View Full Version : Harman challenges Arnold Schwarzenegger...

10-01-2009, 08:05 AM
...to shut down prostitute site PunterNet

Harriet Harman squared up to the Terminator today, challenging Arnold Schwarzenegger to close down a website she called “TripAdvisor for pimps”.

The Equalities Minister condemned PunterNet, a site which allows men to compare and rate prostitutes, as “the ultimate commodification of women”.

The business is based in California but lists women "for sale" in the UK and Ms Harman challenged the State’s Governor, Mr Schwarzenegger, to shut it down.

She told a cheering conference hall in Brighton: “Surely it can’t be too difficult for the terminator to terminate PunterNet. If he doesn’t I’ve got a message for Arnie – I’ll be back!”


Nicole Dupre
10-01-2009, 08:40 AM

10-01-2009, 09:26 AM
hariot harman is just an imbocile and the public know it ... but lets be honest it looks like labour are being slung out in the next election anyway :) hell even the Sun paper is now backing conservative and they have always been a labour in favour paper :)

It was also ms Harman who changed the prostitution laws in uk that means 2 girls can now no longer share a flat to work from legally as they are running brothel ... she would rather all the girls be alone ... insane twat she is indeed ..

10-01-2009, 07:07 PM
It was also ms Harman who changed the prostitution laws in uk that means 2 girls can now no longer share a flat to work from legally as they are running brothel ... she would rather all the girls be alone ... insane twat she is indeed ..

Work alone? No, she just wants them to go out and get married if they want someone to live with to split the bills. :banghead

There are cities here in the US that have similar regulations, but usually the # is more than 2. When they're enforced, it can make life hell for girls wanting to rent a house together while in college.