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10-23-2005, 02:02 AM
hey how are you all doing? Im pretty newo n this board and Ive been attracted to transexuals ever since I was about 15(godbless the internet) Im not attracted to dudes at all, but theres something bout tranny's, i was wondering if any of you are the same, and why its so shameful to admit it to people, atlwast for me it is, my dad would kick my ass(lol) Im straight, but transexuals are my weakness, please respond everyone

Gus The Dagger
10-23-2005, 02:16 AM
I like Tgirls too

10-23-2005, 02:22 AM
I am attracted to genetic girls and transexual ladies. Don't worry about it. As far as I am concerned, transexual women are women. Life is too short, and true love is hard to find. Try to be happy.

Gus The Dagger
10-23-2005, 02:37 AM
As far as I am concerned, transexual women are women.

I agree

10-23-2005, 02:48 AM
Ok, some rudimentary psychology. Research conducted by Kinsey suggested that people fall into a range of sexual preferences, like a scale with pure homosexuality on one end and pure heterosexuality on the other. Most people are in the middle of a standard distribution, or bell curve, meaning that they are not purely hetero or homosexual, but fall somewhere in the middle of the scale. Social and familial pressures can create an internal tension which we attempt to eleviate by adopting coping mechanisms. Shemales are a way of coping with a natural tendency away from the pure heterosexuality that social/familial pressures dictate. Most males who identify themselves as shemale lovers go to great pains to also identify themselves as heterosexual, yet few of those same males have any interest in transsexuals who have completed a sex change and lack a penis. Basically, shemales are a "safe" way of expressing a natural tendency toward homosexual feelings which are socially/familially discouraged, e.g. your father who would kick your ass if he found out. A further example of this phenomena is found with the prevelance of shemales in latin societies where the cultural pressure of "machismo" as well as religious pressures against homosexuality increase the prevelance of a shemale subculture.

10-23-2005, 02:57 AM
Human sexuality is too complicated a subject to catagorize into neat groupings. I think people should just try to accept who they are.

10-23-2005, 03:15 AM
Human sexuality is too complicated a subject to catagorize into neat groupings. I think people should just try to accept who they are.Amen!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-23-2005, 03:48 AM
human sexuality is too diverse to be packaged & labeled in a cut-and-dry way. It's not as simple as black and white, more like 256 shades of grey. The whole world can't be divided perfectly into gay/straight/ or bi.

This was discussed on another thread. So Ill just cut and paste what I said quoting NYCe:

You like what you like and makes your earth move. Fuck the labelling..as long as youre happy about it, then thats all that matters. Society as a whole has had its biases since the begining of time. Dont get caught with the norms and stereotypes! Do what pleases you.

Remember: If Transexual women were just gay people..It would have been alot easier if we remained a boy/man and just drag on out when we feel like it. But thats hardly not so the case. Why would one go thru all the hard work to transition closely to a genetic woman? If it makes sense?!



10-23-2005, 04:05 AM
Well said, Harajuku! As for relative mainstream acceptance, I was quite impressed with a Playboy Advisor response in this month's Playboy:

Q: Recently I met an amazing Asian woman at a bar. For the next few weeks we saw each other almost every day. The extent of our physical contact was my fondling her breasts and her giving me head. One day, after it started to get intense, she shut down and asked me to leave. She called later to tell me she "wasn't a real girl." She said she hadn't told me sooner or in person because she feared my reaction. I know most guys would walk away, but I'm crazy about her. (She acts, talks and dresses like a woman, so it's hard for me to think of her otherwise.) I'm not gay, but I'm in love with a man. What the hell should I do? If it were only physical, it would be an easy decision.

A: Love is a mysterious thing. Gender can be too. Since you don't have an immediate urge to flee, continue the conversation. If labels are a concern, you're bisexual.

Coming from the arbiter of all that is masculine in American culture, I thought Playboy's response to be quite enlightened. Yes, they've always supported gay rights (though of course constantly maintaining their personal hetero bias), but I thought this was a nice step on their part. Poor guy who's in love with the Asian girl, though, thinks he's in love with a man, so there's still lots of growth to go there.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-23-2005, 06:43 AM
Well said, Harajuku! As for relative mainstream acceptance, I was quite impressed with a Playboy Advisor response in this month's Playboy:

Q: Recently I met an amazing Asian woman at a bar. For the next few weeks we saw each other almost every day. The extent of our physical contact was my fondling her breasts and her giving me head. One day, after it started to get intense, she shut down and asked me to leave. She called later to tell me she "wasn't a real girl." She said she hadn't told me sooner or in person because she feared my reaction. I know most guys would walk away, but I'm crazy about her. (She acts, talks and dresses like a woman, so it's hard for me to think of her otherwise.) I'm not gay, but I'm in love with a man. What the hell should I do? If it were only physical, it would be an easy decision.

A: Love is a mysterious thing. Gender can be too. Since you don't have an immediate urge to flee, continue the conversation. If labels are a concern, you're bisexual.

Coming from the arbiter of all that is masculine in American culture, I thought Playboy's response to be quite enlightened. Yes, they've always supported gay rights (though of course constantly maintaining their personal hetero bias), but I thought this was a nice step on their part. Poor guy who's in love with the Asian girl, though, thinks he's in love with a man, so there's still lots of growth to go there.

Thanks for sharing Ecstatic! That was an awesome "realife" scenario most guys thesedays could relate Im sure.. Im impressed with how playboy's hetero columnist' advice on the issue of a guy inlove with the woman within the man i.e. transexual. :wink:

Cheers for playboy!



10-23-2005, 06:51 AM
the way i view it ur sexuality isnt what is b/c of the genitals of ur partner ... someone is homosexual b/c they are attracted to men not penises

10-23-2005, 05:32 PM
tsntx, that maybe the most succinct way of putting it that I've heard yet. Well said.