View Full Version : Cocaine is now legal again! (The Energy Drink)

07-13-2009, 01:29 AM
I just recieved this email from my source and wanted to pass this along.
You will not believe the money potential in energy drinks, especially this STUFF! :D


To Our Fans,

It has been a very long time since we have sent out an official newsletter. So many things have been happening that there has been no time to sit down and sum things up. So, let's get to it:

Summer Special

First things first, we are running a summer special for both Cocaine and Brawndo. You can purchase cases of Cocaine Energy and Brawndo from our official web store for $22.00 per case plus shipping; no coupon needed. This is our best price offering ever. Do not miss out on this deal. You can get your own case of Cocaine or Brawndo from http://www.reduxdirect.com.
