View Full Version : "Let's Talk Poly"/What You want to do?

10-02-2009, 02:27 PM
The paradigms of the old age are either dying or already gone. Were starting to get back to how things were before this current age/order. Monogamy doesn't work. At first it feels good, but it gets old and you find yourself going outside of the relationship a lot of the times hurting your mate or vise versa. So the question is: how would you fell if you man told you that in order to be with him youd have to accept the fact that he is able to (and will likely) love someone else simultaneous with you? Can you see yourself being in an open relationship? Or maybe a relationship that involves you (a ts woman), him and a gg.

My girl knew that I had, both, a love for all types of women and that I had these feelings about polyamory. She said that she could handle it, but it turned out to be too much for her. I lost some real love over that and was hurt to the point that I felt that I wish I never met her. Were cool now and we get together every now and then, but she couldn't handle the love. She was too territorial, I guess. Either that or she was just too stuck in the idea of monogamous love. So how do you feel ladies; is that something that you can handle? Tell me about it :)