View Full Version : The MJ Controversy...............

06-26-2009, 08:43 PM
I'm making this thread because there's 4 or 5 other threads pertaining to MJ and it's a pain in the ass to keep up with them all. So all of you that enjoy those threads, by all means keep writing in them.
If you want to talk about how you think he died, feel free to join this one:

I'll keep this short and to the point

Demerol on a daily basis and the physician is missing as of 6/26.

06-26-2009, 08:52 PM
I'm making this thread because there's 4 or 5 other threads pertaining to MJ and it's a pain in the ass to keep up with them all. So all of you that enjoy those threads, by all means keep writing in them.
If you want to talk about how you think he died, feel free to join this one:

I'll keep this short and to the point

Demerol on a daily basis and the physician is missing as of 6/26.
basically white michael was a addict- dude was using a powerful drug.

06-26-2009, 10:02 PM
I don't get this with celebrities. My wife is prescribed a quantitiy of 90 Vicodin after being released from the hospital on hospital stationary. The pharmacy declines filling it until they could confirm it with the physican fearing a state and DEA audit. A prescription that my mom was taking for nearly 30 years suddenly gets her physician visited by the authorities after a tip-off from a pharmacy. Same dosage over the years by several physicans and he gets nailed big time. My wife lives in chronic pain and I have to take her to an out-of-network pain mananagement physician that plays a cute once-a-month visit/ one refill game and performs nonsensical diagnostics to cover his ass to keep the state/DEA from giving him a hard time. Heck you can't find a doctor that is willing to give you any type of effective pain medication b/c the fear of the authorities. The bar is so low that they investigate physicians that prescribe over the average. Sure, most physicians are running so scared that they won't prescribe and defer you to a pain management group. Average folk are living with unnecessary pain while the rich and famous are being marinated in narcotics. What gives? How do these celebrity physicians get away with this without raising a flag? MJ runs up a tab of over $100,000 of painkillers with a local pharmacy and they have to take him to court and sue him for their money? We've seen this over and over again with the with the "Beautiful People" such as Anna Nicole Smith. The average person will get his ass thrown in jail just for going to two physicans at the same time to get scrips for the same drug and the pharmacies networked computer system will not only catch it, they are obligated to report it.

This can't happen to the average guy. It's nearly impossible. Why do the authorities seemingly look the other way with celebrities?

Solitary Brother
06-26-2009, 10:27 PM
This doctor is fucked....he is going to jail.

06-26-2009, 11:16 PM
Deepak is on CNN right now. He should name the other doctors who are doing this concierge bullshit. Not all physicians in Hollywood are bad, but I mean this idiot attempted CPR on mattress. Cmon

06-26-2009, 11:35 PM
I believe he was so depressed because of his half a billion dollar debt.

06-26-2009, 11:46 PM
well this has been a controversy that hasn't been revisited for a long time, but let me say...

1. I think MJ can fly, I think they shown he stays in the air a split second longer when he slam dunks

2. Yea he probably should have retired in 1998 and forgot about returning to basketball and joining the no name Wizards.

06-26-2009, 11:58 PM
I believe he was so depressed because of his half a billion dollar debt.
I think it may have been suicide. I also think it may have been as much related to the pedophilia as it was to financial worries.

06-27-2009, 12:11 AM
The doctor that was with him is named Conrad Murray. They towed his car from Jacksons house so that they can go through it. Yea... he's screwed.

06-27-2009, 12:23 AM
He's not dead.
He got sick of the bullshit, faked his own death, and moved in with Elvis.

Someone had to! :shrug

06-27-2009, 12:51 AM
Deepak is on CNN right now. He should name the other doctors who are doing this concierge bullshit. Not all physicians in Hollywood are bad, but I mean this idiot attempted CPR on mattress. Cmontemperpedic one at that :shock:

06-27-2009, 01:09 AM
He's not dead.
He got sick of the bullshit, faked his own death, and moved in with Elvis.

Someone had to! :shrug
Does Jim Morrison live in the basement apartment?

06-27-2009, 01:38 AM
[quote="joeym75ld"][quote="Jericho"]He's not dead.
He got sick of the bullshit, faked his own death, and moved in with Elvis.

lol :lol:

06-27-2009, 02:02 AM
He's not dead.
He got sick of the bullshit, faked his own death, and moved in with Elvis.

Someone had to! :shrug
Does Jim Morrison live in the basement apartment?

That's just fukkin disrespectful. SMH!
Jim lives in the attic! :P

06-27-2009, 02:19 AM
He's not dead.
He got sick of the bullshit, faked his own death, and moved in with Elvis.

Someone had to! :shrug
Does Jim Morrison live in the basement apartment?

That's just fukkin disrespectful. SMH!
Jim lives in the attic! :P
I apologize to you and the highly respected Mr. Morrison.
I was not suggesting that Jim was freeloading in the basement apartment in a manner similar to many of the posters on this forum, but rather that he was laying low down there. You're right, an attic apartment a la Greg Brady is much cooler and fits with Jim's style.

06-27-2009, 02:22 AM
He's not dead.
He got sick of the bullshit, faked his own death, and moved in with Elvis.

Someone had to! :shrug
Does Jim Morrison live in the basement apartment?

That's just fukkin disrespectful. SMH!
Jim lives in the attic! :P
I apologize to you and the highly respected Mr. Morrison.
I was not suggesting that Jim was freeloading in the basement apartment in a manner similar to many of the posters on this forum, but rather that he was laying low down there. You're right, an attic apartment a la Greg Brady is much cooler and fits with Jim's style.

Well that's ok then! :lol:

06-27-2009, 03:53 AM
Due to the fact that michael jackson is 99% plastic he will be melted down and turned into leggos so kids can play with him for a change........

In honor of Michael Jackson passing away, Mcdonald's is introducing the MJ Burger...50 year old meat between 10 year old buns...

:D :D :D

07-02-2009, 09:43 PM
This is getting weirder. Propofol is an induction sedative. This isn't general anesthesia, this is what's used to initally put you under and then maintained with other drugs. You don't get this at a pharmacy, hell you have to be an anesthestiologist in a hospital to sign this stuff out. No RN,GP/PCP,or specialist can justify obtaining it short of a hospital or surgery center. There has to be either some heavy strings pulled with a hospital pharmacy, distributor or outright theft for someone to get their hands on it. If they found lidocaine and IV equipment, something tells me that they're specifically looking for an anesthesiologist or someone very intimately involved with anesthesiology. Yet if someone trained was doing this, then they certainly would understand the interactions with other narcotics and carefully monitor the vitals during induction. Word is his entire ass/body was a pincusion. Try to explain how any health professional can miss that without asking questions. What about the demerol and other drugs that were supplied under aliases? The drug store didn't know? I can't even pick up a prescription that I pay for completely without verifying my phone,address,and identity to the satisfaction of the pharmacy clerk by law just to make sure I'm the proper recipient of the meds to cover the pharmacy's ass. If LAPD has called in the DEA, I'll be besides myself if there's not a lot of heads rolling and licenses revoked. If they shake the tree, there's no way that lots of other Hollywood beautiful people and power brokers aren't going to be exposed....or not. If not, too many people in high places with connections managed to shut down the investigation and they'll probably end up burning some low level pharmacy techs/workers to show they did something.

Quiet Reflections
07-02-2009, 09:48 PM
This is getting weirder. Propofol is an induction sedative. This isn't general anesthesia, this is what's used to initally put you under and then maintained with other drugs. You don't get this at a pharmacy, hell you have to be an anesthestiologist in a hospital to sign this stuff out. No RN,GP/PCP,or specialist can justify obtaining it short of a hospital or surgery center. There has to be either some heavy strings pulled with a hospital pharmacy, distributor or outright theft for someone to get their hands on it. If they found lidocaine and IV equipment, something tells me that they're specifically looking for an anesthesiologist or someone very intimately involved with anesthesiology. Yet if someone trained was doing this, then they certainly would understand the interactions with other narcotics and carefully monitor the vitals during induction. Word is his entire ass/body was a pincusion. Try to explain how any health professional can miss that without asking questions. What about the demerol and other drugs that were supplied under aliases? The drug store didn't know? I can't even pick up a prescription that I pay for completely without verifying my phone,address,and identity to the satisfaction of the pharmacy clerk by law just to make sure I'm the proper recipient of the meds to cover the pharmacy's ass. If LAPD has called in the DEA, I'll be besides myself if there's not a lot of heads rolling and licenses revoked. If they shake the tree, there's no way that lots of other Hollywood beautiful people and power brokers aren't going to be exposed....or not. If not, too many people in high places with connections managed to shut down the investigation and they'll probably end up burning some low level pharmacy techs/workers to show they did something.
Hes was probably getting form out of the country

07-03-2009, 12:10 AM
How'd he die? What can I say? The brighter a star burns the faster it burns out.

A few days before I died I heard a report on the radio where he said he did not feel healthy enough to do 50 concerts. He worked hard on his music all his life.

Add to that he had vitiligo and lupus (diagnosed since about 88 or 89) god knows what else could have been going on with him. The lupus could have came out of remission.

Either one of those things, may not have killed him but the combination... deadly.

The drugs a red herring.

07-03-2009, 12:40 AM
Probably a bad combination of drugs plus underlying poor health, but I don't really know. I guess the story will come out eventually.