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View Full Version : Clearing the air, so to speak, in the remote chance anyone

08-05-2009, 11:02 PM
is interested: Nicole Dupre has repeatedly leveled charges that I'm stalking her. Nothing could be further from the truth (I'm 1, 500 miles away). This was precipitated by several death threat posts directed at her about 2 years ago. In her paranoid delusion she accused me of being the author of these posts. She stated she was going to work closely with NYCE and the other MODS to track me down and send the police to interview me and examine the contents of my hard drive. Well, 2 years have passed and I'm still waiting for the police to show up at my door. Maybe they got lost along the way. bwahahahahahah. Subsequently Nicole Dupre was banned from HA - most likely from her extreme belligerent attitude with fellow HA members. I, on the other hand, have never been banned. (just lucky, I guess). It's clear that if it could be determined I was the author of said threatening e-mails I would have been banned immediately. Yet I never was banned. HA management determined I was completely innocent of said charges. Now ND is back (kicked out of HD for the usual extreme belligerency that is her hallmark) yet she persists in repeating the lies of 2 years ago out of some personal vendetta (or more likely, paranoid delusion). Her combativeness can be revealed by examining her recent exchanges with quite a few HA members in her posts. Vicious verbal attacks seem to be her forte. I'm now formally asking her to cease these attacks on me and issue a sincere apology.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-05-2009, 11:14 PM
People talk about a lot of stuffs on boards which they hardly even pursue IRL. Don't sweat it! That's just ND's nature - to be out spoken and at times a bitch to most people (old timers would agree) both here and HD. Maybe hate and stalking people are indeed forms of love? ;)



08-05-2009, 11:18 PM
Funny she is always very nice to me and a joy to talk to. I find her to be quite intelligent and opinionated.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-05-2009, 11:22 PM
Funny she is always very nice to me and a joy to talk to. I find her to be quite intelligent and opinionated.

Unfortunately, some guys find that revolting, and prefers a girl to be a submissive-battered house wife type. lol



08-05-2009, 11:24 PM
The point is: Lies repeated often enough become truth. This vicious cycle must be broken. Since she returned I have not directed a single post at her. (check my posts) Yet she continues to pursue me. She's the stalker!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-05-2009, 11:28 PM
The point is: Lies repeated often enough become truth. This vicious cycle must be broken. Since she returned I have not directed a single post at her. (check my posts) Yet she continues to pursue me. She's the stalker!

I read most of them thx, and was NOT defending her? I'm agreeing about the cycle. Some people attack the girls (some for no reason at all)..the girls in turn retaliate, but when it's said and done, you move on! ;)



08-06-2009, 01:12 AM
Waiting for her side of the story.

08-06-2009, 01:24 AM
I'm now formally asking her to cease these attacks on me and issue a sincere apology.

I'm sure she'll be along any minute now to apologize. :lol:

08-06-2009, 01:39 AM
ROTFLMFAO at HA's #1 nutjob thxtinfoil(with El Ninny being a close second).....HA's #1 nutjob thxtinfoil using the phrase "paranoid delusions" in reference to anyone but himself....ah, the irony....no need to list any further examples....click on the slimy sniveling shitstain's profile and peruse the prevaricating little powderpuff's posts if you have any doubts.....or need a laugh....

08-06-2009, 01:43 AM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

Alone in the house? So you have kids, you creepy bastard? Well aren't they the lucky ones....so when you're busy not spending time with your wife you're busy not spending time with your kids?

What a guy....

What a scumbag.

08-06-2009, 01:44 AM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

Alone in the house? So you have kids, you creepy bastard? Well aren't they the lucky ones....so when you're busy not spending time with your wife you're busy not spending time with your kids?

What a guy....

What a scumbag.
Mutants can't often reproduce, so kids might be a bit too generous of an assumption. But they might be alone when they aren't hosting seances, the local UFO club, a psychiatric rehabilitation support group or a moron meetup with other Alex Jones or David Icke fans...

08-06-2009, 01:48 AM
Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste. Moreover did this raking reduce my net worth? :D I don't think so. In the last 6 months my net worth increased by about $100K due to the stock market. And THAT, my friend, you CAN take to the bank unlike the so called " petty triumphs" the bullies score here.


Announcer: And now, a message from Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan: Hello, my name is Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan, and I'm a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact.. I'm the president of the organization!

I didn't always lie. No, when I was a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money out of my mother's purse. I lied. I told her it was homework - that my teacher told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that's what happened!

After that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I was thirteen at the time. Yeah.. I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquire.. er, Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye.. month! In fact, I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that's the ticket.

And then my cousin died - Joe Louis - and I took it hard. Maybe too hard - I tried to kill myself. Yeahh.. I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a half! It was a woman that brought me out of it - Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right.. And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Oh, you'd be surprised how many famous people belong. In fact.. at one of the meetings I met my wife - Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I'm a changed man now, and all because of Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I - I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah.. that's the ticket! Yeah, you betcha!

08-06-2009, 01:49 AM
You can run but you can't hide, Tommy Tinfoil....

08-06-2009, 01:55 AM
If she were to get me in a room alone she'd undoubtedly try to rape, possibly even torture me.

08-06-2009, 01:57 AM
If she were to get me in a room alone she'd undoubtedly try to rape, possibly even torture me.

And who pray tell would do that ?

08-06-2009, 01:59 AM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts.

A pledge you will soon break as you continue to read post after post raking you over the coals. Obviously your goal was to stymie your detractors, but HA history proves that the method you've chosen to do so fails every time.

08-06-2009, 02:10 AM
If she were to get me in a room alone she'd undoubtedly try to rape, possibly even torture me.

And who pray tell would do that ?

The tinfoil tranny chaser was referring to Nicole.... he(?) has recently claimed to be a married family guy ...but wouldn't the wifey take care of such fantasies?

Or maybe thxtinfoil is just frustrated because his (inflatable?)wife didn't come with a penis....

08-06-2009, 02:15 AM
:lol: Dude maybe if you was single ... but if your married ... i mean if she's cool w/ you coming here and knows your interests then she might PEG you and this conflict may never have happened. Just my opinion.

Nicole Dupre
08-06-2009, 02:56 AM
Only a weirdo like you would now play the victim, when it was me who got the death threats. You're pathetic. And you need to mind your own fucking business about those threats, unless you're...

A. the person who sent them

B. The type of anti-social person who gets off on them.

Without a doubt, you're one of the above, because you've chosen to address it so often, and make a joke of it. Just like you did about the rape. So just admit it. You'll feel better. If your last ditch attempt is to play the victim, I'd have to say that your conscience is plenty guilty.

Perfect example of you having an ax to grind because I called you out on your disturbing rape posts.


So what's this about? Was I talking to you? No. But you sure are pissy when we've had no interaction for almost two years. Why is that? Every time since the threats were sent, you have alluded to them. It's your pattern, not mine. My original problem with you is the twisted way you told a story about some CL escort who was beaten and raped. We both KNOW you wrote it, so that's not an issue imo. I don't like you. I think you're disturbed. Your OCD porn habits are creepy. You're creepy.

08-06-2009, 03:02 AM
I don't like you. I think you're disturbed. Your OCD porn habits are creepy. You're creepy.

There you go, the apology you asked for.

Can we move on now?

08-06-2009, 03:26 AM
I don't like you. I think you're disturbed. Your OCD porn habits are creepy. You're creepy.

There you go, the apology you asked for.

Can we move on now?

LMAO....not to worry....true to form, thx....tinfoil tiara wearing tranny chaser that he is, will once again scurry away like a cockroach when exposed to the light of reality, and start yet another sniveling, passive-aggressive thread....that is when the gullible fool isn't posting ridiculous lunatic fringe spam from the likes of AlexJonestown, David Icke et al about the Illuminati or the Bilderbergs....fucking jackass....

Nicole Dupre
08-06-2009, 03:52 AM
I don't like you. I think you're disturbed. Your OCD porn habits are creepy. You're creepy.

There you go, the apology you asked for.

Can we move on now?

Oh, right. I forgot how sensitive Mr Megalomaniac gets. He needs an apology. :roll:

Please, bitch. You get nothing from me even close. If they ever find all the skeletons in your closet, and you appear in the news like Mischelle Sabrina; I'd simply say, "Anthor one bites the dust. Thank you, God!"

Now, is that perfectly clear, and ok with you? Because that's the way it is. I loathe sexual predators, and the more you act like one, the more you make me ill.

08-06-2009, 08:04 AM
The usual lies and falsehoods repeated endlessly. It's beyond boring. It's ludicrous. Stalking her, threatening her at a distance of 1,500 miles - that's quite a trick. I wonder how I manage to pull it off. Now she wants to move to ny? Maybe to get closer to me? For a long time now she's exhibited this morbid fascination with me. Can't stay off my threads, folowing me everywhere on HA. Seems Chef Mike is not the only one with a compulsive obsessive disorder. But there is hope for her. All she has to do is to acknowledge her illness and get treatment. I've read a combination of drugs and mild electic shock usually is all that is required to snap someone back to reality and a near normal life again.

08-06-2009, 08:51 AM
chefmike you dating nicole?

08-06-2009, 11:30 AM
I did not wish to imply that Nicole's planned move to NY merely to get closer to me was her ONLY motivation. Economic necessity may also be playing a part. It's widely known the economy of south Florida is in a deep, deep depression. Her client base must have shriveled considerably. Many of her former clients 1-have committed suicide (understandably), 2-are in a mental institution (understandably), 3-have been imprisoned, 4- are now on skid row. Given her remarkable set of body paintings perhaps she should consider, as an alternative, joining a traveling circus as, you guessed it, "the tattooed lady" at least until the economy turns up. :D

Nicole Dupre
08-06-2009, 03:28 PM
For a long time now she's exhibited this morbid fascination with me. No one asked you to contribute to the "Please Unban Nicole" thread. I haven't been on here in almost 2 years, and you're front and center when I get back. So stop trying to put a spin on the dynamics of my presence here.

You're the one paying attention to me, and not the other way around. Stalk you? I hope lightning strikes you from a safe distance perhaps. But you're the one who's on top of all the conspiracy theories, not me. So who's got the "morbid fascination"?

Oh, and mind your own business about my income and my life, stalker. Only a ghetto bitch like you would worry.

08-06-2009, 03:46 PM
Dude either your making up things about "clients" OR you are stalking her.

08-06-2009, 10:06 PM
I invite anyone to locate any threads where she and I have posted on (the ones from the point of her return to HA). Then from these threads pull out the ones where I posted AFTER ND posted. You'll find in all of them she posted AFTER I did. Therefore she's stalking me. Case closed. :D Have a nice day!

08-06-2009, 10:37 PM
Here again another perfect example of CM's being totally out of touch with reality. He seeks to paint me as the Pittsburgh guy who perpetrated the mass murder. Clearly I'm not. I've never been to Pittsburgh in my life. Most likely he's projecting his own homicidal (as well as homosexual) thoughts onto others. He can't get me to be his husband so his frustration is mounting, leading to the sorry mental state he finds himself in now.

Methinks the lad/lass(?)? doth protest too dang much, no one had even mentioned the paranoid little pansy in this thread, not that it stopped thxtrannystalker from chiming in anyway, instead of shutting his gaping cock-holster for a change...thx is an inconsequential and annoying little fool who has found himself hoist by his own petard once again....now there's a shocker...same as it ever was....

Methinks the lad/lass(?)? doth protest too dang much, no one had even mentioned the paranoid little pansy in this thread

I'm thinking Solitary Sister's found a soul-mate.
Glad i don't live in the L.A/N.Y. pathway.
If ever there was a cross country killing spree on the way! :shrug

LMFAO...with TSFrankenBrenda as the Ma Barker of the tranny chasing trio with their squirtguns at the ready...

08-06-2009, 10:40 PM
Methinks the lad/lass(?)? doth protest too dang much, no one had even mentioned the paranoid little pansy in this thread

I'm thinking Solitary Sister's found a soul-mate.
Glad i don't live in the L.A/N.Y. pathway.
If ever there was a cross country killing spree on the way! :shrug

Perhaps caution should be advised....

08-06-2009, 10:42 PM
( Rolls up windows and speeds up ) :lol:

Nicole Dupre
08-06-2009, 10:49 PM
I invite anyone to locate any threads where she and I have posted on (the ones from the point of her return to HA). Then from these threads pull out the ones where I posted AFTER ND posted. You'll find in all of them she posted AFTER I did. Therefore she's stalking me. Case closed. :D Have a nice day!

Stop, before you look even dumber and more full of shit than you already do.

You're a stalker. Here's proof from months ago.


08-06-2009, 10:51 PM
Not to worry, the deluded freak is on the radar at HA anyway, did you notice that a certain thread from the aforementioned most active HA village idiot(with addicted the dipshit coming in second because he can't post as often being on work-release when he's not at the methadone clinic) suddenly vanished today?

Nicole Dupre
08-06-2009, 11:02 PM
Not to worry, the deluded freak is on the radar at HA anyway, did you notice that a certain thread from the aforementioned most active HA village idiot(with addicted the dipshit coming in second because he can't post as often being on work-release when he's not at the methadone clinic) suddenly vanished today?

More proof of his obsession with getting into my business, and the subject of me being stalked. And there are more posts like this.


I can't believe he"invited" proof.

08-07-2009, 08:04 AM
example #1 - not relevant - At the time you BANNED from HA. Example #2 Look closely and you will see YOU did not post on this thread. Moreover I was responding to your ex HD friends (the ones you pissed off with your insane paranoid delusions and constant fighting and bickering). And you can take that to the bank. Have a nice life!

08-07-2009, 08:05 AM
@ ND - Lets call a truce: I'll stay off your threads if you stay off mine.

Nicole Dupre
08-07-2009, 08:23 AM
Who cares if I was banned or not, you douchebag? The fact remains that you've been behaving like a stalker for at least two years. So where does a "truce" come into play? There's no "war", other than the one you fight in your head minute to minute. Your patterns speak for themselves. You want to know when I'm town? The guy who gets his shits and giggles from death threats I got? Well, fuck you. You are on my shitlist for the rest of your miserable life. Now mind your own business, you degenerate. I don't need any fucking ultimatums from a sexual predator.

08-07-2009, 08:29 AM
There you have it folks. ND will continue to stalk me on any thread driven by her paranoid delusions. :>)

Nicole Dupre
08-07-2009, 08:34 AM
There you have it folks. ND will continue to stalk me on any thread driven by her paranoid delusions. :>)Whatever. Just stay the fuck out of my business, freak.