View Full Version : Girls in porn no thanks!

10-23-2005, 06:55 AM
I was really thinking about this but there is no why in hell i could date a girl in porn,One word HIV ,no offense to the girl but getting rammed by 30 guys is not cool at all so why are many girls saying they are looking for a husband or a boyfreind? I know half of the guys on this site would probably have intercourse with any girl, but they is no way in hell i would have intercourse with a girl who has done like 10,20 or even 30 hell not even 1.What makes a girl think you want her as a girlfreind after she has been fucked by every guy(or every girl) in the planet, im just saying no one wants a fucking ho as a girlfreind or wife!

10-23-2005, 07:04 AM
no girl wants a guy thats had just as many partners just b/c it hasnt been documented doesnt mean it didnt happen... it ballances out... not to mention im sure that as a performer in the sex industry, who needs to keep her body clean so she can continue to work and pay her bills shes probably FAR more clean then some guy who thinks b/c he fucks GG's or isnt fucking "prostitutes" w/o condoms that hes safe

10-23-2005, 07:04 AM
i dont think that really solves anything..remember most girls porn careers arent very long , except for the exceptions...u dont think u can meet a girl that has more partners than a bennigans beer list, lol...ive got a word for ya...condoms.... i just assume the girl has slept with everybody, its better than assuming she is very innocent. :deadhorse

10-23-2005, 07:08 AM
slow down tiger, i didnt see any girls here begging for ur hand in marriage...gosh, some guys are full of themselves...

these are the same ugly losers who cant find a date yet have the nerve to proclaim "im not interested in having gays in my gym, so if my soap drops i need to worry about getting ass fucked by some dude?" hey, guess what, no one wants ur average lookin out of shape ass to begin with...let alone buff gay boys who have options

jeez...way to ruin the party kid....hey, why not show up at allanahs bash and scream "who the fuck wants to date these nasty girls who sleep around?" you know who? every fuckin person there, thats who....same as with ur dumb post, did u mistake this board for "republicans with issues?"

here here 2nd the motion... i personally would love the thread of the guys who put him in the hospital for doing that at one of her parties

The Magic One
10-23-2005, 07:21 AM
You need to change your name Alpha Male, because you be on this board catching feelings like a straight up pussy. calm yo ass down. You makin a fool outta yaself.

Go here


they got good good clean virgin gurls for your overly emotional ass.

Felicia Katt
10-23-2005, 07:23 AM
good luck finding that super hot, sexy gorgeous, transsexual virgin. LOL

10-23-2005, 07:30 AM
slow down tiger, i didnt see any girls here begging for ur hand in marriage...gosh, some guys are full of themselves...

these are the same ugly losers who cant find a date yet have the nerve to proclaim "im not interested in having gays in my gym, so if my soap drops i need to worry about getting ass fucked by some dude?" hey, guess what, no one wants ur average lookin out of shape ass to begin with...let alone buff gay boys who have options

jeez...way to ruin the party kid....hey, why not show up at allanahs bash and scream "who the fuck wants to date these nasty girls who sleep around?" you know who? every fuckin person there, thats who....same as with ur dumb post, did u mistake this board for "republicans with issues?"

Nobody said anything about gays dude,nobody wants a porno chick as a girlfreind plain and simple(Aids Kill People)!

10-23-2005, 07:32 AM
i dont think that really solves anything..remember most girls porn careers arent very long , except for the exceptions...u dont think u can meet a girl that has more partners than a bennigans beer list, lol...ive got a word for ya...condoms.... i just assume the girl has slept with everybody, its better than assuming she is very innocent. :deadhorse

Dude so tell me that if a girl fucked 50 guys and still used condoms you wouldnt mind?

10-23-2005, 07:33 AM
You need to change your name Alpha Male, because you be on this board catching feelings like a straight up pussy. calm yo ass down. You makin a fool outta yaself.

Go here


they got good good clean virgin gurls for your overly emotional ass.

Keep saying that crap when you caught HIV dude, just because im not like "where's nomi x or some crap like that im emotinal?

10-23-2005, 07:42 AM
quote:Dude so tell me that if a girl fucked 50 guys and still used condoms you wouldnt mind?

been there dont that...like i said condoms...while u are at it , never leave the house and shut the blinds, lol...u might be safer...

10-23-2005, 07:44 AM
Why are you being stereotypical linking those who do porn with HIV?? Do you know that girls currently working in mainstream porn are required to have AIDS, ghonorhhea (sp), chlymedia test before every shoot? Do you also know that most mainstream adult girls are doing on the high average of ten videos a year if that? Do you also know that all male talent who do shoots with us are also required to have a recent, within thirty days, AIM test before shooting??

When you go to a club and hookup do you ask her how many partners she has had or where is her current AIDS test? Think Not.

Do you even know anything about the epidemic besides the stereotypes and nonsense you are spouting on a transsexual forum?

So how about your sex life? Do you keep track and test on a regular basis? Doyou understand whether you have five or fifty sex partners AIDS does not care? Doyou also understand that AIDS does not care what profession you are in when infecting someone?

Get facts!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-23-2005, 08:02 AM
good luck finding that super hot, sexy gorgeous, transsexual virgin. LOL

Lmao@Felicia Katt. Amen! LOL :lol:



10-23-2005, 09:04 AM
Why are you being stereotypical linking those who do porn with HIV?? Do you know that girls currently working in mainstream porn are required to have AIDS, ghonorhhea (sp), chlymedia test before every shoot? Do you also know that most mainstream adult girls are doing on the high average of ten videos a year if that? Do you also know that all male talent who do shoots with us are also required to have a recent, within thirty days, AIM test before shooting??

When you go to a club and hookup do you ask her how many partners she has had or where is her current AIDS test? Think Not.

Do you even know anything about the epidemic besides the stereotypes and nonsense you are spouting on a transsexual forum?

So how about your sex life? Do you keep track and test on a regular basis? Doyou understand whether you have five or fifty sex partners AIDS does not care? Doyou also understand that AIDS does not care what profession you are in when infecting someone?

Get facts!


10-23-2005, 12:36 PM
Being that I recently replied in one of the poats that i was "looking for a husband", I take it that this post was mainly referring to me. hmmmm
Maybe your some guy who i ignore on yahoo, or maybe got short with on the phone when u called my ad. At any rates, its ok to take out your feelings openly, dont hold them inside.
I think you truly have sum issues within urself that u need to deal with, otherwise u would have such big issues with what others are doing.
Mind you, everyone deserves someone, rather you are a pornstar or an serial killer, companionship is human natire, u cant deprive that from nething. Doing videos is just a job, like anyother job, true it takes a strong person, and alot of trust and understanding to deal with that, but that also makes the relationship stronger, which most "normal" people dont have.
In closing, look within yourself before you try to judge others. And im truly sorry if i ever said anything to you to cause u to have such negative feeling for people in my occupation.


10-23-2005, 03:17 PM
Why are you being stereotypical linking those who do porn with HIV?? Do you know that girls currently working in mainstream porn are required to have AIDS, ghonorhhea (sp), chlymedia test before every shoot? Do you also know that most mainstream adult girls are doing on the high average of ten videos a year if that? Do you also know that all male talent who do shoots with us are also required to have a recent, within thirty days, AIM test before shooting??

When you go to a club and hookup do you ask her how many partners she has had or where is her current AIDS test? Think Not.

Do you even know anything about the epidemic besides the stereotypes and nonsense you are spouting on a transsexual forum?

So how about your sex life? Do you keep track and test on a regular basis? Doyou understand whether you have five or fifty sex partners AIDS does not care? Doyou also understand that AIDS does not care what profession you are in when infecting someone?

Get facts!

Being in the porn industry is taking chances you dont have to!

I dont go out to clubs!

Yes a know a little about HIV,whats wrong with being on a transsexual forum, people are people!

I have never had sex nor do i want too until marriage, again taking extra chances you dont have too!

10-23-2005, 03:28 PM
Being that I recently replied in one of the poats that i was "looking for a husband", I take it that this post was mainly referring to me. hmmmm
Maybe your some guy who i ignore on yahoo, or maybe got short with on the phone when u called my ad. At any rates, its ok to take out your feelings openly, dont hold them inside.
I think you truly have sum issues within urself that u need to deal with, otherwise u would have such big issues with what others are doing.
Mind you, everyone deserves someone, rather you are a pornstar or an serial killer, companionship is human natire, u cant deprive that from nething. Doing videos is just a job, like anyother job, true it takes a strong person, and alot of trust and understanding to deal with that, but that also makes the relationship stronger, which most "normal" people dont have.
In closing, look within yourself before you try to judge others. And im truly sorry if i ever said anything to you to cause u to have such negative feeling for people in my occupation.


Im not gonna lie yes i was thinking about it when i glanced your post,and i have nothing agaisnt(I dont know you but your posting on the forum).Maybe i might have issues but shouldnt a person want someone who is just like the average girl you know just doing a 9 to 5 job, its just a cant love a girl who has done tons of guys(maybe girls again) and expect the relationship to be normal! Again nothing agaisnt you jade but thats just how i feel!

10-23-2005, 03:36 PM
AlphaMale, you need to grow up and do some research on the topics before you start spouting off. Chances are, most porn stars wouldn't even look twice at us normal guys anyway. As it's been stated previously, a performer in the U.S. adult industry is probably cleaner than a regular partner because they get tested constantly. Now admittedly, they probably have a higher chance of contracting STD's, but I'd say a person who fucks different partners constantly has a better chance of contracting an STD.

Ever participated in an menage-a-trois, orgy, or gangbang? If you have, guess what? You are at higher risk than someone who hasn't. I have participated in all of those things, but I have also been tested and monogamous for the last 13 years.

I will agree with you one one point though: AIDS kills. But there's more than one way to contract that disease, and a lot of the STD's have deadly and/or permanently debilitating effects (Syphilis, anyone?) if not treated. And some stick around and don't go away ever. Herpes, for example.

As it was stated before,

good luck finding that super hot, sexy gorgeous, transsexual virgin. LOL

Other than that, save up your money, buy a Realdoll, and stay alone for the rest of your life. That's the only way to stay disease-free.

Just like with pregnancy, It only takes one time to fuck up your life because you slept with the wrong person and didn't take precautions. Now get down from your "Porn Stars have AIDS" high horse and open your fucking eyes.

10-23-2005, 04:07 PM
Alpha Male=Geekmeat?

10-23-2005, 05:02 PM
I have never had sex nor do i want too until marriage, again taking extra chances you dont have too!
Obviously an expert opinion. 'nuff said.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-23-2005, 05:08 PM
I have never had sex nor do i want too until marriage, again taking extra chances you dont have too!
Obviously an expert opinion. 'nuff said.


TheAlphaMale, are you serious?>>"I have never had sex nor do i want too until marriage"?

I never really thought VIRGINS still do exist thesedays..and with GUYS. :shock:

This reminded me of this movie. LOL : I hope you're not as old as the guy in the movie. Then that would be sad.


10-23-2005, 07:24 PM
I know some famous rockstars date pornstars. Why? Because those girls love sex!!! Look at poor Hugh Grant, he was dating Liz Hurley who looks almost perfect but still wants a blowjob from a street hooker.
I bet beautiful Liz is a little cold in the sack.

10-23-2005, 07:37 PM
well the movie is way better than the post :deadhorse .....all the virgins always end up on here trying to lecture us about sex, lol.....i havent fucked any trannies but i did stay at a holiday inn last night, lol....lemme tell ya girls that work in offices are just like anyone else....u think u do a girl in a office , that u are safe, lol....grow up

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-23-2005, 07:56 PM
well the movie is way better than the post :deadhorse .....all the virgins always end up on here trying to lecture us about sex, lol.....i havent fucked any trannies but i did stay at a holiday inn last night, lol....lemme tell ya girls that work in offices are just like anyone else....u think u do a girl in a office , that u are safe, lol....grow up

Exactly! Not because you didnt know a gurls personal life is..you can say you're free and clear of contracting something. Not to scare you but Its hardly the case thesedays. LMAO. Just cos one gurl is "working" doesnt mean she is any less than anyone whos got a 9-5 job. Wake up and smell the java sweety! LOL. Id say atleast it better being upfront then being a sketchy 'Ho..If that makes sense? :wink:



Hugh Jarrod
10-23-2005, 11:39 PM
I have never had sex nor do i want too until marriage, again taking extra chances you dont have too!
Obviously an expert opinion. 'nuff said.


TheAlphaMale, are you serious?>>"I have never had sex nor do i want too until marriage"?

I never really thought VIRGINS still do exist thesedays..and with GUYS. :shock:

This reminded me of this movie. LOL : I hope you're not as old as the guy in the movie. Then that would be sad.
