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View Full Version : [url]www.lukeisback.com[/url] Stoops to a whole new level - AIDS

07-05-2009, 09:40 PM
Statement: The opinions I share are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS and do not reflect hungangels.com it's staff or affiliates. I am simply expressing my opinion and freedom of speech in a public forum.


Jeremy Steele aka The Colonel has stoop to a brand new low level taking his hate speech and hate towards trans and gays to the lowest.

Using his conspiracy theory to hate on transsexuals, this 5'nothing ugly ass dude with the attitude of a silver back gorilla really needs to be stopped.

His new joke on HIV and AIDS:


The Colonel ( Jeremy Steel ) says

What do you call a gay guy on rollerblades? :
Roll AIDS.

This fucked-up (but funny) joke of course reminds us of the whole notion that AIDS is a gay disease, which also works real well for “religious” people who believe this is God’s wrath. It’s also good for conspiracy theorists who claim it’s a secret campaign by the illuminazis to eliminate “heathens”, “undesirables” and employ population control.

He continues...

Of course this is a gay disease. In fact molecular biologists have recently isolated the gay gene within the HIV virus. It turns out the AIDS virus
is also a big fan of Liberace and Wham!

07-05-2009, 09:46 PM
Thats just a mean and uneducated thing to say. He thinks he's funny but AIDS is an epidemic and affects everyone. And to compare him to a silver back is an insult to primates. Silver Back Gorrilas are sociable.

07-05-2009, 09:49 PM
Thats just a mean and uneducated thing to say. He thinks he's funny but AIDS is an epidemic and affects everyone. And to compare him to a silver back is an insult to primates. Silver Back Gorrilas are sociable.

No question that he is very social, people find the guy entertaining in his ridiculous cocky attitude. He sounds like a munchkin on helium, he has a mullet, he makes jokes about life threatening diseases, what a catch man... I wonder how big his dick is hahahahahah

Here is my response:

"Gay and Straight" Strains of HIV and Sexual Preference

It is common knowledge that AIDS is a heterosexual disease in Africa, and that AIDS started exclusively as a gay disease in the United States. Although the public was told early on that "no one is immune from AIDS", the fact remains that even now (20 years after the first AIDS cases) 80% of the new AIDS cases in America are gay men, IV drug addicts, and their sexual partners. Why is this? Certainly HIV does not discriminate between sexual preference and race! Or does it?

In the mid-1990s molecular biologists identified at least 8 different subtypes (or "clades" or "strains") of HIV that were infecting various people around the world. Remarkably, it turns out that the "B" strain is the predominant strain infecting gays in the U.S. Even more remarkable is that this strain of HIV has an "affinity" to infect rectal tissue, thus explaining why gays are more likely to get AIDS than straights. In contrast, the HIV strains common in Africa have an affinity for vaginal and cervical cells, as well as for cells of the foreskin of the penis. Thus, HIV is more likely to infect heterosexuals in Africa.

How do we know this? Max Essex (a Harvard veterinarian who performed pre-AIDS experiments transferring feline leukemia virus between cat populations) tested subtype E strains of HIV from Thailand. He discovered that this Asian strain readily infected women's genital cells of the vagina and cervix. But the "gay" B strain of HIV did not infect them as easily.

AIDS experts tell us American AIDS came from Africa, but the strain of HIV prevalent in gay men is almost never seen in Africa! How is this possible? Were strains of HIV engineered to adapt easily to cells likely to be infected in gay sex? Or adapted to genital cells involved in vaginal sex?

We know scientists in the SVCP were able to adapt certain retroviruses to infect specific kinds of cells. As early as 1970 biowarfare scientists were learning to design certain infectious agents (particularly viruses) that would attack the cells of certain racial groups.

More recently, in 1997, Stephen O'Brien and Michael Dean of the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity at the National Cancer Institute have shown that one out of ten white people have AIDS-resistant genes, whereas blacks in Africa have none. Is this simply another peculiarity of a virus that jumped species in the African bush? Or is HIV a designer virus, specifically adapted in its subtypes to infect certain racial groups and gay people?

When AIDS appeared in 1981, health officials assured the "general public" that there was nothing to fear. "AIDS is a gay disease" was the phrase repeated over and over again in a media blitz. As late as 1987, Robert Gallo told Playboy reporter David Black, "I personally don't know of a single case (in America) of a man getting the (AIDS) virus from a woman through heterosexual intercourse."

In Africa, where AIDS affects men and women in equal numbers, Gallo's explanation to Black was: "It happens, but that may be due to differences in sexual practices, more promiscuity or to a greater incidence of venereal disease." Gallo give Playboy his reassurance of the future of heterosexual AIDS in America: "AIDS will never become an overwhelming danger to the general public."
Solving the Mystery of the Origin of AIDS

The pre-AIDS species-jumping experiments of the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) have been largely expunged from the history of HIV and AIDS. The viral contamination problems inherent in viral research have also been downplayed. As a result, the origin of HIV and AIDS has been distorted and obscured.

A serious examination of the SVCP provides "missing links" to the possible laboratory origin of HIV. The ability of SVCP scientists to produce "new" diseases with cancer-causing animal viruses is a matter of record. The ability of animal viruses to easily contaminate laboratory experiments and vaccine manufacture is also well known. All these factors make the man-made theory of AIDS rational and compelling.

Some areas of HIV/AIDS history that require further analysis are:

The connection between AIDS and cancer
The connection of HIV to known (pre-AIDS) animal cancer lab viruses
The connection of the SVCP to the outbreak of AIDS
The connection of vaccine programs to the outbreak of AIDS
The connection of biological warfare research to the outbreak of AIDS
The disinformation surrounding the origin of AIDS
The disinformation blaming the "victims" of AIDS for the disease
The total secrecy of biological warfare and its implications for science
The wedding of cancer and AIDS scientists to biological warfare scientists
The "sworn to secrecy" problem of the government/military scientists
The wedding of government to medical science for military biowarfare purposes
The long history of secret medical experiments on unsuspecting citizens
All these factors need to be explored more fully and impartially in order to more fully elucidate the man-made, laboratory origin of HIV and AIDS.

To continue to ignore these issues is to ignore the fate of countless millions who will die from AIDS and other "emerging viruses" in the future.

The Special Virus Cancer Program (and biowarfare experimentation worldwide) has forever changed the course of history of medical science, resulting in the current dangers of biological terrorism and the fear of newly emerging man-made viruses and other infectious agents.

To study the theories of origin of HIV/AIDS and to ignore the SVCP with its biowarfare implications is like studying the Holocaust and failing to mention the Nazis. Some readers may find this analogy offensive, but in light of the close connection of the SVCP with the outbreak of HIV and AIDS, it is suggested that final judgement be reserved until all the pertinent facts are ascertained.

The SVCP and "the hand of man" lie at the root of HIV. The flowering of the worldwide epidemic of AIDS [40 million people infected by 2003, with three million dying from AIDS in 2003] is proof that the seeds were well planted.

07-05-2009, 09:56 PM
Wow i'm glad i'm a virgin then ... Now i'm gonna seal myself in a bubble and be safe. Thanks for that ... ;)

The Hierophant
07-05-2009, 09:57 PM
Alan J. Cantwell. Read his books, they are good.

I have a pdf versions of a few of them if any file-sharers out there want a copy.

07-05-2009, 10:02 PM
Alan J. Cantwell. Read his books, they are good.

I was not really good at history or even in school because I was too busy getting my fucking queer ass chewed up by bullies and teachers who's diploma was an excuse to spread hate. Yes people... my teachers did nothing! I went to school in Florida... go figure...

But now I cannot stop watching the history channel and natgeo and I find myself extremely interested in history and science, current issues, past issues...

I try to spend my time educating myself when I don't understand something...It's better that way huh?

07-05-2009, 10:05 PM
Home School has it's perks.

07-05-2009, 10:49 PM
What do you call a gay guy on rollerblades? :
Roll AIDS.

That joke is so old and it was originally what do you call Magic Johnson in a wheelchair.

Star Angel 86
07-05-2009, 11:09 PM
Holly shit I never knew the Colonel =porn stud Jeremy Steele.

07-05-2009, 11:10 PM
As a dude who's trying to break into porn as "talent" I really find myself disliking the other male talent I see out there. This is probably envy sometimes, competition sometimes, just misplaced frustration when I'm not getting as much work as I feel like I should. (which is pretty much always). It's good to know that sometimes it falls on those who actually deserve it. Jeremy Steel? Yeah, fuck 'im.

07-05-2009, 11:31 PM
Wow i'm glad i'm a virgin then ... Now i'm gonna seal myself in a bubble and be safe. Thanks for that ... ;)
I hope you leave room for me baby :wink: .

07-05-2009, 11:36 PM
Always Loren ;) But how will we pass the time?

07-06-2009, 12:16 AM
Holly shit I never knew the Colonel =porn stud Jeremy Steele.

Are you sure? That guy did some gay movies for Devils with Tom Moore.

07-06-2009, 12:18 AM
Holly shit I never knew the Colonel =porn stud Jeremy Steele.

Are you sure? That guy did some gay movies for Devils with Tom Moore.

I think Jeremy Steele does post over there but he's not the colonel.

07-06-2009, 12:51 AM
Always Loren ;) But how will we pass the time?
I'm sure we can think of something :wink: :D , baby. :love1

07-06-2009, 01:01 AM
Well Loren you have my address so come on over. ;) And they said you cant find love on HA.

Star Angel 86
07-06-2009, 01:07 AM
Holly shit I never knew the Colonel =porn stud Jeremy Steele.

Are you sure? That guy did some gay movies for Devils with Tom Moore.

The Jeremy Steele that I'm thinking of did some movies for Greg Dark & was in Michael Ninn's Sacred Sinn.

07-06-2009, 01:07 AM
Well Loren you have my address so come on over. ;) And they said you cant find love on HA.

Does this mean things are over between you and Hazel?

07-06-2009, 01:13 AM
Hazel will always be in my heart and i'm still gonna marry her one day ... See Loren likes Hazel too , so it's a win win.

07-06-2009, 01:17 AM
Hazel will always be in my heart and i'm still gonna marry her one day ... See Loren likes Hazel too , so it's a win win.

You can always adopt Loren after you and Hazel tie the knot.

07-06-2009, 01:19 AM
I only wish Hazel was here to give some imput.

07-06-2009, 01:20 AM
Holly shit I never knew the Colonel =porn stud Jeremy Steele.

Are you sure? That guy did some gay movies for Devils with Tom Moore.

The Jeremy Steele that I'm thinking of did some movies for Greg Dark & was in Michael Ninn's Sacred Sinn.

Same guy, but judging on "the colonel's" absurd homophobia it would be confusing if he did several Bi movies for devils.

07-06-2009, 01:34 AM
Just a quick question: Could "the colonel" be ranting against TGs and gays to make up for his :wink: shortcommings?

07-06-2009, 01:45 AM
That site breeds hate,no surprise to me that would say that.

Felicia Katt
07-06-2009, 02:03 AM
Mandy, saying the Colonel is homophobic is like saying Jeffrey Dahmer just had an eating disorder.

On Luke is back, he is allowed to say, in essence, that all transgender performers must be presumed to be HIV positive, that somehow testing doesn't really work for them, and that anyone who ever works or plays with a transgender performer must be presumed to have become HIV positive, even if they and their partners have tested as negative, and that they should be segregated and prohibited from ever working with non-transgender performers, again without regard for what their test results actually show.

Its the porn equivalent of a Jim Crow rule. Hateful, wrong and ignorant about race then and hateful, wrong and ignorant about gender now.


07-06-2009, 02:12 AM
I would like to know where he gets his intel? As far as i know AIDS isn't self aware ... only targeting Trans and Gay performers. I hope he is sterile because if he breeds then the world is one step closer to " Idiocracy " and heaven help us.

07-06-2009, 02:53 AM
I have contacted a few web blogs for the adult industry regarding this issue and also my come back... so hopefully I can shed some light into this matter which needs to be taken care of obviously.

I was not only disrespected on this idiotic site but also in person by some straight actor who is now on everyone's black list; and that was in person, he didn't even know I was a TS then...

It sucks that we are all fucking dirty whores and yet we have this civil war going on... It's childish

If any of the smart girls like to contribute to my article please feel free to contact me. I am having my editor Felicia make the final draft.

07-06-2009, 02:58 AM
BTW - I think most of my posts on LIB are now removed from the site.

Solitary Brother
07-06-2009, 03:03 AM
I stated before in another thread that the creator of the site is trash AND the site is trash.
Its not like its a respected online journal or something its a porno rag.
I recommend you ignore them or gasp.....start your own online porn rag.
These people are very hateful racist and homophobic against everyone EXCEPT their own.
Complaining and screaming does nothing .......be proactive.

07-06-2009, 03:08 AM
I would read Danielles trashy porn rag ... for the articles of course.

07-06-2009, 03:26 AM
Mandy, saying the Colonel is homophobic is like saying Jeffrey Dahmer just had an eating disorder.

On Luke is back, he is allowed to say, in essence, that all transgender performers must be presumed to be HIV positive, that somehow testing doesn't really work for them, and that anyone who ever works or plays with a transgender performer must be presumed to have become HIV positive, even if they and their partners have tested as negative, and that they should be segregated and prohibited from ever working with non-transgender performers, again without regard for what their test results actually show.

Its the porn equivalent of a Jim Crow rule. Hateful, wrong and ignorant about race then and hateful, wrong and ignorant about gender now.


Fair enough. After a while of trying to address them with logic or whatever I just got mad and wanted to throw shit. So I'm trying to keep my cool, because at the end of the day listening to assholes just brings me down. That guy is an idiot, but there are lots of idiotic bigots in the porn industry.

07-06-2009, 03:29 AM
Which is strange as the porn industry has enough enemies that it should work together and like Danielle said stop this in fighting.

07-06-2009, 03:32 AM
I stated before in another thread that the creator of the site is trash AND the site is trash.
Its not like its a respected online journal or something its a porno rag.
I recommend you ignore them or gasp.....start your own online porn rag.
These people are very hateful racist and homophobic against everyone EXCEPT their own.
Complaining and screaming does nothing .......be proactive.

Thank you,

I know we have had our lil run ins in here and it is healthy to disagree, however I am truly offended.

I am taking this beyond LIB and actually going to make it my personal fight. I want to make sure to be nice and welcoming to everyone in the straight side of the business so to set an example of who and what we are.

Fear is not the answer

07-06-2009, 03:34 AM
I have contacted a few web blogs for the adult industry regarding this issue and also my come back... so hopefully I can shed some light into this matter which needs to be taken care of obviously.

I was not only disrespected on this idiotic site but also in person by some straight actor who is now on everyone's black list; and that was in person, he didn't even know I was a TS then...

It sucks that we are all fucking dirty whores and yet we have this civil war going on... It's childish

If any of the smart girls like to contribute to my article please feel free to contact me. I am having my editor Felicia make the final draft.

I don't know how you do it, honestly. I just don't have the ability to shut up when I'm upset, and if I was in your position I would be constantly pissed off.

I don't understand why people in porn think there is some kind of hierarchy which involves Straight people being somehow better than TS, we're still all freaks who fuck people on camera for a living. The good "god fearing" folk of America don't draw big distinctions between us, they hate us all. It's bullshit.

Anyways, those people are a drag. How was your road trip?

Solitary Brother
07-06-2009, 03:45 AM
I stated before in another thread that the creator of the site is trash AND the site is trash.
Its not like its a respected online journal or something its a porno rag.
I recommend you ignore them or gasp.....start your own online porn rag.
These people are very hateful racist and homophobic against everyone EXCEPT their own.
Complaining and screaming does nothing .......be proactive.

Thank you,

I know we have had our lil run ins in here and it is healthy to disagree, however I am truly offended.

I am taking this beyond LIB and actually going to make it my personal fight. I want to make sure to be nice and welcoming to everyone in the straight side of the business so to set an example of who and what we are.

Fear is not the answer

The people you are fighting are NOT worth fighting.....thats the point I am trying to get across to you.
I dont know if you have noticed but they are horrible to straight people too.
I just dont see the point in what you are doing.
If you were going to start an online site of your own related to transexuals I would support you but writing in or confronting these people is useless.
You need to calm down and think about what your doing.
Think strategically and see the entire battlefield.
Unless you plan on starting some media entity to counteract these people I dont see the point.

Tara Emory
07-06-2009, 04:10 AM
Statement: The opinions I share are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS and do not reflect hungangels.com it's staff or affiliates. I am simply expressing my opinion and freedom of speech in a public forum.


Jeremy Steele aka The Colonel has stoop to a brand new low level taking his hate speech and hate towards trans and gays to the lowest.

Using his conspiracy theory to hate on transsexuals, this 5'nothing ugly ass dude with the attitude of a silver back gorilla really needs to be stopped.

His new joke on HIV and AIDS:


The Colonel ( Jeremy Steel ) says

What do you call a gay guy on rollerblades? :
Roll AIDS.

This fucked-up (but funny) joke of course reminds us of the whole notion that AIDS is a gay disease, which also works real well for “religious” people who believe this is God’s wrath. It’s also good for conspiracy theorists who claim it’s a secret campaign by the illuminazis to eliminate “heathens”, “undesirables” and employ population control.

He continues...

Of course this is a gay disease. In fact molecular biologists have recently isolated the gay gene within the HIV virus. It turns out the AIDS virus
is also a big fan of Liberace and Wham!

Okay.. i read his article on LIB about 4 times, and I'm still confused. He's talking about some sort of conspiracy theory or something, and like most conspiracy theorists, they just like to point out one or two inconsistencies or pose puzzling questions, yet they never have enough evidence to string together something coherent.

I'm a little concerned that the OP of this thread took a few of this guys statements slightly out of context, while ignoring a few that put him in a better light.

I think when he was making that joke, he was admitting it was off-color (though I don't know why he said it- unless he was trying to make a point that the association between gays and AIDS is commonplace among the people who write tasteless jokes?).

It seems that on several occasions, he's outright (though I can't decide if that's just him throwing the bone to non hateful folk) defended the idea that it's wrong to call Aids a gay-related disease. quoth him:

"My point here is not to suggest gays don’t have more anal sex than women. The point here is how the fuck did doctors have the audacity to call this a “gay related” disease in the first place? It’s an audacious and idiotic insult!"

(good use of variations of the word "audacious" twice in such close proximity- you might want to get a thesarus, Jeremy!)

Anyway, I'm getting the impression that he's sort of anti-medical establishment more than anything, and speaking from a straight, non-gay (but slightly homophobic) perspective, but not so homophobic as to just blert out "god hates fags", I'm sort of.. well, not all THAT offended by the article, should I be? (maybe I'll read it again and figure out why people are so upset)

And I think this next bit he wrote is hyperbole, right?

"Of course this is a gay disease. In fact molecular biologists have recently isolated the gay gene within the HIV virus. It turns out the AIDS virus
is also a big fan of Liberace and Wham!"

I'm going to have to read this article again to see if i get what he's saying. Even the title of it suggests it's an incoherent rant (i.e. "talks to the wall"). But with all the recent attention that LIB is getting recently on theTS boards, I have yet to delve into a lot of what's going on over there (or join LIB - though I'm not sure I want to...)


07-06-2009, 04:29 AM
I dont know if you have noticed but they are horrible to straight people too.

Nobody escapes their wrath over there - gays, straights, other people in the porno biz, celebrities, politicians and so on. It's just a mean-spirited site full of loudmouths. I can totally understand and agree with the anger towards them but I wouldn't take it personal. Consider the source first.

Tara Emory
07-06-2009, 04:59 AM
Nope.. read that article again and still don't get it., This time I read it carefully, and skimmed over the comments after it. In the comments I think he goes into some studies about prostitutes and HIV/AIDS, and picks out some confusing facts to support some sort of conspiracy theory and...zzzzz .. yawn.. bored already.... Conspiracy theorists love to point out random "facts" from studies (studies which usually find whatever they want) and throw enough of them out there to cast doubt on whatever it is they're trying to well, cast doubt on.

If the article's author can't spell out his point in the original article, it makes me think it wasn't very strong to begin with. It looks like it was written to get some sympathy from those who think it's all a sham or whatever.

Okay- point me to another article on LIB that should make my blood boil! You have 30 seconds!

01-22-2011, 01:36 AM
Actually Luke is the best BABY and its called A fag disease because it originated in sanfrancisco with A lot of gay men or 20 gay men showed up at the hospital with the same disease so thats how it became A fags disease gay means happy

01-22-2011, 04:07 AM
i think the "aids=gay" shit started because your more likely to pass or catch HIV from unprotected anal sex. I have read that HIV is 2-3 times more likely to pass through unprotected anal sex than through unprotected vaginal sex.

on a side note...I have also read that HIV is more likely to spread through deep kissing than through blowjobs... unless you swallow cum obviously.

01-22-2011, 04:12 AM
i think the "aids=gay" shit started because your more likely to pass or catch HIV from unprotected anal sex. I have read that HIV is 2-3 times more likely to pass through unprotected anal sex than through unprotected vaginal sex.

on a side note...I have also read that HIV is more likely to spread through deep kissing than through blowjobs... unless you swallow cum obviously.
You must not study HIV prevention or anything HIV related.
HIV is not passed thru kissing.
Sad how dumb people are in 2011 when it comes to HIV prevention with so much free info out there.
EDUCATE YOURSELVES instead of passing on false information!

01-23-2011, 12:40 AM
You must not study HIV prevention or anything HIV related.
HIV is not passed thru kissing.
Sad how dumb people are in 2011 when it comes to HIV prevention with so much free info out there.
EDUCATE YOURSELVES instead of passing on false information!

I have educated myself...and HIV can ABSOLUTELY be passed through kissing. Although it is not passed through saliva. Some certain protein in the saliva keeps the virus out ( or at a very low count)...scientists even have a hard time isolating HIV in saliva...so it is not saliva you have to worry about.

it can be passed through small cuts or abrasions that are already in the mouth or caused by prolonged kissing.

maybe its you that needs to "EDUCATE YOURSELF"

01-23-2011, 12:47 AM
You must not study HIV prevention or anything HIV related.
HIV is not passed thru kissing.
Sad how dumb people are in 2011 when it comes to HIV prevention with so much free info out there.
EDUCATE YOURSELVES instead of passing on false information!

I wouldn't feel i had to rub it in your face if you weren't so smug when your were 100% wrong...there are documented cases in medical journals of HIV being passed through kissing. I think you need to re consider how viable this "free info" is.

01-23-2011, 01:46 AM
Actually Luke is the best BABY and its called A fag disease because it originated in sanfrancisco with A lot of gay men or 20 gay men showed up at the hospital with the same disease so thats how it became A fags disease gay means happy

Use some periods or something. You sound like a retard.

Felicia Katt
01-23-2011, 04:34 AM
I wouldn't feel i had to rub it in your face if you weren't so smug when your were 100% wrong...there are documented cases in medical journals of HIV being passed through kissing. I think you need to re consider how viable this "free info" is.
Deep or open-mouthed kissing is a very low risk activity in terms of HIV transmission. HIV is only present in saliva in very minute amounts, insufficient to cause infection with HIV.
There has been only one documented case of someone becoming infected with HIV through kissing; a result of exposure to infected blood during open-mouthed kissing. If you or your partner have blood in your mouth, you should avoid kissing until the bleeding stops.


Maybe if you rub someones face in some infected blood, there might be a real risk. But otherwise, the risk is so small as to be nearly non existent.


01-23-2011, 08:31 AM
Deep or open-mouthed kissing is a very low risk activity in terms of HIV transmission. HIV is only present in saliva in very minute amounts, insufficient to cause infection with HIV.
There has been only one documented case of someone becoming infected with HIV through kissing; a result of exposure to infected blood during open-mouthed kissing. If you or your partner have blood in your mouth, you should avoid kissing until the bleeding stops.


Maybe if you rub someones face in some infected blood, there might be a real risk. But otherwise, the risk is so small as to be nearly non existent.


there are actually a few cases of people getting HIV through kissing. Not sure how many and I cant find where I saw it again... maybe 2-3 cases...and that is just documented cases. I wasn't arguing that it wasn't extremely rare...i was arguing against the fact that someone said you CANT get HIV from kissing..and the fact is that you can. its been proven and if it can happen to the people it happened to then it can happen to anybody.

Felicia Katt
01-24-2011, 04:36 AM
there are actually a few cases of people getting HIV through kissing. Not sure how many and I cant find where I saw it again... maybe 2-3 cases...and that is just documented cases. I wasn't arguing that it wasn't extremely rare...i was arguing against the fact that someone said you CANT get HIV from kissing..and the fact is that you can. its been proven and if it can happen to the people it happened to then it can happen to anybody.
I provided the link and quoted from it. Kissing itself is not a vector for transmission. The Surgeon's General's report indicates no reported cases from kissing alone.

You can only get if from exposure to infected bodily fluids. One documented case where kissing was incidentally involved, against millions, if not hundreds of millions of acts is effectively the same as no risk at all. And your original point was that it was not only risky, but more risky than oral sex, which according to the CDC does pose some, slight but actual risk.

so you were wrong on your facts and more wrong on your reaction to someone correcting you on them. Seems more rather than trying not to rub someone's face in it, you were more about saving face for yourself.