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08-08-2009, 04:32 AM
....should have been drowned at birth.

Palin says Obama's health care plan is 'evil'

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called President Barack Obama's health plan "downright evil" Friday in her first online comments since leaving office, saying in a Facebook posting that he would create a "death panel" that would deny care to the neediest Americans.
"Who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course," the former vice Republican presidential candidate wrote on her Facebook page, which has nearly 700,000 supporters.
"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil," Palin wrote.


08-08-2009, 05:23 AM
and to think she'd have been a heartbeat away from the presidency if the republicans had had their way. Makes me feel like maybe it is important who you vote for.....

08-08-2009, 05:41 AM
That's okay. Let her keep making her stupid comments and digging a deeper grave for the Republican Party. After all, she is the FACE of the RP! Her and Rush Limbaugh, that is.

08-08-2009, 05:44 AM
That's okay. Let her keep making her stupid comments and digging a deeper grave for the Republican Party. After all, she is the FACE of the RP! Her and Rush Limbaugh, that is.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks to Obama the republicans will be in the whitehouse again! Obama best friend of republicans.

08-08-2009, 06:00 AM
I like Sarah Palin.

08-08-2009, 06:04 AM
I like Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin.

08-08-2009, 06:04 AM
Who's nailin Palin?

08-08-2009, 06:10 AM
I like Sarah Palin.


I bet that you would have loved Eva Braun....

08-08-2009, 06:20 AM
I like Sarah Palin.


I bet that you would have loved Eva Braun....

And Eva Peron even more....

08-08-2009, 06:20 AM
I like Sarah Palin.


I bet that you would have loved Eva Braun....

And Eva Peron even more....

08-08-2009, 07:11 AM
I seen a few polls the other day, it had Obama, Bush,, Hillary Clinton,Palin,then the threw in Blow Job Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton won, he had 29%, Obama was second but it was like 23%, 21% to Hillary then Bush had 14% and Palin was just under 10% the rest was other. Too bad we can't give Blow Job Bill another run.

Every time Palin opens her mouth she looks dumber and dumber.

The other poll was just the 2 ladies and Hillary won 53% to 39% the rest were neither.

08-08-2009, 08:08 AM
Don't forget, folks--ten years ago, there was another utter moron in Republican Presidential Candidate's clothing lurking about whom nobody would ever vote for.

08-08-2009, 08:25 AM
Palin says Obama's health care plan is 'evil'
She's definitely on the backpage these days and she is lighter hued, so Thx1138 is probably sporting wood.

Given their propensity for crazy stupidity, wacky superstition and verbal incoherence, it might even be a match made in the heavenly pleroma!

Addicted and thx1138 would be a match too. Throw El Nino in and the circle of jerks becomes a circle jerk.

08-08-2009, 08:45 AM
I like Sarah Palin.

Careful saying things like that around these forums. 80% of the members are neo-fascist sympathizers and only want to see the chosen one rise to power. Hey... who knows, maybe we just might be lucky enough to have our own Chavez here in the good ol' US.

08-08-2009, 08:59 AM
I like Sarah Palin.

The next time you see Sarah, tell her you are a TGirl and that you just love her position on GLBT rights.


08-08-2009, 09:51 AM
SHE"S A KOOK!!! I'm leaving for Alaska "today" and if I happen to see that kook, I'm gonna throw a rock at her and hit her in the head!

08-08-2009, 10:08 AM
Thing is chef ,she is still influential enough to make news headlines and to rile you up to call her naughty words. As she is someone who opposing the great messiahs plans to give America a health care system that isn't like something in the third world.

I actually believe in a national health care system and I do love how your right wingers keep making reference to a 'socialised health care system ' in an attempt to scare people. But sadly and this must be sad for you Palin does have a point ,because as I have lived in a country with a national health care system I believe Iam qualified to comment. Rationing has to happen.

It is just not talked about in public. , .There is in the NHS in the UK a panel or panels that meets to discuss what treatments they can afford to fund which would effect the elderly in particular. This happens in each county.And there is great contreversy in the UK about certain countys having better access to cancer or alzhemiers drugs for instance than others. So it is truly a postcode lottery.

While I would not call it' evil' but then you Americans are known for your emotive language and hysteria at times .Again her words are not being taken in context by the liberals and faggots run media. She actually said "Such a system is downright evil' Not those words in the headline which make out she was standing in the pulpit wishing hellfire to rain down on the great one and his health care plan.

'Sicko' moores propoganda movie does not give an accurate representation of the NHS in the UK. It has several weakness's that are well known in this country , that don't include the 'evil' panels. That he didn't mention. So really an NHS isn't perfect and it would be good if America learnt from Britains mistakes if and when it changes it's health care. I myself have had avail myself of private health care once because I would have been waiting well over a year for treatment. There are waiting lists and targets which mean some people are not cared for in the way they should be. There is the disaster which is NHS dentistry, there is the problem with accessing primary health care, if you work.I could go on.

08-08-2009, 10:23 AM
I like Sarah Palin.

I like her too. But round here she is hated by people who believe everything written in the media or just dislike the fact that a straight pretty woman with right wing beliefs became a VP nominee and was governor of Alaska which by all accounts despite the propoganda put out by Obamas hatchet men she did well. Margaret Thatcher a woman who also did well in politics and didn't get there through affirmative action or being a 'victim' is a fan and wants to meet her.

She is an excellent role model for women to look to. If she was of the left people like Chef would be tubthumping for her. No one like letterman would be making disgusting jokes about her daughters or demeaning womens role in politics by referring to her as a slutty flight attendant. The medias treatment of Palin in the US just show how women are still treated and that feminism has a long way to go. Thats why some of the people here are such hypocrits. Feminism is only for women of the left apparently.

08-08-2009, 11:20 AM
I like Sarah Palin.

I like her too. But round here she is hated by people who believe everything written in the media or just dislike the fact that a straight pretty woman with right wing beliefs became a VP nominee and was governor of Alaska which by all accounts despite the propoganda put out by Obamas hatchet men she did well. Margaret Thatcher a woman who also did well in politics and didn't get there through affirmative action or being a 'victim' is a fan and wants to meet her.

She is an excellent role model for women to look to. If she was of the left people like Chef would be tubthumping for her. No one like letterman would be making disgusting jokes about her daughters or demeaning womens role in politics by referring to her as a slutty flight attendant. The medias treatment of Palin in the US just show how women are still treated and that feminism has a long way to go. Thats why some of the people here are such hypocrits. Feminism is only for women of the left apparently.

Sure Palin is an excellent role model for women. :lol: She doesn't believe in sex education, nevermind evolution, and her own kid ended up getting pregnant. And as for Thatcher, she may well have lost her second election if it hadn't been for the Falkland's War. Both Palin and Thatcher are (jingoistic) "cunts" as chef correctly puts it, who'd rather spend even more billions on W.M.D.s' to kill innocent people abroad rather than healthcare at home.

08-08-2009, 11:53 AM
What the right-wing would rather spend taxpayers money on rather than decent affordable healthcare for the majority of it's own citizens...

Now please tell me exactly what is "downright evil"?

08-08-2009, 12:06 PM
I like Sarah Palin.

I like her too. But round here she is hated by people who believe everything written in the media or just dislike the fact that a straight pretty woman with right wing beliefs became a VP nominee and was governor of Alaska which by all accounts despite the propoganda put out by Obamas hatchet men she did well. Margaret Thatcher a woman who also did well in politics and didn't get there through affirmative action or being a 'victim' is a fan and wants to meet her.

She is an excellent role model for women to look to. If she was of the left people like Chef would be tubthumping for her. No one like letterman would be making disgusting jokes about her daughters or demeaning womens role in politics by referring to her as a slutty flight attendant. The medias treatment of Palin in the US just show how women are still treated and that feminism has a long way to go. Thats why some of the people here are such hypocrits. Feminism is only for women of the left apparently.

Sure Palin is an excellent role model for women. :lol: She doesn't believe in sex education, nevermind evolution, and her own kid ended up getting pregnant. And as for Thatcher, she may well have lost her second election if it hadn't been for the Falkland's War. Both Palin and Thatcher are (jingoistic) "cunts" as chef correctly puts it, who'd rather spend even more billions on W.M.D.s' to kill innocent people abroad rather than healthcare at home.

What a silly argument. Because of choices her daughter makes it reflects badly on her how? I expect she would be a better model for women if she had told her daughter to get an abortion? Because we all know how the left cannot understand how a woman can think of the rights of the unborn child.

And I expect her daughter got sex education in school despite her mothers views on it.Fact lot of good that did.In fact the UK has a huge state sex education programme and has the highest rate of teen pregancies in Europe. So I can understand Palins point. In the old days do you think they had massive sex education programmes? And pregnancy rates in teenage girls were lower. It happened but the reason it was lower was the moral outcry it caused.Girls could become social paraiahs of their communities.I know because one of my aunts had a child at 15 and even her own doctor refused to treat her. So sex education has nothing to do with stopping teen pregancies , it is how society views teenage pregancy that has.We even pay girls who become pregnant in the UK with council houses and benefits.

As for Thatcher ,last Prime Minister we ever had with balls, who was hampered by the civil service and the wets in cabinet.Weilded a hatchet to get those dirty bastard unions under control.It was a painful job but someone had to do it. . When asked about promotion feminist causes when she became prime minister ,she said she doesn't do feminism.A true class act. Iam not surprised she likes Palin

08-08-2009, 12:30 PM
As for Thatcher ,last Prime Minister we ever had with balls

That evil bitch deserves to Rot In Piss for what she did to this country!

08-08-2009, 01:35 PM
I like Sarah Palin.

I like her too. But round here she is hated by people who believe everything written in the media or just dislike the fact that a straight pretty woman with right wing beliefs became a VP nominee and was governor of Alaska which by all accounts despite the propoganda put out by Obamas hatchet men she did well. Margaret Thatcher a woman who also did well in politics and didn't get there through affirmative action or being a 'victim' is a fan and wants to meet her.

She is an excellent role model for women to look to. If she was of the left people like Chef would be tubthumping for her. No one like letterman would be making disgusting jokes about her daughters or demeaning womens role in politics by referring to her as a slutty flight attendant. The medias treatment of Palin in the US just show how women are still treated and that feminism has a long way to go. Thats why some of the people here are such hypocrits. Feminism is only for women of the left apparently.

Sure Palin is an excellent role model for women. :lol: She doesn't believe in sex education, nevermind evolution, and her own kid ended up getting pregnant. And as for Thatcher, she may well have lost her second election if it hadn't been for the Falkland's War. Both Palin and Thatcher are (jingoistic) "cunts" as chef correctly puts it, who'd rather spend even more billions on W.M.D.s' to kill innocent people abroad rather than healthcare at home.

What a silly argument. Because of choices her daughter makes it reflects badly on her how? I expect she would be a better model for women if she had told her daughter to get an abortion? Because we all know how the left cannot understand how a woman can think of the rights of the unborn child.

And I expect her daughter got sex education in school despite her mothers views on it.Fact lot of good that did.In fact the UK has a huge state sex education programme and has the highest rate of teen pregancies in Europe. So I can understand Palins point. In the old days do you think they had massive sex education programmes? And pregnancy rates in teenage girls were lower. It happened but the reason it was lower was the moral outcry it caused.Girls could become social paraiahs of their communities.I know because one of my aunts had a child at 15 and even her own doctor refused to treat her. So sex education has nothing to do with stopping teen pregancies , it is how society views teenage pregancy that has.We even pay girls who become pregnant in the UK with council houses and benefits.

As for Thatcher ,last Prime Minister we ever had with balls, who was hampered by the civil service and the wets in cabinet.Weilded a hatchet to get those dirty bastard unions under control.It was a painful job but someone had to do it. . When asked about promotion feminist causes when she became prime minister ,she said she doesn't do feminism.A true class act. Iam not surprised she likes Palin

Silly argument? :lol: Palin is a dummy and doesn't deserve to grace the Oval Office, just as Dumbya never did either.

Sarah Palin on Evolution and Climate Change
"The logic loops in her answer make me nervous. I suppose her position is that fossil fuels cause pollution and that cleaning up pollution is necessary. I am not sure how she can possibly believe that humans did not contribute to climate change AND think we can do something to slow it down. This is a very serious logic gap that she really needs to fill in."


Comprehensive Sex Education Might Reduce Teen Pregnancies, Study Suggests
"Teens who received comprehensive sex education were 60 percent less likely to report becoming pregnant or impregnating someone than those who received no sex education."

"The teenage pregnancy rate in Holland is only one-fifth as high as that of the UK – only five births per 1,000 teenagers compared to the UK's 27. Its abortion rate per teenage head of the population is also one of the lowest in Europe. The approach to sex education, though, in a country where pupils are as likely as not to walk through an authorised red-light district on their way to school is very different. Yes, children can discuss sex during their primary school years but it is discussed in an atmosphere of talking about relationships and caring and respect for others."

So what's your answer to my question then, arnie? What is "downright evil" as Palin has put it, affordable healthcare for the majority or a massively bloated military budget which only encourages phony wars like Iraq?

Palin expresses concern over missile defense budget cuts

08-08-2009, 03:43 PM
What's the difference between Sarah Palin's vagina and her mouth?

Only one of the things that came out of her vagina was retarded.

08-08-2009, 03:49 PM
Im suprised anyone is still suprised by the shit that comes out of this dumb broad's mouth...

08-08-2009, 04:15 PM
Im suprised anyone is still suprised by the shit that comes out of this dumb broad's mouth...

That's not as surprising as the people who still claim to like her.

She's an ill-informed hate-monger without a clue. She'll say and do anything to remain in the public eye. I'm not worried about her chances of being elected to higher office since the vast majority of Americans now realize what a dope she really is. What I am worried about is her ability to rile up the fringe loonies who could take it to a violent level. I've read that President Obama receives up to 30 death threats a day and while most of them are only threats and nothing more, it is something to be concerned about.

08-08-2009, 05:11 PM
Sara Palin, the next president of the United States Of America.

She is beautiful, smart,and speak what is on our mind : that's why the liberals dislike her.

08-08-2009, 05:21 PM
Sara Palin, the next president of the United States Of America.

She is beautiful, smart,and speak what is on our mind : that's why the liberals dislike her.


Oh, I like her plenty. Every time she opens her mouth another nail is driven into the coffin of the Republican Party.

Run Sarah, run!

08-08-2009, 05:23 PM
Sara Palin, the next president of the United States Of America.

She is beautiful, smart,and speak what is on our mind : that's why the liberals dislike her.

I totally agree. I wonder why you libs don't like to bring up Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Hillary "I remember landing under fire" Clinton when you want to discuss women in politics making stupid comments!

08-08-2009, 05:31 PM
My local newspaper (which is a generally conservative one, it supported McCain in the last election) had as it's headlines today that the job situation is improving slowly and that there are signs that the recession is starting to recede a little ahead of schedule.

That must be bad news for all you Obama bashers.

Nicole Dupre
08-08-2009, 05:46 PM
I like Sarah Palin.


I bet that you would have loved Eva Braun....

And Eva Peron even more....I wouldn't really compare those women to Palin. Palin is a cheerleader/puppet/pro politician. The 'pubs picked her when they chose to play the 'woman card'. Not such a bad strategy, considering she seems like she's actually capable of enjoying sex. Hillary was too obvious about being frumpy and kinda butch.

But the two Eva's in question never stooped low enough to seek being patronized for having down syndrome offspring. So I see Palin as being shamelessly ambitious. In the end, she's no better than the evil third world mothers who disfigure their children as a strategy to up their earning-potential as beggars.

08-08-2009, 07:15 PM
Yet another political thread, being spammed into the general discussion. Funny how when a thread is anti-Obama, it gets immediately thrown into the Political section. But the pro Democrat National socialist worker's party threads, are allowed to fester. It just proves that the mods are drinking the same Kool-Aid, as the rest of the 90% DemoRats on this forum.

When I read the title of this thread, I thought it was about Nancy Pelosi. Who's truly the dumbest cunt in US history. We currently have the Worst, and most incompetent, White house and Congress in history. And Yet, people are STILL worried about a woman who's not even in power?

Silly argument? :lol: Palin is a dummy and doesn't deserve to grace the Oval Office, just as Dumbya never did either.

As opposed to the incompetent numbskull that's in there now?


Sarah Palin on Evolution and Climate Change
"The logic loops in her answer make me nervous. I suppose her position is that fossil fuels cause pollution and that cleaning up pollution is necessary. I am not sure how she can possibly believe that humans did not contribute to climate change AND think we can do something to slow it down. This is a very serious logic gap that she really needs to fill in."

Do people in general, ever ask themselves why the DemoRats used to call it Global warming for so many years, and have now changed their position, and call it Climate change? It's because we started having really cold winters, and some cool summers, so their global warming argument was looking really ridiculous. Well before the Industrial age, or even before man, There's ALWAYS been climate change on the planet, and there always will be...It has nothing to do with it being man made, as the scam artists on the far left, would have you believe.

So what's your answer to my question then, arnie? What is "downright evil" as Palin has put it, affordable healthcare for the majority or a massively bloated military budget which only encourages phony wars like Iraq?

The military is far more important than a really bad Health care system, for a bunch of layabouts. Especially if we get hit with another Terrorist attack. Many al Qaeda were Killed and captured in Iraq, which probably helped to prevent several future attacks in the US. We never got hit with another attack, again. Who would have believed that on the day after 9-11? When everyone thought we were sure to get hit again?

So all of the 80%-90% Obama worshipers on HA, can take their Kool-Aid and stick it where the sun don't shine. :cool:

It's looking more and more, like Obama's Reign will only last one term, and I'm looking forward to better days without him, Reid, and Pelosi

As for Thatcher ,last Prime Minister we ever had with balls

That evil bitch deserves to Rot In Piss for what she did to this country!

Bite your tongue! Thatcher was the UK's best PM since Churchill. Most of the rest, have been clowns. So grow up. :roll:

08-08-2009, 08:29 PM
Bite your tongue! Thatcher was the UK's best PM since Churchill. Most of the rest, have been clowns. So grow up. :roll:

Don't worry, someone'll be along to fasten the straps on your PJ's soon!

08-08-2009, 09:08 PM
Yet another political thread, being spammed into the general discussion. Funny how when a thread is anti-Obama, it gets immediately thrown into the Political section. But the pro Democrat National socialist worker's party threads, are allowed to fester. It just proves that the mods are drinking the same Kool-Aid, as the rest of the 90% DemoRats on this forum.

Why everything in bold? Afraid your words aren't powerful enough on their own, or are you just another account of the White_Mounted_Canadian's? :wink:

As opposed to the incompetent numbskull that's in there now?

Not denying Palin's a dummy then? :lol:

Do people in general, ever ask themselves why the DemoRats used to call it Global warming for so many years, and have now changed their position, and call it Climate change? It's because we started having really cold winters, and some cool summers, so their global warming argument was looking really ridiculous. Well before the Industrial age, or even before man, There's ALWAYS been climate change on the planet, and there always will be...It has nothing to do with it being man made, as the scam artists on the far left, would have you believe.

*YAWN* The same old and extremely weak straw-man used by skeptics for decades. Feel free to bring up all the long debunked arguments they've used on the P&R board where they've been debated ad nauseum, because if that's all you've got then too bad for you. 8)

The military is far more important than a really bad Health care system, for a bunch of layabouts. Especially if we get hit with another Terrorist attack. Many al Qaeda were Killed and captured in Iraq, which probably helped to prevent several future attacks in the US. We never got hit with another attack, again. Who would have believed that on the day after 9-11? When everyone thought we were sure to get hit again?

So all of the 80%-90% Obama worshipers on HA, can take their Kool-Aid and stick it where the sun don't shine. :cool:

Bold AND the "shades" emoticon! LMAO!!! Did they ever find those damned W.M.D.s' in Iraq, or O.B.L. for that matter? 9/11 happened because the bloated U.S. military is poking it's big fat nose into far too many areas where it doesn't belong. NOT because Arabs hate the American way of life.

08-08-2009, 09:13 PM
Who gives a shit what she says? The stupid bitch can't even run her own home successfully so why anyone would take her opinions on public matters seriously is laughable.

What she doesn't realize is the freakshow element. The press is content to let her go on and on but Palin doesn't realize she marginalizing herself and the GOP more and more whenever she speaks.

08-08-2009, 09:26 PM
That's okay. Let her keep making her stupid comments and digging a deeper grave for the Republican Party. After all, she is the FACE of the RP! Her and Rush Limbaugh, that is.

Here's the difference; among the voting population a big chunk of the people see Rush for what he is; a talking head who isn't to be taken seriously 100% of the time. Lots of people on the right love him, just as lots of them love Coulter- but that doesn't mean they'd vote for him in a primary.

Palin on the other hand... people are entranced by her to a point where they WOULD give her support that the typical talking heads (i.e. Rush & Coulter) would never be able to get in a presidential primary.

Which is why Rush keeps talking on the air, and Coulter keeps writing books. They know its what they're best at.

08-08-2009, 09:28 PM
I like Sarah Palin.

The next time you see Sarah, tell her you are a TGirl and that you just love her position on GLBT rights.


If she were to find Palin in public and say "I am a tgirl" I'm sure she's quickly be hauled off & tazed immediately like that guy who tried to talk with Kerry a few years back.

08-08-2009, 09:43 PM
Palin on the other hand... people are entranced by her to a point where they WOULD give her support

Were entranced by her, you mean? I think most people in the GOP are over their Palin infatuation. They know she's not qualified, she's wacky and would never win a major election. The McCain people tried their best to give her a positive spin and show people she had some intelligence but even they knew that was a losing battle. Plus the fact that she continues to shoot herself in the foot almost every time she opens her mouth and quits her term as governor not even two years into the job, is further proof that her career in politics is dead. She has her vocal supporters who would like you to think she's still a major player but they're a small minority at best. She has NO chance to be president no matter what the Junior Chuck Norris's here on HA would like to believe

08-08-2009, 09:44 PM
I actually believe in a national health care system and I do love how your right wingers keep making reference to a 'socialised health care system ' in an attempt to scare people.

If its not socialized healthcare, then what is it?

Let's be honest here- it IS socialized health care.

Just as a lot of other things in this country either are, or used to be.

It is just not talked about in public. , .There is in the NHS in the UK a panel or panels that meets to discuss what treatments they can afford to fund which would effect the elderly in particular. This happens in each county.And there is great contreversy in the UK about certain countys having better access to cancer or alzhemiers drugs for instance than others. So it is truly a postcode lottery.

Which is typical for socialized medicine regardless of country, its just that countries chose differently in how to ration.

Our proposed system is radically worse then NHS, imho, because instead of it being a NHS-like system akin to our VA hospitals, what we're doing is in a nut shell;

-Fining anyone who doesn't get health insurance
-Forcing private companies with existing health care plans (i.e. ERISA) to stop offering them within a 5-year phasing period
-Requiring all health care plans offer a minimum list of things
-Requiring all of these approved plans charge people the same price regardless of age, sex, race, prior medical history, employment, etc.

These approved plans; the ones that charge everyone the same, will be sold threw "the exchange."

The problem is that under NHS, the gov runs so much of the show in terms of the "supply" end of medical care (i.e. doctors, nurses, hospitals, clinics- those sorts of things). Since this isn't like that at all, there is nothing to truly control the expense side of the equation... only the payment side. So our existing private corporations; the pharmaceutical industry, our big chain hospitals, and so forth- can go on raping people on the cost side, business as usual.

I really don't know how, even with subsidies, these private insurance programs would ever dream of charging everyone the same rate unless the restrictions on health care access are as bad or worse then the nixon-created HMO's of yesteryear. Worse, the private insurance companies will skim who knows how much of our tax dollars off in the process.

All this plan does is throw money at big businesses. That's why so many big businesses in American health care are overjoyed at the proposal.

So really an NHS isn't perfect and it would be good if America learnt from Britains mistakes if and when it changes it's health care.

Learn as in fixing their mistakes? Surely you're joking?!?!

Why would you possibly believe our politicians are capable of THAT?

Our politicians don't even know basic elementary school knowledge, whether we're talking about Africa being a country, or who was president in 1930.

I have as much faith in that idea, as I do of putting Rush in charge of a pain management company. :shock:

08-08-2009, 09:51 PM
Palin on the other hand... people are entranced by her to a point where they WOULD give her support

Were entranced by her, you mean? I think most people in the GOP are over their Palin infatuation. They know she's not qualified, she's wacky and would never win a major election. The McCain people tried their best to give her a positive spin and show people she had some intelligence but even they knew that was a losing battle. Plus the fact that she continues to shoot herself in the foot almost every time she opens her mouth and quits her term as governor not even two years into the job, is further proof that her career in politics is dead. She has her vocal supporters who would like you to think she's still a major player but they're a small minority at best. She has NO chance to be president no matter what the Junior Chuck Norris's here on HA would like to believe

She has miles more support than either Rush or Coulter would, which is what I was saying.

I didn't say that would be enough for her to win the primary, and then the presidency.

I see the odds of that being about the same as.... Newt accomplishing that.

08-08-2009, 09:57 PM
I think private industry does a much better job in taking care of almost anything. When government gets involved you have people who have no business doing certain tasks. If I grew up wanting to be a doctor and be able to grow and possibly become rich and wealthy with my own business spirit I would definitely do that. Once it becomes socialized, I would put being a doctor on the same level as a police officer or postal worker. When that day hits, you'll see the underachievers becoming doctors. The people that should be doctors will go onto something that they can make money in.

But it wont be too long before everything becomes socialized. I'm seeing all banks on the horizon before too long.

All I'm saying is if I was passionate about something and knew that I could do it better on my own as a private company, I'd be pretty pissed if the govt thought it could do it better.

08-08-2009, 10:15 PM
But it wont be too long before everything becomes socialized. I'm seeing all banks on the horizon before too long.

IDK I am not really sure.

We certainly seem to have no problem, as a country, privatizing what used to be socialized industries so that big businesses can rape everyday Americans.

Some services just do not work well under capitalist models. Roadway infrastructure, for example, is a constant cost that never really goes away. Looking at roadway infrastructure from a profit point of view, is utterly stupid- we simply need roads. Maintaining and updating the roadway infrastructure is an essential service that has to go on in order for our country to function well.

We could privatize our roads- but in order for that to work under capitalist models, companies would have to charge absurd amounts in order to make the business seem worth while. Ever see what the tolls are like on the privately owned & run road systems in countries like Japan? I really don't see how $40 tolls in a country as big as the United States could lead to anything that aids our country's day to day operations... especially when privatization of every field thus far (i.e. the grid) has left us with big companies who are only willing on raising costs without actually spending the money needed for infrastructure updates.

Some things just make more sense to be government run. Would we really want a country where the police or military or first responders are privatized? Probably not, right?

In fact the word company itself was originally a military term long before it was a business term. The story there is that in times of peace, military companies full of unemployed veterans would be unable to find work, and so they would wander around the countryside in Europe as a company, pillaging and extorting villages to sustain themselves.

There's no question that certain services are necessary and proper, the question is how many services would fall under that category. In the world before cars even the founding fathers realized this in talking about "post roads."

08-08-2009, 10:30 PM
Hmmm make the flying car and we dont need roads.

08-08-2009, 10:49 PM
I am not going to argue on whether or not I like Palin, either you do or don't same with Obama.

My question is with a bank account that is:
How can we afford any new programs especially 1 that goes into the 100's of billions and this the Government's estimate...same as the Government's estimate that the cash for clunkers would only need 1billion dollars....? we need to STOP the SPENDING.

I want everybody to be as healthy as the next person, who wouldn't? but I am not responsible for others decisions nor should I have to pay for them. Did they ask my permission when they went skiing and hit a tree? abuse drugs? get pregnant? and the list goes on and on. The better question is....did they ask you? i do Judo, shoot weapons, hike, work on a farm, and the list goes on and on. If and when I get hurt I pay for it myself through my insurance when I have it out of my pocket when I don't.
I am not saying that having national health care will lead to a socialist state. I am saying if you are going to drain MY Coffers to pay for this then I want say in what you do and don't do! Same goes to you with regards to me. Do we really want to go there?
You may not like what I just typed, well read my motto and take it to heart.

08-08-2009, 10:56 PM
well, look. if you have any concerns or problems, or if you just suspect your neighbor is against Obamacare, just do the right thing and report them to...


there. don't you feel better knowing that big brutha obama is collecting such information.

of course, if bush did this the press and the left masses would be apoplectic.

drink the kool aid....drink the kool aid...

08-08-2009, 10:59 PM
I want everybody to be as healthy as the next person, who wouldn't? but I am not responsible for others decisions nor should I have to pay for them. Did they ask my permission when they went skiing and hit a tree? abuse drugs? get pregnant? and the list goes on and on.

Why can't we (as a country) ever have a dialog about topics like this without someone taking the "its those damn self destructive parasites in society" high road?

It would be quite erroneous to imply that everyone who needs health care needs it because of self destructive behavior.

If and when I get hurt I pay for it myself through my insurance when I have it out of my pocket when I don't.

Really? So what about all the other people who pay into your health care plan?

Even if you're on private cobra, and not getting insurance through an employer, thousands of other people are paying into the same plan. Every action that taxes that plan (like a sports injury) effectively costs everyone paying into the plan.

When you do get injured, do you really check to see if the hospital you go to receives tax dollars in their funding? Every avoidable hospital visit costs the tax payers of your community.

If you get in a bad car wreck or sports injury and an ambulance is called, do taxes pay for the ambulance, medics, and the roads used to reach you?

The reason why people pay into all these plans, via tax dollars and private agencies like health insurance plans, is so that they will be protected whenever they hurt themselves doing something stupid. Its not just about yourself..

08-08-2009, 11:05 PM

we have the wrong administration in office if we wanted to curtail spending. bush (and the congress) spent like drunken sailors. well obama and his un-checked congress are spending like drunken navies.

we're never going to be able to pay back what he is spending. not in our lifetimes anyway. and he's only been in office 6 months!!! he wants to spend MORE.

and for everyone who hated bush and the government...

CAN you name ANYTHING the government does that is effective, effiecient and good?

so, let's say you love obama, well he's not going to be president forever, and who's to say what some future president will do.

No, I don't want the government running anything, with exception of the military. roads and bridges? leave it to the states to competitively bid these services.

Mail? shit, sell the us post office and let private companies run it. at least there would be competition.

I am not going to argue on whether or not I like Palin, either you do or don't same with Obama.

My question is with a bank account that is:
How can we afford any new programs especially 1 that goes into the 100's of billions and this the Government's estimate...same as the Government's estimate that the cash for clunkers would only need 1billion dollars....? we need to STOP the SPENDING.

I want everybody to be as healthy as the next person, who wouldn't? but I am not responsible for others decisions nor should I have to pay for them. Did they ask my permission when they went skiing and hit a tree? abuse drugs? get pregnant? and the list goes on and on. The better question is....did they ask you? i do Judo, shoot weapons, hike, work on a farm, and the list goes on and on. If and when I get hurt I pay for it myself through my insurance when I have it out of my pocket when I don't.
I am not saying that having national health care will lead to a socialist state. I am saying if you are going to drain MY Coffers to pay for this then I want say in what you do and don't do! Same goes to you with regards to me. Do we really want to go there?
You may not like what I just typed, well read my motto and take it to heart.

08-08-2009, 11:06 PM
If I grew up wanting to be a doctor and be able to grow and possibly become rich and wealthy with my own business spirit I would definitely do that. Once it becomes socialized, I would put being a doctor on the same level as a police officer or postal worker. When that day hits, you'll see the underachievers becoming doctors. The people that should be doctors will go onto something that they can make money in.

errr... what? what kind of world have you been living in cause the one ive been living in you can tell a good doctor from one whos in it for the money quite easily (and thats comming from somebody living in a country with public health care)
simply put the more powerful (and 4wd... people who are into money and posing usually cant drive very well) his porsche is the worse the doc will be at treating people

08-08-2009, 11:15 PM
Really? So what about all the other people who pay into your health care plan?

well, sharing the risk across large numbers is the basis of insurance. that's how insurance works.

are there problems, sure. there could probably be laws and guidelines that would be good.

but to trash the whole private insurance market in favor of a gov't run circle jerk is an overreaction. and make no mistake, obama is lying when he says we still will have the option to choose our private insurance and doctors.

most employers, will just offer the gov't plan in order to save money. private insurance companies will NOT be able to compete and will go out of business.

obama WANTS single payer and so do most other leading DEMS want single payer and this initial step is their way to start to achieve that end goal.

all this for 50,000 so called un-insured?!!! Hell many of these 50K are illegal aliens.

Another good percentage are people who have the money but just don't want to spend it on health care. I'm sure you all know of some 20 year old irresponsible male who simple would rather spend that money on something else other than insurance premiums.

so, let's say that leave 20,000 people legitimately without health care, well, shit, obama should just pay for insurance for these people outright. give them a check and be done with it. 20,000 x $5K a year (100 million) would be a LOT less expensive than this other bullshit.

08-08-2009, 11:46 PM
most employers, will just offer the gov't plan in order to save money. private insurance companies will NOT be able to compete and will go out of business.

Actually they won't have a choice, after 5 years all erisa plans will have to be dumped in favor of the exchange.

Meaning, at the most your company's plan will only exist for another 5 years...

08-09-2009, 12:14 AM

08-09-2009, 12:21 AM

Your average N.Y. Post reader! lol

08-09-2009, 12:29 AM

Sounds about right... at least until the "chosen one" can some how nationalize the industry you choose to run your business in.

08-10-2009, 06:32 PM
most employers, will just offer the gov't plan in order to save money. private insurance companies will NOT be able to compete and will go out of business.

Actually they won't have a choice, after 5 years all erisa plans will have to be dumped in favor of the exchange.

Meaning, at the most your company's plan will only exist for another 5 years...

The BGI rumor mill was pinging on BGI dropping Insurance coverage for its employees if this Health care plan passes with the public option. Who knows I just know this;

We as a Nation cannot pay for it. And forcing future generations to pay for it has to stop. Hell now we can barely pay the interest on the debt. ( I honestly believe we cannot even do that).

The question to all of you who support a More National healthcare program how do you plan to pay for it? Tax dangerous stuff like cigs. alcohol, fast food, all food, bottled water, and the list goes on and on? like that has worked already. The more something is taxed the revenue goes down due to some out there who says "it ain't worth it now! then what do you tax?

Tax businesses...oh that would work, you expect them to keep their health care plan and pay tax for health care? Yeah......that might work in OZ but here, doubt it!


08-10-2009, 07:41 PM
That's okay. Let her keep making her stupid comments and digging a deeper grave for the Republican Party. After all, she is the FACE of the RP! Her and Rush Limbaugh, that is.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks to Obama the republicans will be in the whitehouse again! Obama best friend of republicans.

Nice racist avatar.

08-10-2009, 07:45 PM
I think private industry does a much better job in taking care of almost anything. When government gets involved you have people who have no business doing certain tasks. If I grew up wanting to be a doctor and be able to grow and possibly become rich and wealthy with my own business spirit I would definitely do that. Once it becomes socialized, I would put being a doctor on the same level as a police officer or postal worker. When that day hits, you'll see the underachievers becoming doctors. The people that should be doctors will go onto something that they can make money in.

But it wont be too long before everything becomes socialized. I'm seeing all banks on the horizon before too long.

All I'm saying is if I was passionate about something and knew that I could do it better on my own as a private company, I'd be pretty pissed if the govt thought it could do it better.

Somehow doctors in the UK are still wealthy so this argument makes no sense. Why is it that the Germany, England, etc. they manage to have health care for everyone and still open markets but we seem to think they can't co-exist?

08-11-2009, 05:54 PM
Yet another political thread, being spammed into the general discussion. Funny how when a thread is anti-Obama, it gets immediately thrown into the Political section. But the pro Democrat National socialist worker's party threads, are allowed to fester. It just proves that the mods are drinking the same Kool-Aid, as the rest of the 90% DemoRats on this forum.

I feel your pain.

Yet another example of the vast left-wing conspiracy....

08-11-2009, 06:40 PM
I like Sarah Palin.


I bet that you would have loved Eva Braun....

And Eva Peron even more....I wouldn't really compare those women to Palin. Palin is a cheerleader/puppet/pro politician. The 'pubs picked her when they chose to play the 'woman card'. Not such a bad strategy, considering she seems like she's actually capable of enjoying sex. Hillary was too obvious about being frumpy and kinda butch.

But the two Eva's in question never stooped low enough to seek being patronized for having down syndrome offspring. So I see Palin as being shamelessly ambitious. In the end, she's no better than the evil third world mothers who disfigure their children as a strategy to up their earning-potential as beggars.

I take your point, Nicole. A tacky, abrasive grifter like moosejaw Palin isn't in their league.

Perhaps the moose-shagging shrew can still aspire to be a low-rent version of Imelda Marcos though....I mean seeing how Imelda stole her wardrobe from the people of PI, and Palin stole hers from gullible GOP donor dupes....

08-11-2009, 07:03 PM
I like Sarah Palin.


I bet that you would have loved Eva Braun....

And Eva Peron even more....I wouldn't really compare those women to Palin. Palin is a cheerleader/puppet/pro politician. The 'pubs picked her when they chose to play the 'woman card'. Not such a bad strategy, considering she seems like she's actually capable of enjoying sex. Hillary was too obvious about being frumpy and kinda butch.

But the two Eva's in question never stooped low enough to seek being patronized for having down syndrome offspring. So I see Palin as being shamelessly ambitious. In the end, she's no better than the evil third world mothers who disfigure their children as a strategy to up their earning-potential as beggars.

I take your point, Nicole. A tacky, abrasive grifter like moosejaw Palin isn't in their league.

Perhaps the moose-shagging shrew can still aspire to be a low-rent version of Imelda Marcos though....I mean seeing how Imelda stole her wardrobe from the people of PI, and Palin stole hers from gullible GOP donor dupes....

But all she ever wanted was a Diet Dr Pepper, chef. :lol:

Diet Dr Pepper: "Like nothin' else".

08-11-2009, 07:16 PM
I think private industry does a much better job in taking care of almost anything. When government gets involved you have people who have no business doing certain tasks. If I grew up wanting to be a doctor and be able to grow and possibly become rich and wealthy with my own business spirit I would definitely do that. Once it becomes socialized, I would put being a doctor on the same level as a police officer or postal worker. When that day hits, you'll see the underachievers becoming doctors. The people that should be doctors will go onto something that they can make money in.

But it wont be too long before everything becomes socialized. I'm seeing all banks on the horizon before too long.

All I'm saying is if I was passionate about something and knew that I could do it better on my own as a private company, I'd be pretty pissed if the govt thought it could do it better.

Somehow doctors in the UK are still wealthy so this argument makes no sense. Why is it that the Germany, England, etc. they manage to have health care for everyone and still open markets but we seem to think they can't co-exist?

whats the tax rate in those countries? no thx we pay enough in taxes

08-11-2009, 07:24 PM

08-11-2009, 07:26 PM
Tax businesses...oh that would work, you expect them to keep their health care plan and pay tax for health care?

No, I expect them to ditch their health care completely (like I said earlier, they won't have a choice in 5 years), and then the part of peoples' pay checks that currently get spent on buying private health insurance can be used to buy insurance through the exchange.

Then, all we'd have to do is implement an HMO-style plan where the gov tells you who your doctor is, what meds you should be taking, or how much of them- to throttle costs, and then provided the government can keep the private insurance companies from exploiting the system to rape people on the costs, it shouldn't be too bad.

Of course that's just "in theory."

In practice everyone will lose their current health plan if its not already through the government, they will lose their current doctor(s), they will loose their ability to choose their insurance benefits, and they will be forced to buy insurance from a select group via the exchange which will then be able to skim trillions off the tops to line their pockets, and then since everyone will have insurance the big pharmaceutical companies/chain hospitals can go price-crazy knowing people will be forced to use plans that will pay for the increased prices... because on a personal level it will be cheaper than the $1500 fine for not having insurance. The min age of retirement will be bumped up to the life expectancy age (no more having decades of not working as a "retirement" to keep people productive). And that's just the stuff that would be easy to foresee.

08-12-2009, 04:35 PM

08-22-2009, 03:43 PM
Obviously, people have forgotten or didn't see Palins, Katie Couric's interview or remember some of her comments. "I can see Russia from my house???", Couric, "How do you keep up with politics?" Palin, I read magazines", Couric, What kind? Palin, "magazines". Couric, "Yeah, but what kind?" Palin, "All of them." As far as her being a role model for women and girls etc. What a joke! Yeah, she's a great role model; let's her daughters boyfriend have all night sleepovers not being "wise" enough to realize that they might have "sex" when she goes to sleep in her bedroom which is probably 40 feet away and around the corner! She used he position to get things and to bully people. And then she then "QUIT" her job, saying she was tired of what people were saying about her etc., BOO HOO, Poor poor Palin.

Yeah, she's someone who I want running things and influencing young America; kids today/ young America are already screwed up bad enough as it is. Palin = KOOK! And if anyone wants to dispute this, think about what you say before commenting.

Have a great day all