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07-03-2009, 10:03 PM
who seriously believes we are still in a slump?
Personally I think people who did lose their jobs who are so said(looking) arent looking for jobs persay-more like Pay^
hence not getting a job...
Just go to Yahoo and search Yahoo hotjobs-No matter where you live in the continental US you will be sure to find over 500 listings....Like I said people arent looking for the right now job they are looking for the job with the most pay.

Add opinions as you wish.

07-03-2009, 10:09 PM
I'll agree with that to a point. There are a few situations that would make that more likely.

i.e. if you get laid off but know your company will hire you back once things get better, it may be in your best interest to just wait on unemployment for it to blow over.


if you can't find a job that pays what your old one did, you might be better off collecting unemployment instead of a min wage job that pays a lot less.

07-03-2009, 10:11 PM
I'll agree with that to a point. There are a few situations that would make that more likely.

i.e. if you get laid off but know your company will hire you back once things get better, it may be in your best interest to just wait on unemployment for it to blow over.


if you can't find a job that pays what your old one did, you might be better off collecting unemployment instead of a min wage job that pays a lot less.imo-Ill take the risk of having the low paying job..taking unemployment checks look bad-to me at least-shows no inniative to work.just slummin by.

07-03-2009, 10:11 PM
i see help wanted signs everywhere i drive...... folks want that 50k & up salary so they claim recession because the media says we're in one

i do believe companies are holding back but i also believe if the media didn't say recession every day things would go back to normal..........well as normal as things can be

07-03-2009, 10:21 PM
Yes, we're in a recession, but a recession is a syndrome, like that other 4 letter thing everyone's afraid of. You have to look at alot of other conditions, them some official has to declare "recession"!
They say unemployment JUST hit it's highest in 26 years, which means I lived during worse unemployment and didn't notice it. I know many people who have been AFFECTED, none who have lost their jobs.
I think the media makes things worse. Some people won't look for a job because the media says there aren't any. And yes of course some are too proud to work for less than they were making.
Recessions are part of our economic cycle, and a good way to humble people who get caught up in their own greed and self appreciation. So just deal with it.

07-03-2009, 10:21 PM
I graduated from college in 2007 and still cant find a job where they want my degree...so I got whatever I could. Thats half the problem...people want the dream job with ideal situations and you cant always have that.

07-03-2009, 10:25 PM
I graduated from college in 2007 and still cant find a job where they want my degree...so I got whatever I could. Thats half the problem...people want the dream job with ideal situations and you cant always have that.

but Stillz, you graduated from college

that in itself is an accomplishment no matter what you majored in: kudos to you

alot of these people i see on t.v. complaining about losing their jobs are not college grads, very rarely do I see a college grad on Suzy Orman or CNBC/CNN saying they lost their job and don't know what they're going to do......

the media is mess causing a panic

07-03-2009, 10:29 PM
Thanks a lot man...and yeah I totally agree with everything you said.

07-03-2009, 11:56 PM
You have economies like Detroit,14% unemployment, where people have depended on one industry and have become spoiled and disillusioned. Those people have very few marketable skills and are used to making alot of money, for what the average person would call very little work. When they step outside of the auto industry and see what a janitor elsewhere makes compared to a janitor at GM, they're like "no way I'm working for that". Dude you've been working in a vacuum. Most of the country doesn't make that kind of money for what you do.

07-04-2009, 12:11 AM
The Economy sucks.

07-04-2009, 01:24 AM
It depends on the pocket you live in. I'm in the fastest growing area in the region where property values have held strong through much of this mess and McMansions are still being sold.

At the same time, we've lost both a GM and a Chrysler plant and all of the related 'Mom-n-Pop' suppliers and support businesses, huge chunks of bank and credit population (We're one of the usurious states that let these bastards run wild for the last twenty-five years) and all of =their= pilot fish economy.

Lastly, I work in a federal field that is suffering the butterfly effect of nonsense half a continent away. The management is going insane, trying to do the same work with a staff of about 40% of last year's team, with no overtime allowed. Those considered to be "excess" are being shipped to other venues as much as two-hours drive away (At the employees expense). People are retiring when they can least afford to do so (Especially after their 401k plans were so badly mangled last year) because they can no longer afford to continue commuting to work.

I agree that much of the 'recession' is driven by fear-mongering from the government and the media, but since most of the population are willing lambs, begging for slaughter, the country believes the woeful cries of "Wolf" and rides the wave down.

What pisses me off is that as the Titanic sinks, the drowning masses are trying to use the rest of the population as buoys against their bad planning and poor luck, thus perpetuating the hysteria.

With luck, the ever-growing social vortex of the Michael Jackson Memorial debacle, that promises to swallow all of Southern California whole this coming Tuesday (With live, twenty-four hour coverage by CNN), will hold the attention of the masses long enough that all of the dog-wagging will lose its effect and the world can get back to business as usual.

07-04-2009, 01:28 AM
24 hour coverage?!?!?

that's a bit excessive..........and I'm a life long fan of MJ

with regards to the car industry now is the time small car builders need to take advantage of the big 3 being dazed & confused

07-04-2009, 08:21 AM
24 hour coverage?!?!?

that's a bit excessive..........and I'm a life long fan of MJ

with regards to the car industry now is the time small car builders need to take advantage of the big 3 being dazed & confusedrefering to big3-of all car companies I give props to has to be Ford-they put the consumer needs first..doesnt mean I will ever buy a ford-fuck that...But I admire their ambition for customers.

11-20-2009, 02:09 AM
Recessions are part of our economic cycle,

Recessions are an artefact of fractional reserve banking. It's an entirely artificial construct that could be rectified- but a fundamental reconstuction of the banking system would be required and bankers would loose money, so nothing happens.

11-20-2009, 02:20 AM
So the guy with no job says there's nothing wrong with the economy and we have a prospering job market and everyone else jumps the bandwagon? And you blame propaganda? WTF? If anything, the propaganda was that which said we WEREN'T in a recession as early as 2007. You guys have it backwards.

Take a lower paying job? OMG there are former CEOs working as strippers and project managers working at McDonalds. The unemployment rate is going UP instead of down at this point and it's expected to continue for a few more quarters. Sure, the stock market is up, but that just means our wealthy overlords are taking an interest in investing in we little people again but it's going to take forever to 'trickle down.' The dollar is at it lowest level since, well, practically ever and we continue to increase both the money supply and the deficit. People aren't buying 'luxury' items like porn or even going out to dinner. Every dollar people make is being spent on necessities which is all fine and dandy until you realize how enormous the entertainment and service industries are and how badly they're hurting. Even my friend's printing business is doing poorly. Am I missing anything?

Every economic indicator we have says we're in the worst recession since the depression. I'm inclined to believe them and since I have a resume as a business owner and I am not even getting callbacks for receptionist positions, I've experienced it firsthand.

Sorry Jix, but you got it twisted you cynical conspiracy theorist, you! Telling people 'get a job' when there aren't any is pretty evil and what's worse is lying and saying that there are plenty.



11-20-2009, 02:46 AM
So the guy with no job says there's nothing wrong with the economy and we have a prospering job market and everyone else jumps the bandwagon? And you blame propaganda? WTF? If anything, the propaganda was that which said we WEREN'T in a recession as early as 2007. You guys have it backwards.

Take a lower paying job? OMG there are former CEOs working as strippers and project managers working at McDonalds. The unemployment rate is going UP instead of down at this point and it's expected to continue for a few more quarters. Sure, the stock market is up, but that just means our wealthy overlords are taking an interest in investing in we little people again but it's going to take forever to 'trickle down.' The dollar is at it lowest level since, well, practically ever and we continue to increase both the money supply and the deficit. People aren't buying 'luxury' items like porn or even going out to dinner. Every dollar people make is being spent on necessities which is all fine and dandy until you realize how enormous the entertainment and service industries are and how badly they're hurting. Even my friend's printing business is doing poorly. Am I missing anything?

Every economic indicator we have says we're in the worst recession since the depression. I'm inclined to believe them and since I have a resume as a business owner and I am not even getting callbacks for receptionist positions, I've experienced it firsthand.

Sorry Jix, but you got it twisted you cynical conspiracy theorist, you! Telling people 'get a job' when there aren't any is pretty evil and what's worse is lying and saying that there are plenty.

~BB~no pho for u! EVER yahoo hotjobs use it motherfuckers :)

11-20-2009, 02:50 AM
It's all about a "living" wage.
The true method of checking the economy is to measure the happiness of your middle of the road working girl.
I'm not talking about the $1k an hour girl who pisses on money market managers. I'm talking average, $300 an hour girl. If her business is good then the economy is good.

11-20-2009, 03:58 AM
Recessions are part of our economic cycle,

Recessions are an artefact of fractional reserve banking. It's an entirely artificial construct that could be rectified- but a fundamental reconstuction of the banking system would be required and bankers would loose money, so nothing happens.

Precisely! Now tell me: how do you feel about Ron Paul? :rock2


11-20-2009, 04:05 AM
yo who the fuck revives old threads.FAIL!

11-20-2009, 06:04 AM

11-20-2009, 06:06 AM

11-20-2009, 11:54 PM
Recessions are part of our economic cycle,

Recessions are an artefact of fractional reserve banking. It's an entirely artificial construct that could be rectified- but a fundamental reconstuction of the banking system would be required and bankers would loose money, so nothing happens.

Precisely! Now tell me: how do you feel about Ron Paul? :rock2


Ron who? :wink: He's right in principle, but returning to the gold standard wont work. You really need to abholish charging interest and create a currency that dosen't represent debt. You can't do that without nationalising banks so that wont fly in the US.