of comics ,ran to my ten speed and headed for home. only I stopped at the park
and abused myself 8 times looking at those goddesses before I got home.

later that evening Doyle came to our house threatnig that if I did'nt give the mags back he was going to kick my ass, I
was taught to fight by a third generation Bruce Lee student so my older brother and I easily put him down and he left
only to come back with his friend Dennis and both of them threatning me " You told him to take whatever he wanted"
said my brother. "YOU LET HIM SEE THAT ROOM? NO ONE IS TO SEE THAT ROOM!!!! screamed Dennis and he
began to beat on Doyle "that's right and we've already told the COPS" Lied my brother. the both turned white and
got in their car and left. we never saw them again. So what you say? many years later Doyle E Lane was found guilty of
raping and murdering a 7 year old girl And Dennis L Rader has confessed to being the BTK. And that dear friends
was my introduction to the the glorious shemale form.

Happy Holloween

11-03-2009, 01:11 AM
nice beginning for you, and dark ending for doyle

11-03-2009, 01:37 AM
Is this story for real, because if it is, that's the most incredible post on an internet message board I think I've ever read.

I read a post somewhere on the interwebs about someone who knew Mr. Hands as a teenager, ( the guy from Washington State who died after being anally penetrated by a horse), but this one would beat that by light years.

BTW, I really want this story to be real out of pure criminal curiosity, but it sounds a little BShitty, being that it was written on the eve of Halloween.

Where did you and your mom live as a kid in the 80s??

EDIT: Okay, you bullshitted me!!! I think.

Doil Lane was mentally retarded, IQ tested in the 70s, and Dennis Rader is a college grad and was gainfully employed and married at the time you allege he and Lane 'knew' each other.
Also Rader is about 20 years older than Lane, so I doubt they were chumming around together in Kansas. I don't even believe they were located in the same city.
Both did have a fetish for collecting women's underwear however, and both did commit violent murder/rapes in the state of Kansas.

Maybe the retarded Doil Lane would have, but there's no way a serial killer as detailed and meticulous as Rader would allow a young kid anywhere near his private, personal affects to collect old comic books.

(Almost) a helluva story.

Maybe next Halloween...... :evil:

06-27-2017, 11:50 AM
Didn't know this was challenged but it was 1988 Doil was 17 at the time. I did not even know about the murder until my dad came to visit me in 1996 and told me about it.

06-11-2020, 08:22 AM
That’s whacked.