View Full Version : Is Binge Drinking Really That Bad???

Dino Velvet
07-13-2009, 09:00 AM
I like drinking and when I do I drink heavily. I would be classified as a "Binge Drinker". I don't see what the problem is. To lose my binge drinking status I would have to drink every day and that could be expensive. I tend to black out occasionally but when I wake up the next morning I see I've always washed all the dishes after my drunken snack and I don't leave the stove on either.

Felicia Katt
07-13-2009, 09:07 AM
do some of your posts coincide with those blackouts? :)


gummi baer
07-13-2009, 09:08 AM
If you are satisfied with your life, then there is no problem. (As long as you don't kill anybody while in a blackout---but you wouldn't know if you did, would you? Or if you didn't---the police love people like that.)

Quiet Reflections
07-13-2009, 09:11 AM
it damn sure isn't good for you but what thats fun is? If you went to AA you would be considered an alcoholic as well as a binge drinker. Watch out for those blackouts too they only get worse.

07-13-2009, 09:21 AM
the drinking may not kill you
but the angry boyfriends coming home after working the night shift will.

Dino Velvet
07-13-2009, 09:22 AM
do some of your posts coincide with those blackouts? :)


Not sure. I don't remember.

07-13-2009, 09:29 AM
Ill put it this way, those blackouts you are having are caused by BRAIN DAMAGE occuring when you are not getting enough oxygen. The alcohol you are consuming is replacing the water and other oxygen carrying red cells in your blood stream, limiting the amount of oxygen that gets to travel around your body. Your liver gets so overloaded from heavy amounts of alcohol that it also cant handle the amount of booze in your system and its also sustaining serious damage. a little booze now and then, some drinking here and there is fine, but over all, you are going to ruin your liver and your brain functions with binging. If you keep it up, YOU WILL DIE. more importantly, you could be driving when you are blacked out, and you can KILL other people, so get help please!

07-13-2009, 09:55 AM
Hey! I'm not as think as you drunk I am!!

Edit: Seriously, though. I gave up binge drinking a couple of years ago after an incident I experienced. I am in my mid forties and had a similar drinking habit described by the OP, though never so severe as to cause blackouts or spontaneous washing up.

One Monday morning I went to work with a slight hangover after drinking the night before - scotch and coke. (note: public transport to work, not driving).

I noticed that I was having trouble seeing the center of my computer monitor and I thought the monitor was malfunctioning. However, the truth was that I was experiencing temporary alcohol blindness. The alcohol stops the metabolism of vitamin B and the retina of the eye is very sensitive to vitamin B deficiency. Hence the expression "Blind drunk". The body metabolises the toxic alcohol in your body first as a urgent defense mechanism.

The problem for me corrected itself within 12 hours as my body finished metabolising the alcohol still in my body. It was enough to scare me off alcohol for quite a while though and now if I drink it is only wine or beer - it is way too easy to overdose quickly with hard liquors like scotch or bourbon.

Blindness and blackouts are a sign of severe alcoholic toxicity: (blood alcohol of 2.0 or more.)

Hope this anecdote helps you.

07-13-2009, 10:13 AM
I used to drink....A lot, in fact a hell of a lot.
Now I don't and you know what? I don't miss it in the slightest.
Have made far better and more genuine friends these days than the arseholes I used to hang out with in the pub and I include myself in that description.
But that's just me.

Quiet Reflections
07-13-2009, 10:28 AM
Ill put it this way, those blackouts you are having are caused by BRAIN DAMAGE occuring when you are not getting enough oxygen. The alcohol you are consuming is replacing the water and other oxygen carrying red cells in your blood stream, limiting the amount of oxygen that gets to travel around your body. Your liver gets so overloaded from heavy amounts of alcohol that it also cant handle the amount of booze in your system and its also sustaining serious damage. a little booze now and then, some drinking here and there is fine, but over all, you are going to ruin your liver and your brain functions with binging. If you keep it up, YOU WILL DIE. more importantly, you could be driving when you are blacked out, and you can KILL other people, so get help please!
That is one hell of a first post!

07-13-2009, 10:31 AM
Been sober for 12 years. The life your living, I've lived it. It sucks.

07-13-2009, 10:38 AM
Thank you! I am not a fan of drinking and ive seen too many people, smart kids, people with potential, who have literally RUINED their lives with partying and binge drinking and i like to add my 2 cents when i can

Dino Velvet
07-13-2009, 11:15 AM
I'm a really happy guy. I just like to get loaded once a week. I never drive drunk and always have arrangements if I'm out. The worst thing I've done during a blackout lately was forgetting that I was outside and jerking off into a trashcan while looking at my neighbor through her window. She told me the next day. We're friendly and she thought it was funny.

07-13-2009, 11:19 AM
thats....not a good sign, in fact, if your neighbor wasnt so nice you would be labeled a sex offender and possibly go to jail, so you better rethink that

07-13-2009, 11:27 AM
I'm a really happy guy. I just like to get loaded once a week. I never drive drunk and always have arrangements if I'm out. The worst thing I've done during a blackout lately was forgetting that I was outside and jerking off into a trashcan while looking at my neighbor through her window. She told me the next day. We're friendly and she thought it was funny.

Need to add a new category for that one:

Question: What kind of drunk are you?
Crazy drunk 2 (11.1%)
Sad drunk 1 (5.6%)
Violent drunk 0 (0%)
Loud drunk 3 (16.7%)
Touchy-Feely drunk 1 (5.6%)
Fun drunk 11 (61.1%)
Forgetting that I was outside and jerking off into a trashcan while looking at my neighbor through her window 1 (5.6%)

Unless it falls under the category of "fun" drunk??

Dino Velvet
07-13-2009, 12:07 PM
I'm a really happy guy. I just like to get loaded once a week. I never drive drunk and always have arrangements if I'm out. The worst thing I've done during a blackout lately was forgetting that I was outside and jerking off into a trashcan while looking at my neighbor through her window. She told me the next day. We're friendly and she thought it was funny.

Need to add a new category for that one:

Question: What kind of drunk are you?
Crazy drunk 2 (11.1%)
Touchy-Feely drunk 1 (5.6%)
Fun drunk 11 (61.1%)
Forgetting that I was outside and jerking off into a trashcan while looking at my neighbor through her window 1 (5.6%)

Unless it falls under the category of "fun" drunk??

As a drunk, I'm also these.

Dino Velvet
07-13-2009, 12:23 PM
thats....not a good sign, in fact, if your neighbor wasnt so nice you would be labeled a sex offender and possibly go to jail, so you better rethink that

She's a nice lady. She lives on the west side of my house. The lady on the east side of my house is Persian and twice I've had sexual intercourse with her. I won't go back for any more because under her thick mound of black pubic hair her pussy lips are more purple than Whoopi Goldberg's gums and looks weird. I wouldn't want her to find out that I was masturbating in front of another woman's window because she might get jealous.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-13-2009, 06:44 PM
Some people used binge drinking as an excuse for somewhat being alcoholic! They say they only drink 1 or 2 times in a week (of course it's not true) and so they love to drown in it. lol



07-13-2009, 06:57 PM
The OP is always talking about getting drunk. I pegged him for an alcoholic months ago. Jerking off outside a neighbor's window? Yea, that's creepy. God knows what he'll do the next time he blacks out.

Plenty of news stories about guys who got so drunk or high, they don't remember raping and murdering their neighbors.

I hope his neighbor keeps her doors locked and a loaded gun.

07-13-2009, 07:14 PM
Given that you are disposed to blackouts, how do you know you haven't fucked a fat hairy bear with tattoos and aids? How do you know you didn't vote for Ahmadinejad for president?

Dino Velvet
07-13-2009, 07:36 PM
Given that you are disposed to blackouts, how do you know you haven't fucked a fat hairy bear with tattoos and aids? How do you know you didn't vote for Ahmadinejad for president?

The fat hairy bear only gave me Crabs, not the AIDS. I think I wrote in Ivan The Terrible for President once when I was loaded on Election Day.


07-13-2009, 07:42 PM
I've been binge drinking for 30 years. I wouldn't recommend it as a regular activity but if you must, I've discovered a few tips for survival

>limit your hard liquor choice to one PREMIUM brand. Absolute, Grey Goose, Belvedere, etc are way more forgiving the following morning than the cheap shit. avoid sugary mixed drinks

>try and consume as much water right before you collapse into bed...
as much as u can physically tolerate. alcohol dehydrates your body worse than a 45 minute workout in 95 degree heat

>a coated baby aspirin (81 mg) needs to be consumed with the water
Take another with water when you wake up the following morning

>shut your phone. NEVER text during binges
absolutely no facebook, myspace, twitter, or whatever else you may do durung your sober moments.
Browsing HA is also not recommended

Dino Velvet
07-13-2009, 07:46 PM
The OP is always talking about getting drunk. I pegged him for an alcoholic months ago. Jerking off outside a neighbor's window? Yea, that's creepy. God knows what he'll do the next time he blacks out.

Plenty of news stories about guys who got so drunk or high, they don't remember raping and murdering their neighbors.

I hope his neighbor keeps her doors locked and a loaded gun.

I wouldn't hurt anybody. I'm too good natured when I drink. I think that she was flattered that I found her so attractive. Usually I stay in the house and use the binoculars and can catch a glimpse of her while she's sitting on the toilet. But it was hot inside my house and I guess I wandered outside to get some fresh air and probably should have taken care of myself before I opened that bottle of whiskey.

Star Angel 86
07-13-2009, 10:29 PM
Binge drinking is pretty much all I know however I stick mostly to beer and occasional shot of Jameson Whisky.

07-13-2009, 10:37 PM
This whole thread is a big waste of time. OP asked the question "is binge drinking really that bad"? but seems to justify and rationalize it every time someone points out something negative that has come from it. If it wasn't a problem, you'd never have asked the question. You seem to be looking to shoot down all arguments that it is a problem, just so you will be able to tell yourself no-one could give you a reason to stop. If you were actually OK with it, you wouldn't even be asking. And if it weren't a problem for you to do so, you'd have already walked away from it.

07-13-2009, 10:55 PM
I was drinking a few of these last night.


Star Angel 86
07-13-2009, 10:59 PM
This whole thread is a big waste of time. OP asked the question "is binge drinking really that bad"? but seems to justify and rationalize it every time someone points out something negative that has come from it. If it wasn't a problem, you'd never have asked the question. You seem to be looking to shoot down all arguments that it is a problem, just so you will be able to tell yourself no-one could give you a reason to stop. If you were actually OK with it, you wouldn't even be asking. And if it weren't a problem for you to do so, you'd have already walked away from it.

You sound like you could use a few drinks chill fella.

Solitary Brother
07-13-2009, 11:58 PM
Your an alcoholic.
I use to drink too....I was never an alcoholic but several incidents made me quit.
It started in the military and the military culture PROMOTES drinking....it just does.
When your overseas and in a war....sure....your gonna drink like a fish because hey...you may die.
I had several incidents in the military where I "blacked out" and did and said things I couldnt remember.
I dont like being a drunken idiot because cruel people WILL take advantage of you.
My thing was I liked 40's.
Old English 40's to be exact and I would drink 2 a day one right after the other.
It got so bad I would be up waiting for the 7 eleven to open the liquor cabinet so I could get a 40...IN THE MORNING.
I was becoming an alcoholic and I woke up fast.
I still drink beer but no more malt liquor and I only drink 1 beer a day IF that.
My father was an alcoholic and as much as I hate to admit it our lives have been similar.
Part of the reason why I stopped exercising and blew up bigger than a house was my massive beer intake.
Im very disciplined now when it comes to booze.
Take it from someone who knows.
I was never an alchy but friends would make certain comments that made me think they thought I was.....
Its just embarrassing.

07-14-2009, 12:01 AM
Is Binge Drinking Really That Bad???
Answer: YES!!!!

07-14-2009, 12:10 AM
This whole thread is a big waste of time. OP asked the question "is binge drinking really that bad"? but seems to justify and rationalize it every time someone points out something negative that has come from it. If it wasn't a problem, you'd never have asked the question. You seem to be looking to shoot down all arguments that it is a problem, just so you will be able to tell yourself no-one could give you a reason to stop. If you were actually OK with it, you wouldn't even be asking. And if it weren't a problem for you to do so, you'd have already walked away from it.

You sound like you could use a few drinks chill fella.
why? think it could dumb me down to where you might have a chance in an argument? I don't think there's enough whiskey in the world.

07-14-2009, 12:15 AM
Whacking off in alleys can be hazardous to your health....


Star Angel 86
07-14-2009, 12:31 AM
This whole thread is a big waste of time. OP asked the question "is binge drinking really that bad"? but seems to justify and rationalize it every time someone points out something negative that has come from it. If it wasn't a problem, you'd never have asked the question. You seem to be looking to shoot down all arguments that it is a problem, just so you will be able to tell yourself no-one could give you a reason to stop. If you were actually OK with it, you wouldn't even be asking. And if it weren't a problem for you to do so, you'd have already walked away from it.

You sound like you could use a few drinks chill fella.
why? think it could dumb me down to where you might have a chance in an argument? I don't think there's enough whiskey in the world.

You're funny and way to serious for own good.Dino,is happy go lucky fun guy,he just wanted peoples opinions he enjoys his life and so do I.What gives you the right to be the judge and jury to say a thread is a waste of time.By all the responces apparently it is not.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-14-2009, 12:50 AM
Whacking off in alleys can be hazardous to your health....

But In New York City, It's perfectly acceptable! lol Guys whack off all the damn time inside trains, a cab (ride share), a bus, an elevator, in their offices, in their cars (while parked..HI JWBL! or while driving) etc. lol ;)



07-14-2009, 01:06 AM
I gotta share a cab w/ you sometime Hara. ;)

Nicole Dupre
07-14-2009, 01:13 AM
I once caught a guy jerking off out of a hotel window in Manhattan off of Broadway. He justy looked at me, and smiled. He didn't even bother to slow down.

07-14-2009, 01:15 AM
If i had seen you ... i would have sped up ;) your sexy.

Dino Velvet
07-14-2009, 01:20 AM
This whole thread is a big waste of time. OP asked the question "is binge drinking really that bad"? but seems to justify and rationalize it every time someone points out something negative that has come from it. If it wasn't a problem, you'd never have asked the question. You seem to be looking to shoot down all arguments that it is a problem, just so you will be able to tell yourself no-one could give you a reason to stop. If you were actually OK with it, you wouldn't even be asking. And if it weren't a problem for you to do so, you'd have already walked away from it.

Damn Ray, this thread wasn't intended to be taken that seriously. No offense to anyone here but this isn't the place that I'd come for life changing advice. If you knew me better you'd realize that I'm intentionally goofy and not trying to seek out anyone's approval. Star Angel 86 and Hara_Juku Tgirl can back me up on that. Thanks for caring, though.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-14-2009, 01:31 AM
I once caught a guy jerking off out of a hotel window in Manhattan off of Broadway. He justy looked at me, and smiled. He didn't even bother to slow down.

Hmm, I once met an Aussie guy at the fetish club I worked at (when I lived back east)..and we fucked by the huge windows in his room @ Tribeca Grand hotel. Soo HOT! ;)

Loveee their atrium!




07-14-2009, 02:51 AM
YES it is that bad, you need to drink responsibly or not at all.. you'll end up hurting someone or yourself. Try Marijuana it's much better than alcohol.

Dino Velvet
07-14-2009, 03:06 AM
Try Marijuana it's much better than alcohol.

Load the bong and pass it my way. I got some powerful lungs. I'll pour you a double shot.

07-14-2009, 04:24 AM
I like drinking and when I do I drink heavily. I would be classified as a "Binge Drinker". I don't see what the problem is. To lose my binge drinking status I would have to drink every day and that could be expensive. I tend to black out occasionally but when I wake up the next morning I see I've always washed all the dishes after my drunken snack and I don't leave the stove on either.

Ill put it this way, those blackouts you are having are caused by BRAIN DAMAGE occuring when you are not getting enough oxygen. The alcohol you are consuming is replacing the water and other oxygen carrying red cells in your blood stream, limiting the amount of oxygen that gets to travel around your body. Your liver gets so overloaded from heavy amounts of alcohol that it also cant handle the amount of booze in your system and its also sustaining serious damage. a little booze now and then, some drinking here and there is fine, but over all, you are going to ruin your liver and your brain functions with binging. If you keep it up, YOU WILL DIE. more importantly, you could be driving when you are blacked out, and you can KILL other people, so get help please!

This is all really sad, and dino, i hope your exaggerating with your claims. Everything chaos is saying is 100% correct. You are killing yourself. I pray you get help. and i dont pray often :twisted:

07-14-2009, 04:27 AM
I once caught a guy jerking off out of a hotel window in Manhattan off of Broadway. He justy looked at me, and smiled. He didn't even bother to slow down.


07-14-2009, 05:15 AM
Dino has great taste in movies, solid political views, and can be replied upon to create some monstrous scatological images. And he drinks hard. What's not to like?

Sounds like a human being to me... :)