View Full Version : Need some advice...

07-14-2009, 05:08 PM
So I have been talking to my ex ever since I broke it off with her two years ago. We are good friends and I was talking to her yesterday via messenger and she was telling me that she still had feelings for me and such and such. She says she can't live without me and wants me to come and visit her in Italy. She says she will pay for plane ticket and that I need to come to Italy for her.

At the moment I am involved with someone and although I love this person very much. I love my ex equally the same as the person I am with. My current partner and I live together and have been living together for a year and a half now. We fight more times than we get along with each other, but I just can't seem to break it off.

What would others do in my situation? Is it worth breaking a relationship that may or may not work just to be with an ex for two weeks in another country?

07-14-2009, 05:20 PM
So I have been talking to my ex ever since I broke it off with her two years ago. We are good friends and I was talking to her yesterday via messenger and she was telling me that she still had feelings for me and such and such. She says she can't live without me and wants me to come and visit her in Italy. She says she will pay for plane ticket and that I need to come to Italy for her.

At the moment I am involved with someone and although I love this person very much. I love my ex equally the same as the person I am with. My current partner and I live together and have been living together for a year and a half now. We fight more times than we get along with each other, but I just can't seem to break it off.

What would others do in my situation? Is it worth breaking a relationship that may or may not work just to be with an ex for two weeks in another country?

Explain that you need some time apart then hop on a plane to Italy and see how that goes.

07-14-2009, 05:24 PM
What would others do in my situation? Is it worth breaking a relationship that may or may not work just to be with an ex for two weeks in another country?

Ex's are usually ex's for a reason.

07-14-2009, 05:33 PM
What would others do in my situation? Is it worth breaking a relationship that may or may not work just to be with an ex for two weeks in another country?

Ex's are usually ex's for a reason.

True but in this case, I was the one that broke it off, because of the distance. I used to live in Italy and her and I were dating for 2 weeks, but before that we had been friends for a year. There's no bad blood between us, just had to break it off because I missed her too much. If that makes sense.

07-14-2009, 05:57 PM
they say absence makes the heart grow fonder ... :shrug:

07-14-2009, 06:23 PM
What would others do in my situation? Is it worth breaking a relationship that may or may not work just to be with an ex for two weeks in another country?

Ex's are usually ex's for a reason.

True but in this case, I was the one that broke it off, because of the distance. I used to live in Italy and her and I were dating for 2 weeks, but before that we had been friends for a year. There's no bad blood between us, just had to break it off because I missed her too much. If that makes sense.

So, you're going to dump your current lady (i bet she feels special), to be in the exact same situation you were in before, with the other one?

If that makes sense?

Erm, not really! :shrug

07-14-2009, 06:26 PM
hmmm, love two people at the same time???

umm..seems to me that you would be going to italy to VISIT your ex which means that you would STILL be FAR AWAY..isn't that the reason you broke up with her? why is it any different now than before? i mean, unless you two are going to live together?

if you're going to decide to go back with your ex, don't try to use the excuse that you and your current partner are having more downs than ups..every relationship has their downs..the question is, are you and her willing to work out your problems together? is your current partner worth trying to make the relationship work?

also, does your current partner know you're talking to your ex? i think it isn't fair to her if she doesn't..she has feelings as well you know.

well, i may have not really answered your question but hopefully my post gives you something to think about.


07-14-2009, 06:57 PM
hmmm, love two people at the same time???

umm..seems to me that you would be going to italy to VISIT your ex which means that you would STILL be FAR AWAY..isn't that the reason you broke up with her? why is it any different now than before? i mean, unless you two are going to live together?

if you're going to decide to go back with your ex, don't try to use the excuse that you and your current partner are having more downs than ups..every relationship has their downs..the question is, are you and her willing to work out your problems together? is your current partner worth trying to make the relationship work?

also, does your current partner know you're talking to your ex? i think it isn't fair to her if she doesn't..she has feelings as well you know.

well, i may have not really answered your question but hopefully my post gives you something to think about.


You bought up a good point. I won't be moving to Italy so the distance would still be a problem, which is why I broke it off in the beginning. And my current girlfriend knew in the past that I still talk to her, I don't know if she still assumes that I do now.

07-14-2009, 06:58 PM
Dude, First is it a Transexual or a RG?

If its a Transexual, you do need to be lil more sensitive and explain to BOTH the sitution. With the new, its about making your relationship better, and a break, and visit an old friend in italy. For the X needs to understand exactally the mess YOU have put your self in. YOU have not moved on in 18 months. and i bet she broke it off not you either.

If its a realy girl, then BE honest with both. Let them have a good understnading of both.

Either way. If the new dont work. and Old dont. is you whos fucked again.

You are stnading to lose more.

good luck


She's a GG.

07-14-2009, 07:25 PM
Soooo basically you want to break off a relationship that you think is not working , to re-visit a relationship that will never work.

I think you might need to move on completely and start fresh.