View Full Version : Rapper Gets 2 Years In Jail For “Kill Me A Cop” Lyrics

08-13-2009, 04:13 AM

LMAO! What a fool and the author compared this to the Gates case. LULZ!!!

08-13-2009, 04:18 AM

LMAO! What a fool and the author compared this to the Gates case. LULZ!!!

"For all the protection afforded by the First Amendment, the Constitution doesn’t protect dangerous and offensive speech absolutely."

What a load of crap.

The constitution does not say that the natural freedom of speech is limited to exclude offensive speech. That's merely a legal fiction created after the fact to justify the silencing of people that the system doesn't like..

08-13-2009, 04:24 AM
That was beyond offensive and more into dangerous. Sarah you know that you can't go out in a building and yell fire when there isn't one. You will not go to jail. But this fool named out 2 specific cops not cops in general.

08-13-2009, 04:28 AM
Sarah you know that you can't go out in a building and yell fire when there isn't one..

Do you know where that quote comes from?

I do.

It comes from a famous SCOTUS case where a guy was handing out fliers about fire safety, explaining that buildings in the area would become death traps if caught on fire because of insufficient fire codes.

These fliers were being handed out by activists on a side walk, across the street from a theatre whose fire safety was severely and lethally lacking.

The business owner did not want the fliers to hurt his business, and tried to get the building code activists silenced.

It was that, which prompted the supreme court case that stated that "yelling fire in a crowded theatre is criminal." It never happened; it was a fiction used to silence people who were hurting big business.

08-13-2009, 05:26 AM
damn that fucking sucks.

08-13-2009, 05:30 AM
they said the first amendment doesn't protect dangerous & offensive speech absolutely...
So I guess when the presidential elections were going on and people called Obama a terrorist and all that shit-Those fuckers should be in jail too right?
I see this dude counter-suing the shit out of the government but O well.. that's life.

from the actual 1st-Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

08-13-2009, 05:35 AM
damn that fucking sucks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsVKh69qR9gHis voice reminds me of Murphy Lee,& st. Lunatics >_<

08-13-2009, 05:36 AM
I see the ACLU springing into action on this one. The first amendment is feverishly protected.

Willie Escalade
08-13-2009, 05:50 AM
That song is actually banging...

08-13-2009, 05:59 AM
the only crime he commited was being WACK!!!! Just another run of the mill wack ass wanna be dudu rapper. please send 50 cent, kanye, lilwayne, eminem and all pop rappers to jail for life.

Quiet Reflections
08-13-2009, 06:00 AM
what i think is sad is that this guy will probably use his sentence for publicity purposes when he gets out.

08-13-2009, 06:01 AM
That song is actually banging...Downloading lol...Then fuck with the bass in the song-Final product-Something new to slap :lol:

08-13-2009, 08:31 PM
rap is crap

08-14-2009, 03:30 AM
rap is crap

I don't care for rap, country, or several other genres on "face value" but I think it would be painting with too broad of a brush to say 100% of any genre is crap.

In any case, didn't the Brits make a fake-documentary-drama/movie about Bush being assassinated? Why weren't they sentenced for two years for that?

08-14-2009, 03:34 AM
rap is crap

I don't care for rap, country, or several other genres on "face value" but I think it would be painting with too broad of a brush to say 100% of any genre is crap.

In any case, didn't the Brits make a fake-documentary-drama/movie about Bush being assassinated? Why weren't they sentenced for two years for that?

Maybe because they were enacting the world's hope (lol)? Who was going to get upset about it when his approval ratings were hovering around 30%? The man was a pariah - and a political figure as well which theoretically would protect the producers' under their freedom of speech. Plus, talking about killing law enforcement indicates that you have no respect for the system at large versus the politics of just one overly powerful man.


08-14-2009, 03:42 AM
rap is crap

I don't care for rap, country, or several other genres on "face value" but I think it would be painting with too broad of a brush to say 100% of any genre is crap.

In any case, didn't the Brits make a fake-documentary-drama/movie about Bush being assassinated? Why weren't they sentenced for two years for that?

Maybe because they were enacting the world's hope (lol)? Who was going to get upset about it when his approval ratings were hovering around 30%? The man was a pariah - and a political figure as well which theoretically would protect the producers' under their freedom of speech. Plus, talking about killing law enforcement indicates that you have no respect for the system at large versus the politics of just one overly powerful man.


The presidency is the embodiment OF THE SYSTEM. That's why people who threaten the president are immediately arrested as a capital offense and put in federal prisons for it.; even if they have no plan and show no sign of actually trying to follow threw with it.

The reason why this is different because on the local level, law enforcement thinks they can do whatever they want... because usually they can (i.e. confiscating legally owned firearms after Katrina), and DA's are all too happy to try easily convict-able people to boost their conviction stats.

A guy like this rapping about killing cops is gonna look like a gang banger thug in the court room; the judge isn't going to like him, the jury isn't going to like him, and he's not going to have the money (being a kid) for anything better than a public defender who is only taking the case because he isn't good enough to get work on his own...

In other words, its an easy way for a DA to amasss conviction numbers so he can go next election and say "I have taken _#_ criminals off of our streets!"

...what those stats don't show is how many of those convicts were convicted of real crimes, how many weren't, and how many will be out soon due to the revolving door prison system anyway.

08-14-2009, 03:51 AM
The presidency is the embodiment OF THE SYSTEM. That's why people who threaten the president are immediately arrested as a capital offense and put in federal prisons for it.; even if they have no plan and show no sign of actually trying to follow threw with it.

I disagree. I think that first of all that there should be a distinction between the office and man who holds it. In this case we're talking about George W. Bush who will probably go down as one of the most hated Presidents of all time. I don't necessarily think that anyone who would want to assassinate Bush would want to do so just because he's POTUS.

Secondly, I don't think the presidency is even the 'embodiment' of the system. Call it a semantical argument, but I think the president is at the top of the system yet doesn't always represent or 'embody' it. I think the degree to which this is so depends on how tenaciously or not any particular president defends the status quo. If a president wants to get elected to 'change' the system (to the extent he or she can) then I fail to see how they can embody it. Only sellouts seem to 'embody' the system imho.


08-14-2009, 03:56 AM
the only crime he commited was being WACK!!!! Just another run of the mill wack ass wanna be dudu rapper. please send 50 cent, kanye, lilwayne, eminem and all pop rappers to jail for life.

I'll cosign on this.

Give me Onyx anyday.

08-14-2009, 03:59 AM
the only crime he commited was being WACK!!!! Just another run of the mill wack ass wanna be dudu rapper. please send 50 cent, kanye, lilwayne, eminem and all pop rappers to jail for life.

I'll cosign on this.

Give me Onyx anyday.

Ok. :)


But Addicted - leave Kanye out of this. :twisted:


08-22-2009, 08:16 PM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what? Was it free speech then, or reckless endangerment?

If some white guy goes out and makes a song on youtube about killing 2 cops and named them would Anita Allen have written the article?

Plus the kid is a scum bag drug dealer, look at his mug shot, he thinks its a game

08-22-2009, 08:18 PM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what? Was it free speech then, or reckless endangerment?

If some white guy goes out and makes a song on youtube about killing 2 cops and named them would Anita Allen have written the article?

Plus the kid is a scum bag drug dealer, look at his mug shot, he thinks its a gameyou got hes a scumbag drug dealer how? Racial pro-filing much?

08-22-2009, 08:57 PM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what? Was it free speech then, or reckless endangerment?

If some white guy goes out and makes a song on youtube about killing 2 cops and named them would Anita Allen have written the article?

Plus the kid is a scum bag drug dealer, look at his mug shot, he thinks its a gameyou got hes a scumbag drug dealer how? Racial pro-filing much?

I know reading isn't somethiing you like to do but read the link

A couple of years later, Lakeland detectives researching gang life on the Internet found Johnson’s song on a MySpace page belonging to an entity called Hood Certified Entertainment. Already in jail for violating probation on a cocaine conviction, the now-20-year-old Johnson was convicted on two counts of a weirdly titled crime he had probably never heard of: “corruption by threat of public servant.”

They were researching gangs and he was already in jail for a cocaine conviction. Reading is hard for you so asking you to do the math would be a bit much.

08-22-2009, 09:05 PM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what? Was it free speech then, or reckless endangerment?

If some white guy goes out and makes a song on youtube about killing 2 cops and named them would Anita Allen have written the article?

Plus the kid is a scum bag drug dealer, look at his mug shot, he thinks its a gameyou got hes a scumbag drug dealer how? Racial pro-filing much?

I know reading isn't somethiing you like to do but read the link

A couple of years later, Lakeland detectives researching gang life on the Internet found Johnson’s song on a MySpace page belonging to an entity called Hood Certified Entertainment. Already in jail for violating probation on a cocaine conviction, the now-20-year-old Johnson was convicted on two counts of a weirdly titled crime he had probably never heard of: “corruption by threat of public servant.”

They were researching gangs and he was already in jail for a cocaine conviction. Reading is hard for you so asking you to do the math would be a bit much.lol cocaine conviction doesnt mean he was a DEALER. anyone I SAID ANYONE can get a conviction-He fucked up on parole...If a PO find a knife in your bedroom that violates your parole FYI-so cocaine will surely do that.Maybe you should'nt go around calling people dealers-Just saying...
The guy might have been a user but not enough information there to call him a DEALER!

08-22-2009, 09:12 PM
It's hard to find straight up info on this case...so it could very well be that he pled out to time to run concurrent with the VOP conviction.

08-22-2009, 09:16 PM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what? Was it free speech then, or reckless endangerment?

If some white guy goes out and makes a song on youtube about killing 2 cops and named them would Anita Allen have written the article?

Plus the kid is a scum bag drug dealer, look at his mug shot, he thinks its a gameyou got hes a scumbag drug dealer how? Racial pro-filing much?

I know reading isn't somethiing you like to do but read the link

A couple of years later, Lakeland detectives researching gang life on the Internet found Johnson’s song on a MySpace page belonging to an entity called Hood Certified Entertainment. Already in jail for violating probation on a cocaine conviction, the now-20-year-old Johnson was convicted on two counts of a weirdly titled crime he had probably never heard of: “corruption by threat of public servant.”

They were researching gangs and he was already in jail for a cocaine conviction. Reading is hard for you so asking you to do the math would be a bit much.lol cocaine conviction doesnt mean he was a DEALER. anyone I SAID ANYONE can get a conviction-He fucked up on parole...If a PO find a knife in your bedroom that violates your parole FYI-so cocaine will surely do that.Maybe you should'nt go around calling people dealers-Just saying...
The guy might have been a user but not enough information there to call him a DEALER!

You can not read can you? No your right he was a saint, he never did a thing wrong in his meaningless life. The gang squad was just looking at him because he was set up because he was black, that is where you are going right?
I know you couldn't do the math, you lived up to you reputation the board idiot.

08-22-2009, 09:16 PM
Nicely written article, Silcc. It’s true the First Amendment doesn’t guarantee a right to absolutely free speech. There are laws against slander, conspiracy etc. But the Florida law sets up public servants as a class with special protections against speech. It would seem that the laws already in place against threats of violence are sufficient as they cover public servants as well as ordinary citizens. But to apply either law to this case is just another example of the enforcement system overstepping its bounds in a way that systematically disenfranchises a minority culture. The officer really had to dig to even find this song. It's not like there's a following of thousands of listeners being converted into cop killers by its dangerously compelling lyrics!

08-22-2009, 09:29 PM
Interestingly enough,..it sounds like they used a law that was created so you couldn't threaten a public official in a way to receive a certain outcome, ..for example changing evidence or dropping a case. Of course governments do this all the time; look how far the RICO laws are stretched sometimes...but again..the sentencing in this case might have been used to finish up all his cases in a neat little bundle using pleas that run concurrent in a plea bargain deal.

08-22-2009, 11:28 PM
Quote from article by Anita

"If death threats are to be crimes as well as the civil wrongs we lawyers call torts, the punishments should be tailored to fit culpability. Perpetrators of verbal threats who have never lifted a finger against anyone do not deserve to be thrown into jail for two years. A $400 fine and a tongue lashing would be fairer—that’s the punishment a judge imposed on a wealthy white businessman in my neighborhood who took a dislike to my 12-year-old son, and threatened, to his face as he walked home from the school bus one day, to “fuck” him up if he ever went near his children.

Seems she's just pissed. What did Billy Shakespeare say about them? Lawyers, that is.

Lady, just please kill all us whitey's and get it over with! :smoking

08-22-2009, 11:34 PM
guess he got fucked by the cops, good

08-22-2009, 11:37 PM
You can not read can you? No your right he was a saint, he never did a thing wrong in his meaningless life. The gang squad was just looking at him because he was set up because he was black, that is where you are going right?
I know you couldn't do the math, you lived up to you reputation the board idiot.

I have a message to relay from Jix (GSXR) who can't get to a computer:

lol u mad because you can't admit your wrong for piling all bad things people do and not listen to reason...but its ok must be that vegas air fucking your Dealer mind right...?

08-22-2009, 11:48 PM
the only crime he commited was being WACK!!!! Just another run of the mill wack ass wanna be dudu rapper. please send 50 cent, kanye, lilwayne, eminem and all pop rappers to jail for life.

I agree.

It seems like the judge is taking out his fustration about the losing control of this country out on some weak-ass rapper to set a example.

Back in the early 90's, he would NOT be tried.

BECAUSE Ice-T did the exact same thing, releasing a song about killing cops.


08-22-2009, 11:58 PM
Back in the early 90's, he would NOT be tried.

He wasn't tried...he took a plea.

08-23-2009, 12:14 AM
Back in the early 90's, he would NOT be tried.

He wasn't tried...he took a plea.

Regardless, Ice-T wasn't indicted of criminal offenses when he *tried* to release "Cop Killer", so what the hell made this rapper any different??

08-23-2009, 12:17 AM
Back in the early 90's, he would NOT be tried.

He wasn't tried...he took a plea.

Regardless, Ice-T wasn't indicted of criminal offenses when he *tried* to release "Cop Killer", so what the hell made this rapper any different??

I'm guessing that it was because he used specific P.O.s names. ICE-T was talking about the police in general.

08-23-2009, 12:30 AM
Back in the early 90's, he would NOT be tried.

He wasn't tried...he took a plea.

Had he not taken a plea there would've been a trial. That's what I think ozma claims is the difference between today and the nineties. In the nineties, there would not have been the threat of a trial and hence no leverage to force a plea bargain. I'm not sure I agree, but it is a point. I lean toward thinking the police don't like being singled out by name.

08-23-2009, 01:58 AM
187 on an undercover cop

Snoop Dogg - 187 Undercover Cop

Ice T Cop Killer and Body Count


Cop Killer by Ice-T

08-23-2009, 03:42 AM
You can not read can you? No your right he was a saint, he never did a thing wrong in his meaningless life. The gang squad was just looking at him because he was set up because he was black, that is where you are going right?
I know you couldn't do the math, you lived up to you reputation the board idiot.

I have a message to relay from Jix (GSXR) who can't get to a computer:

lol u mad because you can't admit your wrong for piling all bad things people do and not listen to reason...but its ok must be that vegas air fucking your Dealer mind right...?Lol Ok time to fix it...Is
LOL UMAD! I would love for FREAK! to show proof that this guy is a drug dealer if you dont have it. Dont say shit because you dont know shit...I used to do drugs heavily when I was 16-17 cocaine in particular does that make me a dealer? Nope I used I cleaned up and well im the motherfucker owning you because you certainly do not have the brain power to understand the difference between someone who used a drug and someone who dealt a drug.

08-23-2009, 03:50 AM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what?

Then you charge that fan with 1st degree murder and stick a needle in the fan's fucking arm.

Really not that complicated!

08-23-2009, 05:14 AM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what?

Then you charge that fan with 1st degree murder and stick a needle in the fan's fucking arm.

Really not that complicated!

OK it was only a matter of time for the SarahG/BLKGSXR combo to hit, has anyone else noticed that they always post almost at the same time and give it the 1/2 combos, attack someone like there one. One post and the other 2nd's it, like a duel person... well forget that, anyway back to the post.

I guess it is all ok unless it was you that he was singing about, then the police should have done something to prevent this. It is foolish to act this way and he should have some responsibility for his actions. But that is how it is, no one excepts any responsibility for anything, it is always someone else's fault.

It is useless to try to argue this point, BLKGSXR has no clue about anything. He is like chicken little spews nonsense before he even read the link then tosses the race card out there to mask and misdirect. Now we have almost on cue SarahG jumping in like so many times in the past to 2nd the nonsense.

08-23-2009, 05:27 AM
What would happen if his song was popular, then one of his fans wanted to impress him and goes out and kills the 2 cops, then what?

Then you charge that fan with 1st degree murder and stick a needle in the fan's fucking arm.

Really not that complicated!

OK it was only a matter of time for the SarahG/BLKGSXR combo to hit, has anyone else noticed that they always post almost at the same time and give it the 1/2 combos, attack someone like there one. One post and the other 2nd's it, like a duel person... well forget that, anyway back to the post.

I guess it is all ok unless it was you that he was singing about, then the police should have done something to prevent this. It is foolish to act this way and he should have some responsibility for his actions. But that is how it is, no one excepts any responsibility for anything, it is always someone else's fault.

It is useless to try to argue this point, BLKGSXR has no clue about anything. He is like chicken little spews nonsense before he even read the link then tosses the race card out there to mask and misdirect. Now we have almost on cue SarahG jumping in like so many times in the past to 2nd the nonsense.dude your entitled to an opinion and well I can careless with a name like freak living in Vegas not really appealing FYI- Dude you seriously just cant admit well firstly your WRONG for ASS-uming he was a dealer thats all I want from you is to admit your wrong based on the evidence nothing shows that he is a dealer other than what your opinion because of how he looks..No race cards thrown but a accusation of you being a racist will be..didnt your mama ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover? That applies here.

08-23-2009, 05:38 AM
OK it was only a matter of time for the SarahG/BLKGSXR combo to hit, has anyone else noticed that they always post almost at the same time and give it the 1/2 combos, attack someone like there one. One post and the other 2nd's it, like a duel person... well forget that, anyway back to the post.

You really think we're the same person? Really?

That's pretty amusing.

It is foolish to act this way and he should have some responsibility for his actions.

His actions? All he did was write a song.

If a fan "tried to impress him by killing those two cops", well that fan was the one who pulled the trigger.

But that is how it is, no one excepts any responsibility for anything, it is always someone else's fault.

So let me get this straight... you're basically saying that everyone should be held accountable for their actions.... UNLESS they got the idea in a song, because god knows once people hear it put to music- they lose all their free will and become enslaved into impressing their idols.

You can't honestly believe that bullshit. In what kind of fucked up bazaro world would we blame wanna be rap artists for killings committed by OTHER PEOPLE? Its the killers that should be held accountable for killings.

Did you believe Marilyn Manson and ID software caused Columbine too?

In a world with accountability, the person who ACTUALLY DOES THE CRIME does the time. None of this bullshit "lets blame everything... everything but the criminal who pulled the trigger" mentality.

08-23-2009, 05:44 AM
If some white guy goes out and makes a song on youtube about killing 2 cops and named them would Anita Allen have written the article?

Umm... FUCK YEAH! What the hell is wrong with you? How does this story have ANYTHING to do with race? There's no double-standard here. So what you're doing is speculating about how there COULD be one. Why? Your opinion that a white person who threatens to kill a cop isn't going to catch a case or some media attention is certainly not backed by any facts or evidence that I have ever seen. I'm pretty sure most people around here would agree with that assessment. Cops don't want people shooting at them. Period. White people, black people, orange people. It doesn't fucking matter. AT ALL.

People like YOU are why black writers would have to take up this story. You've already got this guy accused, tried, and convicted based on his race.


PS: I've been having a hard time articulating this because the allegation is so ridiculous. Sorry for the multiple edits, but I think I got it down now.

08-23-2009, 05:48 AM
freak whined:
OK it was only a matter of time for the SarahG/BLKGSXR combo to hit, has anyone else noticed that they always post almost at the same time and give it the 1/2 combos, attack someone like there one. One post and the other 2nd's it, like a duel person... well forget that, anyway back to the post.

I only noticed that Sarah just handed you your ass on a platter. :lol:

08-23-2009, 05:50 AM
freak whined:
OK it was only a matter of time for the SarahG/BLKGSXR combo to hit, has anyone else noticed that they always post almost at the same time and give it the 1/2 combos, attack someone like there one. One post and the other 2nd's it, like a duel person... well forget that, anyway back to the post.

I only noticed that Sarah just handed you your ass on a platter. :lol: Id say bawl but was the platter copper silver or PLATINUM!

08-23-2009, 05:51 AM
LOL,they never arrested ice t for cop killer and that was mainstream.

08-23-2009, 05:52 AM
Oh and they didn't do crap to nwa.

08-23-2009, 09:15 AM
Back in the early 90's, he would NOT be tried.

He wasn't tried...he took a plea.

Had he not taken a plea there would've been a trial. That's what I think ozma claims is the difference between today and the nineties. In the nineties, there would not have been the threat of a trial and hence no leverage to force a plea bargain. I'm not sure I agree, but it is a point. I lean toward thinking the police don't like being singled out by name.

Not necessarily.The justice system doesn't always work that way. Different states have different local laws...and sometimes it's just a game of poker....the D.A will charge you with something as a bluff..and if you have a good enough lawyer..they may call them on it and see where it goes. But in this case, it's hard to say because the nuts and bolts of the plea bargain isn't mentioned anywhere that I could find. So we'll never know what really happened here.

edit: (as an afterthought)...almost no one likes being singled out by name

08-23-2009, 09:35 AM
OK it was only a matter of time for the SarahG/BLKGSXR combo to hit, has anyone else noticed that they always post almost at the same time and give it the 1/2 combos, attack someone like there one. One post and the other 2nd's it, like a duel person... well forget that, anyway back to the post.

You really think we're the same person? Really?

That's pretty amusing.

It is foolish to act this way and he should have some responsibility for his actions.

His actions? All he did was write a song.

If a fan "tried to impress him by killing those two cops", well that fan was the one who pulled the trigger.

But that is how it is, no one excepts any responsibility for anything, it is always someone else's fault.

So let me get this straight... you're basically saying that everyone should be held accountable for their actions.... UNLESS they got the idea in a song, because god knows once people hear it put to music- they lose all their free will and become enslaved into impressing their idols.

You can't honestly believe that bullshit. In what kind of fucked up bazaro world would we blame wanna be rap artists for killings committed by OTHER PEOPLE? Its the killers that should be held accountable for killings.

Did you believe Marilyn Manson and ID software caused Columbine too?

In a world with accountability, the person who ACTUALLY DOES THE CRIME does the time. None of this bullshit "lets blame everything... everything but the criminal who pulled the trigger" mentality.

So all he did was write the song. Same as all he did was yell fire, he didn't trample anyone, same? No similar? yes

Then if someone that threatens you says next time I see you, SaraG I am going to put a bullet right into your empty head, tie you to my bumper and drag you till your dead. then they post it on there site so all there followers can read. that is ok, again.

So just because you put you threats to music they should be exempt? So the KKK should start a hate rap group telling people how to string someone up, tie them to there bumpers, whip them till there dead. That would be ok with you. Sorry not me. Now to your ignorant reference to Columbine, the kids should be allowed to say they are going to go into the school and kill everyone they can, as long as they don't do it the police should do nothing? That is almost as bad as if 2 terrorist say there going to blow up the subway to kill the mayor as he drives over and put it on there web site that they shouldn't be arrested, free speech right?

Yes, everyone should be held accountable for their actions, all there actions, no one said the guy that pulled the trigger shouldn't but you, the one that is trying to misdirect and change what I have said.

As for the dullest light bulb in the box, yes that is you BLKGSXR, what else would the SWAT team, yes the cops he threatened to kill are SWAT cops be investigating him for, he was on probation for cocaine charges, for 5 years. 5 years is a long time for a 8 ball.

Anyway do you think the self proclaimed "CHRISTIAN" rapper aclu lawyers that got involved would have made this deal for him if it had no merit? What a good Christian he is, arrested for cocaine, threatens cops, must have made his parrish proud. You are like a race horse, you post with blinders on.

Anita Allen only writes about how bad it is for women and minorities, you never see her write anything about how there is so much black on black crime or how the minority communities treat each other, how they hold each other down. She is a more of an ethics/philosophy person that is defending someone that has done something morally wrong, she also writes a morals column called the moralist.

As for tried and convicted on race, no he confessed, took a plea. I guess you think he was on 5 years of probation because he miss his Christian Choir practice.

As for trish, go back to sleep and take your platter with you

08-23-2009, 09:38 AM
LOL,they never arrested ice t for cop killer and that was mainstream.

Ice T did not name specific police officers in his song that he wanted to murder.

08-23-2009, 02:53 PM
So all he did was write the song. Same as all he did was yell fire, he didn't trample anyone, same? No similar? yes

Not at all, if you'd actually read this thread in its entirely you'd see why that analogy doesn't hold whatsoever.

Then if someone that threatens you says next time I see you, SaraG I am going to put a bullet right into your empty head, tie you to my bumper and drag you till your dead. then they post it on there site so all there followers can read. that is ok, again.

Well that would really be up to you, in which case given that you've already posted about it ahead of time, you'd be charged with 1st degree murder and... perhaps if it is committed in a more civilized state, you'd be put to death for it.

Of course... the rapper didn't actually threaten the cop. That would be like saying Rupert Holmes should be charged with murder everytime someone kills & eats miners named Timothy.

So the KKK should start a hate rap group telling people how to string someone up, tie them to there bumpers, whip them till there dead. That would be ok with you

The KKK says things far worse than that, and they're entirely allowed to do so.

NAMBLA advocates for legalizing the rape of little children, and they're allowed to do so.

Sorry not me. Now to your ignorant reference to Columbine, the kids should be allowed to say they are going to go into the school and kill everyone they can, as long as they don't do it the police should do nothing?

Is that what I said?

Hmm, no!?

I said: Did you think Marilyn Manson and ID Software were to blame for Columbine?

Simple question, I don't see why its confused you so badly.

but you, the one that is trying to misdirect and change what I have said.

That's laughable if not intellectually dishonest given your response to my Columbine reference.

If there is anyone trying to misdirect and blatantly misinterpret posts on here, its you.

08-23-2009, 02:57 PM
*notice* Sarah kicks serious ass.

That is all. :claps


08-24-2009, 01:34 AM
Cocaine conviction, violoation of probation from said conviction, publicly and specificly threatening two cops BY NAME. Sounds like a real upstanding member of society. :roll: Fuck this guy.

Here's some advice.....Don't do or sell drugs, and don't threaten cops by name, and you just might stay out of prison.

08-24-2009, 01:34 AM
Cocaine conviction, violation of probation from said conviction, publicly and specificly threatening two cops BY NAME. Sounds like a real upstanding member of society. :roll: Fuck this guy.

Here's some advice.....Don't do or sell drugs, and don't threaten cops by name, and you just might stay out of prison.

08-24-2009, 02:24 AM
Hope enjoys jail and is traded for smokes.

08-24-2009, 02:37 AM
It sucks cause this guy is 20 and he made that song when he was a teenager...a TEENAGER, shit if they had websites where I could digitally record my frustrations at society and that could be used as evidence now that I'm an adult damn that would suck.

Also if you listen to the lyrics it's conditional that he would kill those officers; if they "Get my timing wrong" that's a term in central and parts of southern FL used when dirty cops make side deals "off the record" with criminals; mostly dealers who could afford to pay them large amounts of cash in exchange for a promise from the police to do certain things ie: take out a rival dealer or tell them when a raid is coming.

So if these cops aren't dirty and doing illegal things with the criminals then there is no real threat if they are upright servants of the law; which I'm sure they are. But more than likely he probably did something else which they didn't have any real evidence in so they said we could get this fucker for this old shit.

10-06-2009, 08:51 PM
if this song was about killin the milkman he never would have went to jail