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View Full Version : Stundent Loan BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-23-2009, 10:10 PM
ok real quick ! I just found out my student loan was sold to the Illinios Student Assistance Commission and those fuckers added a 10,000. charge to my allready expensive loan, is there any thing i can do to stop this bullshit.??????

Please help??

07-23-2009, 10:14 PM
Well, thanks to the crap the bush admin did to the student loan system, pretty much everything is FUBAR.

Usually I take summer semester instead of spring, and this has NEVER IN 5 years been a problem.

THIS year, the feds decide that "I must have dropped out since I wasn't taking classes in spring" and told all my lenders that I was no longer a student, so I've been getting student loan bills in the mail since like February or April.

I've had no luck yet in straightening that mess out, so I can only imagine what you're dealing with. If my experience is anything to go by, expect to deal with a lot of idiots who only know how to repeat whatever their computer screen is showing.

07-24-2009, 12:51 AM
Go consult with an attorney who deals in loans, trusts and contracts. Assuming you have fulfilled all your requirements (current student status in good standing, been timely in your dealings with the past holder, etc), it seems to me that this is predatory and shady.....its as if you have borrowed another 10K. I seriously doubt you'll get any satisfaction without a legal shark on your side....ISAC can and likely will stonewall you without the shark