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08-11-2009, 05:23 AM
for the crime they commited?


In May Connelly, 28, and Barker, 33, were jailed for five and 12 years for causing or allowing the death of Peter.

British justice is a fucking joke

I'm sure you yanks would lock this scum up for at least 50 years

08-11-2009, 05:25 AM
Owen, 37, who was imprisoned for three years, was staying at the home in Tottenham, north London, with his 15-year-old lover.

It has also been revealed that the brothers were charged with assaulting their own grandmother, Hilda Barker, in 1995, in an attempt to make her change her will.

That case was dropped when Mrs Barker, 82, died before giving evidence, but she told police she had been locked in a wardrobe by the pair.

The notoriety of the Baby Peter case is such that all three convicted are likely to be given new identities upon release to protect them from vigilante attacks, according to the probation union Napo.

Possible appeal

Assistant general secretary Harry Fletcher said: "The question will be, how well known are they in five years' time?

"And will Baby P still resonate with the public in terms of horrendous crime?

"If it does - and I suspect it will - the probation service and police will have no choice but to put in place a protection plan."

Liberal Democrat MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, Lynne Featherstone, said she believed there would be widespread public anger if Connelly and Barker were given police protection after their release from prison.

"There's certainly a section of the public that think that they should be in jail for life and if they come out they should not receive any protection at taxpayers' expense whatsoever," Ms Featherstone said.

"I understand that anger and I hope that the indeterminate sentence is indeterminate and that the minimums that are mentioned are not what is served because I think the public would feel that that would be absolutely unacceptable. "

Those responsible for Baby Peter's death are thought to be planning an appeal against their sentences.

It can also be reported that Baby Peter had four siblings.

A judge had ordered none of the defendants be named because the other children were still being re-homed.

Now that all four children are being cared for, the guilty trio's anonymity has ceased.

08-11-2009, 05:34 AM
Holy shit, this species is due for parol in 2012, what a fucking joke :twisted:

Quiet Reflections
08-11-2009, 05:48 AM
no country has a perfect legal system. there are plenty of murders in the states walking around the streets like its nothing. You would most likely find more light sentences here than you will max sentences in cases like that one. However in cases involving drugs and black criminals i'm 1000% sure you would find many(more than 60%) cases with maximum sentences.

08-11-2009, 05:56 AM

08-11-2009, 06:03 AM
you just wait. At 40,000 dollars a year to incarcinate a criminal, with a country that will be broke in five years, a lot of people are going to walk. maybe China will take them

08-11-2009, 06:05 AM
you just wait. At 40,000 dollars a year to incarcinate a criminal, with a country that will be broke in five years, a lot of people are going to walk. maybe China will take them