View Full Version : Flip Flops outside after Labor Day..........................

10-14-2005, 11:35 PM
Thats it, I am officially putting my foot down on flip flops after labor day
fuckin ridiculous that some dames have no shoe sense.................
enough is enough

10-15-2005, 12:20 AM
its fine depending on where the girl is ... ie: weather appropriate and the event ie just hanging out is fine... also things that should be taking into consideration w/ footwear... dumbass chicks wearing fur boots in 70+ degree weather thats even more retarded looking

10-15-2005, 12:24 AM
lol...scandalous, JW! And what about those hussies who insist on wearing white after labor day? Have they no shame?

And when are we gonna get the long-awaited JWBL's best and worst-dressed list? :lol:


10-15-2005, 12:31 AM
I cant do the best & worst dressed list for a number of reasons
1 of them being that there are a few computer literate dames that frequent the party who know JWBL, even though I really dont know them, and they'd have a field day if I commented on their attire
they can't all dress like Allanah
oops, I almost got started

white after labor day on a dame is acceptable, as long as it's not cotton and it's in the form of a dress suit. That's fuckin sexy, some women can pull it off, many can't.

TSntx you're right, sometimes I make these threads thinking only about the tri-state area. I forget there are places where they sun is out and the weather is 70 to 80 degrees...........my apologies