View Full Version : Transgenders and Video Games

10-14-2009, 07:35 PM
I write a blog, and I'm looking to do interviews on Transgenders, Gender Issues, and Video Gaming. Namely MMORPGS, such as World of Warcraft.

I figured I would ask here first.

Do you play? Would be interested in doing a tasteful interview about your gaming habits, and experiences as a transgendered person? know any other forums that I can ask?

I am willing to plug stuff for you if you do my interview, and have links to your websites.

My email is cc0926(at)gmail.com

My blog is

10-14-2009, 09:06 PM
i play an mmorpg called eve=online... used to play wow for 2years... and i love my xbox360 shooting up zombies

10-14-2009, 09:16 PM
I used to play FFXI... then my ex-wife left me for a man she met on the game whom she then left for her current husband (bitch!). Now I avoid MMORPG's like the plague.

Is that what you had in mind? ;)


10-14-2009, 09:22 PM
What do you expect Bella , He was a level 75 Black Mage :lol:
His Firaga and Blizzaga spells are devastating.

10-14-2009, 09:41 PM
What do you expect Bella , He was a level 75 Black Mage :lol:
His Firaga and Blizzaga spells are devastating.

Actually he was a level 75 Elven Paladin while I was a level 55 Hume White Mage. lol


10-14-2009, 09:59 PM
Wow, I'm surprised any of you can get laid.

10-14-2009, 10:01 PM
Wow, I'm surprised any of you can get laid.

Are you kidding? She imported the guy all the way from Illinois! She was COUNTING on the fact that he couldn't get laid and so he drove halfway across the country for that pussy!

As for me, I'm pretty much celibate. lol


10-14-2009, 10:10 PM
Wow, I'm surprised any of you can get laid.

Laid? ... I'm very picky , i want a nerdy girl to recite love poetry to me ... in Klingon or Elveish. :D

10-14-2009, 10:11 PM
What do you expect Bella , He was a level 75 Black Mage :lol:
His Firaga and Blizzaga spells are devastating.

Actually he was a level 75 Elven Paladin while I was a level 55 Hume White Mage. lol


Ha, figures he was a paladin.

No one is REALLY lawful good IRL, and anyone who plays that way must be compensating for something.

10-14-2009, 10:11 PM
Wow, I'm surprised any of you can get laid.

i actually had an escort client last week come play xbox with me during the session he loved it.. we fucking had it large on LeftforDead .. twatting them zombies :)

10-14-2009, 10:28 PM
What do you expect Bella , He was a level 75 Black Mage :lol:
His Firaga and Blizzaga spells are devastating.

Actually he was a level 75 Elven Paladin while I was a level 55 Hume White Mage. lol


Ha, figures he was a paladin.

No one is REALLY lawful good IRL, and anyone who plays that way must be compensating for something.
I'm a nice guy irl as well as online Sarah , my white knight status knows no bounds. :D

10-14-2009, 10:29 PM
I would find it more believable if you said you play as a black guard, lol.

10-14-2009, 10:34 PM
I can't play evil ... it's just lame. I do it if there are branching story paths like in KotOR but it's a downer.

10-14-2009, 10:39 PM
Neutral evil is where its at, lawful good is usually far too predictable in RPG plots. The whole hero thing is way over played.

If every character was lawful good there wouldn't be any storylines to use in RPG's.

10-14-2009, 10:43 PM
im a gamer but dont play world of warcraft. im a comic book nerd so how could i not be a gamer haha

10-14-2009, 10:45 PM
True but an example in Fallout 3 ... if playing evil you blow up the town of Megaton ... that's a dick thing to do. I'd rather be the "savior of the wasteland".

10-14-2009, 10:46 PM
you play city of heroes online jesse? its a superhero mmorpg :)

10-14-2009, 10:48 PM
you play city of heroes online jesse? its a superhero mmorpg :)

thought about it but havent gotten the game yet

10-14-2009, 10:48 PM
True but an example in Fallout 3 ... if playing evil you blow up the town of Megaton ... that's a dick thing to do. I'd rather be the "savior of the wasteland".

That's why I said neutral evil instead of chaotic evil, in a well written storyline you have the independence to go "i'm bad but I'm not doing that shit."

10-14-2009, 10:52 PM
True but an example in Fallout 3 ... if playing evil you blow up the town of Megaton ... that's a dick thing to do. I'd rather be the "savior of the wasteland".

That's why I said neutral evil instead of chaotic evil, in a well written storyline you have the independence to go "i'm bad but I'm not doing that shit."

So true. Personality tests say I'm a 'Lawful Neutral' by the way. lol


10-14-2009, 10:57 PM
Fallout 3 has a great storyline. It's not a requirement to nuke Megaton but it's an evil option. DC universe online was coming ... but idk it's status now.

10-14-2009, 11:00 PM
chaotic evil for the win with dungeson and dragons :)

jesse you should get it ..its quite fun to play and the sequal city of villans.

libby x

10-14-2009, 11:03 PM
chaotic evil for the win with dungeson and dragons :)

jesse you should get it ..its quite fun to play and the sequal city of villans.

libby x
i may. im looking forward to ultimate alliance 2 for ps3

10-14-2009, 11:09 PM

FPS ftw ;)

10-14-2009, 11:09 PM
if you do get it let me know and i will kick your ass online :)

yeah i seen that game alliance 2 looks not bad indeed )

10-14-2009, 11:09 PM
Hey, who plays Guitar Hero?



10-15-2009, 12:02 AM
I used to play GH. Guitar Hero Van Halen comes out soon.

10-15-2009, 12:12 AM
I used to play GH. Guitar Hero Van Halen comes out soon.

Sweet! I'm so down!



10-15-2009, 12:16 AM
It's gotta come w/ Eddies signature guitar ... or they need to sell a faceplate of it. :D

I'm hoping for Guitar Hero - KISS w/ master recordings or redone by Kiss .

10-15-2009, 12:40 AM
If you like Rock and Roll, Brutal Legend is suppose to kick arse, here's a fellow bloggers post of the soundtrack.


I love fighting games, I'm old school though Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat.

FPS, I like them, but online play leaves me desiring something more then hearing my mother is a whore, for the 800th time for the 13th time.

Though I am more a MMORPG guy, I do enjoy the console games from time to time.

My MMORPG history is Dark Ages of Camelot, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, and I'm looking forward to Star Trek Online, and Star Wars the Old Republic.

As for your alignment, Yea Chaotic Evil is what I am...Waht are you?


10-15-2009, 12:59 AM
Plus Brutal Legend was done by Tim Schaefer and the great team at Double Fine. All his games are brilliant , Psychonauts is a fantastic game that should have sold more copies. And i constantly sing the praises of Bioshock and Fallout 3.

10-15-2009, 02:31 PM
Where to begin... you should be playing Rock Band. It is rumored that Queen will be having their own game coming out for RB. Next Spring, Super Street Fighter IV will be out, exclusively for consoles. And Jesse, DC Online should be out next year, so keep an eye out for it. I'm waiting for Ratchet & Clank, on the 27th!

10-16-2009, 02:26 PM
Super Street Fighter 2 back in the Arcade days is what started me down the path of video game addiction lol

10-16-2009, 03:51 PM
Overlord 2 is pretty nice.

10-17-2009, 02:19 AM
I played Overlord 2, I really liked the game, though the controls were meh. But I enjoy playing evil, and that was a fun kind of evil.

10-17-2009, 02:28 AM

10-17-2009, 02:33 AM
Wow Street Fighter vs Dead or Alive! Awesome jiggle physics. :D

10-17-2009, 02:36 AM
Yeah, even with her usual skinny legs Chun Li was stretching physicalities to do her spinning bird kick. With those tree trunks, I dunno.

Posted that pic for Kelly. She's a big Chun Li and that white chick off the Superman show.....Smallville-fan :)

10-17-2009, 12:03 PM
Wasn't one of the fighters in Dead or Alive suppose to be Transgendered?

10-17-2009, 12:46 PM

MMORPG - EVE looks kinda interesting, but then again....

FPS = Anti-Social

Fighters - Not sense Tekken 2

Metal Gear Solid - Yep

And of course my all time favorite gender of game -


Can't wait for GT5 to drop, been delayed again (so goes the rumors) until March 2010 :(

Its okay I'll just keep playing Race Driver GRID

10-18-2009, 12:15 PM
FPS=can be very social, you can kill stuff with a couple of your friends.

10-18-2009, 02:33 PM
Bioshock was a very social FPS , after playing it i can't stop talking about it. And i can't wait until part 2 comes out.

Plus the story , art direction/atmosphere and Plasmid abilities really place it above your standard FPS.

10-19-2009, 09:59 PM
Anybody like RTS games, Starcraft. SC2 I'm really looking forward to that one.

10-19-2009, 10:47 PM
FPS communities where very social and very active, good fun ... quake2 / quake 3 era :)

10-20-2009, 02:30 AM
Ah my quake days, I remember playing quake until 3am with my geek friends.

10-20-2009, 03:26 AM
The one game i played all day and well into the night was Knights of the Old Republic. I just kept going and going , the story and gameplay had me enthralled. I played so long the disc got burned and i had to get another copy.

10-20-2009, 08:26 AM
any one playing magic the gathering?

10-20-2009, 09:31 AM
I'm working through Brütal Legend and Arkham Asylum. Though I've got essay and exam work to get through so I haven't progressed too far in either. I like Brütal Legend better though, I'm a music nerd first and a pop culture fiend second, so having a game so devoted to rock 'n' roll culture appeals hugely to me.

Oh, also...

im a gamer but dont play world of warcraft. im a comic book nerd so how could i not be a gamer haha

Marry me?

10-21-2009, 04:07 AM
Use to play the actual magic the gathering card game, I haven't played it a while though.

George Clooney
10-23-2009, 06:29 PM
I know Linetrap plays Pokemon lol.

10-23-2009, 06:49 PM
I know Linetrap plays Pokemon lol.

lol :)

10-25-2009, 07:51 AM
God I hope not I would lose all respect for her.