View Full Version : Glenn Beck’s Show: Leftism Destroys African American....

10-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Yesterday on Glenn Beck’s show on Fox News, Fox Business Network analyst Charles Payne talked about the culture of victimization and hopelessness prevalent in African American communities today and the role leftism played in shaping it.
Payne commented on the tragic death of Chicago honor student Derrion Albert who was beaten to death in Chicago earlier this week. Derrion was a remarkable kid: he may have grown up in a poor household and neighborhood but he was determined to do well at school, worked hard, and took care of his grandmother after she was diagnosed with cancer. His most precious possession was his computer, which his family was able to buy him after saving for it for two years.
According to Payne, Derrion’s death wasn’t an accident but a sign of what’s wrong with African American culture today.
“When I was a kid,” he said explaining he grew up as an army brat, living a wonderful life until he was an army brat no more and the family moved to a ‘black neighborhood’ after his mother and father divorced, “we got beaten up every day for speaking like white people, sounding white, wearing the wrong clothes.”
“There’s just so much much pent up anger and animosity that these kids [i.e. like Darrion Albert] have to hide their intelligence” or face brutal beatings.
He recalled he always wanted to be a business man, which his mother knew, of course. So he studied hard, did his best, and tried to make something of himself. His mother wanted to encourage Payne so she bought him a plastic briefcase when he was 12 or 13 years old. He was delighted; he knew his mother didn’t have money, but she saved so she could buy this - admittedly cheap for our standards - briefcase for her son.
So he took it with him to school and… his classmates destroyed it. Why? Because Payne “acted white.”
“I believe a lot of this goes back to when black Americans accepted this liberal premiss that we’re not accountable for anything; that because we’re descendants from slaves, that you know, ‘it’s OK, it’s not your fault, you’re a victim’ - and they’ve created this sort of pool… you know it’s not just a physical ghetto I’m talking about but a mental, sort of barrier.
“Where, you see, OK Michael Vick is a victim of the justice system, not a person who committed a crime. That mentality is pervasive. You see it over and over, and it’s fed to us and it’s fed to us, and it’s fed to us - and we accept it. We take it.
“And at the end of the day what we’re getting for it: we wait for our welfare checks. We wait for it - people wait for it like ‘I wait for my check,’ like it’s something I worked for. And it has taken away everything; everything that God gave us innately - you know, when you put two people on an island they’re going to have certain things innately; they’re going to have the desire to survive, to thrive, to do better - all that is suppressed in our community. And what’s left is this sort of squalor.”
Watch it:



I do wonder why the president hasn't even addressed this issue even those he felt the strong need to push for the Olympics.

10-03-2009, 05:29 PM
I actually watched that segment that you are talking about. A lot of what Charles Payne said is true in my opinion. I was one of those smart black kids in school and didn't really conform to the stereotypes of black America. And for that I got ridicule by the other black kids. It happens I guess.

Dino Velvet
10-03-2009, 05:46 PM
I saw it too. It was pretty moving what Payne was saying. It's also tragic what happened to Derrion Albert. Gang members are scum.

10-03-2009, 05:49 PM
It does piss me off when other black talk proper its like why do you talk like you are white. Like really ask why they talk proper not white and it's not a crime really. But i'm still waiting on Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to say something meaningful right now.

Dino Velvet
10-03-2009, 05:52 PM
It does piss me off when other black talk proper its like why do you talk like you are white. Like really ask why they talk proper not white and it's not a crime really. But i'm still waiting on Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to say something meaningful right now.

They'll be too busy trying to come up with excuses for the people who killed that kid.

10-03-2009, 06:06 PM
It does piss me off when other black talk proper its like why do you talk like you are white. Like really ask why they talk proper not white and it's not a crime really. But i'm still waiting on Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to say something meaningful right now.

It pisses you off when black people talk proper? So are you saying that blacks should only speak in ebonics and after every sentence say "know what I'm sayin".

10-03-2009, 06:13 PM
Not every sentence. Only after every other sentence. The others can end with "yaknawaimean?". And hatespeech from Glenn Beck is hardly anything new. It's good that white kids who are brainy are never singled out for bullying. In the words of Ogre, "NERDS!"

10-03-2009, 06:39 PM
What the hell is talking proper??? Some of you.black and White are just as ignorant as Beck is.

10-03-2009, 07:05 PM
What the hell is talking proper??? Some of you.black and White are just as ignorant as Beck is.

Employing correct diction and having a command of vocabulary. I wish I had a dime for everytime someone said to me "Man, you sound like a white man!". Which suggests that only white people have a command of English.

10-03-2009, 07:06 PM
"Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to say something meaningful" I don't think that has happened since 1977.

10-03-2009, 07:20 PM
But i'm still waiting on Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to say something meaningful right now.

Well, it was a "black on black" crime, so don't hold your breath.

10-03-2009, 08:12 PM
Talk to me about proper English after you read Beowulf in the original text. Nobody speaks the language of Shakespear anymore. English is a mutt language with hundreds if not thousands of dialects. It changes with every generation. All language is invented by youngagers. It's all understandable if you listen & don't let yourself get distracted by irrelevancies like the color or age of the speaker. Want everybody to sound the same? Not going to happen, but it can be mitigated somewhat if the society stops segregating.

As for the Glen Beck:

It's pretty obvious that he's a high honors graduate from the mail order university of makinshitup. For the life of me, I can't think of a single reason why anyone would take him seriously. You'd have to be extremely gullible or just real hard up for entertainment to watch in the first place.

What the hell are we doing? The story tellers have become the story? Our social & political discourse has devolved to witchhunts & gossip? I can't speak for what's happening today, but when I was in kindergarten & first grade, Chicken Little & The Boy Who Cried Wolf were required reading (or listening). It's dropped to the point where we're not even up to that level. Pretty sad.

10-03-2009, 08:29 PM
What the hell is talking proper??? Some of you.black and White are just as ignorant as Beck is.

Employing correct diction and having a command of vocabulary. I wish I had a dime for everytime someone said to me "Man, you sound like a white man!". Which suggests that only white people have a command of English.
Yeah,same,or when you hear some of these closet racist state"He's so well spoken" Fact is..they lynched,and tortured blacks during slavery if they even thought you were trying to learn to read and write.They didn't approve of it then,they don't like it now.Fabric of this country is build on racism,it was then,it is now.

10-03-2009, 08:34 PM
What the hell is talking proper??? Some of you.black and White are just as ignorant as Beck is.

Employing correct diction and having a command of vocabulary. I wish I had a dime for everytime someone said to me "Man, you sound like a white man!". Which suggests that only white people have a command of English.
Yeah,same,or when you hear some of these closet racist state"He's so well spoken" Fact is..they lynched,and tortured blacks during slavery if they even thought you were trying to learn to read and write.They didn't approve of it then,they don't like it now.Fabric of this country is build on racism,it was then,it is now.

I agree Sugadaddie69

10-03-2009, 09:19 PM
Yeah,same,or when you hear some of these closet racist state"He's so well spoken"
I dont live in america so i dont know the reality. only from what i see on tv and thats easily warped...

But isnt it sad when its worth special mentioning that a black person is "well spoken"? Does that make you a racist?

10-04-2009, 05:54 AM
What the hell is talking proper??? Some of you.black and White are just as ignorant as Beck is.

Employing correct diction and having a command of vocabulary. I wish I had a dime for everytime someone said to me "Man, you sound like a white man!". Which suggests that only white people have a command of English.

I still here that shit today from people 40+, in ATL where there are alot of affluent blacks.

10-04-2009, 06:44 AM
Beck's investigative journalism was the single force that brought Van Jones to light, and resignation. Along with breitbart and its investigative team ACORN has been brought to scrutiny, along with 6 other Czars of dubious background. So you can try to discredit the guy, but he is doing the job the State run media refuses to do. He will be remembered in history as a patriot, and one who asked the tough questions when no one else was willing....

Have another sip of cool-aid?

10-04-2009, 07:03 AM
Beck's investigative journalism was the single force that brought Van Jones to light, and resignation. Along with breitbart and its investigative team ACORN has been brought to scrutiny, along with 6 other Czars of dubious background. So you can try to discredit the guy, but he is doing the job the State run media refuses to do. He will be remembered in history as a patriot, and one who asked the tough questions when no one else was willing....

Have another sip of cool-aid?
You're an idiot. Beck is a liar and a fraud. Even the Republican party is trying to distance itself from him and his tactics. ACORN is a big empty nothing of a story, and people who buy into all this nonsense about "czars" are fuckin' retarded. You're a tool.

10-04-2009, 07:25 AM
You're an idiot. Beck is a liar and a fraud. Even the Republican party is trying to distance itself from him and his tactics. ACORN is a big empty nothing of a story, and people who buy into all this nonsense about "czars" are fuckin' retarded. You're a tool.

Lol, well excuse me for disagreeing with you, but I am not an idiot. Ok who brought the Van Jones issue to light? Answer me that, good place to start.

ACORN is sucking billions of tax payer dollars and spending them on a slanted political position. They refuse to allow there books to be audited, and are in huge part responsible for the banking mortgage crises we incurred. Something about investigating community organizers that bothers you?

And yes the Republican party should be distancing itself from Beck, cause the Republicans are as much to blame for our current political situation as the Democrats, and they're crimes will be disclosed. Truth cannot be disputed.. Van Jones was an admitted communist advising our President. Sorry but thats un-acceptable.

So Americans have woken up, you can call us idiots all you want. But were patriots, and your gonna find there are a lot of us.. and Republicans and Democrats are gonna fall by our peaceful swords. Were done with this bullshit.. Back to the Constitution we were founded by.. for the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE.. the power belongs in the states, not the federal government!

10-04-2009, 08:00 AM
"You're a tool." Are you sure you haven't been on VH1 before raybbaby.

10-04-2009, 08:40 AM
It's amazing the level to which political discourse has nose dived. The country's going to hell, I can't get a politician, or the media for that matter to actually answer the questions that I have about what the fuck's going on and what the people we've elected are going to do about it.

We've got members of congress calling us crazy because we want them to tell us they're reading the bullshit they're shoving down our throats. I think there are way too many in government that buy in to Bill Mahr's way of thinking that (paraphrasing here) - the American people are too stupid to know what's good for them, so you just need to drag them kicking and screaming.

As far as the Glenn Beck thing, I disagree with him on MANY things, but I find it odd that he and other non-mainstream media members are doing the kind of investigative journalism that I would have expected from the big news papers and news channels. He definitely puts a bit of a crazy spin on things, but if you look at the information he gives you, and do a little digging on your own, it's sobering how decidedly uncrazy he sounds after all.

And if all the above makes me a 'Tool', oh well, I've been called worse by my elected representatives already anyway.

10-04-2009, 08:49 AM
“When I was a kid,” he said explaining he grew up as an army brat, living a wonderful life until he was an army brat no more and the family moved to a ‘black neighborhood’ after his mother and father divorced, “we got beaten up every day for speaking like white people, sounding white, wearing the wrong clothes.”
“There’s just so much much pent up anger and animosity that these kids [i.e. like Darrion Albert] have to hide their intelligence” or face brutal beatings.
He recalled he always wanted to be a business man, which his mother knew, of course. So he studied hard, did his best, and tried to make something of himself. His mother wanted to encourage Payne so she bought him a plastic briefcase when he was 12 or 13 years old. He was delighted; he knew his mother didn’t have money, but she saved so she could buy this - admittedly cheap for our standards - briefcase for her son.
So he took it with him to school and… his classmates destroyed it. Why? Because Payne “acted white.”...

Prisons need prisoners more than they need locks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment).

10-04-2009, 09:05 AM
Anybody who thinks Glenn Beck does investigative journalism is a fucking idiot. When KO nicknamed Beck 'Lonesome Rhodes' from 'A Face in the Crowd' he nailed it.

10-04-2009, 09:11 AM
Anybody who thinks Glenn Beck does investigative journalism is a fucking idiot. When KO nicknamed Beck 'Lonesome Rhodes' from 'A Face in the Crowd' he nailed it.

Wait a sec, someone's giving me shit by using Keith Olbermann as a source??? It's civilized conversations like this that remind me why I like Scotch so much.

--Not really taking this personally, I just think it's funny--

10-04-2009, 09:12 AM
Anybody who thinks Glenn Beck does investigative journalism is a fucking idiot. When KO nicknamed Beck 'Lonesome Rhodes' from 'A Face in the Crowd' he nailed it.

Finding investigative journalism on cable news channels, of any network, is like trying to find Peter Murphy at a Twilight convention.

10-04-2009, 10:16 AM
Lol, name one person who does anything "investigative" without a bias or a drive for ratings....

Sometimes people take this stuff way too seriously. Look, people are human, they are gonna do whatever it takes to make them money.

10-04-2009, 12:10 PM
Lol, name one person who does anything "investigative" without a bias or a drive for ratings....

Bill Moyers

Sometimes people take this stuff way too seriously. Look, people are human, they are gonna do whatever it takes to make them money.

10-04-2009, 01:13 PM
Firstly, Beck is a Mormon. Secondly, blacks beware. He is laying out a persuasive argument for genocide. One that resonates with a faily large segment of Americans.

10-04-2009, 02:26 PM
I'm confused what Beck being Mormon has to do with anything.... but if you actually listen to his show, he's advocating the exact opposite of genocide.

Like a lot of people, he's all for hopenchange, but his hopenchange is less government intrusion in our personal lives and increased individual responsibility.

Where in the world is the genocide idea coming from?

10-04-2009, 02:59 PM
What the hell is talking proper??? Some of you.black and White are just as ignorant as Beck is.

Employing correct diction and having a command of vocabulary. I wish I had a dime for everytime someone said to me "Man, you sound like a white man!". Which suggests that only white people have a command of English.
Yeah,same,or when you hear some of these closet racist state"He's so well spoken" Fact is..they lynched,and tortured blacks during slavery if they even thought you were trying to learn to read and write.They didn't approve of it then,they don't like it now.Fabric of this country is build on racism,it was then,it is now.

riiiiight blacks talk like tards in england too, just listen to a guy named dizee rascal, they got no excuse there. they make being a dumbass cool because it levels out the playing field

10-04-2009, 03:02 PM
haha wow didnt know so many blacks were into trannies, here i thought the token negros were slic and that one faggot blkgsr

yeah i just find the idea of black tranny chasers humerous, i still laugh at the sight of black gay guys too

10-04-2009, 03:10 PM
Secondly, blacks beware. He is laying out a persuasive argument for genocide. One that resonates with a faily large segment of Americans.

You have got to be kidding me.... could you post the text to that argument?

10-04-2009, 03:18 PM
Secondly, blacks beware. He is laying out a persuasive argument for genocide. One that resonates with a faily large segment of Americans.

You have got to be kidding me.... could you post the text to that argument?blacks like him have some kinda complex that the evil white man deep down just wants exterminate the black man and that he also invented aids in a lab rofl

hes like that one black dude with the white dreds from the cnn video you can find on youtube calling for the extermination of white people

10-04-2009, 04:01 PM
1)Nobody in the media does what they are supposed to do!! I keep preaching this---- we have become a society of groups: rich, poor, whites, minorities, conservatives,liberals, dems, republicans, gays, straights, trannies, chasers, and they ALL have conflicting agendas that pervert their view of things. EVERY story you hear whether it comes from the left or the right or the government needs to be taken with a grain of salt, because basically everybody ultimately wants money.

2) I went to a predominantly black high school in the south, and although it was long ago, nobody hated on the smart folk. We consistently had more scholarships than the other schools in the city. My senior year we had a National Merit, National Achievement, several Morehead scholars etc. So although it can happen, it shouldn't be taken as the norm. Hell even Ice-Ts boys wanted him to get out of the (gangster)game when he got a chance, so I think the blacks that get angry at others trying to better themselves is the minority.

3) There's a difference between a black neighborhood and the ghetto

4) It's insulting and sad to think some blacks have regressed to think knowing how to use the language properly is a white thing! BUT, just because you know how to speak doesn't mean you understand when to speak. When in Rome... I use "ain't" alot, but I know not to use it in a term paper or in english class. I don't speak "proper" as you call it, around hoodlums, and I don't speak ghetto on job interviews. It's called using your brain, not just having one.

5) Personally I can't stand the pervasive attitude among blacks that being a dumbass is cool--- elevating thugs and ex-cons to hero status. They call this street cred and they claim it's necessary in hip-hop. That's not hip-hop, that's ignorance. Remember when Run said "You don't even know your english, your verbs or nouns"? Hip hop is supposed to showcase your COMMAND of the english language, but today you guys praise people who can't even form sentences, much less use similes and metaphors.

10-04-2009, 04:26 PM

10-04-2009, 04:35 PM

Rofl... MSNBC is calling Fox news political? Hello, ... Kettle???

Eric Burns is a political communications and strategy professional with more than a decade of experience working in local, state, and national politics. He most recently served as the communications director for the House Rules Committee and ranking member Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY). Prior to that, Burns was the primary spokesman and a senior adviser to Rep. Chris Bell (D-TX). A former investment banker, Burns holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Texas at Austin and is the President of Media Matters for America.

A life long democrat who doesn't like Fox News... wow

10-04-2009, 07:04 PM
Anybody who thinks Glenn Beck does investigative journalism is a fucking idiot. When KO nicknamed Beck 'Lonesome Rhodes' from 'A Face in the Crowd' he nailed it.

Wait a sec, someone's giving me shit by using Keith Olbermann as a source??? It's civilized conversations like this that remind me why I like Scotch so much.

--Not really taking this personally, I just think it's funny--

So you were drunk when you defended Beck? Ok. no worries. We're all idiots when we're loaded.

You weren't the only one who referred to Beck's manure shoveling as investigative journalism. Btw, saying I was using Olbermann as a source is misleading. I simply gave him credit for coming up with the perfect nickname for the lunatic Beck. I realize Keith is ideologically driven, but he's not insane like Beck. Have you seen 'A Face in the Crowd'? One of Elia Kazan's best, imo - on par with his 'On the Waterfront'. Beck IS Lonesome Rhoades.

This Beck guy is a snake oil salesman. He whips the dumbest and craziest among us into a towering rage in order to generate followers and make buckets of money. When one of his nutjobs starts shooting, Beck will sit back and say innocently "who, me? I didn't have anything to do with it". Then he'll probably start his phony weeping act for the victims.

10-05-2009, 09:23 AM

10-05-2009, 09:25 AM

10-05-2009, 01:14 PM

10-05-2009, 01:55 PM
If you take away the people saying the initial message and FOCUS on the actual message you will see there is a deep problem here. The topic touches on an African American male, an honor student if you will whose life was taken by peers with a weaker view on life. What the topic needed to say is that African Americans are not the only nationality that things like this occur in. Caucasians, Asians, Indians, and Hispanics all have similar incidents that have taken place, you don't hear about them because let's face it if you're a tv producer and you want ratings what makes more people tune in an African American male that was brilliant losing his life to thugs, or an Asian honor student losing his life to wanna be members of Yakuza?!?

What the media needs to focus on are holding the school safety staff and the administration responsible for letting this get out of hand; because like it or not this had to partially be fueled in a classroom and some teacher would've spoken up possibly preventing this situation. If the media had done this: the way they over analyzed Madoff for his scheme, or Clinton for his hidden room blowjobs from a portly intern, possibly other school systems around the country might have taken notice that if they don't treat this ongoing nationwide problem that they will be put on blast...... the media did not.

Instead they made ratings..............

10-05-2009, 04:47 PM
I'm amazed by the number of people in this thread who claim to be great with grammar yet cannot properly use an adverb.

"Speak properly"

10-05-2009, 05:37 PM
Getting back to the original post. I hate to admit but generally speaking I agree with Mr. Payne. I grew up in Chicago, and had the same experiences. Its sad but true. But the biggest problem is that few want to face it, because nobody (regardless of your background) really wants to come off as if they think they are better than others.

Bill Cosby thankfully has taken up this issue and dispite what you hear from Micheal Eric Dyson and other professional race baiters, Cosby has been enthusiastically supported among many many black americans.

Blacks and hispanics are easily sterotyped by the media. To find ignorant minorities you just have to step out side the studio door; to find ignorant and poor whites you have to get off the highway in some forgotten small town(of which there are many). Many times Ive seen reporters ignore working and middle class blacks and put the mike infront of the most obviously ignorant black person they can find when looking for "man in the street comments".