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View Full Version : I got a bone to pick.

The Magic One
10-18-2005, 06:02 AM
Somebody explain to me why some of you asses go out of the way to make an negative comment everytime someone post a picture of black gurls they find ugly fat or unattractive? And you dudes know who Im gotdamn talking to.

I understand if you dont like a certain kinda gurl but you know what? Going "These bitches look like OJ with wigs" or "These bitches look like Notorius BIG with wigs" is uncalled for. If you see somthing you dont like move the hell on.

Stop interupting peoples threads with your criticism of their taste.

btw some of those post have racist undertones imo. just thought I'd point this shyt out.

10-18-2005, 06:03 AM
Wait. You registered a New nickname to write this shit?

The Magic One
10-18-2005, 06:07 AM
Is that a crime or sumthin? Delete magicone then. I like this one better.

10-18-2005, 06:18 AM
Well I'm in the dark on this one so post a pic of a broad as an example so I can see what you're talking about

10-18-2005, 06:23 AM
Guys on here make comments about all the girls in almost every post.

And without Naming Names, this post is all bark and no bite.

The Magic One
10-18-2005, 06:36 AM
You want to play dumb and act like what I said doesnt exist?

Scan through these threads and see what im talking about then



Some of them arent that hot, but damn man some fools go out of the way to be assholes.

10-18-2005, 06:40 AM
ok hang on

"leaving moderator mode"
"entering Johnnie Walker Black Label mode"

90% of those broads ARE BUSTED
I wouldn't wish any of those 90% on geekmeat, and that's saying alot

"leaving Johnnie Walker Black Label mode"
"entering moderator mode"

The Magic One
10-18-2005, 06:51 AM
Broads ugly? Fine.

Go out of the way to insult someone elses taste when unnecesarry = asshole

Some dudes like fat chicks. Some dudes like Fat chicks with dicks. You dont like it? Move the fuck on. The thread says bbw. Why go into it if you think there disgusting? I dont get it.

10-18-2005, 01:01 PM
hmmmm... i always thought internet forums were made so you could post your reactions

10-18-2005, 01:12 PM
upon further review of said threads, i agree. those chicks are hurtin' in a big way

10-18-2005, 04:52 PM
stop posting ugly hoes then

10-18-2005, 05:07 PM
magic9inch said

stop posting ugly hoes then


Seriously though, I'm not the kind of guy to say anything bad about people, but when someone posts a pic and asks people if they like it...well, one option is to be perfectly honest.

Personally I don't like fat chicks. Some people do. I don't like ugly chicks either, but beauty's in the eye of the beholder (to a point). I don't dig really hairy girls (GGs or TGs) either, but hippy girls are natural and they can be a lot of fun. ;)

I will not say anything bad about any of the girls on this forum unless they really piss me off, nor do I want to hurt anyone, but I'm torn between"If you can't say something good, don't say nothing at all" and "Honesty is the best policy".

I think we all need to be honest, but if sometimes a little sugarcoating can keep a person's feelings from being hurt, then I'd use it. A little diplomacy goes a long way.

That said, this thread is becoming pretty funny. I hope I haven't dented the hilarity content too much by waxing philosophical.

10-18-2005, 06:21 PM
I might have been a bit harsh in my earlier posts. If you like a particular type of girl good for you. The more I think about it the more I respect you keeping that type of girl out of my face because you're giving her attention. LOLLLLLLLLLL

carry on

Johnny Cocksville
10-18-2005, 06:29 PM
One man's treasure is another man's shit and there's no one girl everyone will agree on. If that's your type then that's your type-don't let other people ruin it for you. If its serious, when they make their post about their favorites, go in there and harass them.


10-18-2005, 06:43 PM
Normally when someone asks for an opinion on a girl I don't think is so hot, I'll just keep it to myself because I don't believe in hurting anyone if it can be avoided. BUT, since it's been brought up so vehemently, let's be honest here, back when I was still playing ball I ran over guys smaller than some of the girls posted here. Does being big automatically make them unattractive? No, but most people have the sense to realize they look like hell in certain unflattering outfits. If she looks like an offensive lineman in drag, it's probably not a good idea to ask for public opinions on her appearance ;)

10-18-2005, 07:30 PM
I understand if you dont like a certain kinda gurl but you know what? Going "These bitches look like OJ with wigs" or "These bitches look like Notorius BIG with wigs" is uncalled for. If you see somthing you dont like move the hell on.


I think you're refering to MEGABODY?

10-19-2005, 02:08 AM
Perhaps we could have a policy where no derogatory comments are allowed. If a poster requests opinions then positive/negative is fine. But nothing derogatory ... at all.

Just a thought.

10-19-2005, 02:29 AM
yeah.....thats a great idea, lets have the thought police invade the boards...nice one...way to conform!!!..../sarcasm

The day my posts start getting edited for content is the day alot of people will sign off this board.

"If you dont have something nice to say, dont say it at all"....My how vapid is that??? How many times have you heard that cop out? Yes mom, thank you for telling us adults how to behave. Ill be good from now on, promise!

My bone is this, if you dare to post a pic of a girl that you hype up and say is the next TS superstar, and she looks like a goddamn unwashed wildebeast(And you KNOW weve seen them lately, ugh).....you should expect to get FLAMED..... If your such a rabid TS suckup fanboy that you cant take something like that well...I think you shouldnt be in an online forum posting suchlike because your skin is way to thin....

Or maybe Im just feeling exceptionally nasty lately from the spinal injections....could be :roll:

BTW Thanks Johnny, your 2nd post on the subject was the first time I laughed all day..that was some good shit :D

The Magic One
10-19-2005, 05:15 AM
Basically this boils down to the fact that Black men and White men sometimes differ on what beauty is. Alot of my white friends want the skinniest gurls with the biggest fake titties and thats cool with me. Im not knocking that. Black men commonly have an affinity for robust women that are soft all over, and this translates into how we judge tgirls as well.

Look at the black girl below. White dudes are maybe saying "Thats a fat ass bitch!" "Go on atkins fatty" Brothas are probably like "Damn she fine as hell!" "Look at that thick ass!"

and to the Blonde below white cats are probably "Damn look at those perfect tits. "She's a 10!"

while black dudes are saying "look at those fake ass titties." "that bitch body dont match those"

We got different taste and thats that so the hate needs to stop.

Its unneccesary and works to divide us.

10-19-2005, 05:57 AM
Might just be lack of sleep on my part, but I nominate the above post by Mega as his best ever :D

Edit- wow, must really have been lack of sleep, just saw that I left best out of my original post :shock:

10-19-2005, 08:02 AM
Basically this boils down to the fact that Black men and White men sometimes differ on what beauty is. Alot of my white friends want the skinniest gurls with the biggest fake titties and thats cool with me. Im not knocking that. Black men commonly have an affinity for robust women that are soft all over, and this translates into how we judge tgirls as well.

Look at the black girl below. White dudes are maybe saying "Thats a fat ass bitch!" "Go on atkins fatty" Brothas are probably like "Damn she fine as hell!" "Look at that thick ass!"

and to the Blonde below white cats are probably "Damn look at those perfect tits. "She's a 10!"

while black dudes are saying "look at those fake ass titties." "that bitch body dont match those"

We got different taste and thats that so the hate needs to stop.

Its unneccesary and works to divide us.

I think you're taking this a little seriously dude. This isnt about black or white or anything, it's a fucking shemale message board. We talk about shemales and look at shemales - nothing more, nothing less. People have just as much of a right to say "Wow that girl is stunningly beautiful" as they do to say "Wow what a ugly beast she is"

10-19-2005, 09:43 AM
and lets not forget that almost NONE of the girls you boys talk about frequent this board... boards r made so u can express emotions and opinions u dont have to like or agree w/ someones but there simply is no reason for a thread where a guy that thinks that just b/c he beats off to some fat asses pics that that means they are dating and he needs to stand up for his new FAnT ASSy woman so her feelings arent hurt? the girls heard good and bad before and considering they were weak ametureish pics for an equally appealing site id say shes heard alot of bad...shes tough shes got it under control *w/ the help of industrial strenght undergarments* and this isnt a black and white thing let those rants go from your post... and thinking that guys BLACK OR OTHERWISE as a whole would choose that fat chick over the much more appealing chick what r u on crack?

10-19-2005, 06:04 PM
Somebody explain to me why some of you asses go out of the way to make an negative comment everytime someone post a picture of black gurls they find ugly fat or unattractive? And you dudes know who Im gotdamn talking to.

I understand if you dont like a certain kinda gurl but you know what? Going "These bitches look like OJ with wigs" or "These bitches look like Notorius BIG with wigs" is uncalled for. If you see somthing you dont like move the hell on.

Stop interupting peoples threads with your criticism of their taste.

btw some of those post have racist undertones imo. just thought I'd point this shyt out.

this is the internet. why are you catchin feelings over dudes criticizin some girls you dont even know? shit's not that serious

10-19-2005, 06:31 PM
You want to play dumb and act like what I said doesnt exist?

Scan through these threads and see what im talking about then



Some of them arent that hot, but damn man some fools go out of the way to be assholes.
[/url]Those chicks are Horrid looking kind of remind me of wesley snipes in too wong foo

The Magic One
10-20-2005, 12:10 AM
I dont have feelings about it. Im not defending any oogly bitches neither
I think that chick in the "me" thread favors nick stahl too. But I dont feel the need to go out of the way to insult her. Thats all im saying. If you see a thread that says big nasty lookin fat black dudes with wigs on and the guy who posted it likes the shit let him be.

You shouldnt even be peeking your head in the thread if thats not your thing. and those two threads arent the only example of people being disrespectful I just didnt feel like digging'em up.

Somebody explain to me why some of you asses go out of the way to make an negative comment everytime someone post a picture of black gurls they find ugly fat or unattractive? And you dudes know who Im gotdamn talking to.

I understand if you dont like a certain kinda gurl but you know what? Going "These bitches look like OJ with wigs" or "These bitches look like Notorius BIG with wigs" is uncalled for. If you see somthing you dont like move the hell on.

Stop interupting peoples threads with your criticism of their taste.

btw some of those post have racist undertones imo. just thought I'd point this shyt out.

this is the internet. why are you catchin feelings over dudes criticizin some girls you dont even know? shit's not that serious

The Magic One
10-20-2005, 12:16 AM
Chill Texas "girl". There are dudes(not me) that will jump over you like a fucking kangaroo to get to a 200lbs free safety with a wig on and fake tits. If thats their preference thats just the way it is. dont dis them.

and lets not forget that almost NONE of the girls you boys talk about frequent this board... boards r made so u can express emotions and opinions u dont have to like or agree w/ someones but there simply is no reason for a thread where a guy that thinks that just b/c he beats off to some fat asses pics that that means they are dating and he needs to stand up for his new FAnT ASSy woman so her feelings arent hurt? the girls heard good and bad before and considering they were weak ametureish pics for an equally appealing site id say shes heard alot of bad...shes tough shes got it under control *w/ the help of industrial strenght undergarments* and this isnt a black and white thing let those rants go from your post... and thinking that guys BLACK OR OTHERWISE as a whole would choose that fat chick over the much more appealing chick what r u on crack?

10-20-2005, 05:19 AM
Chill Texas "girl". There are dudes(not me) that will jump over you like a fucking kangaroo to get to a 200lbs free safety with a wig on and fake tits. If thats their preference thats just the way it is. dont dis them.

and lets not forget that almost NONE of the girls you boys talk about frequent this board... boards r made so u can express emotions and opinions u dont have to like or agree w/ someones but there simply is no reason for a thread where a guy that thinks that just b/c he beats off to some fat asses pics that that means they are dating and he needs to stand up for his new FAnT ASSy woman so her feelings arent hurt? the girls heard good and bad before and considering they were weak ametureish pics for an equally appealing site id say shes heard alot of bad...shes tough shes got it under control *w/ the help of industrial strenght undergarments* and this isnt a black and white thing let those rants go from your post... and thinking that guys BLACK OR OTHERWISE as a whole would choose that fat chick over the much more appealing chick what r u on crack?

re-read my post im not putting down ppl for having a preference i dont fit... i certainly enjoy NOT fitting that preference...i was simply saying and i quote " u dont have to like or agree w/ someones *opionions*" its that simple we dont have to fight about each others opionions state it and move on dont dwell on em ... xoxoxox big hug

10-20-2005, 09:05 AM
preach it sista!

10-20-2005, 09:07 AM

10-20-2005, 09:07 AM
shit how do i make my pic smaller

10-20-2005, 11:47 AM
I really want to read and comment, but I'm sleepy now....tomorrow.....so far this is funny shit.

Hard to beat for free entertainment.
