View Full Version : Long rate about TS dating... Agree or bullshit?

10-15-2009, 07:00 PM
I really don't know if this is more a miscellaneous romance or if it should be a rant and rave. I don't know it just seems as of late I'm frustrated, annoyed, and sick of craigslist, and transsexual dating in general. First off about me, I'm a straight (yes i said STRAIGHT) male, mixed ethnicity, 25 yrs old, good looking, single and all that other Bull shit people write on CL. oh I'm disease and drug free(do like 420 tho). But yet half of em by making ad's while coke'd up, during a herpes outbreak. But I don't need the online ego stroke. I'm young goal oriented, have style, good looking, great sense of humor, and intelligent. I say this not to brag or build myself up, but to build up the reasons for my frustrations. I like transsexual women. My closets friends know this, and accept this, and its something that I have accepted. I don't feel as though I'm gay being as though i don't like men at all. I have no gay bashing, or hatred I'm just simply not attracted to other masculine men. At the same time let me add that men in wigs, and cd's are not the same as transsexuals, so all you gay men masquerading in a wig just so you can try to get some horny straight guy to fuck you STOP IT. Don't nobdoy wanna see you online looking like Evander Holyfield in a dress like that taco bell commercial. Your closet wig wearing and heels while your girlfriends out of town, is disrespectful to the real transsexual woman who take the leap of faith going again the grain of societies norms, in search of personal happiness. So you weekend warriors do not share in the same beauty, courage, or strength that a full on transsexual has. Now being as though these women, have went to great lengths to transform their outer self to reflect their inside self. It would be only right to classify them not as "males" thus why would a man that is attracted to them be labeled as someone who likes "males"? Makes no sense to me. But from this vicious cycle of prejudice, and "labeling" that goes on outside of the transsexual community. Then you have the all so discriminatory and malicious label of tranny chaser. Now don't get me wrong I believe that there are tranny chasers, Hell there are chubby chasers, black girl chasers, yellow fever fetish's.. ect.... But yet in still it seems as though once a man dates ONE transsexual, things don't work out and he happens to find an interest in similar ladies he instantly gets a label. Now why would ladies want to push away the one men that are on their side? Shit boggles my mind. I was in love with a transsexual woman, a former girlfriend for years. After things didn't work out, i dated another. Now im a tranny chaser. Funny because in high school I dated lots of Spanish girls. Never got labeled as a patina chaser? That was just a prefrence, thats it. Some woman like tall guys, some like light skin, white whatever your preference is thats your business. But seems to not be the case with transsexuals, one reason for this is that honestly to date a transsexual to a certain degree you have to "chase" them. Not in the sense of running after any skirt with a penis underneath it. But you cant just say " I like Spanish girls, let me go to a Spanish club tonight". That option isn't really available for transsexuals, outside of the Realms of Allahnah Starr, Jennifer Paris or Persia lace or one of those America's next tranny supermodel party events they throw. But even then you get into my next discouragement of dating transsexuals "escorting". Chances are if you meet a beautiful transsexual and she is very passable, beautiful, and independent, she probably escorts. I'm sorry to those ladies out there who do not, but I would say with out trying to stigmatize the majority of transsexual woman you will see that have the cosmetic work done have or do escort. Now how can you love the beauty and hate the work it took to get there? I mean these woman again were shunned from society, you can't transition working a regular 9 to 5 and not get stares, get ridiculed, get looked at like an animial in a zoo. Plus imagine the costs, these woman spend more on their bodies then most people make in a year. Where would they get this type of funding leagaling? and are they so wrong to flip being victims of men's sexual fetishes, used for pleasure then discared, into using those same men for financial gain to gain their independance from not only men like them but the society that shunned, and made it harder for them to live their lives in the way they feel they have the god given right too? No I don't feel they are wrong. And yes it is a hard thing to accept, but I understand. And i think men who date transexuals should try to understand and to realize that if your not in a postion too, ready willing and able to suplement this womans life in the same lifestyle she is accustomed to living, then you shouldn't have a jugment to make about an occupation that she had before she met you. BUT, again more BUTs and not the type that round wonderful type thats usually covered by a nice lace g string. The but that puts these ladies in the mental mindstate that if its not abotu money FUCK YOU. It seems thru escorting these ladies either devolop and emotional shell to shield themselves off from predators who will penetrate there defenses and break their hearts, or simply they feel like they can never trully find love and escorting is the only justice they have. But where does that leave men actually want to date and get to know them? How do they fit into this equation? Is it fair that we must go above and beyond dealing with all the issues we will get for being attracted to transexual woman, the internal struggle, then on top of it being ostresized by the ones we are going thru this pain for? I mean its almost like to prove to a transexual woman that you are a good man, you have to be SUPER man. Case in point. I went on a date with a Transexual woman, we went to dinner, a movie, then came back and chilled at her spot, SHE invited ME up. But once up were were on the couch kissing, and then things proceeded. Now at this point she was into it, then suddenly flipped talking about "I'm full of shit I want to fuck her, all men aren't shit, balh blah blah". Now I'm confused, i have shown my true charcter all night, now because I also have sexual deseires they negates everything I am, and was before this? Why can't I be free to just be a man. Sexual attraction comes from hetrosexual dates as well. I grew up surrounded by all woman men are men. My females relatives tell me the same stories mirroring of how men try to have sex. its just natrual. Does that make every man that has a sexual atttraction a creep? No of course not granted you weren't just talking about poltics then he whipped his dick out and hoping for a change he could believe in. Ok now maybe that would be creepy. But just expressing a desire to want to be intimate not in anyway a reflection of a man's character. No man is perfect, None, in the same sense no woman gg or ts is perfect as well. But in any relationship there must be comprimise, mutual respect, and communication. And all of those things take an open and clear mind. To go into things with no preconceived notions and to just judge on the deeds, actions, and person, Not preconceived thoughts, or expectations. I'm sorry for the rambling long rant but I wanted to really express this. I set out to just make a post saying I was home, chilling, looking to meet a beautiful, intelligent, stylish, transsexual woman to get to know and maybe go out for a lunch date, or smoke(420) if that was your thing. But I realized that i had a better chance of hitting the lottery then finding that on CL. So i wanted to voice my opinion on TS dating, and to get that off my chest. I gladly welcome any comments or opinions, and of course if a wonderfully intelligent lady has read this and and would like to get to know the author better, well i most certainly welcome that as well. Again I hope even this doesn't paint a picture in your head of someone who is perfect, because again I'm not here to get the sentimental points and be mr romantic. I'm just a man, nothing more nothing less. I like to have fun, go out to eat at different types of restaurants, read, movies, shoot pool, I smoke, and just chill. I'm black and Dominican mixed, so i love all ethnic woman, but am not biased. And wow if you read all this you are a cool ass person in my book, because even i would have waited for the cliff notes on this lol.


10-15-2009, 07:09 PM
I actually did read most of that. Personally I don't believe in love or relationships and I never see myself messing with either.You can thank the rest of your kind for making me believe the things I do about that sort of thing.

10-15-2009, 07:12 PM
I actually did read most of that. Personally I don't believe in love or relationships and I never see myself messing with either.You can thank the rest of your kind for making me believe the things I do about that sort of thing.

So basically the few bad apples spoiled it for the bunch? Do you think you'd feel the same if you had, had better previous relationships or are your views based off more then just your personal experinces?

10-15-2009, 07:16 PM
I actually did read most of that. Personally I don't believe in love or relationships and I never see myself messing with either.You can thank the rest of your kind for making me believe the things I do about that sort of thing.

So basically the few bad apples spoiled it for the bunch? Do you think you'd feel the same if you had, had better previous relationships or are your views based off more then just your personal experinces?

I have never had any relationship at all. I've liked plenty of guys and none of them have ever liked me , I've got my heart broken many many times and then I just stopped liking guys.I've learned that once you tell a guy your TS he will forget about you or worse.I've learned that guys see me as a sex object and are more interested in the things I can do with my mouth than the things I can say.Overall I'd say pretty much all the men I have ever met in my life are rotten scumbags.

10-15-2009, 07:19 PM
I actually did read most of that. Personally I don't believe in love or relationships and I never see myself messing with either.You can thank the rest of your kind for making me believe the things I do about that sort of thing.

So basically the few bad apples spoiled it for the bunch? Do you think you'd feel the same if you had, had better previous relationships or are your views based off more then just your personal experinces?

I have never had any relationship at all. I've liked plenty of guys and none of them have ever liked me , I've got my heart broken many many times and then I just stopped liking guys.I've learned that once you tell a guy your TS he will forget about you or worse.I've learned that guys see me as a sex object and are more interested in the things I can do with my mouth than the things I can say.Overall I'd say pretty much all the men I have ever met in my life are rotten scumbags.
Whatever. You're what 18 years old? You're just getting started.

10-15-2009, 07:20 PM
I have never had any relationship at all. I've liked plenty of guys and none of them have ever liked me , I've got my heart broken many many times and then I just stopped liking guys.I've learned that once you tell a guy your TS he will forget about you or worse.I've learned that guys see me as a sex object and are more interested in the things I can do with my mouth than the things I can say.Overall I'd say pretty much all the men I have ever met in my life are rotten scumbags.[/quote]

Is that you in your avi? :/ I don't believe that i could possibly be that bad.. you being sarcastic? lol

10-15-2009, 07:22 PM
People "start" messing around with dating and shit like that when they are young , like 13 14ish and even tough its kids stuff it lays the groundwork for more serious stuff later on.All of my friends have had SOMETHING because that's completely normal.So guys don't find me attractive or worth their time.SO what? I'm an independent intelligent girl and I don't need a scumbag boyfriend to make me feel good about myself.

10-15-2009, 07:30 PM
Ashley i love your teen angst and youthful exuberance. But as you gain more real world experience you will find the world holds more opportunities , romantically and otherwise.

10-15-2009, 07:30 PM
Personally I don't believe in love or relationships and I never see myself messing with either.

I have never had any relationship at all

You know how older people are always saying "You'll feel differently when you are a grownup"? Makes them seem condescending, and that they don't know what you are going through.

Well, Ashley, I'm pretty sure you'll feel differently when you are a grownup. No one should be alone their whole life.

10-15-2009, 07:32 PM
soul4real, if you want anyone (else) to read your thoughts, break them up into paragraphs. It makes it easier to read - just common courtesy to the rest of us.

10-15-2009, 07:41 PM
soul4real, if you want anyone (else) to read your thoughts, break them up into paragraphs. It makes it easier to read - just common courtesy to the rest of us.


10-15-2009, 07:42 PM
Longest paragraph in HA history

WTF? You ever heard of PARAGRAPHS?


I really don't know if this is more a miscellaneous romance or if it should be a rant and rave. I don't know it just seems as of late I'm frustrated, annoyed, and sick of craigslist, and transsexual dating in general. First off about me, I'm a straight (yes i said STRAIGHT) male, mixed ethnicity, 25 yrs old, good looking, single and all that other Bull shit people write on CL. oh I'm disease and drug free(do like 420 tho). But yet half of em by making ad's while coke'd up, during a herpes outbreak. But I don't need the online ego stroke. I'm young goal oriented, have style, good looking, great sense of humor, and intelligent. I say this not to brag or build myself up, but to build up the reasons for my frustrations. I like transsexual women. My closets friends know this, and accept this, and its something that I have accepted. I don't feel as though I'm gay being as though i don't like men at all. I have no gay bashing, or hatred I'm just simply not attracted to other masculine men. At the same time let me add that men in wigs, and cd's are not the same as transsexuals, so all you gay men masquerading in a wig just so you can try to get some horny straight guy to fuck you STOP IT. Don't nobdoy wanna see you online looking like Evander Holyfield in a dress like that taco bell commercial. Your closet wig wearing and heels while your girlfriends out of town, is disrespectful to the real transsexual woman who take the leap of faith going again the grain of societies norms, in search of personal happiness. So you weekend warriors do not share in the same beauty, courage, or strength that a full on transsexual has. Now being as though these women, have went to great lengths to transform their outer self to reflect their inside self. It would be only right to classify them not as "males" thus why would a man that is attracted to them be labeled as someone who likes "males"? Makes no sense to me. But from this vicious cycle of prejudice, and "labeling" that goes on outside of the transsexual community. Then you have the all so discriminatory and malicious label of tranny chaser. Now don't get me wrong I believe that there are tranny chasers, Hell there are chubby chasers, black girl chasers, yellow fever fetish's.. ect.... But yet in still it seems as though once a man dates ONE transsexual, things don't work out and he happens to find an interest in similar ladies he instantly gets a label. Now why would ladies want to push away the one men that are on their side? Shit boggles my mind. I was in love with a transsexual woman, a former girlfriend for years. After things didn't work out, i dated another. Now im a tranny chaser. Funny because in high school I dated lots of Spanish girls. Never got labeled as a patina chaser? That was just a prefrence, thats it. Some woman like tall guys, some like light skin, white whatever your preference is thats your business. But seems to not be the case with transsexuals, one reason for this is that honestly to date a transsexual to a certain degree you have to "chase" them. Not in the sense of running after any skirt with a penis underneath it. But you cant just say " I like Spanish girls, let me go to a Spanish club tonight". That option isn't really available for transsexuals, outside of the Realms of Allahnah Starr, Jennifer Paris or Persia lace or one of those America's next tranny supermodel party events they throw. But even then you get into my next discouragement of dating transsexuals "escorting". Chances are if you meet a beautiful transsexual and she is very passable, beautiful, and independent, she probably escorts. I'm sorry to those ladies out there who do not, but I would say with out trying to stigmatize the majority of transsexual woman you will see that have the cosmetic work done have or do escort. Now how can you love the beauty and hate the work it took to get there? I mean these woman again were shunned from society, you can't transition working a regular 9 to 5 and not get stares, get ridiculed, get looked at like an animial in a zoo. Plus imagine the costs, these woman spend more on their bodies then most people make in a year. Where would they get this type of funding leagaling? and are they so wrong to flip being victims of men's sexual fetishes, used for pleasure then discared, into using those same men for financial gain to gain their independance from not only men like them but the society that shunned, and made it harder for them to live their lives in the way they feel they have the god given right too? No I don't feel they are wrong. And yes it is a hard thing to accept, but I understand. And i think men who date transexuals should try to understand and to realize that if your not in a postion too, ready willing and able to suplement this womans life in the same lifestyle she is accustomed to living, then you shouldn't have a jugment to make about an occupation that she had before she met you. BUT, again more BUTs and not the type that round wonderful type thats usually covered by a nice lace g string. The but that puts these ladies in the mental mindstate that if its not abotu money FUCK YOU. It seems thru escorting these ladies either devolop and emotional shell to shield themselves off from predators who will penetrate there defenses and break their hearts, or simply they feel like they can never trully find love and escorting is the only justice they have. But where does that leave men actually want to date and get to know them? How do they fit into this equation? Is it fair that we must go above and beyond dealing with all the issues we will get for being attracted to transexual woman, the internal struggle, then on top of it being ostresized by the ones we are going thru this pain for? I mean its almost like to prove to a transexual woman that you are a good man, you have to be SUPER man. Case in point. I went on a date with a Transexual woman, we went to dinner, a movie, then came back and chilled at her spot, SHE invited ME up. But once up were were on the couch kissing, and then things proceeded. Now at this point she was into it, then suddenly flipped talking about "I'm full of shit I want to fuck her, all men aren't shit, balh blah blah". Now I'm confused, i have shown my true charcter all night, now because I also have sexual deseires they negates everything I am, and was before this? Why can't I be free to just be a man. Sexual attraction comes from hetrosexual dates as well. I grew up surrounded by all woman men are men. My females relatives tell me the same stories mirroring of how men try to have sex. its just natrual. Does that make every man that has a sexual atttraction a creep? No of course not granted you weren't just talking about poltics then he whipped his dick out and hoping for a change he could believe in. Ok now maybe that would be creepy. But just expressing a desire to want to be intimate not in anyway a reflection of a man's character. No man is perfect, None, in the same sense no woman gg or ts is perfect as well. But in any relationship there must be comprimise, mutual respect, and communication. And all of those things take an open and clear mind. To go into things with no preconceived notions and to just judge on the deeds, actions, and person, Not preconceived thoughts, or expectations. I'm sorry for the rambling long rant but I wanted to really express this. I set out to just make a post saying I was home, chilling, looking to meet a beautiful, intelligent, stylish, transsexual woman to get to know and maybe go out for a lunch date, or smoke(420) if that was your thing. But I realized that i had a better chance of hitting the lottery then finding that on CL. So i wanted to voice my opinion on TS dating, and to get that off my chest. I gladly welcome any comments or opinions, and of course if a wonderfully intelligent lady has read this and and would like to get to know the author better, well i most certainly welcome that as well. Again I hope even this doesn't paint a picture in your head of someone who is perfect, because again I'm not here to get the sentimental points and be mr romantic. I'm just a man, nothing more nothing less. I like to have fun, go out to eat at different types of restaurants, read, movies, shoot pool, I smoke, and just chill. I'm black and Dominican mixed, so i love all ethnic woman, but am not biased. And wow if you read all this you are a cool ass person in my book, because even i would have waited for the cliff notes on this lol.


10-15-2009, 07:43 PM
Yeah. The long block of text is definitely tough on the eyes.

Read it all though. I don't expect the TS women out there to change the way they do things until society starts treating them without any bias or stigmatism. Until then they will be guarded and it will be a win-less situation being attracted to them. When you have people like Ashley getting shunned you know things are bad.

So, its pretty safe to say we're fucked and it wont happen in our lifetimes.

Just out of curiosity who is the girl in the picture?

10-15-2009, 07:45 PM
To the OP please use paragraphs in the future it makes long posts easier to read instead of just a wall of text.

Ashley my friend is going through the same thing you described. She is a gorgeous looking 20yr old but she's only had 1 BF ever. Whenever she tells a new guy that is interested in her that she's trans but post op already they react poorly or just lose interest. It's gotten her down but she knows she just needs to spring back and keep looking for the right guy.

10-15-2009, 08:18 PM
To the OP please use paragraphs in the future it makes long posts easier to read instead of just a wall of text.

Ashley my friend is going through the same thing you described. She is a gorgeous looking 20yr old but she's only had 1 BF ever. Whenever she tells a new guy that is interested in her that she's trans but post op already they react poorly or just lose interest. It's gotten her down but she knows she just needs to spring back and keep looking for the right guy.

Well tell her FUCK finding the right guy.I mean life isn't Cinderella , and the Prince won't always fall in love with you. I'm alone and I'm perfectly fine , why would I need a boyfriend? Haha what bullshit , a total load of craaaaaap. I'm fine being alone I think relationships are stupid.

10-15-2009, 08:44 PM
To the OP please use paragraphs in the future it makes long posts easier to read instead of just a wall of text.

Ashley my friend is going through the same thing you described. She is a gorgeous looking 20yr old but she's only had 1 BF ever. Whenever she tells a new guy that is interested in her that she's trans but post op already they react poorly or just lose interest. It's gotten her down but she knows she just needs to spring back and keep looking for the right guy.

Well tell her FUCK finding the right guy.I mean life isn't Cinderella , and the Prince won't always fall in love with you. I'm alone and I'm perfectly fine , why would I need a boyfriend? Haha what bullshit , a total load of craaaaaap. I'm fine being alone I think relationships are stupid.

Lighten up Francine.

10-15-2009, 08:51 PM
To the OP please use paragraphs in the future it makes long posts easier to read instead of just a wall of text.

Ashley my friend is going through the same thing you described. She is a gorgeous looking 20yr old but she's only had 1 BF ever. Whenever she tells a new guy that is interested in her that she's trans but post op already they react poorly or just lose interest. It's gotten her down but she knows she just needs to spring back and keep looking for the right guy.

Well tell her FUCK finding the right guy.I mean life isn't Cinderella , and the Prince won't always fall in love with you. I'm alone and I'm perfectly fine , why would I need a boyfriend? Haha what bullshit , a total load of craaaaaap. I'm fine being alone I think relationships are stupid.

Lighten up Francine.

Just saying , 'cause I wouldn't blame the girls for what he's talking about.

10-15-2009, 09:08 PM
Shame to hear of your experiences, Ashley. You'll find someone.

10-15-2009, 09:12 PM
I guess that it's better to be alone for the right reasons , than be w/ somebody for the wrong reasons.

10-15-2009, 09:24 PM
Well Ashley, I hope that your experiences are simply a phase in your life. I remember being rather homophobic when I was a teen. I don't know if its because sexuality is so new, peer pressure, or because the chemicals being released in the body are in overdrive but I remember being a total asshole back in junior high and high school in that regard. I didn't act out against any gay people but I do vividly remember having very negative thoughts towards them. So having that as a barometer for your opinion on men is a bit discouraging although I admit understandable. The teenage boy is a polarizing view on the absolute worst in men. Sex starved assholes who believe only in status, popularity, and define themselves on other people's opinion's and views. These traits usually linger as boys become men but they also diminish over time.

I hope that you keep an open mind about things though. Going to college or simply experiencing more that life has to offer might help. But if you are indeed happiest in life being alone I wish you nothing but the best. I just know that for myself I long for a companion, friend, partner, lover, whatever you want to call it. Someone I can spend time with and experience all the wonderful things in life. Sharing all of them along the way. I literally feel incomplete without it.

10-15-2009, 09:25 PM
I actually did read most of that. Personally I don't believe in love or relationships and I never see myself messing with either.You can thank the rest of your kind for making me believe the things I do about that sort of thing.

Miss Teenage Dream, such a tragic scene.
He knocked your crown and ran away.
First wound of pride, and how you cried and cried
But save your tears, got years and years.

10-15-2009, 09:34 PM
Well Ashley, I hope that your experiences are simply a phase in your life. I remember being rather homophobic when I was a teen. I don't know if its because sexuality is so new, peer pressure, or because the chemicals being released in the body are in overdrive but I remember being a total asshole back in junior high and high school in that regard. I didn't act out against any gay people but I do vividly remember having very negative thoughts towards them. So having that as a barometer for your opinion on men is a bit discouraging although I admit understandable. The teenage boy is a polarizing view on the absolute worst in men. Sex starved assholes who believe only in status, popularity, and define themselves on other people's opinion's and views. These traits usually linger as boys become men but they also diminish over time.

I hope that you keep an open mind about things though. Going to college or simply experiencing more that life has to offer might help. But if you are indeed happiest in life being alone I wish you nothing but the best. I just know that for myself I long for a companion, friend, partner, lover, whatever you want to call it. Someone I can spend time with and experience all the wonderful things in life. Sharing all of them along the way. I literally feel incomplete without it.

Yeah I hear you there! Every woman has three basic desires in life , one of which is to be romanced. Recently I read the book " Captivating ; How Gods True Love Can Free A Woman's Soul" which taught me all about it. I cry EVERYTIME I read this book. Mostly it talks about woman's three desires and how wounds in our lives crush or frustrate these desires.
I'd have to say that there are wounds in my life that have forced me to crush these desires.

10-15-2009, 09:35 PM
I mean life isn't Cinderella , and the Prince won't always fall in love with you. I'm alone and I'm perfectly fine , why would I need a boyfriend? Haha what bullshit , a total load of craaaaaap. I'm fine being alone I think relationships are stupid.

18 and you know it all, that's cute.

10-15-2009, 09:36 PM
I mean life isn't Cinderella , and the Prince won't always fall in love with you. I'm alone and I'm perfectly fine , why would I need a boyfriend? Haha what bullshit , a total load of craaaaaap. I'm fine being alone I think relationships are stupid.

18 and you know it all, that's cute.

It's cute that your also an 18 year old transsexual , so you know EXACTLY how I feel.

10-15-2009, 09:36 PM
To the OP please use paragraphs in the future it makes long posts easier to read instead of just a wall of text.

Ashley my friend is going through the same thing you described. She is a gorgeous looking 20yr old but she's only had 1 BF ever. Whenever she tells a new guy that is interested in her that she's trans but post op already they react poorly or just lose interest. It's gotten her down but she knows she just needs to spring back and keep looking for the right guy.

Well tell her FUCK finding the right guy.I mean life isn't Cinderella , and the Prince won't always fall in love with you. I'm alone and I'm perfectly fine , why would I need a boyfriend? Haha what bullshit , a total load of craaaaaap. I'm fine being alone I think relationships are stupid.

Lighten up Francine.

Just saying , 'cause I wouldn't blame the girls for what he's talking about.

I'm just saying too. Why so serious? God, I love teenagers and their dizzying swings of emotion.

10-15-2009, 10:45 PM
I really don't know if this is more a miscellaneous romance or if it should be a rant and rave. I don't know it just seems as of late I'm frustrated, annoyed, and sick of craigslist, and transsexual dating in general. First off about me, I'm a straight (yes i said STRAIGHT) male, mixed ethnicity, 25 yrs old, good looking, single and all that other Bull shit people write on CL. oh I'm disease and drug free(do like 420 tho). But yet half of em by making ad's while coke'd up, during a herpes outbreak. But I don't need the online ego stroke. I'm young goal oriented, have style, good looking, great sense of humor, and intelligent. I say this not to brag or build myself up, but to build up the reasons for my frustrations. I like transsexual women. My closets friends know this, and accept this, and its something that I have accepted. I don't feel as though I'm gay being as though i don't like men at all. I have no gay bashing, or hatred I'm just simply not attracted to other masculine men. At the same time let me add that men in wigs, and cd's are not the same as transsexuals, so all you gay men masquerading in a wig just so you can try to get some horny straight guy to fuck you STOP IT. Don't nobdoy wanna see you online looking like Evander Holyfield in a dress like that taco bell commercial. Your closet wig wearing and heels while your girlfriends out of town, is disrespectful to the real transsexual woman who take the leap of faith going again the grain of societies norms, in search of personal happiness. So you weekend warriors do not share in the same beauty, courage, or strength that a full on transsexual has. Now being as though these women, have went to great lengths to transform their outer self to reflect their inside self. It would be only right to classify them not as "males" thus why would a man that is attracted to them be labeled as someone who likes "males"? Makes no sense to me. But from this vicious cycle of prejudice, and "labeling" that goes on outside of the transsexual community. Then you have the all so discriminatory and malicious label of tranny chaser. Now don't get me wrong I believe that there are tranny chasers, Hell there are chubby chasers, black girl chasers, yellow fever fetish's.. ect.... But yet in still it seems as though once a man dates ONE transsexual, things don't work out and he happens to find an interest in similar ladies he instantly gets a label. Now why would ladies want to push away the one men that are on their side? Shit boggles my mind. I was in love with a transsexual woman, a former girlfriend for years. After things didn't work out, i dated another. Now im a tranny chaser. Funny because in high school I dated lots of Spanish girls. Never got labeled as a patina chaser? That was just a prefrence, thats it. Some woman like tall guys, some like light skin, white whatever your preference is thats your business. But seems to not be the case with transsexuals, one reason for this is that honestly to date a transsexual to a certain degree you have to "chase" them. Not in the sense of running after any skirt with a penis underneath it. But you cant just say " I like Spanish girls, let me go to a Spanish club tonight". That option isn't really available for transsexuals, outside of the Realms of Allahnah Starr, Jennifer Paris or Persia lace or one of those America's next tranny supermodel party events they throw. But even then you get into my next discouragement of dating transsexuals "escorting". Chances are if you meet a beautiful transsexual and she is very passable, beautiful, and independent, she probably escorts. I'm sorry to those ladies out there who do not, but I would say with out trying to stigmatize the majority of transsexual woman you will see that have the cosmetic work done have or do escort. Now how can you love the beauty and hate the work it took to get there? I mean these woman again were shunned from society, you can't transition working a regular 9 to 5 and not get stares, get ridiculed, get looked at like an animial in a zoo. Plus imagine the costs, these woman spend more on their bodies then most people make in a year. Where would they get this type of funding leagaling? and are they so wrong to flip being victims of men's sexual fetishes, used for pleasure then discared, into using those same men for financial gain to gain their independance from not only men like them but the society that shunned, and made it harder for them to live their lives in the way they feel they have the god given right too? No I don't feel they are wrong. And yes it is a hard thing to accept, but I understand. And i think men who date transexuals should try to understand and to realize that if your not in a postion too, ready willing and able to suplement this womans life in the same lifestyle she is accustomed to living, then you shouldn't have a jugment to make about an occupation that she had before she met you. BUT, again more BUTs and not the type that round wonderful type thats usually covered by a nice lace g string. The but that puts these ladies in the mental mindstate that if its not abotu money FUCK YOU. It seems thru escorting these ladies either devolop and emotional shell to shield themselves off from predators who will penetrate there defenses and break their hearts, or simply they feel like they can never trully find love and escorting is the only justice they have. But where does that leave men actually want to date and get to know them? How do they fit into this equation? Is it fair that we must go above and beyond dealing with all the issues we will get for being attracted to transexual woman, the internal struggle, then on top of it being ostresized by the ones we are going thru this pain for? I mean its almost like to prove to a transexual woman that you are a good man, you have to be SUPER man. Case in point. I went on a date with a Transexual woman, we went to dinner, a movie, then came back and chilled at her spot, SHE invited ME up. But once up were were on the couch kissing, and then things proceeded. Now at this point she was into it, then suddenly flipped talking about "I'm full of shit I want to fuck her, all men aren't shit, balh blah blah". Now I'm confused, i have shown my true charcter all night, now because I also have sexual deseires they negates everything I am, and was before this? Why can't I be free to just be a man. Sexual attraction comes from hetrosexual dates as well. I grew up surrounded by all woman men are men. My females relatives tell me the same stories mirroring of how men try to have sex. its just natrual. Does that make every man that has a sexual atttraction a creep? No of course not granted you weren't just talking about poltics then he whipped his dick out and hoping for a change he could believe in. Ok now maybe that would be creepy. But just expressing a desire to want to be intimate not in anyway a reflection of a man's character. No man is perfect, None, in the same sense no woman gg or ts is perfect as well. But in any relationship there must be comprimise, mutual respect, and communication. And all of those things take an open and clear mind. To go into things with no preconceived notions and to just judge on the deeds, actions, and person, Not preconceived thoughts, or expectations. I'm sorry for the rambling long rant but I wanted to really express this. I set out to just make a post saying I was home, chilling, looking to meet a beautiful, intelligent, stylish, transsexual woman to get to know and maybe go out for a lunch date, or smoke(420) if that was your thing. But I realized that i had a better chance of hitting the lottery then finding that on CL. So i wanted to voice my opinion on TS dating, and to get that off my chest. I gladly welcome any comments or opinions, and of course if a wonderfully intelligent lady has read this and and would like to get to know the author better, well i most certainly welcome that as well. Again I hope even this doesn't paint a picture in your head of someone who is perfect, because again I'm not here to get the sentimental points and be mr romantic. I'm just a man, nothing more nothing less. I like to have fun, go out to eat at different types of restaurants, read, movies, shoot pool, I smoke, and just chill. I'm black and Dominican mixed, so i love all ethnic woman, but am not biased. And wow if you read all this you are a cool ass person in my book, because even i would have waited for the cliff notes on this lol.

Yeah dawg, put some paragraph breaks in. You can go back and edit it, once you log in. And you have to skip lines to make paragraph breaks.

That being said, here's my take on the date you describe. She liked you enough to invite you up, after a long date. But once you get into she starts to feel guilty, and thinks about the dynamics of how many men feel, that women who give it up to them on the first date, are 'easy'. And she was probably played many times before. So she flips on you. It's really a test to see if you are about anything else, other than sex. If you were, then you would have gotten back with her to spend time with her outside of sex. If not, then you would leave her alone, thinking you won't get any. By the way, what was your follow up on that?

Men are horny yes, particularly young men. But do you have anything to offer a woman besides sex? Most any woman can get men to have sex with. So then, the trick is bringing something else to the table. Time is important, and not being so tight with your money is a great demonstration to the she has some real worth to you, and not just an outlet for your sexual needs. So many men complain about women using their money, but if a woman has not asked you to put her in a new house, it's not really that much. To have someone in your corner, to watch your back so to speak is invaluable,if you are 'the one'.

10-16-2009, 12:25 AM
Ashley just wants a boyfriend is all...why else would she keep stating these things as if she were convincing herself. She's just tired of playing the game, the game in the ts world is so much harder on the girls than any other. Most guys will do anything to get in their pants...and very few will stay even till breakfast...

And soul...I'm with you on most of your points. I'm on a ts dating site, and all the girls complain about guys just wanting sex. And while that's a huge part of a relationship to a guy...there's more to it. It's kind of hard this day and age to not expect sex on a date for a guy. But try...and I know this is crazy!!!...not having sex, and waiting...atleast a couple of dates. With ts woman especially, it shows them your dedication to finding a true gf.

Plus, it usaully catches the ladies attention...from what I've learned, not many guys really want to get to know their true selves. Keep them busy with conversation, teasing, activities, etc....to try and make it where sex isn't even an option. But there's a little bit of fine of a fine line...cause you still want to let her know that you want her...just don't don't be blatantly obvious about it.

And while your pants might be straining, it really gives you time to truly assess her personality and see if you two "click". If you really like her it will be fun...anticipation is foreplay to a girl anyway, just a bit old fashioned. Try not to even talk to the girl about sex until you know that it's a comfortable subject, light teasing is usually ok though..."mind fuck". And some girls have built up such a resistance to relationships it may be hard to crack the shell, but if you've landed the date...you're far enough along for it to work.

It is alot of work...not really something to do to just get laid, and they know that...but if you're looking for a relationship, relationships are work sometimes.

Really no different than if you were dating a gg.

Just my 2 cents...didn't mean to preach again, but it's worked for me.

And Ashley how do I change your mind? All men aren't inherently evil...hell, I'd love to take you out if I wasn't in this podunk college town. Just another year of school though... :wink:


10-16-2009, 12:36 AM
Ashley just wants a boyfriend is all...why else would she keep stating these things as if she were convincing herself. She's just tired of playing the game, the game in the ts world is so much harder on the girls than any other. Most guys will do anything to get in their pants...and very few will stay even till breakfast...

Chill with that I would NEVER want a boyfriend!

10-16-2009, 12:39 AM
Hmmm how bout a "manfriend" ? I'm all man baby. ;) lol

10-16-2009, 12:52 AM
Ashley, straight guys usually don't like transexuals. For the most part don't look at them as serious relationship material. I know most ts' don't like 'chasers' (god I hate the label) but I know that for every say 9 guys just after sex 1 really is looking for the right woman. I know, because I meet desperate guys every weekend looking for the right girl and getting nowhere. Granted, most ts admirers aren't comfortable with their orientation, but a few of us are and are proud to be with you.

To those guys who are worried about being labelled as gay or being socially outcast, don't. For me coming out was the best thing- NOBODY CARES!

10-16-2009, 01:04 AM
Ashley, straight guys usually don't like transexuals. For the most part don't look at them as serious relationship material. I know most ts' don't like 'chasers' (god I hate the label) but I know that for every say 9 guys just after sex 1 really is looking for the right woman. I know, because I meet desperate guys every weekend looking for the right girl and getting nowhere. Granted, most ts admirers aren't comfortable with their orientation, but a few of us are and are proud to be with you.

To those guys who are worried about being labelled as gay or being socially outcast, don't. For me coming out was the best thing- NOBODY CARES!

Once again .. I have no need for them anyways!

10-16-2009, 01:06 AM
Dear gawd...My eyes!

I'm going to come back tomorrow and try and read the OP.

Paragraphs people, for the love of god!

10-16-2009, 01:09 AM
But who will hold your purse uncomfortably while you try on clothes at stores ?
Or carry the vast amount of shoes you girls buy? Ashley we have uses. lol

10-16-2009, 01:14 AM
So what DO you want then? What would make Ashley happy?...cause you don't sound happy.

Nights of endless casual sex eventually get old...or you do. You don't want someone to share your life with?

I stick to the notion that everyone wants love...even if they can't admit it to themselves. Feel free to make an argument otherwise.

10-16-2009, 01:32 AM
And one more thing...

You can thank the rest of your kind for making me believe the things I do about that sort of thing.

Obviously you do believe in love...you just don't believe in men. There's a difference...and you're young, everyone's not the same....c'est la vie.

I'd like to hear about your past problems in love...but don't expect a response... Anyways Ashley, I hope you do find happiness...whatever that may be...I'm out

10-16-2009, 04:52 AM
People "start" messing around with dating and shit like that when they are young , like 13 14ish and even tough its kids stuff it lays the groundwork for more serious stuff later on.All of my friends have had SOMETHING because that's completely normal.So guys don't find me attractive or worth their time.SO what? I'm an independent intelligent girl and I don't need a scumbag boyfriend to make me feel good about myself.

I didn't have my first serious girlfriend until I was 17. I loved her dearly and still remember her fondly. But I stomped on her heart when I broke up with her, and I still think about that and feel badly about it to this day. I don't know why I did it. She was great. I just wanted to play the field.

Kids do stupid crazy stuff. Even hurtful stuff. There frontal lobes are not fully developed until they're 21, so they just don't foresee the consequences.

Mark my words, a few years from now, many of those guys who knew you when you were younger and available will be kicking themselves with regret that they had the chance to be with that beautiful tgirl Ashley and blew it.

Ashley, what about all the guys here who ADORE you? Doesn't that change your mind even a little about men?

10-16-2009, 06:29 AM
I didn't want for this to become some long drawn out thing. I'm just saying , I've never ever been in a serious relationship before and I think there is good reason for that! Guys just don't like me and I can't blame it on anything other than I'm not good enough.I mean honestly how many other girls on here have NEVER been in any sort of relationship? None just me.So ya' know I just decided that the relationship loving dating kissing thing isn't for me , and I'm fine with that it's just the way my life is. I'm just not good enough and I'm okay with that! I'm good enough for myself.

10-16-2009, 06:33 AM
But who will hold your purse uncomfortably while you try on clothes at stores ?
Or carry the vast amount of shoes you girls buy? Ashley we have uses. lol

Oh I know this all too well man.

10-16-2009, 06:39 AM
But who will hold your purse uncomfortably while you try on clothes at stores ?
Or carry the vast amount of shoes you girls buy? Ashley we have uses. lol

Oh I know this all too well man.


10-16-2009, 06:40 AM
I didn't want for this to become some long drawn out thing. I'm just saying , I've never ever been in a serious relationship before and I think there is good reason for that! Guys just don't like me and I can't blame it on anything other than I'm not good enough.I mean honestly how many other girls on here have NEVER been in any sort of relationship? None just me.So ya' know I just decided that the relationship loving dating kissing thing isn't for me , and I'm fine with that it's just the way my life is. I'm just not good enough and I'm okay with that! I'm good enough for myself.

Well, that's sounds pretty final. I'm giving up on love too then.

Love sucks!

10-16-2009, 06:43 AM
I didn't want for this to become some long drawn out thing. I'm just saying , I've never ever been in a serious relationship before and I think there is good reason for that! Guys just don't like me and I can't blame it on anything other than I'm not good enough.I mean honestly how many other girls on here have NEVER been in any sort of relationship? None just me.So ya' know I just decided that the relationship loving dating kissing thing isn't for me , and I'm fine with that it's just the way my life is. I'm just not good enough and I'm okay with that! I'm good enough for myself.

Well, that's sounds pretty final. I'm giving up on love too then.

Love sucks!


10-16-2009, 06:53 AM
So how much would it cost for you to come and do a private photo shoot for me?

(grinning wickedly)

10-16-2009, 06:57 AM
So how much would it cost for you to come and do a private photo shoot for me?

(grinning wickedly)

I'm guessing ..if you're really living in australia..it'd be real expensive..lol

10-16-2009, 07:08 AM
I always wanted to go to a Giants game. Passport's current. Just a return plane trip. Cheaper than a relationship can cost you, in some ways.

For time spent with Ashley, priceless.

10-16-2009, 08:42 AM
First off about me, I'm a straight (yes i said STRAIGHT) male,
Hilarious... as if capital letters will make it any more so.

Red: You're gonna fit right in. Everyone in here is innocent, you know that?

10-16-2009, 08:44 AM
I didn't have my first serious girlfriend until I was 17. I loved her dearly and still remember her fondly. But I stomped on her heart when I broke up with her, and I still think about that and feel badly about it to this day. I don't know why I did it. She was great. I just wanted to play the field.

Kids do stupid crazy stuff. Even hurtful stuff. There frontal lobes are not fully developed until they're 21, so they just don't foresee the consequences.

Mark my words, a few years from now, many of those guys who knew you when you were younger and available will be kicking themselves with regret that they had the chance to be with that beautiful tgirl Ashley and blew it.
I'm with you man. Well said and very true. This is so fucking spot on.

10-16-2009, 09:36 AM
So how much would it cost for you to come and do a private photo shoot for me?

(grinning wickedly)

I'm guessing ..if you're really living in australia..it'd be real expensive..lol

Reminds me of a joke...

Man says to a woman he's just met in a bar, "Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?"
"Why, sure!", she says.
"Would you sleep with me for twenty bucks?", he asks.
"Hell, no, what kind of woman do you think I am!?"
"We've already established you're a whore ...now we're just haggling over the price."

10-16-2009, 07:42 PM
I've learned that guys are more interested in the things I can do with my mouth than the things I can say.

what a great quote

Nicole Dupre
10-16-2009, 11:35 PM
I'm amazed at how plentiful these self-described tres cool yet ever-so-unique and sensitive guys are. Because here I thought Rockabilly was the only one with that special... something... to share... with a special... lady. Fate is so effing cruel.

10-16-2009, 11:48 PM
^ :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-17-2009, 12:02 AM
I've learned that guys are more interested in the things I can do with my mouth than the things I can say.

what a great quote

Yes ma'am!!!! :D

10-17-2009, 12:22 AM
girls, we are out there believe me. i just here the same shit each time. oh you believe in love, right? yes i do. gg/tg, whatever thats what i feel. i can not share when im in love. tg actually said to me, "honey, its a myth. no one ever lasts especially tgs. you know you will dump me eventually and where will i be" so please girls honesty, do many of you feel that the chance is so remote that u just accept that it will never happen? i tried the open relationship and died everytime she walked out the door. what is wrong with falling in love and building a life together. are we so halted in our intellect that we can not see that regardless of what u are, that love exits for all. i will never give up on that belief. i will live alone forever before sharing anyone or accepting anything less.

10-17-2009, 03:12 AM
I think the original poster brought up many valid points. The truth is dating is a btich, its fifty fifty on whether it will last or end up in a break up. Many good people get hurt regardless of gender. There are many guys and girls that hurt others regardless of gender. But that is to be expected when the heart is involved. So we learn from the experience and move on to the next opportunity for love.

10-17-2009, 03:57 AM
The poster is obviously very intelligent and he brings up some good points (though he uses awful, hard to read, stream-of-thought non-paragraphs).

Many girls that go into escorting tend to of started youngish, and its ridiculously expensive being a girl.

If the girls went to college etc its wouldn't be until their late 20's that they'd be financially solvent enough to afford all the expenses that being full-time means (surgeries etc, changing jobs etc)... and by that time its too late or they'd be totally miserable up to this point in their life.

Personally, I've dated both types of girls, and the conversations are much better with the later-transitioning girls (who work professional jobs) but the younger girls are simply more attractive and fun... hmph.

To make matters worse (as the poster mentioned), they've been burned so many times, they disdain the very guys whom are attracted to them.

10-17-2009, 04:18 AM
So you're damned if you do , and you're damned if you don't.

Drink up boys , here's to damnation.

10-17-2009, 04:39 AM
I've learned that guys are more interested in the things I can do with my mouth than the things I can say.

what a great quote

because it contradicts itself?

10-17-2009, 04:58 AM
I've learned that guys are more interested in the things I can do with my mouth than the things I can say.

what a great quote

because it contradicts itself?

No it doesn't.

10-17-2009, 05:03 AM
Ashley you use your mouth to say things , unless you're a telepath. ;)