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View Full Version : Going Away with my girl!

10-11-2005, 05:52 AM
I'm in the process of booking a weekend a weekend to go away with my girl. I'm a little nervous as it is the first "coupley" thing we've done.

We're going to spend a weekend in New Hope, PA at a bed and breakfast.

Any Advice from those who have dated Ts's?

Here's a pic...

10-11-2005, 05:57 AM
if you want my opinion, based on the pic, i'd ask her to marry you

10-11-2005, 06:00 AM
I've thought about it. I love spending time with her, she's great.

10-11-2005, 06:02 AM
I'm just happy that she still talks to me...

10-11-2005, 06:04 AM

10-11-2005, 06:05 AM

10-11-2005, 06:10 AM
my recomendation is to tell her that you would slide down a fifty foot razor blade into a pool of hot alcohol to spend the rest of your life with her

10-11-2005, 06:20 AM
Johnb, as great as that may sound, I'm a bit adverse to dirty razor blades. But I may eventually tell her how I feel. Actually I have tried but she doesn't totally get it. I'll keep trying.

10-11-2005, 06:27 AM
keep in mind tgirllover, there is no such thing as success, and there is no such thing as failure...everything is a learning experience. the only way to learn is to keep trying...good luck, i wish you the best

10-11-2005, 08:56 AM
Wow, the "weekend getaway" with a special TS. What fun! I've done that a few times, and have had the time of my life.

My advice, just have fun, and take it all in (no pun intended). Make a memory. Take pics. Enjoy eachother.

Is she your girlfriend???


10-11-2005, 11:35 AM
But I may eventually tell her how I feel. Actually I have tried but she doesn't totally get it. I'll keep trying.

Take it easy with the promises of undying love. Girls don't like to be rushed. You go "My God you're lovely, I'll love you forever," and she goes, "How does he know that? We hardly even know each other. What happens when he finds out about???????(Insert her pet insecurity of the month)" Then she starts wondering about _your_ motives.

Put another way: You're in heaven cause you have met this beautiful girl and you're having a great time and you never want it to stop. Your delight in her easily overwhelms any shortcomings she has (and she's human, so she has 'em.) She, on the other hand, is wondering "How can he love someone like me? Must be something wrong with him, or he wants something." Get used to it.

Women are choosy and they need love to be demonstrated over time. They know men are big liars and they understand the difference between sex and love much better then we do. Don't forget the flowers and the dinners, the birthdays and stuff. Compliment her on something several times a day, and mean it. You know, clothes, perfume, hair, her paintings, whatever. Show her you care enough to notice. Treat her like a lady. She's gone to quite an effort to become one, you'd better appreciate it.

Good luck, she certainly is cute. R

10-11-2005, 12:26 PM
Umm, TgirlloverinPA...

I think Ruby actually frequents this forum...

I wish you both the best. She's truly beautiful.

10-11-2005, 02:59 PM
Umm, TgirlloverinPA...

I think Ruby actually frequents this forum...

LOL Oh dear. Well TgilrloverinPA better git his ass down the florist/chocolaterie/perfume store on his way home then.
R :roll:

10-12-2005, 05:16 AM

You want to look back on this with no regrets. Walk with her. Hold her hand. Have fun. I've been to New Hope - great place. Don't focus on others... have lunch and dinner out. And try the hot sauces at the hot sauce house. That'll have you laughing and crying at the same time.

10-12-2005, 06:26 AM
Damn, you're dating Ruby??
Not bad...nice catch. I've never dated a TS but I've dated a few GG's and if it's anything like that then I'd suggest you just be yourself. Show her lots of attention, but don't try TOO hard. Maybe buy a trinket or two to remind her of the great weekend and the hot sex you had during it.

Good luck

10-12-2005, 06:33 AM
Treat her like you would a GG. Do regular things, take her out in public. People usually don't say anything, they might "look" for a second too long, just enough to make you feel a little twinge of "they know." After you get a few of those, you'll be cool.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out. You got a good catch there, she seems really cool.

10-13-2005, 05:48 AM
LG, I know she does. We've known each other for a few years. We get along very well. I moved away from NYC and have been promising her something like this for a while.