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View Full Version : Whats YOUR Hobby?

07-24-2009, 01:01 AM
Hey Gals & Guys. What is everyone's FAVORITE past time????

Do You Smoke/Drink?

Do you hang out and shoot dice on the cornor?

What is it that you do???

Inquiring minds wanna know!

For me.. I Like to clock in UNBELIEVABLELY insane amounts of time playing Flight & Train Simulator.

As Well as shooping for New Coach Purses & Shoes & Diamonds & Pearls & what have you.

And just perfecting the art of being a High Maintenence Vegas Gal :)

07-24-2009, 01:06 AM
It would appear as if posting here and flirting w/ all the ladies is my hobby , i actually enjoy video games as a stress reliever.

07-24-2009, 01:13 AM
Beer of choice dos equis and Heineken
Primetimes-strawberry :D

Star Angel 86
07-24-2009, 01:17 AM
Porn,sports & beer. 8)

07-24-2009, 01:33 AM
i twitter

07-24-2009, 01:38 AM
sports, music, chilling.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 01:46 AM
It would appear as if posting here and flirting w/ all the ladies is my hobby , i actually enjoy video games as a stress reliever.

You forgot to mention masturbation! And that also goes to the rest of the guys who posted before me acting (replying) so serious!! :lol:



07-24-2009, 01:48 AM
Et tu Hara?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 01:54 AM
Et tu Hara?

What? lol I was just mentioning what you guys left out typing. Music, twittering etc..get real! M a s t u r b a t i o n, a guys great past time and doesn't cost you anything! :lol:




07-24-2009, 01:57 AM
I only masturbate when thinking about one special lady.

07-24-2009, 01:59 AM
Now that I am retired,playing guitar about five hours a day.Also designing a lap steel guitar here with a friend of mind who does such things and retired from Gibson.Also estudia Espanol,and hoping to move to nueva casa in Costa Rica within 18 months.I spend some time everyday meditating on thoughts of Natassia Dreams,Mandy Mitchell,Nefertiti,Fabiana Spears,and Priscilla Dandara.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 02:01 AM
I only masturbate when thinking about one special lady.

Wuteva.. lol :shrug



07-24-2009, 02:14 AM
Writing ,reading, working out, masturbating, cooking, playing infamous every now and then.

07-24-2009, 02:20 AM
Sports, music, video games, anime, drawing and cooking

Star Angel 86
07-24-2009, 03:05 AM
You forgot to mention masturbation! And that also goes to the rest of the guys who posted before me acting (replying) so serious!! :lol:



I kind of covered it I did mention porn first and after all the two go hand in hand. 8)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 03:11 AM
I guess for women it's different. We could go look at pornography and then go get a manicure! lol



07-24-2009, 03:13 AM
My current hobby is Quake Live


serious fun, and it's 100% free

I also play online poker between reading posts on here,

07-24-2009, 03:22 AM
Flying helicopters, playing guitar like 3 hours a day, browsing any kind of car forum, driving whenever I am bored, and masturbating lol

07-24-2009, 03:45 AM
music, porn, weightlifting, rock climbing, the beach, aaaaand porn

07-24-2009, 03:47 AM
I only masturbate when thinking about one special lady.

Oh god, don't tell us it's Grams.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 03:52 AM




07-24-2009, 03:55 AM
I like to VMX


07-24-2009, 04:03 AM
Masterbation & Manicures...Gots to love it! :)

Quiet Reflections
07-24-2009, 04:14 AM
Beer,camping,cars,Bong hits,photography,writing,movies,music,reading,Surf ing, anything involving football or money

07-24-2009, 04:19 AM
I only masturbate when thinking about one special lady.

Oh god, don't tell us it's Grams.
I lol'd

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 04:22 AM
Masterbation & Manicures...Gots to love it! :)

Haha..nothing sexier than freshly manicured nails on a hard stiffy! lol ;)



07-24-2009, 06:57 AM
I find creative ways to cheat or hack any system. I can't play fair with anything.

07-24-2009, 07:24 AM
Masterbation & Manicures...Gots to love it! :)

Haha..nothing sexier than freshly manicured nails on a hard stiffy! lol ;)



:lol: :lol: :lol: a most beautiful sight indeed.

07-24-2009, 08:05 AM
Work out, Gamble, Watch Fights (UFC), Watch Porn, Women, Travel, Beach ....

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 08:09 AM
Masterbation & Manicures...Gots to love it! :)

Haha..nothing sexier than freshly manicured nails on a hard stiffy! lol ;)



:lol: :lol: :lol: a most beautiful sight indeed.


And speaking of nails, I just broke one tonight. Grrrrr :evil: :cry:



07-24-2009, 08:11 AM
nothing gets me harder then manicured nails on a hard cock, would love to see Hara in a strokers vid, but that probably will never happen.

07-24-2009, 08:13 AM
~ Eternal quest for my "favorite" cigar
~ Discovering my new found love (obsession) for Texas Hold'Em
~ 360 and DS games
~ prOn
~ working out

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 08:17 AM
nothing gets me harder then manicured nails on a hard cock, would love to see Hara in a strokers vid, but that probably will never happen.

lol How about I just stroke yours by my windows? Id allow you to video tape it! ;)



07-24-2009, 08:36 AM
deal, what if you do a vid and put it online somewhere and send me the link, I know Im dreaming..

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 08:45 AM
deal, what if you do a vid and put it online somewhere and send me the link, I know Im dreaming..

Lmao..right! Like that would happen. Isn't participating a lot better then just watching?



07-24-2009, 08:51 AM
I would love to participate but the problem is Im on the other side of the pacific ocean....

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 08:58 AM
That's why we have airplanes! lol



07-24-2009, 09:14 AM
True, well Im might be heading to the states soon, if I do I'll msg you.... bye for now sexy

07-24-2009, 10:03 AM
Pulling the pork is more of a stress reliever anymore.

I'm a mega nerd and a hardcore metalhead/juggalo/goth/whatthefuckever

So I collect comic books (and movies based on them even if they suck, because I am a completest like that lol)

I play a lot of Gears Of War 2 and will be doing even more when I get All Fronts.

I smoke weed like most people breathe.

I get on this insipid machine and venture into places like this lol.

The list goes on really.. my biggest hobby is finding a way to not be bored.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-24-2009, 10:11 AM
Um not a geek lol but your name Deimos..Is that from Greek mythology or taken from an older Japanese robot anime series?





07-24-2009, 10:17 AM
It's from the main character's name in this game

Lord Deimos


I have other aliases but this one fits me for it's dark nature.

Willie Escalade
07-24-2009, 01:18 PM
Of course I'm always online.

I do tend to read lots of books on older American cars...especially muscle cars. I'm also interested in a certain type of architecture: Art Deco, specifically Streamline Moderne; I have a few books on this subject as well.

I listen to a LOT of music, especially while driving to work. A hobby a few of my buddies think is a bit strange is "sample-finding". When I listen to a song that has an obvious sample, I try to find the sampled song. I've discovered a lot of other music this way.

I'm also starting to get into photography. Those at Cobra already know this. :wink:

07-24-2009, 01:37 PM
xbox 360
drawing comics
reading/studying mythology/arcehology
imagining my dream boyfriend

07-24-2009, 01:42 PM
anything fun or exciting :twisted:

07-24-2009, 01:50 PM
does a game of tiddlywinks float your boat? that exciting enough :)

Libb xx

07-24-2009, 01:57 PM
:sleep nope lol

07-24-2009, 02:15 PM
i had an email from a man that runs a chess/domino club offering me that :) exciting night out eh :) when i declined he claimed i was shallow :)

So whats an exciting night out for you say on a usual weekend?

07-24-2009, 02:24 PM
Of course I'm always online.

I do tend to read lots of books on older American cars...especially muscle cars. I'm also interested in a certain type of architecture: Art Deco, specifically Streamline Moderne; I have a few books on this subject as well.

I listen to a LOT of music, especially while driving to work. A hobby a few of my buddies think is a bit strange is "sample-finding". When I listen to a song that has an obvious sample, I try to find the sampled song. I've discovered a lot of other music this way.

I'm also starting to get into photography. Those at Cobra already know this. :wink:

We're cut from the same cloth brother. Also one of my favorite thing. I don't know if you catch my posts on myspace. I usually post tracks that are sampled and the original

07-25-2009, 04:38 AM
Of course I'm always online.

I do tend to read lots of books on older American cars...especially muscle cars. I'm also interested in a certain type of architecture: Art Deco, specifically Streamline Moderne; I have a few books on this subject as well.

I listen to a LOT of music, especially while driving to work. A hobby a few of my buddies think is a bit strange is "sample-finding". When I listen to a song that has an obvious sample, I try to find the sampled song. I've discovered a lot of other music this way.

I'm also starting to get into photography. Those at Cobra already know this. :wink:

Yes I believe I've heard some call you the paparazzi before.

But I'm a big car guy too here. Goes back to my tweaking of everything. These days I only hotrod big engines though.

07-25-2009, 08:38 PM
manhattan exploration

07-26-2009, 08:30 PM
Web Design
X Box 360

Star Angel 86
07-26-2009, 09:10 PM
i had an email from a man that runs a chess/domino club offering me that :) exciting night out eh :) when i declined he claimed i was shallow :)

So whats an exciting night out for you say on a usual weekend?

Damn Lib,it sounds as if you missed out on the chance of a lifetime. :lol:

07-27-2009, 12:33 PM
music, movies, the beach, running, playing hockey, going to new bars and restaurants, SUSHI, cars, VEGAS, clubs, shows. drink and smoke sometimes.

07-27-2009, 01:02 PM
it's amazing the broad spectrum of things that people get up to.

for me it's

Fixing and rebuilding cars
Driving cars
looking at cars
buying and selling cars
going out and having a good laugh and drink with my friends
eating out
and i don't think i mentioned cars, did i? :P

07-27-2009, 02:25 PM
Cooking, well I am a former caterer.
Kitten juggling.
Libby Harkness could become a hobby too if she is up for it, since we live in the same country. :D

07-27-2009, 02:30 PM
I only masturbate when thinking about one special lady.

Oh god, don't tell us it's Grams.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .......priceless!

07-27-2009, 02:51 PM
Dog training - English Pointers
Photographing (part time job but I quess it's still a hobby)

07-27-2009, 04:06 PM
I only masturbate when thinking about one special lady.

Oh god, don't tell us it's Grams.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .......priceless!
Phobun can fuck off! That was just wrong . Not even a shred of human decency or respect.

07-27-2009, 04:53 PM
I have a lot of hobbies and interests.

Anyway, they are:
Playing and writing music for Piano and violin, as well as writing music on some of the music programs I have on my computer. I also like studying the theory behind music and its various genres.

Looking for music: I have a large library of music and I look for and find numerous albums every day that I'm curious about listening to. I also spend a good deal of time organizing my music library.

Studying Foreign languages. Right now I'm studying Chinese and Arabic, During college I studied Japanese, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Next I'm looking to start studying Russian.

I'm a skateboarder been so for nearly 11 years now. I also like looking for and watching various skating videos.

Reading: In part that stems from my love of foreign languages. I love reading in general being able to read them in a language that was once foreign to me is even more enjoyable to me.

Videogames: I don't play that much anymore but I still pop one in every once in a while. I'm currently trying to play through Dead Space. I only play it at night with all the lights off and it's so scary I can't play for long periods of time.

The plus side is I've always got something enjoyable I want to do, the bad is that I never get to everything I want to do and that can be frustrating sometimes.

07-29-2009, 09:50 PM
I play hockey, mostly roller but ice as well.

07-29-2009, 10:36 PM
I have a fair mix of interests, my main ones being Military History, Wargaming and painting model lead figures (6mm to 54mm).
I also enjoy music and musical theatre, collecting leather book marks and dragon models - mainly pewter and ceramic.
Also, like Instrumental, I like to dabble with languages when I have the time and enthusiasm. My current language project is trying to learn Egyptian hieroglyphics - no reason other than I would like to go to the British Museum one day and actually be able to read the Rosetta Stone without relying on a translation.
Dining out with good company is up there as well :wink:
If I think of anything else, I'll come back and edit this post. 8)

07-30-2009, 04:50 AM
Ummm looking at a website about TSs

Nicole Dupre
07-30-2009, 07:09 AM
human trafficking
cursing out old people at traffic lights
wheelbarrow racing
raiding people's medicine cabinets
stealing lighters and pens
borrowing things