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View Full Version : Would You Marry A TG ?

09-21-2009, 08:59 PM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?

09-21-2009, 09:04 PM
sure..i guess...why not.

09-21-2009, 09:04 PM
No. I´m basically against marriage.

09-21-2009, 09:05 PM

09-21-2009, 09:07 PM
That would depend on how good a cook she was...

Of course, I'd marry her if we were compatible together. I'd have to connect on a level other than sex but the same applies to GG's also.

09-21-2009, 09:12 PM
No and here is why not.
How many of you have seen guys who are happy and who have a great sex life marry amazing girls.....only to see them 3 years later a shell of who they once were, undersexed and unhappy with a pig of a wife?
So not that I wouldn't marry a TS girl it's just that I wouldn't marry any girl. It's a suckers bet. A guy has every thing to loose and next to nothing to gain from getting married.

09-21-2009, 09:17 PM
No and here is why not.
How many of you have seen guys who are happy and who have a great sex life marry amazing girls.....only to see them 3 years later a shell of who they once were, undersexed and unhappy with a pig of a wife?
So not that I wouldn't marry a TS girl it's just that I wouldn't marry any girl. It's a suckers bet. A guy has every thing to loose and next to nothing to gain from getting married.

What about the girl who thinks she's marrying a great guy only to end up with some beer-swilling slob who sits in front of the TV watching Springer all day?

It goes both ways, you know?

09-21-2009, 09:19 PM
No and here is why not.
How many of you have seen guys who are happy and who have a great sex life marry amazing girls.....only to see them 3 years later a shell of who they once were, undersexed and unhappy with a pig of a wife?
So not that I wouldn't marry a TS girl it's just that I wouldn't marry any girl. It's a suckers bet. A guy has every thing to loose and next to nothing to gain from getting married.

I just think people around you or people you know could have lived this kind of thing... but the marriage is not as chaotic as u think i though i don't know i never been married

09-21-2009, 09:20 PM
No and here is why not.
How many of you have seen guys who are happy and who have a great sex life marry amazing girls.....only to see them 3 years later a shell of who they once were, undersexed and unhappy with a pig of a wife?
So not that I wouldn't marry a TS girl it's just that I wouldn't marry any girl. It's a suckers bet. A guy has every thing to loose and next to nothing to gain from getting married.

What about the girl who thinks she's marrying a great guy only to end up with some beer-swilling slob who sits in front of the TV watching Springer all day?

It goes both ways, you know?

True !

09-21-2009, 09:29 PM
Oh yeah the chubby chick could marry the chubby guy who one day decides to get his ass in shape and drops 50lbs and starts dressing better. I've seen that as well.
Long story short, there is absolutely no reason for a chick to keep up her end of the deal once she is married.
She can deny the poor guy sex, pack on the pounds, spend his cash wait for him to cheat then take him to court and rape his sorry ass for the rest of his life.
What is the perk of a guy getting married?
Name one?

09-21-2009, 09:32 PM
Oh yeah the chubby chick could marry the chubby guy who one day decides to get his ass in shape and drops 50lbs and starts dressing better. I've seen that as well.
Long story short, there is absolutely no reason for a chick to keep up her end of the deal once she is married.
She can deny the poor guy sex, pack on the pounds, spend his cash wait for him to cheat then take him to court and rape his sorry ass for the rest of his life.
What is the perk of a guy getting married?
Name one?

Awwww you so negative lol

09-21-2009, 09:37 PM
Oh yeah the chubby chick could marry the chubby guy who one day decides to get his ass in shape and drops 50lbs and starts dressing better. I've seen that as well.
Long story short, there is absolutely no reason for a chick to keep up her end of the deal once she is married.
She can deny the poor guy sex, pack on the pounds, spend his cash wait for him to cheat then take him to court and rape his sorry ass for the rest of his life.
What is the perk of a guy getting married?
Name one?

I would think that being with a person you want to spend the rest of your life with is enough of a perk to get married. Obviously, you haven't had much success in that department yet.

09-21-2009, 09:42 PM
I just saw a friend get a divorce, the bitch didn't work a day in 4 years. He had a health scare and lost 60lbs via going to the gym. She divorced his ass and took him for $50k.
Now you tell me what's in it for the average guy?

09-21-2009, 09:45 PM
Finding a girl that you think about and love , a girl that you could picture waking up w/ everyday and grow old together. Finding that person who is your other half , the woman who you accept her and she accepts you and you love each minute together and miss every minute apart. Thats the perk ... being loved.

Quiet Reflections
09-21-2009, 11:07 PM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?

I would marry a TS if we were in love. The idea of spending the rest of my life with one person doesn't scare me as long as our personalities are well matched. Are you accepting offers

09-21-2009, 11:19 PM
Finding a girl that you think about and love , a girl that you could picture waking up w/ everyday and grow old together. Finding that person who is your other half , the woman who you accept her and she accepts you and you love each minute together and miss every minute apart. Thats the perk ... being loved.

Sounds pretty pathetic to me.

09-21-2009, 11:31 PM
Short answer "Yes"
Long answer. "Most Definately"

09-21-2009, 11:40 PM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?

I would marry a TS if we were in love. The idea of spending the rest of my life with one person doesn't scare me as long as our personalities are well matched. Are you accepting offers

That's sooo kind !!!!! No thank u.
so sweet

09-21-2009, 11:53 PM
Oh yeah the chubby chick could marry the chubby guy who one day decides to get his ass in shape and drops 50lbs and starts dressing better. I've seen that as well.
Long story short, there is absolutely no reason for a chick to keep up her end of the deal once she is married.
She can deny the poor guy sex, pack on the pounds, spend his cash wait for him to cheat then take him to court and rape his sorry ass for the rest of his life.
What is the perk of a guy getting married?
Name one?

Enough Said...

09-21-2009, 11:57 PM

Fact is, i did :)

09-22-2009, 12:01 AM
Oh yeah the chubby chick could marry the chubby guy who one day decides to get his ass in shape and drops 50lbs and starts dressing better. I've seen that as well.
Long story short, there is absolutely no reason for a chick to keep up her end of the deal once she is married.
She can deny the poor guy sex, pack on the pounds, spend his cash wait for him to cheat then take him to court and rape his sorry ass for the rest of his life.
What is the perk of a guy getting married?
Name one?

Well..one perk would be that two salaries go a lot further than one. Before I got divorced I was pretty comfortable..financial wise. Now I'm not. So there's one perk.

P.S...I voted yes, assuming I could (or want) to get married again.

09-22-2009, 12:10 AM
if i fell in love and the feeling was reciprocal, in a New York minute.

09-22-2009, 12:40 AM
I voted no. If the question had been "Would you marry a GG?" I would also have replied "No". I do not believe in marriage, never have and never will.

09-22-2009, 12:53 AM
If I believed I was the marrying type. But I'm not.

09-22-2009, 04:26 AM
No, thanks!

09-22-2009, 04:30 AM
I would definately marry a tgirl if we both agreed it was the next step. No reason not to if that's what you both want.

09-22-2009, 04:41 AM
I voted yes. Simply because I see no real difference from marriage between a gg and ts wow they have a cock-only difference, but then again many ts women get SRS so there's that argument lol.

09-22-2009, 04:44 AM
this poll is like saying would yo marry a brunette :lol:

09-22-2009, 05:03 AM
Oh yeah the chubby chick could marry the chubby guy who one day decides to get his ass in shape and drops 50lbs and starts dressing better. I've seen that as well.
Long story short, there is absolutely no reason for a chick to keep up her end of the deal once she is married.
She can deny the poor guy sex, pack on the pounds, spend his cash wait for him to cheat then take him to court and rape his sorry ass for the rest of his life.
What is the perk of a guy getting married?
Name one?So true, I like this guy!!!!! :P

Jim Brown
09-22-2009, 05:58 AM
yes but i dont think it would last cause sooner or later shes gonna wanna cut the cock and whats a tranny without a cock?..... just another crazy bitch.

09-22-2009, 07:10 AM

Would you marry a TG?

09-22-2009, 08:13 AM
She would have to get me pregnant first

09-22-2009, 08:25 AM
She would have to get me pregnant first
LOL a shotgun wedding.

09-22-2009, 09:38 AM
The answer is yes but there are conditions (there are always conditions in life).

I'd need a girl who had made up her mind how far she was going with surgery. I dont mind how far, I just need to know going in. Surgeries are expensive and you need to make long term budgetary plans. Also frankly I dont want to marry someone who is going into hospital every 6 months to getcosmetic surgery. Some girls love to do that but to me at a certain point it becomes very overdone.

No working - and I dont mean not working in a real job. Some people are comfortable with their partner working, I'm not. I'm not marrying someone who thinks it's okay having sex with someone else.

Adoption laws & kids. I'm not fussed either way on kids but if she wants them then what are the laws, impediments to having them etc. Again it's a money thing because I need to know going in those costs. It effects how I spend now even if it's 5 years off. If she wants a kid then it's little Mr Saver and spend wisely if not then sure lets take a holiday to Europe because you only live once.

09-22-2009, 10:07 AM
i would marry a ts if i was in love with her :)

09-22-2009, 01:40 PM
The answer is yes but there are conditions (there are always conditions in life).

I'd need a girl who had made up her mind how far she was going with surgery. I dont mind how far, I just need to know going in. Surgeries are expensive and you need to make long term budgetary plans. Also frankly I dont want to marry someone who is going into hospital every 6 months to getcosmetic surgery. Some girls love to do that but to me at a certain point it becomes very overdone.

No working - and I dont mean not working in a real job. Some people are comfortable with their partner working, I'm not. I'm not marrying someone who thinks it's okay having sex with someone else.

Adoption laws & kids. I'm not fussed either way on kids but if she wants them then what are the laws, impediments to having them etc. Again it's a money thing because I need to know going in those costs. It effects how I spend now even if it's 5 years off. If she wants a kid then it's little Mr Saver and spend wisely if not then sure lets take a holiday to Europe because you only live once.
You sound like a cheap charlie without much reserve.

09-22-2009, 01:50 PM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?

09-22-2009, 01:55 PM
You sound like a cheap charlie without much reserve.
And you sound like a bitter jerk.

Isnt it great that he would save money for an important goal like kids or surgery for his wife? I think that says "i love you" more then a big paycheck...

09-22-2009, 01:55 PM
no, but I've got nothing against a honeymoon or two

09-22-2009, 02:10 PM
this poll is like saying would yo marry a brunette :lol:

No at all, i'm just curious...


Would you marry a TG?


09-22-2009, 02:34 PM
I've been married 18 years. It works for me ! Some of you guys are too cynical, but I'll admit marriage is not for everyone.

Marry a transexual ? Hypothetically, yes.

From what I've read and heard, this problem is worse with TG than with GG -- the guys treat them like a dirty secret, won't commit or marry, etc. It has partly to do with the instinct for reproduction, I think, as well as the pressure of social norms. However, if a guy knows for sure he doesn't want kids, and if he can free his mind from what others think, it should be easy -- *if* he can find the right TG. That's the main problem : that TG are rare, so finding the one who is a good match is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Oh well, it's hypothetical for me, as I said.

09-22-2009, 02:35 PM
You sound like a cheap charlie without much reserve.
And you sound like a bitter jerk.

Isnt it great that he would save money for an important goal like kids or surgery for his wife? I think that says "i love you" more then a big paycheck...
That's great to save money, but his post reads as if it was written by someone already annoyed by his future wife's effect on a tenuous financial situation.

The stereotype is too often that transsexual women are unemployed (unless they are call girls). Guys who maintain such stereotypes need to get out more, or at least out of the seedy bars.

Not all girls are looking for a sugar-daddy to bring home the bacon. But that is implicit in your buddy's post, as well as the stereotype that TS women are prostitutes. Not all, not even close with respect to transsexual women.

Some guys have a very antiquated view of the world in which they will be the breadwinner and the wife will be the spendthrift. But marriages nowadays are often 2 income, chiefly because women are more likely to be educated, independent-minded and career-oriented than in the 1950's.

Like many of the guys posting in this thread, women (including TS women) can be motivated to get married by love too. Not all girls are not looking to be June Cleaver, who had to rely on some guy to save money for her.

09-22-2009, 06:28 PM
l'important n' est pas de savoir si on veut se marier avec un trans, mais si on se mari avec la personne que l'on aime, que ce soit un homme, une femme ou un trans

09-22-2009, 07:21 PM
l'important n' est pas de savoir si on veut se marier avec un trans, mais si on se mari avec la personne que l'on aime, que ce soit un homme, une femme ou un trans

C'est vrai tu as raison et je suis d'accord avec toi, mais j'ai l'impression et surtout en France que les trans ne sont qu'un phantasme pour les hommes, je ne doute pas une seule seconde qu'un homme epouserait volontier un trans mais je trouvais cette question interressante a poser et j'etais asser curieuse de savoir et je suis agreablement surprise:)

09-22-2009, 07:33 PM
La vaaache!!! C'est plein de Frenchies ici!!! C'est cool, ça! 8)

Bon allez, c'est l'heure du pastis, c'est moi qui invite!! :wink:

09-22-2009, 07:38 PM
I don't know

09-22-2009, 07:38 PM
La vaaache!!! C'est plein de Frenchies ici!!! C'est cool, ça! 8)

Bon allez, c'est l'heure du pastis, c'est moi qui invite!! :wink:

LOL :lol: a cet heure ci je preferais un martini ou un porto je n'aime pas l'anis looool tchin ;)

09-22-2009, 07:44 PM
La vaaache!!! C'est plein de Frenchies ici!!! C'est cool, ça! 8)

Bon allez, c'est l'heure du pastis, c'est moi qui invite!! :wink:

LOL :lol: a cet heure ci je preferais un martini ou un porto je n'aime pas l'anis looool tchin ;)

Bon et bien un Martini pour toi alors! tchin!

09-22-2009, 10:54 PM
I would if i found the right one the looks and dope personality

09-22-2009, 11:42 PM
But marriages nowadays are often 2 income, chiefly because women are more likely to be educated, independent-minded and career-oriented than in the 1950's.

There's also quite a bit that's changed since 1950 in terms of access to income. In the 50s it would have been relatively easy for a working class husband to make a living wage with just a highschool diploma. But for a working class couple today to afford the same as their 1950's counterpart, both pretty much have to be working... and even then, that might not be enough.

Average household income in the US is what, 44 grand before taxes? That works out to both spouses working 40 hr work weeks @ just under $11/hour.

09-23-2009, 12:35 AM
Average household income in the US is what, 44 grand before taxes? That works out to both spouses working 40 hr work weeks @ just under $11/hour.
If you're over 25 and still making under $11 per hour, I think it's time to reassess your career path.

If you think you should be able to raise a family while earning less than $11 per hour, than you really need some therapy.

09-23-2009, 12:53 AM
Average household income in the US is what, 44 grand before taxes? That works out to both spouses working 40 hr work weeks @ just under $11/hour.
If you're over 25 and still making under $11 per hour, I think it's time to reassess your career path.

If you think you should be able to raise a family while earning less than $11 per hour, than you really need some therapy.

Math is far from my strongest subject, but when I googled average American household income, the states ranged from 40-50 grand depending on the year.

A typical American household has more than one person employed, no?

45,000/2 working spouses = each brings home *roughly* 22,500 before taxes.

22,500/52 weeks in a year = 433$ per week.

433/40 hour work week = $10.82 per hour.

09-23-2009, 02:56 AM
What is the perk of a guy getting married?

if the girl is geeky enough you may get to wear a snazzy decoder ring all the time?

09-23-2009, 05:05 AM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?

see, this is probably why a lot of ts don't get married. your question displays the ts mindset perfectly. because most ts just see men as "admirers" (that word is so fuckin lame btw) and tricks, most men realize there is never any other possible relationship choice with a ts other than a client/provider situation; so unless the man the ts is interested in is rich, she will make an "exception" and call him her 'boyfriend' even though in reality he is still a client, just like the others. since all ts care about is money, how could a marriage possibly work out?... or even a relationship for that matter?

09-23-2009, 01:33 PM
The answer is yes but there are conditions (there are always conditions in life).

I'd need a girl who had made up her mind how far she was going with surgery. I dont mind how far, I just need to know going in. Surgeries are expensive and you need to make long term budgetary plans. Also frankly I dont want to marry someone who is going into hospital every 6 months to getcosmetic surgery. Some girls love to do that but to me at a certain point it becomes very overdone.

No working - and I dont mean not working in a real job. Some people are comfortable with their partner working, I'm not. I'm not marrying someone who thinks it's okay having sex with someone else.

Adoption laws & kids. I'm not fussed either way on kids but if she wants them then what are the laws, impediments to having them etc. Again it's a money thing because I need to know going in those costs. It effects how I spend now even if it's 5 years off. If she wants a kid then it's little Mr Saver and spend wisely if not then sure lets take a holiday to Europe because you only live once.
You sound like a cheap charlie without much reserve.

Actually the total opposite. I'm anything but cheap but what I am is practical. In a normal marriage you normally know going in if you plan on having kids and it totally effects how you spend. Well with a Tg girl it becomes more complex. Depending on adoption laws you may well be able to adopt but it may end up costing a lot of money as you you are probably adopting a kid from another country. There are a lot of costs involved in that. Plus then there are all the normal costs that come with kids. Most Tg girls dont end up having kids because it is difficult and expensive. So what I said was the absolute truth. If I was marrying a girl who really deep down wanted a kid then I'd move the world to make that dream come true and if that means I might have to cut down on my spending right now to make that dream possible.

Same with surgery. If the girl wants to go the whole hog then thats expensive. The plastic surgery bills run up to around 100,000 if you are using top guys and doing a lot of procedures. Breasts, cheeks, jawlines etc etc do not come for free.

Frankly you sound like someone who is cavalier and doesn't really consider the realities of a real relationship. I do. The question was about a marriage not a 6 month dating situation and a marriage is a lot more complex than just going out.

I could of just put in the standard bs that sure i'd marry a TG girl in a heartbeat but the realities of a marriage are it's about making a real committment to another person. That means helping them acheive their long term wants and needs. If those needs are really expensive then you have to prepare for that. I doubt too many people on here have a spare million or two lying around to buy a home, adopt a kid, pay for that kids needs plus those of a partner whose medical needs are more expensive than average instantly. Hell just buying the home part can be difficult for people.

I guess that will teach me for giving a real answer to a question rather than just shallow bullshit.

09-23-2009, 02:28 PM
l'important n' est pas de savoir si on veut se marier avec un trans, mais si on se mari avec la personne que l'on aime, que ce soit un homme, une femme ou un trans

C'est vrai tu as raison et je suis d'accord avec toi, mais j'ai l'impression et surtout en France que les trans ne sont qu'un phantasme pour les hommes, je ne doute pas une seule seconde qu'un homme epouserait volontier un trans mais je trouvais cette question interressante a poser et j'etais asser curieuse de savoir et je suis agreablement surprise:)

Et un Francais de plus. :P

J'epouserai un trans, mais pas une call girl. Les dechirements du coeur, non merci. :wink:

09-23-2009, 03:41 PM
Yep, if it would work and I wasn't looking to have a family

09-23-2009, 04:49 PM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?

see, this is probably why a lot of ts don't get married. your question displays the ts mindset perfectly. because most ts just see men as "admirers" (that word is so fuckin lame btw) and tricks, most men realize there is never any other possible relationship choice with a ts other than a client/provider situation; so unless the man the ts is interested in is rich, she will make an "exception" and call him her 'boyfriend' even though in reality he is still a client, just like the others. since all ts care about is money, how could a marriage possibly work out?... or even a relationship for that matter?

is your point of view but I do not see things the same way, I've never had a rich bf, do not mix work and love, love is not bought and you can't bought one person with presents, love and more a matter of money, there is an attraction, love, a constant desire to please the person you love but it must be reciprocal, I find it unhealthy to pay the love of a person.Money does not buy happiness but I do not doubt that it helps but if you're rich and alone and sad how it has served you ? I try to put the money to score for years for my business but I do not intend to be escorted all my life and I do not count on anyone else but me. people that have money feel safe but hand their money they have what? a nice house, nice car but are they happy? I doubt it ...
love comes from the heart not from the wallet !

l'important n' est pas de savoir si on veut se marier avec un trans, mais si on se mari avec la personne que l'on aime, que ce soit un homme, une femme ou un trans

C'est vrai tu as raison et je suis d'accord avec toi, mais j'ai l'impression et surtout en France que les trans ne sont qu'un phantasme pour les hommes, je ne doute pas une seule seconde qu'un homme epouserait volontier un trans mais je trouvais cette question interressante a poser et j'etais asser curieuse de savoir et je suis agreablement surprise:)

Et un Francais de plus. :P

J'epouserai un trans, mais pas une call girl. Les dechirements du coeur, non merci. :wink:

Je te comprends comment peu t'on reellement aimer une personne qui offre son corp pour de l'argent, ou alors il faut vraiment etre fort mentalement - cela m'est deja arriver d'etre en couple avec le travail que je fais mais est ce vraiment de l'amour que cette personne avait pour moi ? je ne sais pas...

09-23-2009, 05:42 PM
I don't want to get married at all so no.

09-23-2009, 06:50 PM
Was engaged to my ex, so obviously the answer would be yes. It's definitely not something to get into lightly with anyone, of any gender. People marry for different reasons, the symbolism of the act of commitment, saying to someone I'm there for you forever, through thick and thin, is what it means to me.

09-23-2009, 09:04 PM
i'm currently looking for the right girl.....

09-23-2009, 11:32 PM
[quote=AngelinaTorres][quote=dussillo]l'important n' est pas de savoir si on veut se marier avec un trans, mais si on se mari avec la personne que l'on aime, que ce soit un homme, une femme ou un trans

C'est vrai tu as raison et je suis d'accord avec toi, mais j'ai l'impression et surtout en France que les trans ne sont qu'un phantasme pour les hommes, je ne doute pas une seule seconde qu'un homme epouserait volontier un trans mais je trouvais cette question interressante a poser et j'etais asser curieuse de savoir et je suis agreablement surprise:)

Et un Francais de plus. :P

J'epouserai un trans, mais pas une call girl. Les dechirements du coeur, non merci. :wink:

Je te comprends comment peu t'on reellement aimer une personne qui offre son corp pour de l'argent, ou alors il faut vraiment etre fort mentalement - cela m'est deja arriver d'etre en couple avec le travail que je fais mais est ce vraiment de l'amour que cette personne avait pour moi ? je ne sais pas...

Je ne saurai repondre a ta place. En tous cas, avec ton physique et ta douceur, tu ferais fondre les derniers glaciers.

09-24-2009, 12:00 AM
[quote=AngelinaTorres][quote=dussillo]l'important n' est pas de savoir si on veut se marier avec un trans, mais si on se mari avec la personne que l'on aime, que ce soit un homme, une femme ou un trans

C'est vrai tu as raison et je suis d'accord avec toi, mais j'ai l'impression et surtout en France que les trans ne sont qu'un phantasme pour les hommes, je ne doute pas une seule seconde qu'un homme epouserait volontier un trans mais je trouvais cette question interressante a poser et j'etais asser curieuse de savoir et je suis agreablement surprise:)

Et un Francais de plus. :P

J'epouserai un trans, mais pas une call girl. Les dechirements du coeur, non merci. :wink:

Je te comprends comment peu t'on reellement aimer une personne qui offre son corp pour de l'argent, ou alors il faut vraiment etre fort mentalement - cela m'est deja arriver d'etre en couple avec le travail que je fais mais est ce vraiment de l'amour que cette personne avait pour moi ? je ne sais pas...

Je ne saurai repondre a ta place. En tous cas, avec ton physique et ta douceur, tu ferais fondre les derniers glaciers.

C'est tres mignon, merci beaucoup !

09-29-2009, 06:24 AM
I feel that a TG is a woman with a man's sex drive, if you find one that you connect with whats the difference?

I would love to find a soul mate TG to date and marry. The problem is that a lot of TG's have emotional problems different than GG's. Most TG's have to have "special" jobs due to the fact that normal America will not recognize tg's as individuals and won't hire them. So you find a lot of tg's into escorting or porn and most guys have a problem with that.

I could care less what a person did in the past because my past is not the cleanest, we all experiment weather we admit it or not. I am getting ready to hire 10-20 people to work on dissembling electronic components, I could care less what their sexual situation is, I look for good hard working individuals to do the work they are hire for. It is not high pay buy good honest work.

If I could find 20 tg's who would do the work why not hire them so they can feel better about themselves, unfortunately most employers don't see it that way, they see someone different and say no way, it really sucks but that's America in the 21st century and it needs to change, the number of intersexed people are increasing and corporate America needs to realize that all people are created the same, if they are good workers hire them, period.

I know I will probably get slammed saying that tg's have emotional problems, but after 25+ years of dating and seeing tg escorts and having a few long term relations with tg's I have seen the difficulties that most tg's experience.

So to make a long story shorter YES I would marry a TG as long as we had an emotional connection, physical connection and intellectual connection. Why place a label on an individual, why not just accept who they are and stop being racist against some people who are different than you.

09-29-2009, 07:07 AM
No and here is why not.
How many of you have seen guys who are happy and who have a great sex life marry amazing girls.....only to see them 3 years later a shell of who they once were, undersexed and unhappy with a pig of a wife?
So not that I wouldn't marry a TS girl it's just that I wouldn't marry any girl. It's a suckers bet. A guy has every thing to loose and next to nothing to gain from getting married.

What about the girl who thinks she's marrying a great guy only to end up with some beer-swilling slob who sits in front of the TV watching Springer all day?

It goes both ways, you know?

True !

Nice website, AngelinaTorres. Lovely girl.

Yes. To the right girl, tg or gg wouldn't come into it.

The sad part about it is, when most people promise for better or for worse, they really only mean for the better.

But just remember: a woman's like a rose; if you treat her right, she'll bloom, if you don't, she'll wilt.

09-29-2009, 08:43 AM

09-29-2009, 10:51 AM
I did and I'm totally blessed.

09-30-2009, 10:42 AM

09-30-2009, 11:04 AM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?
The better question is if a TG would marry any of the chasers around here. Most women want their men to be men, not cockhounds who fantasize about getting buttfucked. So if the TG is not really a woman at heart, then perhaps she might marry a cockhound.

09-30-2009, 12:13 PM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?
The better question is if a TG would marry any of the chasers around here. Most women want their men to be men, not cockhounds who fantasize about getting buttfucked. So if the TG is not really a woman at heart, then perhaps she might marry a cockhound.

:arrow: You're full of shit and sound like someone who has no experience or social skills. Thanks so much for diverting the thread with your bullshit :!:

09-30-2009, 12:51 PM
I feel that a TG is a woman with a man's sex drive, if you find one that you connect with whats the difference?

I would love to find a soul mate TG to date and marry. The problem is that a lot of TG's have emotional problems different than GG's. Most TG's have to have "special" jobs due to the fact that normal America will not recognize tg's as individuals and won't hire them. So you find a lot of tg's into escorting or porn and most guys have a problem with that.

I could care less what a person did in the past because my past is not the cleanest, we all experiment weather we admit it or not. I am getting ready to hire 10-20 people to work on dissembling electronic components, I could care less what their sexual situation is, I look for good hard working individuals to do the work they are hire for. It is not high pay buy good honest work.

If I could find 20 tg's who would do the work why not hire them so they can feel better about themselves, unfortunately most employers don't see it that way, they see someone different and say no way, it really sucks but that's America in the 21st century and it needs to change, the number of intersexed people are increasing and corporate America needs to realize that all people are created the same, if they are good workers hire them, period.

I know I will probably get slammed saying that tg's have emotional problems, but after 25+ years of dating and seeing tg escorts and having a few long term relations with tg's I have seen the difficulties that most tg's experience.

So to make a long story shorter YES I would marry a TG as long as we had an emotional connection, physical connection and intellectual connection. Why place a label on an individual, why not just accept who they are and stop being racist against some people who are different than you.

You right i wish ppl can think like you but it's the sad real life and it's the same all over the world, about the emotional problems you right and i think a TG need more attention than a GG

i notice that nobody here is married with a TG or people is not attending this board it's probably this lol

I don't think about marriage yet i have so much things to do before :P

No TG comment on this thread... girls do you believe in love ?

Nice website, AngelinaTorres. Lovely girl.

Yes. To the right girl, tg or gg wouldn't come into it.

The sad part about it is, when most people promise for better or for worse, they really only mean for the better.

But just remember: a woman's like a rose; if you treat her right, she'll bloom, if you don't, she'll wilt.

Thanks sweetheart :D

10-04-2009, 04:48 AM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?
The better question is if a TG would marry any of the chasers around here. Most women want their men to be men, not cockhounds who fantasize about getting buttfucked. So if the TG is not really a woman at heart, then perhaps she might marry a cockhound.

:arrow: You're full of shit and sound like someone who has no experience or social skills. Thanks so much for diverting the thread with your bullshit :!:

Phobun has a point, just the presentation is a little misguided. I would marry (and get all the benefits of marrying such a lovely girl) only one TG in the whole world....AngelinaTorres

10-06-2009, 01:48 AM
I would marry a TG....I dont see why not....

07-08-2010, 12:07 AM
i wanna marry with tg.. i hope i'll find my queen

07-08-2010, 12:10 AM
nope, but I wouldn't marry a gg either. Hell if there is a woman out there whoi would consider to get married to a guy like me, she isn'T marriage material in the first place!!!

07-08-2010, 01:01 AM
Absolutely. Just imagine this was your wedding night...

And then spending the rest of your life with a woman who could do that! Why the hell not?

07-08-2010, 01:41 AM
Absolutely. Just imagine this was your wedding night...

And then spending the rest of your life with a woman who could do that! Why the hell not?

You´d be the bride? :lol:

07-08-2010, 01:50 AM
You´d be the bride? :lol:

She'd be able to look her best in her pretty white dress for the ceremony, but come the night time, I'd bend over and she can have my ring.

07-08-2010, 02:19 AM
yes im living with a tgirl now

07-09-2010, 07:35 AM
The answer is yes, but she would have to be as sexy as you Angelina x

07-09-2010, 11:27 PM
I few years ago I was in a position to either be together with a famous and very beautiful TS, whom I was extremely compitable with or marry a GG. I chose the latter, for two reasons, 1. I wanted my own family, 2. I was scared what people would think.

I have a beautiful daughter by my marriage and I don't regret that for a second, but outside of that I made one of the worst and gutless decisions of my life. I let society dictate my life direction.

Having my time again I would go in the other direction, and would hope that someday she would do me the honour in allowing me to become her husband.

07-10-2010, 05:10 AM
I would def. i Dated one for 2 years best years of my life.

07-10-2010, 11:03 AM
I few years ago I was in a position to either be together with a famous and very beautiful TS, whom I was extremely compitable with or marry a GG. I chose the latter, for two reasons, 1. I wanted my own family, 2. I was scared what people would think.

I have a beautiful daughter by my marriage and I don't regret that for a second, but outside of that I made one of the worst and gutless decisions of my life. I let society dictate my life direction.

Having my time again I would go in the other direction, and would hope that someday she would do me the honour in allowing me to become her husband.
Ouch. I can appreciate your pain. But perhaps it was meant to be this way - best not to dwell on regrets, and who knows, perhaps the other girl would not have worked out after all. It's easy to glamorize our "might-have-beens" when in actuality, they may not have worked out at all.

Nicole Dupre
07-10-2010, 12:26 PM
The better question is if a TG would marry any of the chasers around here. Most women want their men to be men, not cockhounds who fantasize about getting buttfucked. So if the TG is not really a woman at heart, then perhaps she might marry a cockhound.
No one would ever marry you anyway. Who'd want to even date a guy who's preoccupied with other people's sex lives in the first place?

Girl: "How was your day? What's new?"
phobun: "I was on a pre-op TS porn forum, telling everyone how much I'm not interested in cock. Then I made a bunch of judgment calls on who is gay, and who knows what it means to be a woman. Then I said that any woman who is a sexworker is a stupid, insecure substance abuser. (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?p=763095#post763095).
Girl: But why would you do that?
phobun: "Because I'm sick of these cockhounds."
Girl: "But why would you even be on a forum like that in the first place?"
phobun: "Asian women are my thing."
Girl: "But shemales have cocks."
phobun: "I don't look at them. I only look at the post ops."
Girl: "So why not just go on a genetic female porn forum?"
phobun: "Don't give me any shit. I'm dating you because I thought all women in your culture were obedient. You're acting like a gay man."
Girl: "I don't want to see you anymore."
phobun: "You're pussy never looked as good as a neo-vagina anyway."

07-11-2010, 03:31 AM
Haha, who is this phobun guy anyway? I hear so many stories, but never see anything happen xD

As for me, Yes I would marry a TS. To be honest I find tgirls more attractive in the whole than I do genetic females, vag kind of turns me off. God knows why xD

Nicole Dupre
07-11-2010, 03:44 AM
Haha, who is this phobun guy anyway? I hear so many stories, but never see anything happen xD

As for me, Yes I would marry a TS. To be honest I find tgirls more attractive in the whole than I do genetic females, vag kind of turns me off. God knows why xD
You mean this guy? ;)


It's so obvious who this is. lol I think he actually admitted to fucking a pre-op when he was using this profile. I assume that's why he created the "phobun" one.

07-14-2010, 07:52 PM
This thread is very interesting. I'm surprised there's a good number of guys that will certainly marry a ts woman.

07-14-2010, 08:56 PM
im looking for a bf/husband

where are these guys hiding?

FUKC me now!!! ;)

07-14-2010, 09:21 PM
I'm surprised there's a good number of guys that will certainly marry a ts woman.

my guess is this is more a case of a good number of guys willing to say anything to win brownie points

07-14-2010, 09:40 PM
I'm 25 years old and don't plan on getting married anytime soon or ever. Having said that, I would marry a ts with no hang ups. Why? My closest friends know of my interest into ts women and they're cool with it. If you're honest to yourself and those who love you, it relieves a lot of stress and psychological despair. I took Nicole Dupre's advice and it did wonders so thanks to her.

My thing on dating/marriage is finding a woman who digs your "crazy" and vice versa. What do I mean? We all have our quirks or eccentricities and ltr is about finding someone who digs your idiosyncratic nature and complements you. Some of the ts I've hooked up or dated are just as crazy, annoying, sweet, adorable, hot etc as any gg I've been with. It gives credence to the point made here that what makes you a woman is between your ears and not your legs. So any woman "unlucky" enough to marry me, I will love her until I get a really hot young secretary when I'm 50-jk!

The corollary to this question, is how many ladies on this board want children?

07-14-2010, 10:57 PM
I get marriage proposals all the time, but who wants to live in some trailer park(even if it is a double wide) in small town USA?

07-14-2010, 11:18 PM
I get marriage proposals all the time, but who wants to live in some trailer park(even if it is a double wide) in small town USA?

what about this?

07-14-2010, 11:54 PM
haha...that's not a home...that is a resort...we could run and hide naked and play Marco-Polo and who ever finds the other first gets dibs on the position of choice...haha

07-15-2010, 08:21 AM
This thread is very interesting. I'm surprised there's a good number of guys that will certainly marry a ts woman.

You have a point but I am sure there's men out there that are certain that they can marry a transgendered woman.

07-15-2010, 09:01 AM
oh im sure there are but i rather doubt youll find hundreds of them on a porn forum as this thread and similar ones in the past would have you believe

12-30-2012, 04:44 AM
Oh, I've seen quite a few that I would marry!

12-30-2012, 05:25 AM
If it all worked out I would marry a TS woman. But seeing how the marriage thing I cant figure out, it might not happen.

12-30-2012, 05:38 AM
Am engaged to a a very lovely, humble and incredibly intelligent TG, with our wedding set for September 2013. Does happen.

Dino Velvet
12-30-2012, 08:16 PM
You have a point but I am sure there's men out there that are certain that they can marry a transgendered woman.

Anybody know what Juliana has been up to? Nice girl.


12-30-2012, 10:30 PM
If I was single , and I met a TS with a great personality then YES, absolutely. I'm old fashioned , and would have to be in love, but I could fall in love with a TS , just the same as a women .

I've met a few tgirls that I would happily date .

12-31-2012, 12:51 AM
Marriage done stupidly is a headache, I don't think it matters if you marry a gg or tg. Just look at the divorce rate in 1st world countries.

Willie Escalade
12-31-2012, 12:57 AM
Anybody know what Juliana has been up to? Nice girl.


She's a good friend...just not in the LA area anymore. She's doing fine...

Dino Velvet
12-31-2012, 01:15 AM
She's a good friend...just not in the LA area anymore. She's doing fine...

Thanks Willie. Nice picture of her.

12-31-2012, 09:49 AM
Yes. Of course. It's my preference in a wife. BUT so hard to do. First it is not that big a community, so compared to GG, they much more challenging to meet. You really have to work at it. And then my interest would be in non-op only so the number gets even smaller. And then you have to get beyond beauty and find a real match (personality, values, interests, etc.). UGH! It's a real challenge.

12-31-2012, 10:04 AM
Hell yeah I would!

12-31-2012, 10:10 AM
Yes. Of course. It's my preference in a wife. BUT so hard to do. First it is not that big a community, so compared to GG, they much more challenging to meet. You really have to work at it. And then my interest would be in non-op only so the number gets even smaller. And then you have to get beyond beauty and find a real match (personality, values, interests, etc.). UGH! It's a real challenge.

I'm not sure many guys can get beyond beauty :P Looks matter (to a certain degree) on both sides :P

And then you have to be her type too.... which makes things even trickier.

12-31-2012, 07:20 PM
if it was the right person I would. Don't let the short sighted perception of society dictate your life. I agree with Nicole Dupree and Maximus25, after I told my closest friends you truly accept yourself and are ready to love whoever you fall for.

12-31-2012, 08:05 PM
Many admirers here would like to date a Tgirl (TS/TV/Shemale) or just to go bed with them, but would you marry TG ?

Hi Angelina, maybe I missed it somewhere in this thread but I'm curious as to why you posed the question...not that it isn't a good one...

BTW, if I met the right one, yes.

04-30-2018, 08:49 PM
I did.

07-08-2022, 07:07 AM
Um I'm not some down low bitch who cums to shemale gods then pretends to like pussy better of course of marry a ts I'm holding out for one I want go to bed with my wife every night and cuddle with her feeling that fat cock of hers pressed against me and marriages can be rough but I'd try to make my trans wifey orgasm every night even if I have come home after working all day find her asleep in bed and just pull down her panties and suck her off in her sleep so even if I didn't see her all day I'd still go to bed with her cock milk in my lips

07-08-2022, 12:57 PM
Of course, all of my best and longest relationships have been with t girls except for one.

07-08-2022, 11:58 PM
I find it difficult to imagine marrying anyone who wasn't a trans woman.

07-09-2022, 02:17 AM
I find it difficult to imagine marrying anyone who wasn't a trans woman.
So no problem marrying a full SRS trans woman?

07-09-2022, 02:17 AM
And to those that answered "yes"
Does your "yes" include full SRS trans women?

07-09-2022, 11:07 PM
And to those that answered "yes"
Does your "yes" include full SRS trans women?

I my case, the answer is YES!!

07-09-2022, 11:50 PM
Yes I would marry a TG girl. As long as the fit is right - sexually, socially and emotionally as we do with GG’s. I think a TG wife would be best. As long as she’s pre op and happy with her body physically. Don’t want her detransitioning or getting SRS when married with me.

07-10-2022, 01:28 AM
Pre op only. It would be cool if she had a sister that could carry a biological child of mine then we adopt after the baby is born. The ts wife would be an aunt but the mother too.

That would also give me the chance to spread more ballmilk.

07-10-2022, 04:59 AM
Since I’m already in a common law marriage with a trans woman I’d say absolutely YES.

07-10-2022, 06:13 AM
And to those that answered "yes"
Does your "yes" include full SRS trans women?

Yes my longest relationship was actually with a post OP it was off and on more sexual then anything because when ever we got too close she would pull away sometimes we went 3 months sometimes 6 sometimes a year plus almost 2 once, I would have married her but she has some issue with herself she snapped after being snipped according to her and was never the same again... I met her with her pussy so I didn't know any different. I think we had 12 years all together

01-01-2023, 02:01 AM
Yes, I would absolutely marry a trans woman out of love it doesn't matter if she's pre-op or post-op, what matters most is the size of her heart, her personality, and the strength of her character

01-01-2023, 12:32 PM
I would ONLY marry a TG.

01-03-2023, 05:51 PM
I would marry a TG if she were pre-op and planned to stay that way. She could be on hormones and completely non functional but the reassignment surgery would be too much for me personally.

Anyone else is welcome to feel any way they want to about this. That is just my preference. To each their own.

01-05-2023, 12:20 AM
Marriage is just not my thing. But if one day i decide to marry with someone I would marry a TG. I would sexually prefer her as pre-op since if I was looking for a pussy then I would go with a natural one.