View Full Version : GIRLS....GET THIS IN YOUR HEADS...........

10-24-2005, 10:31 PM
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

10-24-2005, 10:33 PM
Mega, you're five for five today!

10-24-2005, 10:34 PM
Very well written MegabodyNYC.

10-24-2005, 10:44 PM
lol, then they wonder why you don't wanna talk to them in the club.........................smh

10-24-2005, 10:52 PM

Yup, that streak of self destruction that comes from a low self image is all too common. What to be done? You're right, but they're not listening.

10-24-2005, 10:52 PM
Thats my new sig...then they wonder why....

Overlord Abomination
10-24-2005, 11:14 PM

Ahahahahahaaahaha that line is golden.

10-24-2005, 11:24 PM

Oh yeah, you mean the blunt-smokin, 40-ounce-drinkin, club-hoppin, pants-saggin, corn-row sportin, metal-mouthed-havin, overly-tattooed, English-butcherin, never been anywhere other than the block (jail doesnt count) wannabe "thug"?????????????


TS chicks are more emotionally wishy-washy than GG's and seem to think they have a lifetime to be overly picky and indecisive or play games when it comes to relationships; here`s a clue...YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY YOUNGER!!

10-24-2005, 11:36 PM
Lol..seems the current posts opened an outpouring of emotion.....And this is the inevitable backlash from the behavoir our favorite girls exhibit....

Its real sad that when they read this, with the possible exception of Jade, that there just going to scoff and go back to there thug-dating, hookin-on-the-side ways....


10-25-2005, 12:01 AM
mega should be running for mayor

10-25-2005, 12:06 AM
even though I agree with your rant...

..if she messed with your homeboy instead, then you would be complaining about how she used him for his money.

10-25-2005, 12:45 AM
mega should be running for mayor

Mega, if you do become mayor I want you to remember I was one of the guys defending you when they wanted to ban you. I'd appreciate some recognition of that in the form of a cushy job, say Administrator of Intimate Inspections :D Your post is on the money, but it's not just the TS community, it's all girls. They know what the worst of us are like, they see both types of guy available to them, they choose poorly and then want to bitch about it. A shorter way of saying it would have been, If you stick your hand in the fire don't cry to us, we already know it burns ;)

10-25-2005, 12:54 AM
mega ur on one helluva roll today u go baby

10-25-2005, 01:04 AM
I think you were on the money with that Mega, but I think thats the real world GG og TG. Just seems like since most of us would rather be with a TG they seem to be offish and into the money. I find it hard period to meet any and I have wondered many times if I had lots of money how many of them I would be able to get for a serious relationship, but then I would have to wonder if it is just the money. I agree with the one earlier, one day they are going to age and the glamour days will be gone. Why not find a good upstanding man with a good occupation that wants to take care of them in the here and now. Like all people they need to think about what the future holds.....even John Holmes got olddddddddddddd...lol.

10-25-2005, 02:12 AM
well i think a man with no qualities-goign no where can come at any age-

but what about a man who likes a younger girl- is it, or can it be the same thing vice versa?

i think by nature a girl who is young is going to want to have a boyfriend who is young-or her same age.

i think that is what it boils down to. if you are looking for a girl who is young, who is immature in any ways- because really how many of us knew where they going on our 20's?- and you pursue a girl who is ultimately in a different mind set you will end up dissapointed- and that goes both ways trust me.

10-25-2005, 02:20 AM
Good point Allanah, but love doesn't always make sense. It's a hurricane, completely out of control.

I'm thinking it's best to avoid, but respect, the forces of nature.

10-25-2005, 02:29 AM
I used to be into thugs I admit, but the dude I just got with is NOT a thug, he is a young business owner like myself, he has the thug look BUT he is so sweet n secure n respectful of everyone. A true young gentlemen which I find SOOOO rare these days. It's definitely a breath of fresh air. It's something different to me but I like it and this connection n what I'm feeling is very serious and like nothing else I've dealt with. SO maybe the thug route was wrong all along. Thank god I am young and smart enough to learn from mistakes.

10-25-2005, 02:55 AM
I used to be into thugs I admit, but the dude I just got with is NOT a thug, he is a young business owner like myself, he has the thug look BUT he is so sweet n secure n respectful of everyone.

In short he's a poser..............................
In the NBA he'd be Allen Iverson ignoring the dress code

and that's not an attack, just an observation

Women in general WILL ALWAYS WANT what they were forbidden growing up. Parents swear they are trying to protect them, yet fail to understand that when they come of age they will make those mistakes even worse.

Mega the joke is as you & I both know that it is mainly a phase. It's a phase that once completed leaves ANY WOMAN empty & miserable because they shitted on the guys that would do anything for them, and months or years later they realize that mistake was made and know they are a bit saggy in the chest and a bit grey in the crotch and can't get what they could back in the day when those implants didn't look saggy........

10-25-2005, 03:21 AM
I think this quote sums it up
Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment.
Rita Mae Brown

10-25-2005, 03:41 AM
JWBL layin it flat so even you ghetto bitches can understand it, yo!!!

10-25-2005, 05:31 AM
Mega, as always I appreciate your calling it like you see it, and you see it like it is. I'm lucky, I met the love of my life 31 years ago, and we've been married 24 years (silver next May!). And I've also been lucky enough to make a couple of good friends who are TS so I can get my freak on now and then. I know you speak from the heart about your Julissa, you always have, and I hope some day you meet another girl, not to take her place--that will never happen--but who can be just as important in her own right in your life. Keep it real.