View Full Version : How can any one get addicted to this? Oh horrible!

08-01-2009, 09:29 PM
So I broke my leg doing something I love, 100% my fault, the conditions were too rough, and my ego a bit too big for my level of experience and well I did a number on my right leg.

any how went to the ER, has surgery and the Doctor gives me a bottle of pills for the pain, oxycodone...or something. Long story short I don't recall my first week out. Wake up, eat, take pills pass out wake up eat, take pills pass out....it has done a number on my body. Pooping bricks and having shaky hands! But now that I'm much much better I'm told to take one before going to bed so that I can sleep.....ok....but come morning and when I'm at work I have to put away two cans of Red Bull to get to normal.

I have no idea how people can get addicted to this stuff....UCK! There is way better stuff out there! This....this suck!

08-01-2009, 10:43 PM
People do get addicted to that stuff, and the street price of those pills is unbelievable (sometimes $150/pill).

I've known a few painkiller addicts, basically what happens is that they feel sick without taking the drug. You know what it feels like to have a really bad cold or a bad case of the flu, where your whole body feels wrong, your muscles ache, and you can't easily do even simple tasks? That's what it's like- so they take the pill to get passed that withdraw symptoms.

Only the more they take, the more often they take it- the sooner the withdraw symptoms resurface, and the more pills it takes to hide the symptoms. This progresses until they're chronic users/addicts.

The really addicted patients will grind the pills up and take them anally or by sniffing it.

08-02-2009, 12:42 AM
As an alcoholic and an addict, I was a poly-substance abuser.

Though my drug of choice was alcohol, I used and abused: opiates,
amphetamines, hallucinogens, pot, coke, and just about every abusable
drug in the PDR.

Getting clean was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.

The physical withdrawl symptoms were hell on earth, but they paled in
comparision to the psychological dependence, and learning to live without

Clean and sober, going into my thirteenth year.

From time to time, I talk with folks in varying stages of recovery. I never
had the misfortune to abuse oxycodone, but I hear that it is a bear of a

Quiet Reflections
08-02-2009, 01:10 AM
I'm always get reminded of when i was abusing PK's whenever i go to the dentist or my back acts up and I cant get a painkiller strong enough to do anything for my legitimate pain(perks and vics are like tic-tacs). it was definitely an expensive and embarrassing habit but never 150 a pill, at most i was paying 60 for an 80mg oxycontin.

08-02-2009, 01:12 AM
As an alcoholic and an addict, I was a poly-substance abuser.

Though my drug of choice was alcohol, I used and abused: opiates,
amphetamines, hallucinogens, pot, coke, and just about every abusable
drug in the PDR.

Getting clean was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.

The physical withdrawl symptoms were hell on earth, but they paled in
comparision to the psychological dependence, and learning to live without

Clean and sober, going into my thirteenth year.

From time to time, I talk with folks in varying stages of recovery. I never
had the misfortune to abuse oxycodone, but I hear that it is a bear of a

Wow Peggy...another connection to you!

I am a child of addicts.
My mom is clean 7 years now. She's in the program.
I remember seeing her dopesick trying to kick- NOT PRETTY!
But she's in recovery and loving life [and me :D]

Dad is still out there tho:(


08-02-2009, 02:21 AM
As an alcoholic and an addict, I was a poly-substance abuser.

Though my drug of choice was alcohol, I used and abused: opiates,
amphetamines, hallucinogens, pot, coke, and just about every abusable
drug in the PDR.

Getting clean was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.

The physical withdrawl symptoms were hell on earth, but they paled in
comparision to the psychological dependence, and learning to live without

Clean and sober, going into my thirteenth year.

From time to time, I talk with folks in varying stages of recovery. I never
had the misfortune to abuse oxycodone, but I hear that it is a bear of a

Wow Peggy...another connection to you!

I am a child of addicts.
My mom is clean 7 years now. She's in the program.
I remember seeing her dopesick trying to kick- NOT PRETTY!
But she's in recovery and loving life [and me :D]

Dad is still out there tho:(


I may have missed where you mentioned the part about her being
dopesck, I've been there, done that, and you're right it's not prretty.

I am so, so very happy for you both that she was able to get clean, you
both are blessed and highly favored.

And I pray for the gift and blessing of sobriety for your Dad.

08-02-2009, 03:57 AM
How can people get addicted to Oxycodone??? You're joking right? Don't mess with those pills, they're highly addictive and it's the hardest addiction to kick. If you need something just smoke some goody Marijuana, it's a great painkiller. If you need more than that, sip a brew. Them pills are too much money and not worth it, in my opinion.

08-02-2009, 05:02 AM
I have a surgery coming up and I am more concerned about the pain management afterward than I am the surgery itself.

I don't even take Tylenol or aspirin. I have seen what opiates do to others and I don't want any part of it.

08-02-2009, 05:16 AM
Ask for medical marijuana.

08-02-2009, 05:25 AM
I'm no Doctor, but all opiates are addictive and the longer you remain on them, the longer it will take for a complete withdrawal. You will have flu like symptoms if you suddenly stop using them. Most DR's prescribe elavil and other meds to help qualm your addiction.

08-02-2009, 06:11 AM
At first, the first week it was 6 a day. I don't recall much but I don't think i want to. My right leg looked bad and I'm sure felt worse.
By the second week I was taking one in the morning and one in the evening. As I would put my leg down to get out of bed the blood pressure differential was like a bomb going off due to damaged tissue and at night as the blood pressure dropped same thing. Now I'm on week 3 of recovery, my leg looks much much better....thank god I was big into yoga before the accident and ate healthy....but still at night I take one before bed or else I can't get any sleep.
The next morning sucks though, yeah I had 5-6 hours of sleep but I feel as you said as if I have a cold. I spoke with a few bio med people I knew and they indicated coffee would help or a can of red bull drank slowly. And sure enough, after waking up at 7, and a can of red bull at 9...I'm A-OK!
I have to admit I hate taking these things, I've tired laying in bed and getting some sleep with out but well.....there is a rod in my leg and my right leg still is about 40% bigger than my left.

So people get hooked on these things.....by accident?

I don't feel high taking them, sure the pain is gone but that's about it. It's not like E or anything like that!

But thanks for the advice guys and gals. I can't do weed due to work testing and I'm not sure I can drink or not....though I had a martini tonight.

So long story short, please every one stay strong. Eat healthy take your multy vitamins I'm sure my borken bone could have been prevented......well maybe not........it was a hell of an accident. But still eat healthy, you only have this one body. Get some sun, drink lots of milk and eat lots of fruits. And stay strong, being broken sucks!

funny...not a single girl imed me to say they wished me to feel better....i'm a little hurt :-(
maybe it's because i'm only in an air cast and not a plaster one?

08-02-2009, 06:13 AM

08-02-2009, 06:44 AM
So people get hooked on these things.....by accident?

I don't feel high taking them, sure the pain is gone but that's about it. It's not like E or anything like that!

Yes, usually it is by accident- what happens is its not about a high so much as "avoiding the withdraw symptoms" if that makes any sense.

08-02-2009, 06:53 AM
OH no makes 100% sense to me!
If I feel this "out of it" after only 3 weeks and what is called moderate pain I can only imagine what it's like to be on this stuff for months!
I think I'll call the Dr and ask him if i can maybe go to something "softer".
I know he's going to maybe recommend not due to him wanting me to stay active for blood / fluid circulation greatly aids in the recovery process but....I'm sure there must be a better way.

But I have to thank my bio med friends, the redbull sipping and drinking lots of water does seem to "cure" me of the hang over. But still.....

08-02-2009, 06:55 AM
OH no makes 100% sense to me!
If I feel this "out of it" after only 3 weeks and what is called moderate pain I can only imagine what it's like to be on this stuff for months!

I've been on it and similar drugs a lot, I gotta say its always different on how much someone can take before they become dependent on it. Seems some people are more receptive to becoming addicted than others.

08-02-2009, 07:11 AM
I'm a social drinker, I used E dozen times at raves loved it but that was about it, I don't smoke weed and I only drink a cup of coffee a day.
If anything I'm a borderline sex addict....they don't have pussy in pill form do they? If they did I would be fucked :-)

But yeah this stuff sucks! From pooping bricks to feeling like poop....not my cup of tea thank you!

Thank god for redbull! Though I have to admit...more than once at work while sipping I have pondered adding a shot of vodka...you know to make things interesting! :-)

08-02-2009, 07:16 AM
the only drug I do, and the only drug I'm addicted to- is caffeine.

Seriously, just ask GSXR about my yak piss problem.

It really is an addiction, if I don't have an excederine or two, and a few tall glasses of mt dew, I end up getting headaches from the withdraw.

But, I see it as harmless since its cheap, legal, and I don't do anything else risky (don't smoke or drink).

08-02-2009, 07:22 AM
What are you calling cheap!
I'm a totally yuppie! I have my coffee delivered to my condo. Gavalia :-)
And the days I can't get my one cup in at home I have a French Press at work.

The ladies at work love me for it! Every time they see me prepping the thing they just start showing up and telling me how nice I look that day. It's cute I love the innocent attention. And they get a great cup of coffee.

08-02-2009, 08:37 AM
At first, the first week it was 6 a day. I don't recall much but I don't think i want to. My right leg looked bad and I'm sure felt worse.
By the second week I was taking one in the morning and one in the evening. As I would put my leg down to get out of bed the blood pressure differential was like a bomb going off due to damaged tissue and at night as the blood pressure dropped same thing. Now I'm on week 3 of recovery, my leg looks much much better....thank god I was big into yoga before the accident and ate healthy....but still at night I take one before bed or else I can't get any sleep.
The next morning sucks though, yeah I had 5-6 hours of sleep but I feel as you said as if I have a cold. I spoke with a few bio med people I knew and they indicated coffee would help or a can of red bull drank slowly. And sure enough, after waking up at 7, and a can of red bull at 9...I'm A-OK!
I have to admit I hate taking these things, I've tired laying in bed and getting some sleep with out but well.....there is a rod in my leg and my right leg still is about 40% bigger than my left.

So people get hooked on these things.....by accident?

I don't feel high taking them, sure the pain is gone but that's about it. It's not like E or anything like that!

But thanks for the advice guys and gals. I can't do weed due to work testing and I'm not sure I can drink or not....though I had a martini tonight.

So long story short, please every one stay strong. Eat healthy take your multy vitamins I'm sure my borken bone could have been prevented......well maybe not........it was a hell of an accident. But still eat healthy, you only have this one body. Get some sun, drink lots of milk and eat lots of fruits. And stay strong, being broken sucks!

funny...not a single girl imed me to say they wished me to feel better....i'm a little hurt :-(
maybe it's because i'm only in an air cast and not a plaster one?

Was this a motorcycle accident? It sounds like it might be.

Keep your head up.

08-02-2009, 10:48 AM
most people that get addicted to oxy don't start out taking oxy, they are in some sort of chronic pain, like a back, knee or neck problem and the doctors gave them lortab or percocet and they build up a tolerance, then the lazy doctor instead of helping fix the problem he just sweeps it under the carpet and ups the prescription to oxycontin, the person has already passed the stage you were at, the shaky hands, sleepy and upset stomach, they soon get a tolerance again and the lazy doctor just keeps telling him or her to take another. Then they can not function with out them.
Doctors figure why fix the problem when you can just mask the pain and bill them again next month.

08-03-2009, 04:30 AM
Well....yeah...never under estimate lazy Dr.s!
I hate to say it, but in NJ we have some of the worst Drs in the world! You are lucky if you can get 20min with them to discuss what is wrong with you and treatment! And good luck getting a hold of them by phone! Its freaking nuts!