View Full Version : Beck and Limbaugh Go to HELL

10-03-2009, 09:16 AM
Ya know, when the whole 9/11 horror was unfolding, I was of course riveted to the TV. As part of the networks coverage, clips were shown from various cities around the world of people stunned in disbelief and anguish. One clip in particular showed a woman from Tehran or some other apparently Middle Eastern locale walking down the street doing that LaLaLaLa yodeling ululation thing that they do when they get excited. And I thought, well, fuck me, this is terrible, how in the world could anybody possibly be so gleeful over such horrific devastation? Boy, I hope I never have to see anything like THAT again.

Well, guess what folks, I just did. Chicago was passed over in the bid to host the 2016 Olympics, and where true patriots were disappointed at the loss for their nation, over on the far right, the champagne corks were popping as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck were yodeling away like banshees. The city of Chicago and the nation of USA just missed out on a multi mega million dollar opportunity stretching over the next 7 years for jobs and financial stimulus to a badly crippled economy, and these two lowlife blowhard windbags are pissing all over themselves in extacy.
It boggles the mind.

Now, ordinarily I'm not a big proponent of all the fairy tale bullshit that people deem to be The Truth that's in the bible, but in this case I find myself hoping they're right for once because there's gotta be a special place in the bowels of Hell where these two reprehensibly poor excuses for humanity will suffer and burn in eternal damnation.

Pardon the rant....but these scumbags really frost my flakes

10-03-2009, 09:48 AM
Don't know how you can compare 9/11 to Chicago being turned down for the Olympics?

10-03-2009, 09:53 AM
Who cares, I don't I'm drunk like a true american on a friday night.

10-03-2009, 09:56 AM
Also Fox News is now in wide screen so it feels like I'm watching a movie when I'm watching their crazy lies. When I watch MSNBC's lies its not in wide screen so it doesn't feel as movie like. LOL

10-03-2009, 09:56 AM

10-03-2009, 12:51 PM
The city of Chicago and the nation of USA just missed out on a multi mega million dollar opportunity stretching over the next 7 years for jobs and financial stimulus to a badly crippled economy, and these two lowlife blowhard windbags are pissing all over themselves in extacy.

might need to check the numbers, but i don't think any city has made money on the olympics lately.

10-03-2009, 01:05 PM

10-03-2009, 03:10 PM
Don't know how you can compare 9/11 to Chicago being turned down for the Olympics? EZ makes a legitimate point. The comparison is obviously not between the 9/11 events and losing the Olympics. The comparison is between the reactions to 9/11 in certain radicals in Middle Eastern cities and reactions to losing the Olympics by certain radicals in the U.S. In both cases the reaction was "glee." In both cases, the reaction was inexplicable. In both cases the reaction was not to events themselves but to the symbolism of the events: in the former case defiance of America and in the latter defiance of the President. In both cases the gleeful have to regard themselves apart from those actually affected. Glen Beck et.al. have to be regarding themselves as republicans first and Americans last to find this occasion joyous. The celebration only underscores the real source of partisan rot that infects our country today.

10-03-2009, 05:22 PM
Every city the olympics has "honored" has been left in financial ruin. The IOC did Chicago a favor by turning to Rio, and besides there has never been an olympics south of Mexico City.. do you really think the US is entitled to our eighth before they have there first?

So if you want to share in the 44 billion deficit that was left in Beijing, I guess it wouldn't be so bad... because thats who would be loaning you the money.

10-03-2009, 06:01 PM
Don't know how you can compare 9/11 to Chicago being turned down for the Olympics? EZ makes a legitimate point. The comparison is obviously not between the 9/11 events and losing the Olympics. ....... underscores the real source of partisan rot that infects our country today.

Thanx, trish...couldn't have replied to it more fundamentally myself.

As to the fiscal aspect, I was a bit too loaded last nite to do any extensive research, but I had heard that a tidy profit was made in both Atlanta and Salt Lake City.
The point is moot...these two clowns don't give two shits for the Games anyway...they're creaming their jeans because that Black Man in the White House actually tried to do something besides clearing brush and was turned down

10-03-2009, 06:02 PM
Every city the olympics has "honored" has been left in financial ruin. Oh, so that's why all the radical right wingers were so snidely gleeful. They were merely happy that we avoided financial ruin and Rio didn't. I glad to know their hearts are in the right place after all. :roll:

10-03-2009, 06:26 PM
there has never been an olympics south of Mexico City.. do you really think the US is entitled to our eighth before they have there first?

Melbourne 1956?

Sydney 2000?

10-03-2009, 07:03 PM
The revulsion is over attitudes, where ideology & political expediency take precidence over all else. If you root for your nation to fail, for whatever reason, it's hard to take you seriously when you lecture others on patriotism.

As for the money:

It's a long term investment, with even longer term residuals. It's a huge boon for the host city because the spending starts immediately after the announcement, & the money continues to flow for years after the 2 week event. I'm not even sure if it can fully accounted. It's not all about ticket sales.

Congradulations to our friends in Brazil. Get your party on. You're in for quite a ride.

10-03-2009, 08:18 PM
Glenn Beck, hes a pretty good actor if you ask me!

10-03-2009, 08:20 PM
there has never been an olympics south of Mexico City.. do you really think the US is entitled to our eighth before they have there first?

Melbourne 1956?

Sydney 2000?

My bad... south of Mexico City "in South America"...

10-03-2009, 08:25 PM
Every city the olympics has "honored" has been left in financial ruin. Oh, so that's why all the radical right wingers were so snidely gleeful. They were merely happy that we avoided financial ruin and Rio didn't. I glad to know their hearts are in the right place after all. :roll:

Firstly who said anything about wings? Must be tough carrying all that anger around... have a nice a nice glass of wine, kick your shoes off and have some fun.

10-03-2009, 08:54 PM
Hey, all I said was I'm happy to know you weren't being unpatriotic. No anger there, just relief.

10-03-2009, 09:09 PM
Beck, Limbaugh, O'Really, Hannity, et. al. are already in hell. Think about how much money they have, and the (admittedly mindless) throngs of unquestioning fans/supporters they have. Now ask yourself, can you even think of someone who is more miserable than these types? Really?

10-03-2009, 11:22 PM
Ya know, when the whole 9/11 horror was unfolding, I was of course riveted to the TV. As part of the networks coverage, clips were shown from various cities around the world of people stunned in disbelief and anguish. One clip in particular showed a woman from Tehran or some other apparently Middle Eastern locale walking down the street doing that LaLaLaLa yodeling ululation thing that they do when they get excited. And I thought, well, fuck me, this is terrible, how in the world could anybody possibly be so gleeful over such horrific devastation? Boy, I hope I never have to see anything like THAT again.

Well, guess what folks, I just did. Chicago was passed over in the bid to host the 2016 Olympics, and where true patriots were disappointed at the loss for their nation, over on the far right, the champagne corks were popping as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck were yodeling away like banshees. The city of Chicago and the nation of USA just missed out on a multi mega million dollar opportunity stretching over the next 7 years for jobs and financial stimulus to a badly crippled economy, and these two lowlife blowhard windbags are pissing all over themselves in extacy.
It boggles the mind.

Now, ordinarily I'm not a big proponent of all the fairy tale bullshit that people deem to be The Truth that's in the bible, but in this case I find myself hoping they're right for once because there's gotta be a special place in the bowels of Hell where these two reprehensibly poor excuses for humanity will suffer and burn in eternal damnation.

Pardon the rant....but these scumbags really frost my flakes

I agree with the posters sentiments about Rush Limbaugh. He has said many dispicable things. However, I want to clear up one image. While there may have been an image on the news of a happy woman in Terhan after the 9/11, the reality is, that 100,000 people there, got together in support of the US right after the attacks with a candlelight vigil or something.

10-04-2009, 12:15 AM
It wasn't only Beck and Lardass Blowbag. Malkin, McCormack Erick Erickson and others were crowing the same happy tune. Many were repeating the talking point "Obamalympics" and "The Ego has landed". Sounds like a coordinated Repug effort to me. Their joy is in the thought that this is a major blow and another PR failure for Obama. They see Chicago getting the olympics as a political payback for Obama. Malkin made the remark that now that he's lost the Obamalypics, next on to Obamacare. These bastards just plain want this man to fail. If you really want to get your bowels in an uproar, follow this link:

http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/news/2009/09/full_text_of_newsmax_column_suggesting_military_co .php?ref=mp

This was pulled off the web yesterday off of Newsmax's website. If this isn't treason and sedition by the Right, I don't know what's left.

Willie Escalade
10-04-2009, 12:21 AM
might need to check the numbers, but i don't think any city has made money on the olympics lately.
Good thing Los Angeles turned a profit back in 1984!

Dino Velvet
10-05-2009, 06:08 AM
Hey, nuts to that noise, Fox News Haters. The real nut at the network is Mike Huckabee. He had Lynyrd Skynyrd on his show this week. He looked Johnny Van Zant dead in the eye and told him their latest CD, God & Guns, was their best album yet. I thought he was about to tell Johnny that Ronnie couldn't hold his jock strap. Johnny Van Zant Skynyrd is better than no Skynyrd but Ronnie was the God Of Southern Rock. Gregg Allman's pretty good too.

10-05-2009, 02:19 PM
Look into who owns the land in ill. and who profits if the games are held there!

10-05-2009, 10:08 PM
Look into who owns the land in ill. and who profits if the games are held there!
