10-23-2009, 02:02 AM

Left in the gutter: Mother and baby stroll past gang victim's body dumped in supermarket trolley in Rio

By Sara Nelson
Last updated at 2:37 AM on 22nd October 2009

The death toll from bloody clashes in Rio de Janeiro is up to 25 after authorities found more bodies.

The newly discovered victims include a young man found dead in a supermarket cart at the entrance to a slum that saw intense gang combat over the weekend. He was shot repeatedly and showed signs of having been tortured.

Most of the victims were suspected members of drug trafficking gangs.



10-23-2009, 02:05 AM
But a police spokeswoman confirmed yesterday that three were partygoers who had originally been labelled as presumed criminals.

A police helicopter was also downed by gunfire as gangs fought for territory, just two weeks after Rio won the 2016 Olympics. Three officers aboard died during the battle in the Morro dos Macacos (‘Monkey Hill’) slum in northern Rio.

Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has vowed to battle those responsible for the bloody wave of violence plaguing the city.

'We'll do anything it takes and make all necessary sacrifices so we can clean up the mess that these people are imposing on Brazil,' he told reporters in Sao Paulo.

Silva said the federal government will give emergency funding to state authorities to combat the drug gangs that control many of Rio's 1,000 slums, and will give police a bulletproof helicopter.

Around 150,000 people are believed to live amid the urban war in poverty-stricken conditions.

Silva didn't mention security preparations for the Olympics, but said Brazil knows 'it will take time to resolve the problems of the gangs, organised crime and the drug traffickers in Rio de Janeiro.'

Other Brazilian officials have said the outbreak has strengthened their resolve to make Rio safer ahead of the games and before 2014, when Brazil will host the World Cup soccer tournament, with key games in Rio, the country's second-biggest city.

Rio state Governor Sergio Cabral said the president promised him $59 million in fresh funds over the next six months to fight crime.

The International Olympic Committee put aside concerns about security to award the 2016 games to Rio on October 2

OC spokesman Mark Adams said: ‘’We have confidence in their capacity to deliver a safe games in seven years.’

Silva has said that Rio has repeatedly demonstrated it can put on big events without risks to participants.

But the city’s Mayor, Eduardo Paes, admitted Rio does have a problem with violence.

'We never hid our problems during the bid process. We always told people we have problems and that we are still facing problems,' he said in London this week.

'We still have a lot to do, we have a long way to go. We are not worried about delivering a safe Games. We have a carnival every year, that's safe. We have a party on Copa Cabana every New Years' Eve that hosts two million people, that is safe.'

He insists the situation will improve by 2016, however.

'We are sure by 2016 we will deliver the Games and hopefully in a way that the city will be more peaceful and secure for all our citizens,' he added.

'We worry about security for our citizens, for our everyday lives, for the visitors that come on a regular basis. That's our challenge but things are moving forward. The violence we face in Rio will be much, much better by 2016.'


10-23-2009, 02:11 AM
In the future can you please give some warning in the thread title if the post is going to contain pictures of a dead body? I would appreciate it.

10-23-2009, 02:15 AM
In the future can you please give some warning in the thread title if the post is going to contain pictures of a dead body? I would appreciate it.

Ok, sorry!!!

http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM1146265-7823-DIVULGADO+RETRATO+FALADO+DE+UM+DOS+SUSPEITOS+DE+MA TAR+O+COORDENADOR+DO+AFROREGGAE,00.html

:arrow: :arrow:

10-23-2009, 02:24 AM
In the future can you please give some warning in the thread title if the post is going to contain pictures of a dead body? I would appreciate it.

JUST ANOTHER CRIME IN RIO should have been a clue. I recall horror stories from the execs that I used to transport in the 90's and my own family members (In the banking biz) from the 70's, of the high crime rates in Rio and Sao Paulo. It's shameful, but a war that seems doomed to continue for generations.

I'm hoping that the anti-Obama crowd that cheered Chicago's loss of the Olympic bid can cheer as loudly if, hev'n f'bid, mayhem befalls the Olympics when they are there.

While I believe that the Olympics have long ignored that part of the world, I'd surely be happier if that part of the world was more at peace with itself before the games, for lack of a better reference, head south.

10-23-2009, 02:25 AM
True. But text is much different than pictures or video.

Thanks for the update. Hopefully others will be more prepared for what they might see.

10-23-2009, 04:14 AM
In the future can you please give some warning in the thread title if the post is going to contain pictures of a dead body? I would appreciate it.

JUST ANOTHER CRIME IN RIO should have been a clue. I recall horror stories from the execs that I used to transport in the 90's and my own family members (In the banking biz) from the 70's, of the high crime rates in Rio and Sao Paulo. It's shameful, but a war that seems doomed to continue for generations.

I'm hoping that the anti-Obama crowd that cheered Chicago's loss of the Olympic bid can cheer as loudly if, hev'n f'bid, mayhem befalls the Olympics when they are there.

While I believe that the Olympics have long ignored that part of the world, I'd surely be happier if that part of the world was more at peace with itself before the games, for lack of a better reference, head south.

Not me, I hope they keep doing what they do best and befoul the games when they get there. It would only serve them right for choosing that cesspool. Yeah, I'm still bitter about losing the games.

10-23-2009, 05:09 AM
Dead Dude to the cashier:

Can you ring me faster before I get killed and my cock gets snapped then inserted in my mouth ?

LOL !!!!

Seriously now, we must start a petition to move the olympics from Rio to anywhere else in the world. Baghdad is more safe than Rio.


10-23-2009, 02:22 PM
Dead Dude to the cashier:

Can you ring me faster before I get killed and my cock gets snapped then inserted in my mouth ?

LOL !!!!

Seriously now, we must start a petition to move the olympics from Rio to anywhere else in the world. Baghdad is more safe than Rio.


Why i agree w/u? But i agree.


10-23-2009, 05:25 PM
The fact that there's crime & gangsters in major metropolitan centers isn't a big story. There's over 14 million people in the urban aglomeration that is Rio de Janeiro. We need to put this in perspective. From what I can see, this latest spate of violence started when the police went in, heavily armed, to "clean up the neighborhoods". That always works out real well, doesn't it?

There's crime in London. Lots of it. Will it affect the games? Probably not. For all the hand wringing & "terrorism" worries about Athens, the only attack was sombody jumping out of the crowd & tripping a marathon runner. There were no incidents in Beijing, & I hope nobody's going to try & claim that the Chinese are free from crime. There's been a huge increase in racial & cultural tensions in Sydney over the last few decades, with lots of hate crimes & riots to go along with the existing crime, but you'd never know it from watching the Olympics. The bombing in Atlanta turned out to be some lunatic fringe anti-abortion nut. Still don't know why. Barcelona has their share of gangsters too. Anything happen? We held the games in LA right in the middle of the war between the crips & bloods. No problems. Think there wouldn't have been problems in Czechago? Tokyo could have just hired the Yakusa for security if they'd gotten it.

I'm seriously considering heading down to Rio for the games. It's going to be a major party. In fact, I'm thinking of taking some extra time & traveling down the Pan-Am highway instead of flying. Go down through the basin & back up on the west coast to visit the Inca. Sounds like fun. I might have some trepidation about crossing Columbia, but I don't see why the cartels would give me a second look.

George Clooney
10-23-2009, 05:48 PM

10-23-2009, 09:34 PM
The "old" media sucks, all they want to do is show you the most sensational stuff they can find.

Oh Olympics in Rio? Violent Crime you say?


Its BS, how many other times have the police found a DEAD body in the Street? That shit happens in Los Angeles.

Nothing new and I'm sure I know what's going to happen once the games get closer.

They are going to do the GRANDEST Sweep you've ever seen in your life if your a native of Rio. If Brazil has any sort of National Guard they will be called on to "Weed" out the "Element" and they'll sweep out most of the homeless and transient people.

They'll even clean up the Flavlas (Ghettos) to a point.

Rio will put on what hell of a show, I suggest you get your travel plans in order, don't be an asshat, its going to be off the chain...

10-23-2009, 09:42 PM
True. But text is much different than pictures or video.

Thanks for the update. Hopefully others will be more prepared for what they might see.

You must have a weak stomach, I suggest you NEVER go down to the deepest, darkest areas of Los Angeles.

This is the GRIM reality "White Flight" has left in its wake as it tried to distance itself from the cities and people of color.

I didn't find anything gruesome about a dead guy in a cart. I didn't see any blood or open wounds, so what's your problem?

This is only the beginning of the media blitz of the violent nature of Rio.

I expect full color expose' in the NYT and BBC shortly.

I'm glad it didn't go to Chicago there's only ONE City in America that can do the Summer Games and we don't have to build a THING to do it - Los Angeles

Have a Nice Day

10-24-2009, 11:39 PM

Friday, October 23rd 2009 - 1:51 am UTC
“Shell-shocked” Brazil demands an end to violence in “Olympic City” Rio

Brazil’s main opposition party demanded responsibility from President Lula da Silva in combating the wave of violence rocking Rio do Janeiro and which has left at least 35 killed in shootings with the drugs’ gangs that even downed a police helicopter.

“The government’s security policy is a joke; what’s the use of sending another helicopter”, which was shot down last Saturday in Rio’s shanty towns (favelas) said Jose Anibal, head of the powerful Social-democrats block in the Lower House.

The helicopter was gunned and crashed landed, killing three police sharp shooters, only two kilometres away from the Maracaná stadium where the main competitions of the 2016 Olympics are scheduled to take place.

President Lula da Silva promised funds and a new armoured helicopter so the Rio police can continue with its deployments in the high risk areas of the city.

Jose Anibal argued that the role of the federal government is not supplying arms and funds but rather taking head on the responsibility of combating drug related crime which is rampant and apparently out of control in Brazil’s most famous city for its beaches and Carnival festivities.

Justice Minister Tarso Genro has been summoned to Congress to inform what is happening in Rio do Janeiro and the government’s plans to address the situation.

Meantime the president of the Federal Supreme Tribunal Gilmar Mendez reiterated that it was imperative to send the Armed Forces to help combat crime and lawlessness.

“The Federal Police and eventually the Armed Forces must articulate and act” against the organized gangs of drug dealers that dominate Rio communities and terrorize the good law abiding citizens, said the country’s top judge.

The participation of the Armed Forces in internal security affairs is specifically banded under Brazilian legislation, however under “exceptional circumstances” they can be ordered to take action.

Thousands of police and special forces have been sent to the favelas where the gang shootings took place over the weekend. Police is determined to find those responsible for shooting down the helicopter and recovering the weapons used in the attack.

Most high calibre guns and short range rockets are smuggled into Brazil from neighbouring Paraguay and Bolivia.


10-24-2009, 11:42 PM
An investigation has begun after two policemen in Rio de Janeiro apparently let robbers walk away after shooting a man, who later died.

It is also claimed the officers failed to help the victim.

Video footage from the street appears to show the officers removing items from the victim, which were never registered as stolen.

The police in the city have apologised and an official spokesman for the force has also been removed from his job.

The state governor accused the spokesman of “acting like a lawyer” for the officers during a television interview.

This controversy comes at a time when police in the Brazilian city are involved in a major operation against drug traffickers, after one of their helicopters was brought down by gunfire last weekend.

At least 30 people have died as a result of the offensive since last Saturday.

Stolen property

The man who was shot and fatally wounded in the robbery last weekend was Evandro da Silva, a co-ordinator with the widely-respected charity, AfroReggae, which works to help young people in Rio’s shanty towns.

Video footage from street cameras at the crime scene shows a police car arriving almost immediately afterwards, and pursuing the two robbers.

It appears the two suspects were captured but a short time later at least one of them can be seen walking away.

It seems nothing was done to help Mr da Silva as he lay dying.

The video shows a police officer putting the items which were stolen from the victim – his jacket and shoes – into the back of the patrol car.

According to Brazil’s TV Globo, the items taken from the scene were never registered as stolen property.

A friend of the dead man has also alleged that he found him alive 50 minutes after the shooting but two officers at the scene refused to help.



10-24-2009, 11:46 PM
The video:

http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM1146296-7823-IMAGENS+MOSTRAM+POLICIAIS+NEGANDO+AJUDA+AO+COORDEN ADOR+DO+AFROREGGAE,00.html

Two polices (Policia Militar), one captain and a corporal did.

10-25-2009, 01:31 AM
Even more shocking is how all those people look completely normalized to it.

When violence is an everyday occurence, you need to digest it, therefore accept it so you become acustomed to it like, say, you'd see a bus in Europe, I suppose... Understand that human lives also have less value in such suburbs/parts of the world - drug trafficking being another reason.

Has anyone seen that fantastic movie, based on a (very) true story called 'City of god'?

An amazing piece of cinema...left me stunned...and I am quite choosy. Describes it all very well. Even better if you find the limited edition. Available in full here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLBWdcDdnSg

10-25-2009, 03:00 AM
Rio should be leveled down, then reconstructed w/o all the damn favelas and criminals.

10-25-2009, 06:32 AM
Rio should be leveled down, then reconstructed w/o all the damn favelas and criminals.

You are an idiot!!!
I think they should do the same to South Central in LA as well or how about the south side in Chicago?

The Media loves to sensationalize the bad things... Just sad!!!

Get a Clue!!!

10-25-2009, 06:45 AM
this should be moved to the political/religion board... 2cents

10-25-2009, 08:03 AM
What's with the big hard on against Brazil all of a sudden? Seems political.