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View Full Version : Fast food joint Etiquette

10-19-2009, 03:34 AM
Do you really get pissed off with false etiquette??? My local fast food joint has started a staff training program for them to be nice to the customer. As the yanks would say, "Have a nice day" syndrome. But what would you rather have. The real situation or the bullshit???

10-19-2009, 04:17 AM
I think its part of the job. When you serve the public (retail, fast food, etc...) its a necessary part of the job to have a shit eating grin and thick skin. So I think its totally reasonable for these companies to encourage and reward friendly behavior. I do have a problem with those companies literally forcing employees to smile or say certain phrases. EXAMPLE: "Thanks for shopping at *****. Please come back soon!". When they mandate things like that it totally takes away from the overall meaning and sincerity of that or any other statement the employee might make. Like you said before.... these people already might be dealing with problems. And having to jump through hoops for a job that pays minimum wage (or slightly above) is total bullshit. All I ask of my fast food servers is that they don't put any bodily fluids in my food and they get my order correct.

10-19-2009, 04:31 AM
I do have a problem with those companies literally forcing employees to smile or say certain phrases. EXAMPLE: "Thanks for shopping at *****. Please come back soon!". When they mandate things like that it totally takes away from the overall meaning and sincerity of that or any other statement the employee might make. Like you said before.... these people already might be dealing with problems. And having to jump through hoops for a job that pays minimum wage (or slightly above) is total bullshit.

If an employee has a problem following company guidelines on the proper way to greet customers, he/she can always quit and find another job.

Dino Velvet
10-19-2009, 04:56 AM
I think people at all businesses should show basic courtesy towards customers. As far as fast food, In 'n' Out Burger is the best example of this. The workers have always been nice to me and I've never had a bad experience. I think they pay employees a little more there than at other fast food places.

10-19-2009, 05:46 AM
I love it and you would be surprised at how many workers truly mean what they're saying. Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it and maybe the first few customers will get the sham or dishonesty, but maybe not the rest. It's good business. So when you hear someone say "have a nice day", they just might truly mean it. If you're having a "bad" day, you can always start your 24 hours over at any time of the day. (Encouragement)

Have a nice day

10-19-2009, 06:27 AM
I do have a problem with those companies literally forcing employees to smile or say certain phrases. EXAMPLE: "Thanks for shopping at *****. Please come back soon!". When they mandate things like that it totally takes away from the overall meaning and sincerity of that or any other statement the employee might make. Like you said before.... these people already might be dealing with problems. And having to jump through hoops for a job that pays minimum wage (or slightly above) is total bullshit.

If an employee has a problem following company guidelines on the proper way to greet customers, he/she can always quit and find another job.

Normally I would agree with you but with the job market being so shitty sometimes that is the only job those people can find.

I actually worked retail for awhile. I was naturally very friendly and courteous. But I did become very disenchanted with management when they began forcing us to say certain phrases. Not just certain phrases but saying it repeatedly often times to the same customer OVER AND OVER. Also in regard to the less than friendly employees these statements were almost like a slap to the face to customers because when they said them it sounded so convoluted and fake.

10-19-2009, 06:31 AM
Do you really get pissed off with false etiquette??? My local fast food joint has started a staff training program for them to be nice to the customer. As the yanks would say, "Have a nice day" syndrome. But what would you rather have. The real situation or the bullshit???
