View Full Version : Worst cop in America?

10-09-2009, 05:20 PM
Maybe not the worst, but he's up there....

* Shot his ex-wife's husband 24 times...in front of his children.

* Slams and beats a non-violent 15-year old kid because the kid's shirt is untucked.

* Is now in jail, accused of rape.


Dolton cop caught on camera in student's beating is in jail on rape charge
Christopher Lloyd's dad details May fight seen in video and says his son is charged in September sexual assault

By Kim Janssen and Jeremy Gorner

Tribune reporters

October 9, 2009

A Dolton cop caught on camera allegedly breaking a 15-year-old special needs student's nose for failing to tuck in his shirt has a troubling history that includes killing a man in a case of disputed self-defense and is now in an Indiana jail on an unrelated rape charge.

Christopher Lloyd, 38, was identified Thursday by his father Charles Lloyd and Dolton Mayor Ronnie Lewis as the officer who in May was recorded by a school security camera scuffling with 15-year-old, 140-pound Marshawn Pitts at the Academy for Learning in Dolton.

An attorney hired by Pitts' parents released the video this week, calling the incident an "unprovoked attack" on a vulnerable child. The video, which has no audio, appears to show the officer slamming Pitts against a locker, wrestling him to the ground and pinning him.

But speaking Thursday, Charles Lloyd said he had seen the video and discussed the incident with his son, who he said was "just trying to do his job as a police officer and is completely innocent."

"My son said, 'Sir, you need to tuck your shirt in,' and this boy (cussed at him and said) 'I'm not going to tuck my shirt in, you can't make me,' " Charles Lloyd said.

"That boy struck my son in the eye and broke his glasses -- he had a history of behavior issues," he alleged.

Christopher Lloyd was arrested last month and charged with sexually assaulting a woman he knew at her home in Hammond, his father said.

According to Lake County, Ind., court documents, he held a pillow over the woman's face while sexually assaulting her Sept. 14 and had previously threatened her with a knife.

Lloyd, who's being held in lieu of $110,000 bail, faces up to 20 years behind bars if convicted of rape, criminal deviate conduct, criminal confinement and sexual battery, said Diane Poulton, spokeswoman for Lake County's prosecutor.

A lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, Nicole McKinney, last summer alleges he gunned down her new husband Cornel McKinney in front of their children outside their home on Feb. 17, 2008.

A Robbins police officer at the time, Lloyd was suspended after the shooting but eventually found work with Dolton police in January, his father said.

Though an autopsy shows he shot McKinney 24 times, the lawsuit alleges, he was not charged because Chicago police accepted his explanation that he had acted in self-defense.

Chicago police spokesman Veejay Zala said details of the investigation into McKinney's death could not immediately be found Thursday, but McKinney's attorney, Rahsaan Gordon, said the latest series of allegations against Lloyd showed he shouldn't have been employed as a police officer.

"At some point, people in positions of power need to protect the public," Gordon said. "You have to ask why he was hired."

Lloyd was terminated after the incident, Lewis said Wednesday.

Dolton Police Chief Robert Fox declined to comment, citing pending lawsuits.



Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune

10-09-2009, 05:44 PM
Posted http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?p=757479&highlight=#757479

10-09-2009, 08:23 PM
He'll have a fun time in jail...

10-09-2009, 08:29 PM
I'm sure he'll be tucked in every night.

10-09-2009, 09:56 PM
He'll have a fun time in jail...not exactly I would assume that he would go to a psychiatric hospital I mean he shot the ex wifes husband 24 times in front of the kids. 1 bullet can kill a person 24 is brutal/ cruel.I do believe the dude is wacked out his mind...It reminds me of a cop that lived less than a mile down the road from me he killed his wife and himself leaving 3 children and I believe his mother behind. The end of the story came out to be that he has seen too many people die on duty and it was eating him from the inside out.(under pysch review) So maybe this is kind of the same situation about this guy too.

10-09-2009, 10:05 PM
He'll have a fun time in jail...not exactly I would assume that he would go to a psychiatric hospital I mean he shot the ex wifes husband 24 times in front of the kids.

Actually, that shooting was in 204. He was not prosecuted. He claimed self-defence, police bought it. His ex-wife is in the process of suing him over the killing. Yea, he shot a dude 24 times and got off!

10-09-2009, 10:06 PM
He'll have a fun time in jail...not exactly I would assume that he would go to a psychiatric hospital I mean he shot the ex wifes husband 24 times in front of the kids.

Actually, that shooting was in 204. He was not prosecuted. He claimed self-defence, police bought it. His ex-wife is in the process of suing him over the killing. Yea, he shot a dude 24 times and got off!Yeah i dont read stuff thats more than one paragraph ^_^
But yeah If Im shooting someone 24 times they better have a Kevlar vest and well yeah. lol

10-09-2009, 10:44 PM
He'll have a fun time in jail...not exactly I would assume that he would go to a psychiatric hospital I mean he shot the ex wifes husband 24 times in front of the kids.

Actually, that shooting was in 204. He was not prosecuted. He claimed self-defence, police bought it. His ex-wife is in the process of suing him over the killing. Yea, he shot a dude 24 times and got off!

Of course police brought it,especially Chicago Police,as crooked as the city is.The kid was a special need student,at a special needs school.He raped a woman,he won't be in anyones hospital,he'll be in jail in protective custody,still getting raped himself,daily.

10-10-2009, 12:09 AM
I would have said Lt. Justin McCarthy, Brookline, MA, but I guess I'm wrong.


10-10-2009, 01:08 AM
Oh there more to that story than I thought.

Dino Velvet
10-10-2009, 01:28 AM
He must have thought the film Bad Lieutenant was a training video.