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08-29-2009, 05:26 AM


But it’s the “heterosexual male” descriptor that continues to baffle many observers – or so they claim. Might they, too, be harboring a “ trans-secret?” Gallon thinks they might be: “The majority of customers [who purchase transsexual porn] are straight men.” In fact, Gallon says, “[transsexual content generates] practically no response in the gay market at all. I don’t even bother to promote it to the gay market, because it would be a waste of money.” Not only are most of his customers heterosexual men, Gallon says, “some are movie stars, rock stars and sports figures” – guys most would consider “heterosexual role models.

Such displays come as no surprise to Hollywood darling Seth Rogen, star of such films as Knocked Up, Pineapple Express and Observe & Report. “One thing I’ve learned through various mainstream sex sites is that way more guys are into transsexual porn than one would like to think,” Rogan told Maxim last October. “I feel like it’s the elephant in America’s room: the secret love of transsexual porno.”

08-29-2009, 05:31 AM
That is soooo hot and very much true! From my own experience people would not believe the public figures who have contacted me and are fans.

08-29-2009, 05:33 AM
^^^^^^^ agreed with her

08-29-2009, 05:48 AM


But it’s the “heterosexual male” descriptor that continues to baffle many observers – or so they claim. Might they, too, be harboring a “ trans-secret?” Gallon thinks they might be: “The majority of customers [who purchase transsexual porn] are straight men.” In fact, Gallon says, “[transsexual content generates] practically no response in the gay market at all. I don’t even bother to promote it to the gay market, because it would be a waste of money.” Not only are most of his customers heterosexual men, Gallon says, “some are movie stars, rock stars and sports figures” – guys most would consider “heterosexual role models.

Such displays come as no surprise to Hollywood darling Seth Rogen, star of such films as Knocked Up, Pineapple Express and Observe & Report. “One thing I’ve learned through various mainstream sex sites is that way more guys are into transsexual porn than one would like to think,” Rogan told Maxim last October. “I feel like it’s the elephant in America’s room: the secret love of transsexual porno.”

Pretty good article. Steven is dead on about the hetro men thing.

08-29-2009, 05:56 AM
I wish those famous people wouldn't be ashamed of their feelings., look at me I'm famous everyone knows lol

08-29-2009, 05:57 AM
I wish those famous people wouldn't be ashamed of their feelings., look at me I'm famous everyone knows lol

Alot of it is just the general public. The US is a very conservative country.

08-29-2009, 06:55 AM
lose the picture with the wack rappers

08-29-2009, 08:42 AM
I believe the article is DEAD ON 100% accurate. I would guess 35% of "straight" men are attracted to TS. The problem is that 99% would deny it.

08-29-2009, 10:46 AM
Wow - cool. I got mentioned next to Seth Rogan!
This was an interview I done for Xbiz, it's good to see I was quoted correctly and didn't come off as a tool :-)

08-29-2009, 03:42 PM
I agree, however I wonder how many herto men wind up trying guy cock, because their urge for she cock is so strong, but yet is not readily available. You know try the gay sex not that they are into or attracted to guys, but just have a fixation with cock.

08-29-2009, 03:52 PM
Wow - cool. I got mentioned next to Seth Rogan!
This was an interview I done for Xbiz, it's good to see I was quoted correctly and didn't come off as a tool :-)

Refreshing to see that they chose to interview someone who is inside looking out as opposed to a wanna be outside looking in. Seanchai, well done!

08-30-2009, 01:55 AM
Wow, this was cool. From this article Seth Rogan give me a call because he's doing "Knocked Up ... Not!" the sequel to Knocked Up but this time it's a tgirl who is pretending to be preggers so her bf and his friends don't find out her secret.
I'm going to be helping cast and on the advisory team :-)

Morgan Bailey
08-30-2009, 04:03 AM
Wow, this was cool. From this article Seth Rogan give me a call because he's doing "Knocked Up ... Not!" the sequel to Knocked Up but this time it's a tgirl who is pretending to be preggers so her bf and his friends don't find out her secret.
I'm going to be helping cast and on the advisory team :-)

Um yeah, I'm auditioning for the Seth scene....lol

08-30-2009, 03:21 PM
Wow, this was cool. From this article Seth Rogan give me a call because he's doing "Knocked Up ... Not!" the sequel to Knocked Up but this time it's a tgirl who is pretending to be preggers so her bf and his friends don't find out her secret.
I'm going to be helping cast and on the advisory team :-)

Interesting. Sounds a bit "Jerry Springer-ish", but I'm interested.

Keep us updated Seanchai.

08-30-2009, 04:32 PM
Wow, this was cool. From this article Seth Rogan give me a call because he's doing "Knocked Up ... Not!" the sequel to Knocked Up but this time it's a tgirl who is pretending to be preggers so her bf and his friends don't find out her secret.
I'm going to be helping cast and on the advisory team :-)

Well..you've arrived :)

08-30-2009, 07:53 PM
Wow, this was cool. From this article Seth Rogan give me a call because he's doing "Knocked Up ... Not!" the sequel to Knocked Up but this time it's a tgirl who is pretending to be preggers so her bf and his friends don't find out her secret.
I'm going to be helping cast and on the advisory team :-)

I know you're joking but that's not a bad idea for a movie plot. It's about time for a TS star to cross over to MS/Hollywood. Great interview!

08-30-2009, 08:10 PM
Wow, this was cool. From this article Seth Rogan give me a call because he's doing "Knocked Up ... Not!" the sequel to Knocked Up but this time it's a tgirl who is pretending to be preggers so her bf and his friends don't find out her secret.
I'm going to be helping cast and on the advisory team :-)

Cool idea but I hope to God that they come up with a better title.

09-06-2009, 07:48 PM
I wish those famous people wouldn't be ashamed of their feelings., look at me I'm famous everyone knows lol
not just famous people, every day joe's too. I've always said if more men who were into us, would man up and admit it, societys views of us would be soo different. Why is it that gays are open about being gay and walk hand in hand not bothered, straight people, old people, fat people and ugly people all walk around freely and openly with the person they like, are dating or in love with. Rarely if ever do you see a transexual and her boo in public holding hands and going about the day together.
Hell no gay men don't like transexuals, gay men like men, transexuals are woman. We do live normal lives and live and function in society as woman. Being a shemale and topping men to me is a job, thats it.
In my every day live, I live and do female things. I cook, clean, do laundry, go to straight clubs and on Sundays, I go to church.
Not as a man, not as a shemale, but as a woman, and I guess I'm lucky enought that even though I'm not the prettiest chick or the most passable chick, but because I carry myself as a woman, I get the RESPECT of a woman.

09-06-2009, 07:55 PM
I agree, however I wonder how many herto men wind up trying guy cock, because their urge for she cock is so strong, but yet is not readily available. You know try the gay sex not that they are into or attracted to guys, but just have a fixation with cock.
Yes a girl with a dick is way better!

09-06-2009, 08:00 PM
thanks for sharing that, that was awesome

09-06-2009, 08:21 PM
Eventually, IMO this whole 'str8 men who love TGs' is gonna break big time in a very public way!!

I don't know who the couple will be, but someone will come out and say, 'yes, this is my woman, my W-O-M-A-N, now what the fuck do you have to say about it??'

IMO the whole str8men/TG movement is at same point IR relationships were in the 60s.

Yes, some are 'out' in their relationships, but for the most part there's still a very strong public social taboo.

At least for me, my level of arousal for many TGs is a couple of levels higher than it would be for a random GG. And where my dick leads, the rest of me generally follows.

I bet for TGs who are much lower profile, there are more instances of str8 men who date TGs publicly but just don't advertise about it.

From what I read, nothing in that article should come as a shock to anyone who's a member of HA.

It's funny...a str8 man can have his GG wife fuck him with a strap-on, or put her finger up his ass when she's giving him head, or anally fuck his wife more than he fucks her pussy, yet it's still considered a private sexual matter. But if a guy is in any sort of a relationship with a TG, everyone wants to camp out in their bedroom to see which one has who's dick in their mouth.

The biggest opponent to str8men/TG relationships becoming more public has been and will continue to be GGs.

I can understand why, because there's too much competition out there already without having to compete against a phine TG for a man's affection, still I see GGs as the first ones to attack a str8man's 'manhood' and call a TG a 'dude' for being involved with each other.

09-06-2009, 09:13 PM
Eventually, IMO this whole 'str8 men who love TGs' is gonna break big time in a very public way!!

I don't know who the couple will be, but someone will come out and say, 'yes, this is my woman, my W-O-M-A-N, now what the fuck do you have to say about it??'

IMO the whole str8men/TG movement is at same point IR relationships were in the 60s.

Yes, some are 'out' in their relationships, but for the most part there's still a very strong public social taboo.

At least for me, my level of arousal for many TGs is a couple of levels higher than it would be for a random GG. And where my dick leads, the rest of me generally follows.

I bet for TGs who are much lower profile, there are more instances of str8 men who date TGs publicly but just don't advertise about it.

From what I read, nothing in that article should come as a shock to anyone who's a member of HA.

It's funny...a str8 man can have his GG wife fuck him with a strap-on, or put her finger up his ass when she's giving him head, or anally fuck his wife more than he fucks her pussy, yet it's still considered a private sexual matter. But if a guy is in any sort of a relationship with a TG, everyone wants to camp out in their bedroom to see which one has who's dick in their mouth.

The biggest opponent to str8men/TG relationships becoming more public has been and will continue to be GGs.

I can understand why, because there's too much competition out there already without having to compete against a phine TG for a man's affection, still I see GGs as the first ones to attack a str8man's 'manhood' and call a TG a 'dude' for being involved with each other.
No the problem is not GG's, its straight men being bitchasses and hiding and worrying about who thinks they are gay because they date a trans. I'm dating someone now, and we go places and nobody really even gives a fuck. Its more paranoia on the mens part, and really nobody seems to care anyway.

09-06-2009, 09:25 PM
Why should it matter to other people who you date or sleep w/ it's childish , do what makes you happy and forget what people might think. It's your life , and life is too short to live in regret. Just my 2¢ :shrug:

09-06-2009, 10:28 PM
Unfortunately it still matters especially with high profile men. It could very well be the end to a career and everything they have worked for.
sad and unfair but there it is.
in some cases love does not conquer all.

09-06-2009, 10:46 PM
That's sad.

09-08-2009, 02:28 AM


But it’s the “heterosexual male” descriptor that continues to baffle many observers – or so they claim. Might they, too, be harboring a “ trans-secret?” Gallon thinks they might be: “The majority of customers [who purchase transsexual porn] are straight men.” In fact, Gallon says, “[transsexual content generates] practically no response in the gay market at all. I don’t even bother to promote it to the gay market, because it would be a waste of money.” Not only are most of his customers heterosexual men, Gallon says, “some are movie stars, rock stars and sports figures” – guys most would consider “heterosexual role models.

Such displays come as no surprise to Hollywood darling Seth Rogen, star of such films as Knocked Up, Pineapple Express and Observe & Report. “One thing I’ve learned through various mainstream sex sites is that way more guys are into transsexual porn than one would like to think,” Rogan told Maxim last October. “I feel like it’s the elephant in America’s room: the secret love of transsexual porno.”100% Seth approved :shock:

09-08-2009, 03:21 AM
It amazes me that in 2009 there are still people who give a fuck about gender and sexuality to the extreme point they do. People have such fucking ego's that get in the way of rational thinking. I wish society would grow up already and just relax about "taboo" shit. It's fucking childish.

09-08-2009, 04:32 AM
That interview should answer the "am I gay" crap questions floating around on this board for the newbies. Besides, I don't see what's the big deal is about "guys" liking trannies? They look and act, smell just like a women, what hetro-man wouldn't find them attractive?

I do know one thing though, gg's better start taking notes.

Have a great day all

09-08-2009, 04:42 AM
Eventually, IMO this whole 'str8 men who love TGs' is gonna break big time in a very public way!!

I don't know who the couple will be, but someone will come out and say, 'yes, this is my woman, my W-O-M-A-N, now what the fuck do you have to say about it??'

IMO the whole str8men/TG movement is at same point IR relationships were in the 60s.

Yes, some are 'out' in their relationships, but for the most part there's still a very strong public social taboo.

At least for me, my level of arousal for many TGs is a couple of levels higher than it would be for a random GG. And where my dick leads, the rest of me generally follows.

I bet for TGs who are much lower profile, there are more instances of str8 men who date TGs publicly but just don't advertise about it.

From what I read, nothing in that article should come as a shock to anyone who's a member of HA.

It's funny...a str8 man can have his GG wife fuck him with a strap-on, or put her finger up his ass when she's giving him head, or anally fuck his wife more than he fucks her pussy, yet it's still considered a private sexual matter. But if a guy is in any sort of a relationship with a TG, everyone wants to camp out in their bedroom to see which one has who's dick in their mouth.

The biggest opponent to str8men/TG relationships becoming more public has been and will continue to be GGs.

I can understand why, because there's too much competition out there already without having to compete against a phine TG for a man's affection, still I see GGs as the first ones to attack a str8man's 'manhood' and call a TG a 'dude' for being involved with each other.You make a good point. In short, it's the blatant sexism that men are "forced" to face everyday. Where a woman can wear men's ties and men's underwear "as shorts" in public and people congratulate, but let a man try wearing even a "kilt" into a local store like Target, and watch the sexism pour down on you.

Have a great day

09-09-2009, 01:16 AM
As to the question about whether desire for she-cock leads to desire for he-cock, my guess is that most here are like me. I'm not referring to the "am-I gay?" people or the shockingly homophobic members of HA (there are too many to believe!).
I mean, my personal feeling is that for all that men tend to fetishize the cock, the whole package is way more important. I'm just not attracted to muscualr male bodies, facial and body hair and flat pecs. I want the feminine side of transwomen as much as their cocks.
Which doesn't mean I don't WANT their cocks in me in every way possible ;-)

09-09-2009, 06:35 PM
Unfortunately it still matters especially with high profile men. It could very well be the end to a career and everything they have worked for.
sad and unfair but there it is.
in some cases love does not conquer all.

Doesn't even have to be high profile, Shana.

Not long ago there was a guy in FL who was fired because his wife was an ex-porn actress. They had never done anything in the least bit questionable. But he was fired for something his spouse had done, long before they had ever even met, let alone married, that was and is completely legal.

You're right, it's very sad and extremely unfair. In fact 30 years ago I'd go so far as to call it un-American. These days however, I'm afraid that may no longer be true. :(