View Full Version : A tribute to Chef Mike

08-03-2009, 11:40 AM
HA's original "tough guy"

08-03-2009, 12:15 PM

08-03-2009, 01:00 PM
This can't end well!

08-03-2009, 01:27 PM
Looks like thxtinfoil has her panties in a twist again. Now she's starting yet another thread about Mike the meanie...boo, hoo little crybaby. Not that I can really blame the mincing little sissy for her hurt feelings...thxtinfoil does a splendid job of making a fool of herself on a regular basis(especially in the politics section), but I've found it remarkably easy to make her look like even more of a jackass...

BTW, when are you planning that pilgramage to finally meet your soulmate Dr. FrankenBrenda, tinfoil sporting tranny chaser that you are?

08-03-2009, 01:43 PM
Brenda is on the west coast and I'm on the east coast.

Love will find a way, thxtinfoil....don't despair...don't forget that noted HA village idiot and jizzmopper hondatardbot stalked, er, followed his true love VR across country on Greyhound aka the dirty dog and he never complained...not that he really could, because he had no choice but take the dirty dog with him being scared of planes, trains, and automobiles...so don't give up hope, ya paranoid little pooftah...just put that tinfoil chapeau on your pointed little head and get to steppin, son...and don't you stop until Dr. FrankenBrenda's diseased manmeat is buried deep in your duke chute...you can do it!!!

08-03-2009, 02:06 PM
@ MIke the moron, shows how much you know about me. I can't marry TS brenda. MY wife would cut off my balls.

08-03-2009, 02:12 PM
note this:

08-03-2009, 02:29 PM
I can't marry TS brenda. MY wife would cut off my balls.

Does your wife know you browse ads for TG prostitutes and post their information here?

08-03-2009, 02:44 PM
LMAO...does your wifey know that you feverishly haunt a TS forum, posting countless pics of what one well-known HA poster would haved called "jailhouse beasts"?

When you aren't busy doing that you're here being ridiculed for constantly making a fool of yourself by posting endless links from lunatic fringe icons like Alex Jones....

How's this thread workin' out for ya so far, chump?

Got any more sophmoronic pics you wanna post, simpleton? :boring

Nicole Dupre
08-03-2009, 03:31 PM
IMHO THX1138 is more than just a kook. He's a predator.

As we can all see, he suffers from paranoia.

As we can all see, he is obsessed with escorts.

As we can all see, he has a secret life he keeps well hidden from his wife.

This person has skeletons in their closet, people. After the jokes he made about a tranny escort being brutally beaten and raped, I'd say he's either done it himself, or he fantasizes about it. Either way, he is a sociopath.

08-03-2009, 03:45 PM
Either way, he is a sociopath.

Or as Dr. FrankenBrenda would say, a social path...

08-03-2009, 03:48 PM
Either way, he is a sociopath.

Or as Dr. FrankenBrenda would say, a social path...


08-03-2009, 04:21 PM
Either way, he is a sociopath.

Or as Dr. FrankenBrenda would say, a social path...

This is America, a social sidewalk.

But what Nicole wrote kind of hit home, there could be some very dangerous screwballs with some very dark secrets regularly posting here. Didn't think anyone would wise crack about rape or murder though :(

08-03-2009, 04:23 PM
@ MIke the moron, shows how much you know about me. I can't marry TS brenda. MY wife would cut off my balls.

You have no balls to cut off, Miss.

08-03-2009, 04:28 PM
LMAO...does your wifey know that you feverishly haunt a TS forum, posting countless pics of what one well-known HA poster would haved called "jailhouse beasts"?

When you aren't busy doing that you're here being ridiculed for constantly making a fool of yourself by posting endless links from lunatic fringe icons like Alex Jones....

How's this thread workin' out for ya so far, chump?


08-03-2009, 06:07 PM
ChefMike is a high government official, I think. He's either that, or he's a 'high' government official.

08-03-2009, 06:31 PM
ChefMike is a high government official.

Dr. TSBrenda, aka Mrs. THX1138" refers to him as a "Hi Guvmumint Office Shell"

08-03-2009, 06:33 PM

Nicole Dupre
08-03-2009, 06:36 PM
I'm assuming he's gone back and edited his rape posts, because when you do a search under his name for "rape", "raped", or "rapist" now; nothing comes up anymore. It doesn't matter, because I know that I read them when he first joined, and it was disturbing. And it's where his original problem with me lies, because I called him out. And he reacted as suspiciously and defensively as I thought he would.

But the jokes clearly showed his incapability to see the escort as a human being. Her nightmare became his entertainment.

Sociopaths are always unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. They are also well-known for living on the edge of reality, leading criminal double-lives, lying to friends and family, and being obsessive-compulsive about their sexual proclivities.

That's exactly how I see him, and he's done absolutely nothing to disprove it.

08-03-2009, 06:37 PM
ChefMike is a high government official.

Dr. TSBrenda, aka Mrs. THX1138" refers to him as a "Hi Guvmumint Office Shell"

No, it may look like that, but that is just because of her poor handwriting as a physician.

Ruemue is also the German equivalent of a doctor in the USA... this board is full of folks who are prepared to help others.

08-03-2009, 07:38 PM
I'm assuming he's gone back and edited his rape posts, because when you do a search under his name for "rape", "raped", or "rapist" now; nothing comes up anymore. It doesn't matter, because I know that I read them when he first joined, and it was disturbing. And it's where his original problem with me lies, because I called him out. And he reacted as suspiciously and defensively as I thought he would.

But the jokes clearly showed his incapability to see the escort as a human being. Her nightmare became his entertainment.

Sociopaths are always unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. They are also well-known for living on the edge of reality, leading criminal double-lives, lying to friends and family, and being obsessive-compulsive about their sexual proclivities.

That's exactly how I see him, and he's done absolutely nothing to disprove it.

I missed all that stuff(although I'm not surprised nor would I be that he deleted it) because as for myself, I get my fill of his paranoid drivel and AlexJonestown crazy spam in the politics section, enough that I certainly don't want to read any more of his offal in the general section...but in light of the fact that thxtinfoil admits to being married, and if we rule out the possibility that his wife is inflatable, and in fact actually does exist.....then how does one explain the fact that the squirrelly son-of-a-bitch camps out here at HA like a crazed sex offender on the lam....very shady....and just as creepy...maybe the tinfoil-tiara tranny chaser has tucked wifey away in the basement...Norman Bates style....

08-03-2009, 07:39 PM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

08-03-2009, 07:41 PM
just starting out on his career as part time escort

08-03-2009, 07:59 PM
LMFAO....nice job of exposing an even wider audience to your strange little cranium, Norman....and it appears that you've really amassed quite a few supporters in this thread, huh?

Now who were they again, putz?

08-03-2009, 08:34 PM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

Alone in the house? So you have kids, you creepy bastard? Well aren't they the lucky ones....so when you're busy not spending time with your wife you're busy not spending time with your kids?

What a guy....

What a scumbag.

08-04-2009, 12:45 AM
chef mike...Great pics. What are your rates?

08-04-2009, 12:56 AM
This is getting interesting.

08-04-2009, 01:00 AM

08-04-2009, 01:33 AM

08-04-2009, 02:38 AM
:popcorn :rock2

08-04-2009, 03:28 AM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

Does "she" also tell you when you may take a wizz? What other rules does "she" have for you?

08-04-2009, 06:53 AM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

Alone in the house? So you have kids, you creepy bastard? Well aren't they the lucky ones....so when you're busy not spending time with your wife you're busy not spending time with your kids?

What a guy....

What a scumbag.
Mutants can't often reproduce, so kids might be a bit too generous of an assumption. But they might be alone when they aren't hosting seances, the local UFO club, a psychiatric rehabilitation support group or a moron meetup with other Alex Jones or David Icke fans...

08-04-2009, 06:55 AM
This is funny stuff lol

El Nino
08-04-2009, 07:41 AM

08-04-2009, 12:13 PM
I'm rough. I'm tough. Nothing is too low for me to do, liking attacking family members. But hey, I risk nothing from behind my monitor and keyboard. I realize I keep repeating the same things over and over again like a cow chewing its cud. I guess it's because no one listens to me. Maybe it's because I'm ugly. I'm still angry at my mom because she tried to abort me. Too bad she failed because living is getting harder and harder.

08-04-2009, 12:14 PM
I forgot to include my photo.

08-04-2009, 01:19 PM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

Alone in the house? So you have kids, you creepy bastard? Well aren't they the lucky ones....so when you're busy not spending time with your wife you're busy not spending time with your kids?

What a guy....

What a scumbag.
Mutants can't often reproduce, so kids might be a bit too generous of an assumption. But they might be alone when they aren't hosting seances, the local UFO club, a psychiatric rehabilitation support group or a moron meetup with other Alex Jones or David Icke fans...


08-04-2009, 01:20 PM
This is funny stuff lol

Like shooting fish in a barrel....

08-04-2009, 01:25 PM
I'm rough. I'm tough. Nothing is too low for me to do, liking attacking family members. But hey, I risk nothing from behind my monitor and keyboard. I realize I keep repeating the same things over and over again like a cow chewing its cud. I guess it's because no one listens to me. Maybe it's because I'm ugly. I'm still angry at my mom because she tried to abort me. Too bad she failed because living is getting harder and harder.

Now that the little sissy's thread has backfired she's resorted to passive-aggressive whining....what a punk and a crybaby... :cry:

08-04-2009, 02:58 PM
Butt out. You're not involved. Go crawl back under that rock you came from....Here's what terminator girl thinks of your post:

08-04-2009, 03:13 PM
Now that the little sissy's thread has backfired she's resorted to passive-aggressive whining....what a punk and a crybaby... :cry:

Please stop distracting him. He's HAs official Pimpologist. It is his job to find and list the top TG hookers in America. He's a talent scout of sorts. How can he concentrate on his important task if he has to take you on too?

Please respect Da Pimp.

08-04-2009, 03:24 PM
Attacking my family? Disgusting! Just proves my contention you are a sadistic bully. Cops I know would call you a "scumbag" - their favorite word. Are you and TS phobun in a battle to see who can get to the bottom of the moral cesspool? Well, I'll vote for you due to your years of experience in the sliming department. I'll nominate you as the winner of HA's "master of moral depravity" award. Wear the title well. You deserve it. Oh and about the tin foil hat stuff..that's ancient history. You keep repeating it over and over again rattling on like a broken record. Pull the plug on it and get some new material if you can. Given that you have no social life and plenty of time on your hands I'm sure you can come up something original. Going forward stay off my thread until I'm finished posting the photos. Then you can make your disparaging remarks about the ladies' bodies. But before you do you should take a real good look at your own (ugh). Drop a 100 lbs. in body weight and we'll revisit the subject. BTW: despite your and others attempts to hijack/derail my thread it seems to be quite popular. It's only been up less than a week and its got over 4,000 hits. Feeling a bit jealous? A final note: you really need to get a handle on your anger problem. Untreated it could lead to impotency, eye twitches, facial ticks and even stroke. See a doctor or a psychiatrist. We don't want you to leave us until I've kicked your ass around a bit more.

Nicole Dupre
08-04-2009, 03:24 PM
Butt out. You're not involved. Go crawl back under that rock you came from....Here's what terminator girl thinks of your post:Stop trying to communicate with pictures like a retard. Address the facts, stalker.

Nicole Dupre
08-04-2009, 03:26 PM
Now that the little sissy's thread has backfired she's resorted to passive-aggressive whining....what a punk and a crybaby... :cry:

Please stop distracting him. He's HAs official Pimpologist. It is his job to find and list the top TG hookers in America. He's a talent scout of sorts. How can he concentrate on his important task if he has to take you on too?

Please respect Da Pimp.LMAO!

Nicole Dupre
08-04-2009, 03:29 PM
Attacking my family? Disgusting! Just proves my contention you are a sadistic bully. Cops I know would call you a "scumbag" - their favorite word. Are you and TS phobun in a battle to see who can get to the bottom of the moral cesspool? Well, I'll vote for you due to your years of experience in the sliming department. I'll nominate you as the winner of HA's "master of moral depravity" award. Wear the title well. You deserve it. Oh and about the tin foil hat stuff..that's ancient history. You keep repeating it over and over again rattling on like a broken record. Pull the plug on it and get some new material if you can. Given that you have no social life and plenty of time on your hands I'm sure you can come up something original. Going forward stay off my thread until I'm finished posting the photos. Then you can make your disparaging remarks about the ladies' bodies. But before you do you should take a real good look at your own (ugh). Drop a 100 lbs. in body weight and we'll revisit the subject. BTW: despite your and others attempts to hijack/derail my thread it seems to be quite popular. It's only been up less than a week and its got over 4,000 hits. Feeling a bit jealous? A final note: you really need to get a handle on your anger problem. Untreated it could lead to impotency, eye twitches, facial ticks and even stroke. See a doctor or a psychiatrist. We don't want you to leave us until I've kicked your ass around a bit more.

I just talked to a mod, and all the phone number's you've posted are a big no-no. So while you're "kicking his ass"(?), keep an eye on your posts. ;)

08-04-2009, 03:42 PM
Not trying to play devils advocate or anything but i'm pretty sure all of these numbers are on Eros, Backpage, and Craigslist.

Nicole Dupre
08-04-2009, 04:01 PM
Not trying to play devils advocate or anything but i'm pretty sure all of these numbers are on Eros, Backpage, and Craigslist.Doesn't matter. These are not "ads" they've asked to have run.

08-04-2009, 04:01 PM
Ricochet/Backfire Thread: Term for when people create a thread to talk about how stupid another poster is, only for subsequent posters to turn it into a thread about how stupid the OP is.

Examples: trevis, BXCanada, Hondarobot, Silvester/James Cunt, and many, many others...


08-04-2009, 04:05 PM
@ MIke the moron, shows how much you know about me. I can't marry TS brenda. MY wife would cut off my balls.

You have no balls to cut off, Miss.

LMAO....good one, comrade Coroner. I should give our old pal Quinn a shout. Quinn would enjoy seeing the most recent "Mike was mean to me..." thread from the latest sniveling crybaby to start one... :lol:

08-04-2009, 04:07 PM
Ricochet/Backfire Thread: Term for when people create a thread to talk about how stupid another poster is, only for subsequent posters to turn it into a thread about how stupid the OP is.

Examples: trevis, BXCanada, Hondarobot, Silvester/James Cunt, and many, many others...


ROTFLMAO....priceless TJ...

08-04-2009, 04:09 PM
Attacking my family? Disgusting! Just proves my contention you are a sadistic bully. Cops I know would call you a "scumbag" - their favorite word. Are you and TS phobun in a battle to see who can get to the bottom of the moral cesspool? Well, I'll vote for you due to your years of experience in the sliming department. I'll nominate you as the winner of HA's "master of moral depravity" award. Wear the title well. You deserve it. Oh and about the tin foil hat stuff..that's ancient history. You keep repeating it over and over again rattling on like a broken record. Pull the plug on it and get some new material if you can. Given that you have no social life and plenty of time on your hands I'm sure you can come up something original. Going forward stay off my thread until I'm finished posting the photos. Then you can make your disparaging remarks about the ladies' bodies. But before you do you should take a real good look at your own (ugh). Drop a 100 lbs. in body weight and we'll revisit the subject. BTW: despite your and others attempts to hijack/derail my thread it seems to be quite popular. It's only been up less than a week and its got over 4,000 hits. Feeling a bit jealous? A final note: you really need to get a handle on your anger problem. Untreated it could lead to impotency, eye twitches, facial ticks and even stroke. See a doctor or a psychiatrist. We don't want you to leave us until I've kicked your ass around a bit more.

I just talked to a mod, and all the phone number's you've posted are a big no-no. So while you're "kicking his ass"(?), keep an eye on your posts. ;)

That is hilarious, huh...the little freak is sounding even more delusional than she usually does...

Nicole Dupre
08-04-2009, 04:17 PM
Ricochet/Backfire Thread: Term for when people create a thread to talk about how stupid another poster is, only for subsequent posters to turn it into a thread about how stupid the OP is.

Examples: trevis, BXCanada, Hondarobot, Silvester/James Cunt, and many, many others...

:shock:Btw, Eros ads expire but these posts don't. Who the fuck is this psycho to involve himself?

Would you want him running ads for you? Seriously. Because that good Samaritan bullshit is WEAK.

08-04-2009, 04:30 PM
Butt out. You're not involved. Go crawl back under that rock you came from....Here's what terminator girl thinks of your post:Stop trying to communicate with pictures like a retard. Address the facts, stalker.

He(?) will never address the facts. The sniveling little sissy will try to change the subject or run and hide. When I've confronted him in the past with proof of his lying in the politics section, the gutless coward slunk away and didn't show his face in that section for over a month. Nor did the prissy little prevaricator ever address the links and proof that I presented concerning the lies when he came back. Instead he finally showed his face and posted a retarded picture like he's done ad nauseum in this lame thread....pathetic. He's a punk, he can't back up his BS here and you can be damn sure that he can't IRL....a cowardly punk...

Nicole Dupre
08-04-2009, 04:33 PM
Attacking my family? Disgusting! Just proves my contention you are a sadistic bully. Cops I know would call you a "scumbag" - their favorite word. Are you and TS phobun in a battle to see who can get to the bottom of the moral cesspool? Well, I'll vote for you due to your years of experience in the sliming department. I'll nominate you as the winner of HA's "master of moral depravity" award. Wear the title well. You deserve it. Oh and about the tin foil hat stuff..that's ancient history. You keep repeating it over and over again rattling on like a broken record. Pull the plug on it and get some new material if you can. Given that you have no social life and plenty of time on your hands I'm sure you can come up something original. Going forward stay off my thread until I'm finished posting the photos. Then you can make your disparaging remarks about the ladies' bodies. But before you do you should take a real good look at your own (ugh). Drop a 100 lbs. in body weight and we'll revisit the subject. BTW: despite your and others attempts to hijack/derail my thread it seems to be quite popular. It's only been up less than a week and its got over 4,000 hits. Feeling a bit jealous? A final note: you really need to get a handle on your anger problem. Untreated it could lead to impotency, eye twitches, facial ticks and even stroke. See a doctor or a psychiatrist. We don't want you to leave us until I've kicked your ass around a bit more.

I just talked to a mod, and all the phone number's you've posted are a big no-no. So while you're "kicking his ass"(?), keep an eye on your posts. ;)

That is hilarious, huh...the little freak is sounding even more delusional than she usually does...Whatever. The phone numbers are supposedly coming down. That's what a pretty high-profile moderator on here told me last night. So I really don't give a flying F if you believe it or not.

Now, on with the games.... :popcorn

08-04-2009, 04:35 PM
Attacking my family? Disgusting! Just proves my contention you are a sadistic bully. Cops I know would call you a "scumbag" - their favorite word. Are you and TS phobun in a battle to see who can get to the bottom of the moral cesspool? Well, I'll vote for you due to your years of experience in the sliming department. I'll nominate you as the winner of HA's "master of moral depravity" award. Wear the title well. You deserve it. Oh and about the tin foil hat stuff..that's ancient history. You keep repeating it over and over again rattling on like a broken record. Pull the plug on it and get some new material if you can. Given that you have no social life and plenty of time on your hands I'm sure you can come up something original. Going forward stay off my thread until I'm finished posting the photos. Then you can make your disparaging remarks about the ladies' bodies. But before you do you should take a real good look at your own (ugh). Drop a 100 lbs. in body weight and we'll revisit the subject. BTW: despite your and others attempts to hijack/derail my thread it seems to be quite popular. It's only been up less than a week and its got over 4,000 hits. Feeling a bit jealous? A final note: you really need to get a handle on your anger problem. Untreated it could lead to impotency, eye twitches, facial ticks and even stroke. See a doctor or a psychiatrist. We don't want you to leave us until I've kicked your ass around a bit more.

I just talked to a mod, and all the phone number's you've posted are a big no-no. So while you're "kicking his ass"(?), keep an eye on your posts. ;)

That is hilarious, huh...the little freak is sounding even more delusional than she usually does...Whatever. The phone numbers are supposedly coming down. That's what a pretty high-profile moderator on here told me last night. So I really don't give a flying F if you believe it or not.

Now, on with the games.... :popcorn

I wasn't talking about you, Nicole. I believe you.
I was referring to ms. tinfoils delusion about "kicking my ass".

08-04-2009, 04:46 PM
From my thread on Alex Jones, hero of feeble-minded chicken littles like thxtinfoil and El Ninny:

El Nino: Mike has NO proof. His only job here is to shout insults and denigrate people. What a way to earn cigarette money! No ethics, no brains.

You are a fool and a laughingstock like your buddy El Ninny. The loony links that you two clowns post are quickly debunked, derided, and dismissed by anyone who bothers to read such nonsense.

You'll even stoop to outright lies when your conspiracy fantasies aren't working:

Mike has yet to refute anything coming from a reputable source posted here.Reliable source? LMAO. This from the buffoon who said Ted Turner was a paid disinformationalist for the NWO. You mean to say that you and your handful of fellow laughingstocks have ever posted anything but absurd BS from the likes of Alex Jones et al? I wonder if anyone ever noticed it. Not bloody likely, simpleton.

He's the same guy that said 2 years ago the economy was in great shape.

Note the date thx registered on this site. More fantasy from the acorn academy alumnus. Produce a quote and URL, slick.

That's what I thought.

You clowns are pathetic.

Nicole Dupre
08-04-2009, 04:54 PM
I wasn't talking about you, Nicole. I believe you.
I was referring to ms. tinfoils delusion about "kicking my ass".

No worries. I didn't realize he was a big woman at heart too. :)

He is kinda myopic with the con theory stuff though, but he always has been.

Again, just look up "sociopath" on google, and he's a text book case minus hard evidence. But I can only imagine what type of heinous crimes this predatory weasel has committed in his cruddy, insignificant life. His kind can never commit suicide by cop soon enough, for themselves or anyone else.

Later, after the cops raid his house and find all of his porn, phone numbers, fecal matter, and human remains; we can all breathe a sigh of relief that he's out of his misery and off the streets.

But, for now, I think he needs the ban hammer. He's a bad egg, and needs to get chucked into the HA Garbage Disposal toot sweet.

08-04-2009, 04:55 PM
Btw, Eros ads expire but these posts don't. Who the fuck is this psycho to involve himself?

Would you want him running ads for you? Seriously. Because that good Samaritan bullshit is WEAK.

Retracted... I originally misunderstood what Nicole was trying to say.

08-04-2009, 04:56 PM
From the same thread...Oli schooling the tranny chasers wearing the tinfiol tiaras...

Mike has yet to refute anything coming from a reputable source posted here. The reason is he can't. He's the same guy that said 2 years ago the economy was in great shape. He hangs out here because he's paid to. Site management feels a need a to have a clown to shake things up from time to time. Mike fits the bill perfectly. He's a good name caller but has the intellectual capacity of a flea.

Hey mate, these are some of what you consider 'reputable sources'. Most intelligent people consider these sites on par with http://weeklyworldnews.com/

more:http://www.roguegovernment.com/The_Reality_Of_FEMA_Camps_And_The_Martial_Law_Appa rtus/14096/0/13/13/Y/M.html


sponsor of world terrorism http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2008/12/us-army-document-that-proves-us-is.html


So, by all means continue to believe your not the Luddite in this conversation...and that applies to El Nino also.

08-04-2009, 06:38 PM
If she were to get me in a room alone she'd undoubtedly try to rape, possibly even torture me.

LMFAO...sounds like wishful thinking from a sissy who squats when he pees...SMDH...

08-04-2009, 07:20 PM
TS phobun


Maybe not so crazy after all. :wink:

08-04-2009, 08:28 PM
I noticed you following me all over the thread I started. Clearly you're obsessed with me too. Obviously all your posts are designed to get me to notice you. That can mean only one thing! You want me desperately but can't have me. This realization is breaking down your ego structure. The result is your homosexuals feeling are rising to the surface. Get a grip, man. Get help. In this state you might do something you'll regret. I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts. I don't want it to be seen I'm encouraging you in any way, shape or form. :D

08-04-2009, 08:49 PM
@ peanut gallery: My wife knows I'm on this site and tacitly approves with the proviso I may look but not touch. Additionally I may only visit here when she and I are alone in the house.

Does "she" also tell you when you may take a wizz? What other rules does "she" have for you? :lol: :lol: That's great! :lol: :rock2

08-04-2009, 09:23 PM
You want me desperately but can't have me.

This from the paranoid pooftah who started yet another thread about me, how many threads now is that from you concerning me, Ms. thxtinfoil tiara? How does a family man(?) like you find the time....LMAO...

08-04-2009, 09:29 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts. I don't want it to be seen I'm encouraging you in any way, shape or form. :D

LMFAO...now there's a shocker....humiliated for the umpteenth time at HA, Ms. tinfoil tucks her tail between her legs and slinks away like a whipped bitch once again...just like I said she would....same as it ever was....will someone please give this sissy a tinfoil tampon, she's earned it. :lol:

08-05-2009, 05:58 AM

08-05-2009, 06:39 AM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts.

A pledge you will soon break as you continue to read post after post raking you over the coals. Obviously your goal was to stymie your detractors, but HA history proves that the method you've chosen to do so fails every time.

08-05-2009, 03:27 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts. I don't want it to be seen I'm encouraging you in any way, shape or form. :D

LMFAO...now there's a shocker....humiliated for the umpteenth time at HA, Ms. tinfoil tucks her tail between her legs and slinks away like a whipped bitch once again...just like I said she would....same as it ever was....will someone please give this sissy a tinfoil tampon, she's earned it. :lol:


Yeah, youŽre stalking him in threads named after you. How dare you, Mike.

08-05-2009, 04:17 PM
Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste. Moreover did this raking reduce my net worth? :D I don't think so. In the last 6 months my net worth increased by about $100K due to the stock market. And THAT, my friend, you CAN take to the bank unlike the so called " petty triumphs" the bullies score here.

08-05-2009, 04:34 PM
Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste. Moreover did this raking reduce my net worth? :D I don't think so. In the last 6 months my net worth increased by about $100K due to the stock market. And THAT, my friend, you CAN take to the bank unlike the so called " petty triumphs" the bullies score here.


Announcer: And now, a message from Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan: Hello, my name is Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan, and I'm a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact.. I'm the president of the organization!

I didn't always lie. No, when I was a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money out of my mother's purse. I lied. I told her it was homework - that my teacher told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that's what happened!

After that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I was thirteen at the time. Yeah.. I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquire.. er, Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye.. month! In fact, I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that's the ticket.

And then my cousin died - Joe Louis - and I took it hard. Maybe too hard - I tried to kill myself. Yeahh.. I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a half! It was a woman that brought me out of it - Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right.. And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Oh, you'd be surprised how many famous people belong. In fact.. at one of the meetings I met my wife - Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I'm a changed man now, and all because of Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I - I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah.. that's the ticket! Yeah, you betcha!

Solitary Brother
08-05-2009, 04:58 PM
So Mike how many dicks have you sucked? :lol:

Nicole Dupre
08-05-2009, 05:00 PM
Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste.

It won't be wasted time if we can get rid of predator. HD just discovered they had a potential murderer on their board, so I think getting you to come clean is a marvelous idea. You should be happy about it.

Now please explain the rape jokes.

08-05-2009, 05:10 PM
So Mike how many dicks have you sucked? :lol:

I guess that I hurt geekmeat's feelings...read this people....crazy SOB...


Solitary Brother
08-05-2009, 05:14 PM
You been on this forum FOREVER and no one knows anything about you.
What do you look like?
Are you married?
Believe it or not people HAVE seen what I look like.
So why dont you be a man and post a picture instead of being a faceless tough guy?

Yeah....thought so you pussy.......

08-05-2009, 05:15 PM
How many dicks has chef mike sucked? I have no idea but one thing for sure is he's NOT going to suck mine however much he wants to in his dreams. :D Creepy old men most definitely are not on my menu.

Solitary Brother
08-05-2009, 05:16 PM
How many dicks has chef mike sucked? I have no idea but one thing for sure is he's NOT going to suck mine however much he wants to in his dreams. :D Creepy old men most definitely are not on my menu.

Is he old really?
I read that somewhere but the source wasnt reliable.

08-05-2009, 05:20 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts. I don't want it to be seen I'm encouraging you in any way, shape or form. :D

LMFAO...now there's a shocker....humiliated for the umpteenth time at HA, Ms. tinfoil tucks her tail between her legs and slinks away like a whipped bitch once again...just like I said she would....same as it ever was....will someone please give this sissy a tinfoil tampon, she's earned it. :lol:

08-05-2009, 05:21 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts.

A pledge you will soon break as you continue to read post after post raking you over the coals. Obviously your goal was to stymie your detractors, but HA history proves that the method you've chosen to do so fails every time.

08-05-2009, 05:22 PM
Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste. Moreover did this raking reduce my net worth? :D I don't think so. In the last 6 months my net worth increased by about $100K due to the stock market. And THAT, my friend, you CAN take to the bank unlike the so called " petty triumphs" the bullies score here.


Announcer: And now, a message from Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan: Hello, my name is Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan, and I'm a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact.. I'm the president of the organization!

I didn't always lie. No, when I was a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money out of my mother's purse. I lied. I told her it was homework - that my teacher told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that's what happened!

After that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I was thirteen at the time. Yeah.. I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquire.. er, Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye.. month! In fact, I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that's the ticket.

And then my cousin died - Joe Louis - and I took it hard. Maybe too hard - I tried to kill myself. Yeahh.. I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a half! It was a woman that brought me out of it - Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right.. And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Oh, you'd be surprised how many famous people belong. In fact.. at one of the meetings I met my wife - Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I'm a changed man now, and all because of Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I - I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah.. that's the ticket! Yeah, you betcha!

Solitary Brother
08-05-2009, 05:24 PM
Hey grandpa get your dusty old ass up and take a walk or something.....
Dont old people like to play bingo or slots?

Nicole Dupre
08-05-2009, 05:28 PM
Hey grandpa get your dusty old ass up and take a walk or something.....
Dont old people like to play bingo or slots?
:lol:I'd let it go. We've already seen you on the heavy bag. ;)

Solitary Brother
08-05-2009, 05:31 PM
Hey grandpa get your dusty old ass up and take a walk or something.....
Dont old people like to play bingo or slots?
:lol:I'd let it go. We've already seen you on the heavy bag. ;)

Yeah but he is really REALLY old.

08-05-2009, 05:32 PM
I will reserve judging this man for now....you sir are nothing to the fifth power.

BTW, exactly what is it about that lunatic's diary that reminds you of yourself, geekmeat?

Because right now might be a good time to come to grips with it, instead of letting it fester like that other isolated, confused, and conflicted fitness noob wannabe who went postal yesterday....food for thought, pencilneck....

Nicole Dupre
08-05-2009, 05:35 PM
Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste. Moreover did this raking reduce my net worth? :D I don't think so. In the last 6 months my net worth increased by about $100K due to the stock market. And THAT, my friend, you CAN take to the bank unlike the so called " petty triumphs" the bullies score here.

OMG! I found it! LMAO!!!


Solitary Brother
08-05-2009, 05:35 PM
GrandPa Mike......I know they will be wheeling you and the rest of the elderly people in for breakfast anytime now so I will be brief.
Do something useful with the time you have left on this earth.
Your so old Viagra probably cant even help you.
Your a bitter old...REALLY OLD man.
Dont they have group activities at your rest home?

08-05-2009, 05:38 PM
Thanks to Nicole for a quote that I feel is pertinent as it concerns one of HA's Most Unwanted Weirdos:

Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste.

It won't be wasted time if we can get rid of predator. HD just discovered they had a potential murderer on their board, so I think getting you to come clean is a marvelous idea. You should be happy about it.

Now please explain the rape jokes.

08-05-2009, 05:38 PM
just starting out on his career as part time escort

i dont know who is chefmike or thx, i dont know who is asshole and who isnt, to be honest i dont EVEN CARE AT ALL!

But to show pictures of someone that he is dressed like a women is insolting not for him but for you and special to Forum that supposed is not racist , what do you think, do you believe that he must be shamed for this pic?

Is problematic to dress like a women? he like is and is nice for him so whats the problem, does this pics making him less MAN ?

THIS IS BULLSHIT my friend...

08-05-2009, 05:43 PM
just starting out on his career as part time escort

i dont know who is chefmike or thx, i dont know who is asshole and who isnt, to be honest i dont EVEN CARE AT ALL!

But to show pictures of someone that he is dressed like a women is insolting not for him but for you and special to Forum that supposed is not racist , what do you think, do you believe that he must be shamed for this pic?

Is problematic to dress like a women? he like is and is nice for him so whats the problem, does this pics making him less MAN ?

THIS IS BULLSHIT my friend...

LMFAO....it's not a problem...read further, amigo...

08-05-2009, 05:50 PM
You asked if chef mike was old. Judge for yourself

08-05-2009, 05:53 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts.

A pledge you will soon break as you continue to read post after post raking you over the coals. Obviously your goal was to stymie your detractors, but HA history proves that the method you've chosen to do so fails every time.

Solitary Brother
08-05-2009, 06:00 PM
You asked if chef mike was old. Judge for yourself

Oh shit!!!

Ha ha!!!!!!

08-05-2009, 06:22 PM
Poor mike's brain is in a feedback loop. He keeps saying the same things over and over again at a faster and faster spped. Like a rabid dog trying to bite its tail. How sad. How low the mighty have fallen. I just hope the men in the white coats are nearby when he is finally reduced to a gibbering idiot. (probably within the next 2 days)

08-05-2009, 06:36 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts.

A pledge you will soon break as you continue to read post after post raking you over the coals. Obviously your goal was to stymie your detractors, but HA history proves that the method you've chosen to do so fails every time.

08-05-2009, 07:43 PM
Let them rake me over the coals. It's their time to waste. Moreover did this raking reduce my net worth? :D I don't think so. In the last 6 months my net worth increased by about $100K due to the stock market. And THAT, my friend, you CAN take to the bank unlike the so called " petty triumphs" the bullies score here.


Announcer: And now, a message from Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan: Hello, my name is Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan, and I'm a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact.. I'm the president of the organization!

I didn't always lie. No, when I was a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money out of my mother's purse. I lied. I told her it was homework - that my teacher told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that's what happened!

After that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I was thirteen at the time. Yeah.. I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquire.. er, Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye.. month! In fact, I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that's the ticket.

And then my cousin died - Joe Louis - and I took it hard. Maybe too hard - I tried to kill myself. Yeahh.. I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a half! It was a woman that brought me out of it - Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right.. And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Oh, you'd be surprised how many famous people belong. In fact.. at one of the meetings I met my wife - Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I'm a changed man now, and all because of Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I - I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah.. that's the ticket! Yeah, you betcha!

08-05-2009, 08:03 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts.

"I will try not to add any more entries because this computer clicking distracts me." - George Sodini

08-05-2009, 08:10 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts.

"I will try not to add any more entries because this computer clicking distracts me." - George Sodini

08-05-2009, 10:09 PM
He's embarrassing himself. He takes my posts and copies them again and again and again as if in doing so constituted a refutation. Someone, anyone, please throw a net over him before he harms himself or others. I never saw anyone go to pieces so fast and so quickly. After Mike has been committed to a mental institution I'll submit his case to the Guiness book of world records under the category of "INSANE IN THE BRAIN!" :(

08-05-2009, 10:33 PM
I regret to inform you I can no longer reply to any of your posts. I don't want it to be seen I'm encouraging you in any way, shape or form. :D

LMFAO...now there's a shocker....humiliated for the umpteenth time at HA, Ms. tinfoil tucks her tail between her legs and slinks away like a whipped bitch once again...just like I said she would....same as it ever was....will someone please give this sissy a tinfoil tampon, she's earned it. :lol:


Yeah, youŽre stalking him in threads named after you. How dare you, Mike.

08-05-2009, 10:59 PM

Announcer: And now, a message from Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan: Hello, my name is Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan, and I'm a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact.. I'm the president of the organization!

I didn't always lie. No, when I was a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money out of my mother's purse. I lied. I told her it was homework - that my teacher told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that's what happened!

After that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I was thirteen at the time. Yeah.. I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquire.. er, Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye.. month! In fact, I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that's the ticket.

And then my cousin died - Joe Louis - and I took it hard. Maybe too hard - I tried to kill myself. Yeahh.. I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a half! It was a woman that brought me out of it - Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right.. And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Oh, you'd be surprised how many famous people belong. In fact.. at one of the meetings I met my wife - Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I'm a changed man now, and all because of Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I - I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah.. that's the ticket! Yeah, you betcha! :lol: :lol: Good stuff Mike, I loved it.ROTFL :lol: :lol: :rock2

08-05-2009, 11:38 PM
"TS friendly Chef Mike" dissed the several of the women whose photos I posted on the thread "Darker hued BackPage beauties but lighter hues not excluded" see his photos and derogatory comments on pages 1 through 3. I can't sit back and tolerate that shit. These women are not here to defend themselves. Fat Mike should not criticize others for obesity until he takes a good long look at his own expanded waist line.

08-05-2009, 11:53 PM
This clown chefmike is a piece of shit coward. Just another brainwashed gung ho military faggot.

08-05-2009, 11:59 PM

08-06-2009, 12:19 AM
This thread is awesome!

08-06-2009, 12:23 AM

Announcer: And now, a message from Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan: Hello, my name is Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan, and I'm a member of Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact.. I'm the president of the organization!

I didn't always lie. No, when I was a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money out of my mother's purse. I lied. I told her it was homework - that my teacher told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that's what happened!

After that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I was thirteen at the time. Yeah.. I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquire.. er, Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye.. month! In fact, I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that's the ticket.

And then my cousin died - Joe Louis - and I took it hard. Maybe too hard - I tried to kill myself. Yeahh.. I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a half! It was a woman that brought me out of it - Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right.. And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous.

Oh, you'd be surprised how many famous people belong. In fact.. at one of the meetings I met my wife - Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I'm a changed man now, and all because of Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I - I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah.. that's the ticket! Yeah, you betcha! :lol: :lol: Good stuff Mike, I loved it.ROTFL :lol: :lol: :rock2

Yeah thanks mon, Jon Lovitz' material was never better served....a great bit that's perfect for a prevaricating pansy like thxtinfoil...I also hollered at HA's well-known and lauded trading wizard Quinn, because I'm sure that we'd all love to hear Tommy "thxtinfoil" Flanagan explain how he made 100k so quickly in this market(this from the clown who claimed that he worked part time for nutjob Alex Jones, which means that Ms tinfoil tranny chaser handed out free dvd's and better hope that he (?) doesn't get sued by his huckster mentor like another Jonestown truther dupe was recently).... it's pretty obvious that the paranoid little powderpuff might know cocks, but certainly not stocks....the simple sack of shit probably couldn't even buy or sell a mutual fund without a "Trading for Dummies" primer...

08-06-2009, 07:47 AM
CM's mental condition continues it's inexorable slide into madness. I didn't know about his military background but its fits his profile as a mindless brute and bully. Perhaps the faces of all those women and children he murdered are coming back to haunt him belatedly.

08-06-2009, 08:50 AM
[i]this from the clown who claimed that he worked part time for nutjob Alex JonesThat explains a lot.

08-06-2009, 11:15 AM
Another of CM's delusions, easily refuted. Desperation Mike, desperation. Get help quick.

08-12-2009, 08:31 PM
I just skip through all this crap to get to the pics.

Personally I think most of the girls, of not all of them would welcome the extra advertising, plus its for free on here.

08-12-2009, 10:07 PM
CM's mental condition continues it's inexorable slide into madness. I didn't know about his military background but its fits his profile as a mindless brute and bully. Perhaps the faces of all those women and children he murdered are coming back to haunt him belatedly.

Soldier fucked your wife did he? Not surprised she went out looking for a real man when she knows her hubby hides away jerking to trannies when he should be giving her a seeing to.

I can see it now, thx1138's missus lying in bed with a romantic novel fantasising about talldark strangers.While he is beating his meat to a ladyboy. You must have money old son because I can't see many women putting up with that bollox.

But thanks for all those pics of those Black lovelies (bit weird with the phone numbers though) as I do like Black arse.

08-12-2009, 11:12 PM
We have one idiot on this forum who advises people not to get tested for HIV and another reprehensible piece of shit claiming without a scintilla of evidence that another member is a mass murdering war criminal. It's time to ban their asses.

sp fan
08-13-2009, 02:27 AM

08-13-2009, 02:41 AM
Way back on Aug. 6th Coroner brokered a truce between me and CM. Why others who weren't involved continue to post on this thread is beyond me.

08-13-2009, 03:34 PM
Way back on Aug. 6th Coroner brokered a truce between me and CM. Why others who weren't involved continue to post on this thread is beyond me.

Coroner never brokered shit, you fucking twit.

Coroner PM'd me saying that you whined to him(my words) in a PM about brokering "a truce"(how gay is that on your part) because you could tell that coroner seemed to influence me or some such assumption on your part...what I replied to my forum friend coroner is none of your goddamn business, but I certainly assured him that I could care less what thxtwerp was whining to him about...and I also know coroner well enough to know that he goddamn good and well didn't tell you that I agreed to anything that you proposed to him...the fact that you even tried to ingratiatingly drag coroner into your forum humiliation and ridicule(after your feeble attack thread backfired) managed to make you look even more pathetic and lame, if that's even possible...you even tried a second attack thread/poll that the mods deleted(and I suspect warned you about due to it's wording)...you ridiculous jackass...

You just never know when to shut the fuck up, do you?

08-13-2009, 03:55 PM
CM's mental condition continues it's inexorable slide into madness. I didn't know about his military background but its fits his profile as a mindless brute and bully. Perhaps the faces of all those women and children he murdered are coming back to haunt him belatedly.

Soldier fucked your wife did he? Not surprised she went out looking for a real man when she knows her hubby hides away jerking to trannies when he should be giving her a seeing to.

I can see it now, thx1138's missus lying in bed with a romantic novel fantasising about talldark strangers.While he is beating his meat to a ladyboy. You must have money old son because I can't see many women putting up with that bollox.

And that's coming from someone who knows what's it's like to serve in other matters besides just servicing the wives of the type of punks like thx, cowards who attempt to smear anyone and everyone who has served their country as some sort of war criminal.

Desperate and predictably cowardly words from the OP. The pathetic wretch reveals more of his truly reprehensible nature with every post the little shit stain types in this thread, a thread in which he has managed to humiliate himself with great success.

08-13-2009, 03:59 PM
We have one idiot on this forum who advises people not to get tested for HIV and another reprehensible piece of shit claiming without a scintilla of evidence that another member is a mass murdering war criminal. It's time to ban their asses.

I hear ya, trish.

There's been some really lowlife SOB's scurrying out of the cracks.

08-13-2009, 04:02 PM
Coroner: "HeŽll stay away from your threads if you stop starting threads like that latest poll which got deleted by the mods. If you both stop confrontating each other, theyŽll be some peace." To which I agreed.

08-13-2009, 04:13 PM
Coroner: "HeŽll stay away from your threads if you stop starting threads like that latest poll which got deleted by the mods. If you both stop confrontating each other, theyŽll be some peace." To which I agreed.
"You were given the choice between a confrontation you started and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have confrontation."

08-13-2009, 04:37 PM
Coroner: "HeŽll stay away from your threads if you stop starting threads like that latest poll which got deleted by the mods. If you both stop confrontating each other, theyŽll be some peace." To which I agreed.

Confrontating? I can't believe Coroner, one of the sharper HA members, would ever use the non-existent term "confrontating." That is, unless he was "conversating" in person, but "irregardless...." :lol:

08-13-2009, 04:43 PM
Coroner: "HeŽll stay away from your threads if you stop starting threads like that latest poll which got deleted by the mods. If you both stop confrontating each other, theyŽll be some peace." To which I agreed.

Confrontating? I can't believe Coroner, one of the sharper HA members, would ever use the non-existent term "confrontating." That is, unless he was "conversating" in person, but "irregardless...." :lol:

Maybe thx1138 mixed up things up and had actually conversated with TSBrenda.

08-13-2009, 07:23 PM
Coroner: "HeŽll stay away from your threads if you stop starting threads like that latest poll which got deleted by the mods. If you both stop confrontating each other, theyŽll be some peace." To which I agreed.

Confrontating? I can't believe Coroner, one of the sharper HA members, would ever use the non-existent term "confrontating." That is, unless he was "conversating" in person, but "irregardless...." :lol:

Maybe thx1138 mixed up things up and had actually conversated with TSBrenda.


No, the thx quote is correct. I told him that he should try to stay out of further flame wars with chefmike and there will be peace. This is the only advice I could give. WeŽre all adults and everyone makes his own choices, so I cannot be able to keep anyone from further fighting. My PM convo with chefmike was longer because I do care about his reputation here (if one can have a reputation on HA...). HeŽs my friend here, you know. So, thx you know I didnŽt make a promise. All I could do is to ask chefmike to stop wasting time on you. Once again: you guys just forget this thread, so what you asked me to do for you might be possible.

Oh, and sorry for the "confrontating" mistake. I was thinking "in German" while typing.

08-13-2009, 07:45 PM
Oh, and sorry for the "confrontating" mistake. I was thinking "in German" while typing.

You're still cool imo Coroner. :lol:

08-15-2009, 08:18 PM
This has gone way beyond what I thought it would go. Can we end this thread, peace offering or not, accepted or not, it seems like a good time to move on.

Give peace a chance

08-17-2009, 12:55 AM
This has gone way beyond what I thought it would go. Can we end this thread, peace offering or not, accepted or not, it seems like a good time to move on.

Give peace a chance

Yet you still couldn't keep yer cock-holster shut, huh zippy?

You just had to bump the thread TWO days later.....

And for what?

A thread that you obviously had nothing to do with, nor did you have a goddamn motherfucking clue about....yet your silly NOOB ass felt compelled to type such incredibly insipid Stuart Smalley-ish never make it to Hallmark drivel....

But congratulations....

You did the OP a solid.

You bumped his unintentionally for him humiliating thread and managed to sound even stupider than the gibbering jackass OP thxtinfoil, ya putz.

Perfect example of a desperately clueless noob who needs to shut his cock-holster ASAP....do you really wanna be the latest too-eager-to- please-pledge at the HA mixer....and try to leave your disgusting initiation fantasies out of your answer, nancyboy....