View Full Version : Ladies - Are you Lonely???

Danielle Foxx
06-24-2009, 05:37 PM
Hello Ladies,

You know those days when even if you have someone in your life you feel alone? Do you feel like there's no man/woman out there who has all of the great things you need in life? Security, stability, love, commitment, respect, understanding?

I can imagine a few reasons why after 33 years of life I still have not been able to find my soul mate, that's even if he is out there.

Sometimes my days are consumed with the need to feel cared for, loved, held... At times I try and replace that need by sleeping with random men, or making the excuse and placing my escorting add up. I feel that I must get that human interaction one way or another.

I am not the kind of woman who can just settle for some user, scum, abusive man just because I feel empty inside at times, however I think that my sex addiction reflects that emptiness I have in my heart.

My past is filled with dark pages that seem to be bookmarked, preventing me to simply move on to the next chapter. It is a horrible feeling to try and lead a functional productive life pushing these issues aside, having to deal with people. Aside from daily responsibilities this seems as another task for most part, only adding to the weight in my mind.

It is also extremely hard to live up to people's expectations of what we all should be. Happy, productive, strong... and yet we are the only ones who truly know how difficult it really is to just get out of bed and confront the world with our chins up, knowing that in one slip we could be facing oppression. If we only let our guards down for just one bit someone can simply come in and take our last bit of dignity.

I often get asked why I am still single. I don't say this to sound cocky, but as a fact.

My answer to that is very complicated but my inability to trust in combination with the unfortunate flaws of my existence are a lethal combination for most "normal" people to deal with.

I recently met a guy. A plumber, he was working on the building next door. I am not a superficial girl. I even dated a guy with no job once... Talk about standards...

He is so handsome, yet normal. Not what you would expect a typical handsome man to look like, but someone "normal" looking. We flirted for 2 weeks and eventually we kissed and did some oral play. I didn't tell him I was born a male, but forgot about the fact that I am a public figure. He did some internet research and called me.

He proceeds to tell me what a horrible person I am. Asking me if I had HIV and if he had any reason to worry about his life. He called me a conniving, deceitful human being who robbed him of his choice, of his man hood. He said that if he would have known he would have never been with me because he is not gay. He said i was a horrible person, that I should have told him I was a man.

Truth is, I don't feel like a man, I know I am not a genetic female but it is difficult to have this need of wanting to be seen as how you feel on the inside. I just wanted that need fulfilled for once. I wanted to feel like the girl I am, the girl I wish I was born.

It is a fact that people change once they know your " T ". They tell you it doesn't matter, however the change in their treatment of you seems as if you have a physical deformity or some form of retardation, which is how I feel at times. Like someone who is psychologically flawed as opposed to a functioning human being. People's view of transsexuals is not of the trans lawyer who fights for TG rights. Or the likes of Dr. Marcy Bowers, or my ex therapist who used to be a porn actress herself, or many other exemplary TG people. They see us as sub-human.

I sometimes lay my head on my pillow at night and wonder if life would have been easier if I was born a genetic female. Would I have all the psychological issues I have now? Where would I be? Married? With a house and a family? Taking care of my husband and kids? Would my parents be happier? Could I just then live a normal life?

Yeah, it is lonely ladies. But I know that I am not the only one who feels this way...

Please share your thoughts...


06-24-2009, 05:55 PM
Danielle, the plumber sounds like an asshole.

Sorry you are feeling down right now. I don't get lonely very much as I'm constantly surrounded by friends and lovers, being queer means having a family. But even when I'm surrounded by friends and lovers, I feel feelings of distance and isolation, which I attribute to my past experiences both as a TS and as a hooker. I can be in a room full of people who love me, and still feel completely alone in this world. When I feel that way I just go with it, let the feelings happen, smoke a spliff, drink a beer, go outside, whatever it takes to ride out feelings of depression.

Danielle Foxx
06-24-2009, 06:02 PM
Danielle, the plumber sounds like an asshole.

Sorry you are feeling down right now. I don't get lonely very much as I'm constantly surrounded by friends and lovers, being queer means having a family. But even when I'm surrounded by friends and lovers, I feel feelings of distance and isolation, which I attribute to my past experiences both as a TS and as a hooker. I can be in a room full of people who love me, and still feel completely alone in this world. When I feel that way I just go with it, let the feelings happen, smoke a spliff, drink a beer, go outside, whatever it takes to ride out feelings of depression.

So is the definition of "Queer" anyone who does not conform to the norm? What does being Queer mean to you Mandy?

06-24-2009, 06:04 PM
I'm not a lady but i'm lonely too. I wanted to answer in part because it is because of you Danielle that i learned that tgirls are whom i have always been attracted to. Taking care of my grandmother and work dont give me time to date or even go out ... not that i'd find who i want around here. I have found a girl here that i talk to alot and have fallen in love with. Being lonely is normal and i imagine is much harder for you but if you get into a relationship do so for the right reasons.Thank you Danielle

06-24-2009, 06:23 PM
I'm thinking the guy probably already knew who you were boo and just wanted to unload on you because of a guilty conscious he had.. why or who the hell else go looking for women they've fucked online to see who they are like they're going to actually find them unless they know what kind of work they did?

06-24-2009, 06:26 PM
Drock has a point there.

06-24-2009, 06:30 PM
So is the definition of "Queer" anyone who does not conform to the norm? What does being Queer mean to you Mandy?

Its a good question. Queer to me involves a rejection of gender roles and stereotypes as well as an interest in fucking people of the same sex. It's kind of hard to explain, but it exists. You've met alot of my queer friends in SF, or at least you've done there makeup. Trying to imagine a world that doesn't have such stark lines around gender roles and sexuality.

06-24-2009, 06:40 PM
Before Tgirls i was confused beyond words. I like GGs but i never really got aroused and i have no attraction to men at all. I thought i would always be alone and never find happiness , then one day i saw Danielles pics ... then i saw nude pics and the rest is history. Now i'm happy and pursuing love. Danielle i am sure that you have a soulmate out there and that they feel the same as you. :)

06-24-2009, 06:42 PM
I think at times everyone regardless of relationaship or not everyone does feel lonely. I am in a relationship now and I love this woman. I really do she is a great person she makes me feel good and i can honestly say that this is the first woman who has ever put up with my shit. I feel that we both balance eachother out but there are times when i feel alone. She gets moody and irritable. I feel like I can never get whats going on inside her head. It could be my own insecurities but i feel that each time she gets into her mood she pushes me further and further away from her. I would one day love to make this woman my wife and raise a family with her. But Danielle you need to understand that it would be hard for the average joe to see what a great person you are. I met you briefly at one of allanah's parties and u seemed like a great person. I am a big believer that everything comes with time. There will be a guy that respects you for who your are and the struggles in your life that made you the person you are today. I feel very similar to you and i understand where you are coming from. Stay strong

06-24-2009, 06:50 PM


Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 07:01 PM
Danielle, I fucking love you for being yourself. :) Kudos to you for sharing your feelings with us, as poignantly as ever.

I'll comment more directly later. But since I actually summed up many of my thoughts and feelings on the topic of "love" and "soulmates" yesterday, I'm going to copy and paste that here first. A pretty young tranny, just starting out, wrote me a very flattering and flirtatious letter on MySpace yesterday, after I told her that I feel, for me, all indications point to a LTR with a man. Here was my reply.

Basic animal attraction, combined with all the psycho-sexual bells and whistles, indicates that my soulmate is a gorgeous man with money to burn.

I'm always up to for changing my mind if there's a genuine reason to. But... how can I put this? ... I feel safe and protected in a man's big strong arms at the end of the day. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's that feeling which I crave the most. The truly intoxicating feeling, which I crave the most is actually submission. I am 99% dominant with men, because most of them don't have the power to keep my interest. Therefore, money becomes huge part of the equation. Money literally turns me on, because it becomes an extension of the "big strong arm". And I'm not one bit ashamed of that. Because what it comes down to is power.

Power, for me, is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

I also feel that GGs are always subconsciously patronizing me, no matter how genuine their intentions are. Now, I will admit that mild insecurity probably plays a part in that. So only the intellectual side of me can deal with that feeling. The emotional side is a little less strong.

But here's what my nagging suspicion is; that ultimately, the only person who will truly love and appreciate me is another TS. Because ultimately a real man will never accept an infertile woman. To them I will always be "less than" as well. So maybe, just maybe, it will be a TS.

But TRUST is such a major issue for me,that a TS, or whomever, would have to be an exceptional person, with a high caliber of character. A very tall order indeed, but perhaps the only one worth placing. I dunno. Ultimately, I never say "never". lol

Oh, and yes, I do the Eros thang as well. You should tour down here some time, mama, and you can make some of that outta town coin. Maybe I'll even drive up there some time soon, to do the same thing.

Anyway, gotta run for now but ttyl.



Danielle Foxx
06-24-2009, 07:10 PM
BTW Nicole, you are blossoming incredibly - I am very impressed with how you have kept your head high and continued on your path even in the dark eyes of criticism. I admire your strength and your are looking lovelier then ever!

You inspire me!


Much love sis

06-24-2009, 07:13 PM
Danielle. Do you not think it would be much easier to find your soulmate if you were not -currently, I am not talking about your past- so involved in the porn industry?

This industry seems to attract absolute greed, and, dare I say, not always the best characters...nor soul fulfilling lifetime realizations.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-24-2009, 07:18 PM
The KEY to being Happy is to live your life the way you want to! Being single sure does have its lonely moments but that's perfectly ok too because there are tons of single people out there. Out there looking for the same things we all are searching for.

I've had troubles trusting men. Because at such an early age I saw/witness how my dad womanizes and cheat on my mom. I really didn't understand it. I've been in and out of relationships because sometimes it just feels like "Is this really going anywhere?", "Would my love for him make him quit drinking or taking drugs?" "Would rehab make him a better man?"..If the baggage out weight the pros then I let go. It's simply not worth it to pursue even a day!

I personally prefer to be alone than be with someone who irritates me and make me feel unhappy. At least, If I was unhappy, I wouldn't have anyone else to blame but myself. Like you, I don't and won't settle for anything less..much like everybody it seems these days.

Searching for that special someone is now taking me about 6 years..don't sweat it! Find Mr. Right now and who knows, maybe the 'now' part would drop eventually. And you'll have your Mr. Right! ;)



06-24-2009, 07:49 PM
We've got a bitter hater here. I think that's pretty obvious.
Quit talking about yourself in the third person sweet cheeks.

06-24-2009, 07:49 PM
Danielle,, It's funny that you mention this, a few days ago i posted a blog on my Myspace about something so similar....It is called LONELY IN A CROWDED ROOM[/b]..:As crazy as it seems, it does happen. You go out to mingle with friends, have a few drinks laugh remminess on old times, giggle at certain charcaters of the night and prance around. , making eye contact with certain indiviuals who happen to catch your eye and you know the rest. .....
But tonight I felt so , I dunno, outta place. I felt as I was in a place where I didn't belong, I
felt extremely lonely in a crowded place , sure I got the usual " your So pretty compliments, the infamous winks from across the room from certain guys trying to add me to his notch in his bedpost.....I was not about to surcome to their advances of sexual thrills....I want more MUCH MORE!..... But how
with all this attention do you feel like your invisable ? Like your just visable to the certain people you don't want to attract. While your friends are dancing to the booming music, and others welcoming Whatever or whomever comes their way, making their plans to conquest their sexual escapades . I was not about to, I found a little spot to myself for few moments, where I can escape , and be even more invisable than I already felt, where I can tune in and inspect this
fasade and desperation that I was seeing . Was I desperate aswell???....Of course not, otherwise I would of been swept up by one of these characters. who are waiting to sink their teeth into me..... Not me! I was on the verge to ditch my friends and go home, where everything felt familar, and where I can be alone ,,,,,, really!

06-24-2009, 07:51 PM
lucky he didnt snap

06-24-2009, 07:51 PM
1st off honest or not those types of replies wont be tolerated............wtf

2nd: look ladies..........................
there's alot of good guys out there, unfortunately alot of you happen to get hit on or HIT on some of the bad ones, and often the good guys get categorized in with "the fools"

keep looking......... it's a big fuckin planet and there's guys out there who are thr right one(s) for many of you.....

there's also the fact that sometimes you have to mold a boy into the man you expect to rest your head on. GG's have been doing this for centuries, you're no different.

06-24-2009, 07:52 PM
For a man to beat up a tgirl to "reclaim his manhood" and show he's not gay, to me that makes him less than a man. But they get away w/ it all the time.

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 08:03 PM
BTW Nicole, you are blossoming incredibly - I am very impressed with how you have kept your head high and continued on your path even in the dark eyes of criticism. I admire your strength and your are looking lovelier then ever!

You inspire me!


Much love sisThank you, girl. You know you've always been a big inspiration to me, so I'm very flattered to hear you say so.

Much love right back to you, mama!



Solitary Brother
06-24-2009, 08:06 PM
What I am getting from you is that your unhappy with yourself and are looking to other people or other "things" for validation.
Thats what I am getting from you.
You have to be realist.....
The lifestyle of a porn star doesnt prepare you for when you are not one.
Not too many guys would think having a relationship with an ex pornstar to be an attractive option.
Im not saying its fair or right but it is what it is.
Plus being transgendered is hard enough but when you have done a lot of porn movies and escorted on top of that it make is really hard to find someone.
Your potential pool of guys ISNT that big because of some of the choices YOU made.
I could see LOTS of guys going for you IF you didnt have your former career hanging over your head because your so beautiful and undetectable.
Think about this though.....this guy is going to go through SO MUCH shit because your a very well known pornstar and lots of guys watch porn.
So your choices are a bit truncated.
You have to be realistic and that is something that most of your girls arent you want your cake and eat it too.....youve been having that way for so long.
Im just being real with you Danielle.

You have accomplished so much already....
You were born a boy and now your a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!
Doing that is REALLY tough and you should be proud.
But dont think your owed anything or your being persecuted because your
You have to be honest with YOURSELF first and start from there.

Good luck to you in your future endeavors.

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 08:15 PM
We've got a bitter hater here. I think that's pretty obvious.
Quit talking about yourself in the third person sweet cheeks.

You are my bitch. Bow, and suck the DONG.

06-24-2009, 08:18 PM
We've got a bitter hater here. I think that's pretty obvious.
Quit talking about yourself in the third person sweet cheeks.

You are my bitch. Bow, and suck the DONG.


06-24-2009, 08:20 PM
I think there are many great men out there, but a lot of men can't ever accept a womans past. Escorting and porn.....there are very few that will view this as just your past. Its just hard for a man to know that he has something that another man paid for and then the social stigma of who you are. The 'pornstar fame' and what not are all deflectors for many men. I hope you find the happiness you deserve Danielle, from meeting you, you are very fun and a sweet lady. You are obviously intelligent, beautiful, and longing for change and value in your life. Hopefully a man out there will recognize this in you!

However on the not telling him what you once were, is a personal choice. But you should want to be with a man that knows all your past and accepts it all, because then if you don't its based on a weak foundation that will just crumble. You will tie yourself up into feelings that would of never been there if he would of known from the start. You are playing with a game of win and lose, and the outcome most of the time is you lose. You are setting yourself up for failure my dear.

From dating my boyfriend he taught me how to be completely honest and if the person doesn't like it from the first time talking they can move on or choose to stay. That way there are no surprises, you dont waste time, and no true feelings are invested. On our first conversation he told me everything about his past etc, I told him most of mine but I left out that I have dabbled in escorting here and there. He found out and was very mad, but luckily he forgave me. He told me if he would of known from the start that I escorted we would not be dating and we would not still be talking. I told him my whole past, pleading for him to forgive me. How I ashamed of myself I am, and how it made me feel when I did it. I told him the reasons I did it (surgeries) it was very freeing. It taught me from now on to be honest a 100 percent, because skeletons pop up always! Now he knows everything about me and I think we are moving on and moving forward with no secrets. Thats the kind of love everyone should have!

Porn has given me many things in life, its helped me transition. It's helped me to have the option to go back to school, and other financial oppurtunities. For me though the social stigma that comes with it is almost not worth it. Some may view that as weak of me, however the being recognized in public, and the pre-judgements that you go through have made me very depressed myself and I sometimes can't deal. Its the reason I have been on hiatus for the extent I have been on. I get emotional when I go on a set. So I feel you Danielle in many ways. Sometimes I think to myself I would of rather stayed with out surgeries than have led a life of porn and sex, then other days I thank my lucky stars for the things it has brought me. The social relationships and romantic relationships are when I regret it most. It just kills your heart when someone doesn't see you for who you really are, and they only see the 'pornstar' before them and the person they think you are. I only wish you the best Danielle! You know that!



06-24-2009, 08:21 PM
Nicole, as much as I adore you this thread isn't about you, it's about Danielle. As my previous comment was deleted allow me to rephrase.

Danielle, you are lucky that he only bitched you out over the phone and didn't physically harm you. There are men, one in CO actually, who will beat a girl to death when they find out she was born a man. Honesty is always a good policy, or if you're going to lie make sure he can't google the lie and find you out (I assume you told him your porn name for some silly reason)

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 08:34 PM
Nicole, as much as I adore you this thread isn't about you, it's about Danielle. As my previous comment was deleted allow me to rephrase.

Danielle, you are lucky that he only bitched you out over the phone and didn't physically harm you. There are men, one in CO actually, who will beat a girl to death when they find out she was born a man. Honesty is always a good policy, or if you're going to lie make sure he can't google the lie and find you out (I assume you told him your porn name for some silly reason)

How would you know how lucky she is, sociopath?

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 08:37 PM
This guy's agenda is interesting. He's an HD guy for sure, and has issues with everyone but his own forum's queen.

06-24-2009, 08:39 PM
Nicole, as much as I adore you this thread isn't about you, it's about Danielle. As my previous comment was deleted allow me to rephrase.

Danielle, you are lucky that he only bitched you out over the phone and didn't physically harm you. There are men, one in CO actually, who will beat a girl to death when they find out she was born a man. Honesty is always a good policy, or if you're going to lie make sure he can't google the lie and find you out (I assume you told him your porn name for some silly reason)

How would you know how lucky she is, sociopath?
Put down the pipe Nicole and slowly walk away. Let me explain it again so that maybe this time you'll understand.

Danielle, you are lucky that he only bitched you out over the phone and didn't physically harm you. There are men, one in CO actually, who will beat a girl to death when they find out she was born a man.

Read that again and then tell me if you still don't understand. She wasn't physically harmed and for that she is lucky.

06-24-2009, 08:42 PM
Nicole, as much as I adore you this thread isn't about you, it's about Danielle. As my previous comment was deleted allow me to rephrase.

Danielle, you are lucky that he only bitched you out over the phone and didn't physically harm you. There are men, one in CO actually, who will beat a girl to death when they find out she was born a man. Honesty is always a good policy, or if you're going to lie make sure he can't google the lie and find you out (I assume you told him your porn name for some silly reason)

How would you know how lucky she is, sociopath?
Put down the pipe Nicole and slowly walk away. Let me explain it again so that maybe this time you'll understand.

Danielle, you are lucky that he only bitched you out over the phone and didn't physically harm you. There are men, one in CO actually, who will beat a girl to death when they find out she was born a man.

Read that again and then tell me if you still don't understand. She wasn't physically harmed and for that she is lucky.

I watched that court case and what's interesting about the Colorado guy is that for someone who didn't know she was transgendered he sure did go to govt. officiated buildings with her weeks before..........

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 08:43 PM
Read that again and then tell me if you still don't understand. She wasn't physically harmed and for that she is lucky.I can read, Jason, and I question why you made the association. You made a point with your deleted post, so don't try insulting our intelligence. You're "courage" bs was just as transparent.

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 08:46 PM
Put down the pipe Nicole and slowly walk away. Let me explain it again so that maybe this time you'll understand.
Go back to posting more of those old Yum pics. You're boring us now.

06-24-2009, 08:50 PM
Danielle, i can completely understand what you are saying. you see, im in a dilema too. all the guys that want a relationship with me just dont meet my standards in the looks department. they have money but i just dont love them. all the guys that do meet my standards, and want a relationship, have NOTHING! going for themself. its a hell of a search and im sure you know of my past deceit in the w4m advertising. they just dont see us the same when they know the T. its HEARTBREAKING. if you wanna talk you know how to reach me.

06-24-2009, 08:53 PM
Love is about acceptance , and sometimes compromise.

Solitary Brother
06-24-2009, 08:56 PM
Danielle, i can completely understand what you are saying. you see, im in a dilema too. all the guys that want a relationship with me just dont meet my standards in the looks department. they have money but i just dont love them. all the guys that do meet my standards, and want a relationship, have NOTHING! going for themself. its a hell of a search and im sure you know of my past deceit in the w4m advertising. they just dont see us the same when they know the T. its HEARTBREAKING. if you wanna talk you know how to reach me.

Like I said in my earlier post.....be realistic.
If you not attracted to the guy that actually LIKES YOU then dont complain about your "friends with benefits".
Transexuals are SO superficial it isnt even funny....AND you all dont see yourselves as you really are.
I get tired of the complaining because you girls are around and have access to LOTS of guys so the problem must be you.

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 08:57 PM
all the guys that want a relationship with me just dont meet my standards in the looks department. they have money but i just dont love them. all the guys that do meet my standards, and want a relationship, have NOTHING! going for themself. its a hell of a search .

I want a successful artist type. I don't want a boring old man with money. Maybe he's a needle in a hay stack, but I'm in no hurry. Relationships always distract me from working on my own shit anyway. My friends are the best, and that's what I'm thankful for.

06-24-2009, 09:00 PM
STFU Nicole

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 09:00 PM
Like I said in my earlier post.....be realistic.
If you not attracted to the guy that actually LIKES YOU then dont complain about your "friends with benefits".
Transexuals are SO superficial it isnt even funny....AND you all dont see yourselves as you really are.
I get tired of the complaining because you girls are around and have access to LOTS of guys so the problem must be you.

Please. You can't even keep up with a heavy bag in an empty lot. How the fuck are you gonna keep up with a tranny? Plus, you've revealed your sexual hangups left and right. You're no prize, Holmes. And I don't mean "Larry".lol

06-24-2009, 09:05 PM
now im not trying to sound picky, picky, picky or picky, but peronality just isnt EVERYTHING. even guys agree.

Solitary Brother
06-24-2009, 09:06 PM
Like I said in my earlier post.....be realistic.
If you not attracted to the guy that actually LIKES YOU then dont complain about your "friends with benefits".
Transexuals are SO superficial it isnt even funny....AND you all dont see yourselves as you really are.
I get tired of the complaining because you girls are around and have access to LOTS of guys so the problem must be you.

Please. You can't even keep up with a heavy bag in an empty lot. How the fuck are you gonna keep up with a tranny? Plus, you've revealed your sexual hangups left and right. You're no prize, Holmes. And I don't mean "Larry".lol

I havent giving them the option.....so you shouldnt be upset.
After all the guys you girls sleep with there should at least be one or two "keepers".
Like I said the problem is you.

06-24-2009, 09:09 PM
lord the drama going on in this thread.........

06-24-2009, 09:14 PM
now im not trying to sound picky, picky, picky or picky, but peronality just isnt EVERYTHING. even guys agree.

But a great personality helps. If i had a choice between a gorgeous tgirl w/ no personality or a homely Tgirl who has a great personality ... I'd go for homely. Beauty fades

06-24-2009, 09:16 PM
now im not trying to sound picky, picky, picky or picky, but peronality just isnt EVERYTHING. even guys agree.

But a great personality helps. If i had a choice between a gorgeous tgirl w/ no personality or a homely Tgirl who has a great personality ... I'd go for homely. Beauty fades and there are surgeries to fix ugly lol

06-24-2009, 09:21 PM
WOW :roll:

06-24-2009, 09:21 PM
Hi Kelly , Good one lol

06-24-2009, 09:22 PM
a man with extensive cosmetic surgeries is not for me.

06-24-2009, 09:23 PM
a man with surgeries is not for me.I guess I differ in that aspect I plan on staying young looking and better as I grow older, I hope my man feels the same way. Which mine does, and I am grateful for that. I believe in staying in shape, looking good, and staying healthy.

06-24-2009, 09:26 PM
a man with surgeries is not for me.I guess I differ in that aspect I plan on staying young looking and better as I grow older, I hope my man feels the same way. Which mine does, and I am grateful for that. I believe in staying in shape, looking good, and staying healthy. happy for you :D

06-24-2009, 09:29 PM
It's obvious though that Danielle has just not met the right guy yet to give her the attention and support she needs.

I think Danielle needs a trip over to this side of the pond!

06-24-2009, 09:33 PM
Danielle, you are lucky that he only bitched you out over the phone and didn't physically harm you. There are men, one in CO actually, who will beat a girl to death when they find out she was born a man. Honesty is always a good policy, or if you're going to lie make sure he can't google the lie and find you out (I assume you told him your porn name for some silly reason)

And there are guys who wouldn't "need" sexual contact to set them off violently like that.

It would be absurd to believe that every trans girl who is ever murdered, is murdered because she "tricked" the guy she was with.

Fact is, like it or not- a lot of the guys who commit these crimes fully knew the girl was trans and then either:

1- continued to date her, and then days/weeks later decided to kill her for whatever homophobic reasons
2- didn't get involved sexually or emotionally, but then decide to kill her anyway for sport thinking no one would ever care about it enough to send him to jail for it.

Every time a stranger "knows," the risk for violence goes up. Just look at the Angie Zapata case. Before the trial, everyone on here was talking about how she must have "tricked him and had it coming." But you know what? Everything about that case shows that the guy knew, and he knew for weeks on the day that he decided to kill her.

Then after he killed her, the psychopath stole all her credit cards, her blood stained purse, her cash, her car, and a list of other valuables and went on a week long shopping spree. Then to top it all off, he gave the blood stained purse to his GG girlfriend as a "romantic gift."

As Johnny wrote:

I watched that court case and what's interesting about the Colorado guy is that for someone who didn't know she was transgendered he sure did go to govt. officiated buildings with her weeks before..........

Yea that whole case reeked of stuff that just made the whole guy's argument sound more and more absurd.

The even more tragic part of the whole thing was that, at the trial, the defense were allowed to try to use transphobia to win the case.

They knew, KNEW that gay panic was going to be a stretch (given the reality of the case). So appealing to the belligerence & intolerance of the jury, the defense spent the entire case using the wrong name, the wrong pronouns, even going on long off topic tangents about whether or not she was born as a normal guy and what she was called at birth. They even managed to trip up some of the girl's family into using the wrong names & pronouns.

But, stretch or not- in these cases gay panic usually is successful. Juries give guys a get out of jail free card; all they have to do is LIE and say they were "tricked," and then they get off- regardless whether or not that's what really happened. The abnormality of the Angie Zapata case is that the guy was convicted. Usually this never happens; and the truly violent, transphobic guys out there know it.

Danielle,, It's funny that you mention this, a few days ago i posted a blog on my Myspace about something so similar....It is called LONELY IN A CROWDED ROOM[/b]..:[b]As crazy as it seems, it does happen. You go out to mingle with friends, have a few drinks laugh remminess on old times, giggle at certain charcaters of the night and prance around. , making eye contact with certain indiviuals who happen to catch your eye and you know the rest. .....
But tonight I felt so , I dunno, outta place. I felt as I was in a place where I didn't belong, I felt extremely lonely in a crowded place , sure I got the usual "

Oh I know this very well, I am a shy introvert in-person, which makes it very easy to become lonely in a crowded room, even if I know everyone in a room or at a party well.

But, I think personality isn't as important in situations like that as feeling like you have something in common with whatever crowd you're in. The more you feel like an outsider, the harder it is to interact. I loathe small talk with a huge passion, and so if I'm in a room with people with seemingly nothing at all to talk about, it just perpetuates the "well, I think I'll just sit here and watch what's on the tv over the bar." I know its usually more difficult for me to relate to people my age, that's why I usually only date older guys... and that's what a lot of loneliness is, not being able to relate to whoever you're with. It becomes "what can I talk about, that actually matters with this person," or even "can I trust him to talk about serious stuff?" The reason why I usually tell guys eventually in my relationships isn't because of safety fears, but because I want to be able to talk about literally any topic without worrying about it. It might only be something that comes up every 3-6 months or so (I mean really, how often do we talk about trans stuff in person?) but those moments can be important.

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 09:34 PM
now im not trying to sound picky, picky, picky or picky, but peronality just isnt EVERYTHING. even guys agree.

But a great personality helps. If i had a choice between a gorgeous tgirl w/ no personality or a homely Tgirl who has a great personality ... I'd go for homely. Beauty fades

Hmmm. I'm not into that 'one or the other' thinking. I can't see geting too comfortable with half of what I want. lol ;)

06-24-2009, 09:38 PM
We all want to find a balance of the two, I'm lucky the girl i love is gorgeous and has a great personality and sense of humor. :)

06-24-2009, 09:42 PM
We all want to find a balance of the two, I'm lucky the girl i love is gorgeous and has a great personality and sense of humor. :) happy for you :D

06-24-2009, 09:43 PM
:claps :claps :claps TO EVERYONE WHOS (NOT) LONELY... GOOD JOB :shock:

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 09:58 PM
:claps :claps :claps TO EVERYONE WHOS (NOT) LONELY... GOOD JOB :shock:


06-24-2009, 10:07 PM
Danielle,I feel the same way as you!! This has become such an issue for me especially recently for some reason.When I started my transition at 14,boys and stuff like that didn't seem to matter to me.I was happy with the girl I was becoming and all the changes in my life I was making.But as time went on and I still had nothing from guys,a thought crept into my mind...

"What is wrong with me?"

And that thought has been growing and magnifying everyday.I'm now 18,I've never had a boyfriend,I've never been kissed and I'm obviously a virgin completely 110%.I almost never get hit on either.
Obviously this has impacted my self esteem in a bad way,I don't find myself one bit pretty or desirable in any way.
I KNOW for a FACT that there is something wrong with me....how can no guy ever want to be with me?Even despite my situation...not even one?
The reactions I get from people when they find out that I'm helplessly,perpetually single and lonely are ridiculous too...

"Oh I'm sure you'll find the right guy someday"

"But your so beautiful....why havent you?"

I HATEEEE these reactions...NO i wont find the right guy,ever.And now I'm not beautiful in fact I'm hideous....if I was beautiful SOMEONE would've wanted me by now...even if it was just for sex or a hookup.
I'm so tired of being chronically alone...to watch my friends have boyfriends...hookups...talk about sex,is absolutely mind numbingly painful..I can't have any of those things...and I know I never will...because I have given up.

" We can't put words to it,but deep down we feel there is something terribly wrong with us.If we were the princess,then our prince would have come.If we were the daughter of a king,he would have fought for us.We can't help but believe that if were different,if we were BETTER,then we would have been loved as we so longed to be.It must be us. "

-Captivating,Unveiling the Mysteries of a Womans Soul by Stasi Eldredge

06-24-2009, 10:11 PM
I'm a 31 yr old total virgin ... so i got ya beat. I thought something was wrong w/ me. But i'm waiting for that special girl to share myself w/ ... Kinda lame but i'm old fashioned i guess.

Danielle Foxx
06-24-2009, 10:20 PM
Let me first address the haters who are fighting in here - I did not make this post for you all bitches to come in here and make others feel bad - this is a support post for those who are intelligent and have something positive to discuss.

Anyone else... I will have to request your immediate removal from this website. I will not tolerate your idiocy! The moderators have a lot more patience for your poor attitude then me. However I have some pull in here as you may all know - shut your mouth or I will shut it for you!


I will address the smart replies when I get off work today...

Thank you all for opening your hearts, it makes those who feel the same not no alone.


Much love to you all

06-24-2009, 10:29 PM
Yes Maam.

06-24-2009, 10:30 PM
Stop looking. Stop expecting. Stop searching. Seek and thou shalt find? That is so vastly remote from actual reality, I think.

Did it never occur to any of you that, when wanting someone so bad, it would actually put the given person off so rapidly? In my twenties, I was like that, I thought you had to be proactive. Er, nope. :lol:

I have widely stopped caring about 2 years ago (in my 30's) and I have had quite many girls after me during this time. It's a little bit crazy, I can genuinely say that. I just do not care any longer, but not in a senseless, cold way. I am just being as good as I can be, but to myself only. I believe this can apply to any gender and relationships in the human race. It's only natural: you only long for what you just cannot get. :wink:

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 10:36 PM
Oh I know this very well, I am a shy introvert in-person, which makes it very easy to become lonely in a crowded room, even if I know everyone in a room or at a party well.

But, I think personality isn't as important in situations like that as feeling like you have something in common with whatever crowd you're in. The more you feel like an outsider, the harder it is to interact. I loathe small talk with a huge passion, and so if I'm in a room with people with seemingly nothing at all to talk about, it just perpetuates the "well, I think I'll just sit here and watch what's on the tv over the bar." I know its usually more difficult for me to relate to people my age, that's why I usually only date older guys... and that's what a lot of loneliness is, not being able to relate to whoever you're with.

That's the human condition, to a degree. And its the trans condition even more so. Most trannys came from a lonely place to begin with. It's not hard to feel isolated being trans.

It becomes "what can I talk about, that actually matters with this person," or even "can I trust him to talk about serious stuff?" The reason why I usually tell guys eventually in my relationships isn't because of safety fears, but because I want to be able to talk about literally any topic without worrying about it. It might only be something that comes up every 3-6 months or so (I mean really, how often do we talk about trans stuff in person?) but those moments can be important.

Of course, mama. Who wants to lie? I don't care who knows my T. For me, it's "don't ask don't tell", and that's how I like it. I don't get bad reactions, so I just go with it. But if someone ever said, "Wait. You're a guy?", my reply is "Maybe you should suck my dick and decide for yourself." I actually said that once to a guy in Walgreens. lol Anyway, I'm not playing games with people. It's not fair to anyone, especially me. And I just don't want the baggage.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-24-2009, 10:43 PM
shut your mouth or I will shut it for you!





Solitary Brother
06-24-2009, 10:52 PM
Let me first address the haters who are fighting in here - I did not make this post for you all bitches to come in here and make others feel bad - this is a support post for those who are intelligent and have something positive to discuss.

Anyone else... I will have to request your immediate removal from this website. I will not tolerate your idiocy! The moderators have a lot more patience for your poor attitude then me. However I have some pull in here as you may all know - shut your mouth or I will shut it for you!


I will address the smart replies when I get off work today...

Thank you all for opening your hearts, it makes those who feel the same not no alone.


Much love to you all

You want something positive?
Here it goes.....
Your beautiful so YOU CAN DEF ATTRACT A MAN.
Now once this happens and the guy seems interested is the problem YOU that turns him off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being a transexual or your porn career......ok.
You have to find guys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
"Something about you" is far easier to fix than "you".
This problem CAN be solved.
I hope I have been helpful.

06-24-2009, 11:11 PM
What a joke, Danielle is gonna get people booted because she doesn't like what they said in her thread? So is she going to try and get me booted for telling her she was lucky she wasn't physically harmed and advising that if she meets a guy who she doesn't want to know she's a porn star that she shouldn't use the Danielle name?

Nicole, I can't wait for you to twist my words again sugar booger, please don't disappoint.

06-24-2009, 11:14 PM
watch what you say people..YOU WILL GET BANNED!! -Danielle

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 11:22 PM
You want something positive?
Here it goes.....
Your beautiful so YOU CAN DEF ATTRACT A MAN.
Now once this happens and the guy seems interested is the problem YOU that turns him off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being a transexual or your porn career......ok.
You have to find guys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
Understand?(No. lol)
I hope I have been helpful. (not really. I know you tried and all, but... lol)

So, in other words, pretty girls have it too easy. And, if they're trannys who are/were also sex workers, they're going to have it hard. So it's a vicious circle. Is that the gyst of what you're saying?

Because if so, that's everyone's issue. Many people have skeletons in their closets, of one type or another, so I don't see why trannys are supposed to put up with men acting especially like prudes. It comes back to objectifying us. You realize that's what you're doing here, right?

Look at it this way.

Your a boxer so YOU should DEF be able to ATTRACT A tranny.
Now once this happens and the tranny seems interested is the problem YOU that turns her off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being goofy enough to put out that silly video......ok.
You have to find trannys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
I hope I have been helpful.

Solitary Brother
06-24-2009, 11:24 PM
You want something positive?
Here it goes.....
Your beautiful so YOU CAN DEF ATTRACT A MAN.
Now once this happens and the guy seems interested is the problem YOU that turns him off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being a transexual or your porn career......ok.
You have to find guys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
Understand?(No. lol)
I hope I have been helpful. (not really. I know you tried and all, but... lol)

So, in other words, pretty girls have it too easy. And, if they're trannys who are/were also sex workers, they're going to have it hard. So it's a vicious circle. Is that the gyst of what you're saying?

Because if so, that's everyone's issue. Many people have skeletons in their closets, of one type or another, so I don't see why trannys are supposed to put up with men acting especially like prudes. It comes back to objectifying us. You realize that's what you're doing here, right?

Look at it this way.

Your a boxer so YOU should DEF be able to ATTRACT A tranny.
Now once this happens and the tranny seems interested is the problem YOU that turns her off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being goofy enough to put out that silly video......ok.
You have to find trannys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
I hope I have been helpful.

Im speaking to Danielle not you.
I am trying to remain in character and not be shady.

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 11:28 PM
What a joke, Danielle is gonna get people booted because she doesn't like what they said in her thread? So is she going to try and get me booted for telling her she was lucky she wasn't physically harmed and advising that if she meets a guy who she doesn't want to know she's a porn star that she shouldn't use the Danielle name?

Nicole, I can't wait for you to twist my words again sugar booger, please don't disappoint.

Your words are already twisted, Captain Fruity-Knickers. Seems like nobody likes you, or your dumb ass lessons.

Now go have sex with one of those semi-catatonic HD losers you're here defending. You've already put out the violent closet case vibe here, so I don't think you'll mingle well with the women. :idea:

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 11:30 PM
You want something positive?
Here it goes.....
Your beautiful so YOU CAN DEF ATTRACT A MAN.
Now once this happens and the guy seems interested is the problem YOU that turns him off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being a transexual or your porn career......ok.
You have to find guys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
Understand?(No. lol)
I hope I have been helpful. (not really. I know you tried and all, but... lol)

So, in other words, pretty girls have it too easy. And, if they're trannys who are/were also sex workers, they're going to have it hard. So it's a vicious circle. Is that the gyst of what you're saying?

Because if so, that's everyone's issue. Many people have skeletons in their closets, of one type or another, so I don't see why trannys are supposed to put up with men acting especially like prudes. It comes back to objectifying us. You realize that's what you're doing here, right?

Look at it this way.

Your a boxer so YOU should DEF be able to ATTRACT A tranny.
Now once this happens and the tranny seems interested is the problem YOU that turns her off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being goofy enough to put out that silly video......ok.
You have to find trannys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
I hope I have been helpful.

Im speaking to Danielle not you.
I am trying to remain in character and not be shady.
Thanks.Oops. Sorry. :)

06-24-2009, 11:33 PM
You want something positive?
Here it goes.....
Your beautiful so YOU CAN DEF ATTRACT A MAN.
Now once this happens and the guy seems interested is the problem YOU that turns him off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being a transexual or your porn career......ok.
You have to find guys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
Understand?(No. lol)
I hope I have been helpful. (not really. I know you tried and all, but... lol)

So, in other words, pretty girls have it too easy. And, if they're trannys who are/were also sex workers, they're going to have it hard. So it's a vicious circle. Is that the gyst of what you're saying?

Because if so, that's everyone's issue. Many people have skeletons in their closets, of one type or another, so I don't see why trannys are supposed to put up with men acting especially like prudes. It comes back to objectifying us. You realize that's what you're doing here, right?

Look at it this way.

Your a boxer so YOU should DEF be able to ATTRACT A tranny.
Now once this happens and the tranny seems interested is the problem YOU that turns her off or something ABOUT YOU?
I would venture to say something about you.
Like you being goofy enough to put out that silly video......ok.
You have to find trannys that are ok with this.....YOU HAVE TO DO THAT.
Something about you is far easier to fix than you.
I hope I have been helpful.

Im speaking to Danielle not you.
I am trying to remain in character and not be shady.

too funny lol

06-24-2009, 11:36 PM
Your words are already twisted, Captain Fruity-Knickers. Seems like nobody likes you, or your dumb ass lessons.

Now go have sex with one of those semi-catatonic HD losers you're here defending. You've already put out the violent closet case vibe here, so I don't think you'll mingle well with the women. :idea:
Again, step away from the pipe. Where have I defended anyone from HD? There you go twisting things in your drug addled brain again. And how am I a violent closet case?

I love you Nicole, we should be together.

06-24-2009, 11:38 PM
Maybe Danielle, you should be searching for someone from your fanbase. It seems pretty obvious that these people have/had accepted you for who you are otherwise they wouldn't be fans to begin with. Maybe I'm oversimplifying here but to assume all your fans would be hooked on Danielle the performer versus Danielle the person seems a little shortsighted. I'm a fan of yours but I for one would be more interested in discovering who Danielle the person is. The fact you did porn/escorting would be just a part of your life that happened (and an added bonus :wink: ). We all have skeletons in our closets. Maybe you just haven't found the right person that will accept those skeletons. I would add though that by not telling Mr. Plumber about your little secret up front you appear to be hiding who you truly are. Maybe even though the web is worldwide you might have to move to another country to leave your past life in porn behind? I'm not a hater so please none of that Brazilian temper. Oops I mean passion!!!!!!!!

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 11:46 PM
Your words are already twisted, Captain Fruity-Knickers. Seems like nobody likes you, or your dumb ass lessons.

Now go have sex with one of those semi-catatonic HD losers you're here defending. You've already put out the violent closet case vibe here, so I don't think you'll mingle well with the women. :idea:
Again, step away from the pipe. Where have I defended anyone from HD? There you go twisting things in your drug addled brain again. And how am I a violent closet case?

I love you Nicole, we should be together.So does Username. Anyway...

Really? Do you want me to bend you over and plow you into the headboard too? lol

Sorry. So far, I think we're star-crossed lovers.

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 11:48 PM
And what's up with the straw grabbing about "the pipe"? Don't worry. I'll leave it in your bottomed-out asshole, just how you like it. Play broken records much? lol

06-24-2009, 11:52 PM
And what's up with the straw grabbing about "the pipe"? Don't worry. I'll leave it in your bottomed-out asshole, just how you like it. Play broken records much? lol

Sorry. Do you shoot up or snort then? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nicole Dupre
06-24-2009, 11:59 PM
And what's up with the straw grabbing about "the pipe"? Don't worry. I'll leave it in your bottomed-out asshole, just how you like it. Play broken records much? lol

Sorry. Do you shoot up or snort then? :lol: :lol: :lol:


06-25-2009, 12:02 AM
Your words are already twisted, Captain Fruity-Knickers.

I can't just help but laughing so hard when you come up with this edgy, very sharp stance. :lol: :lol:

I think Mr solitary meant this in a good way, or, at least, in his own way.

06-25-2009, 12:07 AM
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
by.Helen Keller

Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."
--Alexander Smith

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two.
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin6. "Love is the beauty of the soul."
--St. Augustine

these r sum of my fav quotes on love they help me keep my head strong and my heartwarm. cuz if u dont have faith or hope in sumthing it to easy to lose your self in a cloud of doubt. Love is an act of faith.

06-25-2009, 12:22 AM
Love is a battlefield - Pat Benatar

06-25-2009, 12:24 AM
which I attribute to my past experiences both as a TS and as a hooker.

I always tell every girl who is either contemplating becoming or is in the beginning stages of being a sex worker that it changes you permanently and there is little chance of "coming out the other end" unscathed.

06-25-2009, 12:35 AM
Fans treat you as obsessed boys. I don't see them as dating potential. No offense to fans of mine. They see you for the image they see in your videos.

06-25-2009, 12:40 AM
The image is what attracts , but some of us really want to know the person behind the image.

Danielle Foxx
06-25-2009, 01:06 AM
What a joke, Danielle is gonna get people booted because she doesn't like what they said in her thread? So is she going to try and get me booted for telling her she was lucky she wasn't physically harmed and advising that if she meets a guy who she doesn't want to know she's a porn star that she shouldn't use the Danielle name?

Nicole, I can't wait for you to twist my words again sugar booger, please don't disappoint.

Bye Bye darling - only one day in your secrete identity and you already got your ass whopped

06-25-2009, 01:35 AM
Check out my screen name....it says it all. Too many judgemental people in the world who wont accept you for who you are.

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 01:40 AM
I always tell every girl who is either contemplating becoming or is in the beginning stages of being a sex worker that it changes you permanently and there is little chance of "coming out the other end" unscathed.Sounds like... life. lol ;)

06-25-2009, 01:44 AM
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. ... But we all have scars and not all are visible.

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 01:45 AM
The image is what attracts , but some of us really want to know the person behind the image.

But unfortunately, you are bound to project another whole identity on us. What's wrong with enjoying the fantasy? Even in person, it's our pleasure to create a fantasy for you. But once you start there, it's kinda over. I would never want to date a guy who wants to date an escort. Does that make sense? lol

06-25-2009, 01:51 AM
Yes that makes sense , Fantasy is fine for some but for love ya gotta be real. I could accept a girls past if it is her PAST and she chooses to build a future w/ me. Does that make sense? I dont know ...

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 02:20 AM
Yes that makes sense , Fantasy is fine for some but for love ya gotta be real. I could accept a girls past if it is her PAST and she chooses to build a future w/ me. Does that make sense? I dont know ...
If you want a girl, build your own future first and make it your present. Relationships, whether we like it or not, are agreements. And guys with BurgerKing budgets don't get the Fillet Mignon chicks. ;)

06-25-2009, 02:30 AM
What a joke, Danielle is gonna get people booted because she doesn't like what they said in her thread? So is she going to try and get me booted for telling her she was lucky she wasn't physically harmed and advising that if she meets a guy who she doesn't want to know she's a porn star that she shouldn't use the Danielle name?

Nicole, I can't wait for you to twist my words again sugar booger, please don't disappoint.

Bye Bye darling - only one day in your secrete identity and you already got your ass whopped
How? And trust me Danielle, you don't make me secrete anything. Danielle, you're just as warped upstairs as my girlfriend Nicole if you think I was slamming you in any way.

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 02:41 AM
What a joke, Danielle is gonna get people booted because she doesn't like what they said in her thread? So is she going to try and get me booted for telling her she was lucky she wasn't physically harmed and advising that if she meets a guy who she doesn't want to know she's a porn star that she shouldn't use the Danielle name?

Nicole, I can't wait for you to twist my words again sugar booger, please don't disappoint.

Bye Bye darling - only one day in your secrete identity and you already got your ass whopped
How? And trust me Danielle, you don't make me secrete anything. Danielle, you're just as warped upstairs as my girlfriend Nicole if you think I was slamming you in any way.

Save the lame back pedaling, you loser. You're no one's friend here. "Men" who argue or attack women are the worst gay men of all.

But be careful. Maybe you're gonna to slip on a banana peel one day, if you keep stepping out of bounds. I have faith in karma. And the riptide always takes you when you least expect it.

06-25-2009, 02:53 AM
What a joke, Danielle is gonna get people booted because she doesn't like what they said in her thread? So is she going to try and get me booted for telling her she was lucky she wasn't physically harmed and advising that if she meets a guy who she doesn't want to know she's a porn star that she shouldn't use the Danielle name?

Nicole, I can't wait for you to twist my words again sugar booger, please don't disappoint.

Bye Bye darling - only one day in your secrete identity and you already got your ass whopped
How? And trust me Danielle, you don't make me secrete anything. Danielle, you're just as warped upstairs as my girlfriend Nicole if you think I was slamming you in any way.HEY!!! BACK OFF MY MOTHER YOU STUPID FAGGOTT!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

06-25-2009, 02:59 AM
Danielle my heart is with u girl! U r a strong person to not be jaded by the whole lifestyle yet and still have hope that MAYYBE your day will come and i hope it does because u deserve it. u are a beautiful woman and i love the fact that you're willing to share these emotions so openly.

Its so easy these days to believe the negative and just brush off the positive.

Its funny how u can KNOW that u are a gr8 person on the inside who is deserving of so much more, yet u wait and wait and it just doesn't come.

Its almost like, we have to settle for a relationship with someone we are not physically attracted ie: client type, or be worked for our money/sex/home by a broke ass ctie. To know that your beautiful, and hear it on a ddaily basis from so many men with alterior motive is so frustrating, KNOWING that u deserve more! You shouldn't have to settle for someone just because they like u, u should be able to o out there and take ur pick!

It isnt fair. I applaud u for still having the HOPE that one day u will find what u are looking for. That takes a lot of strength.

I really should have been the first person to post in this thread

I was dating a guy named rob whos pretty sweet but all he does is sleep around the house all day and when he says things to me, or feeds me compliments, it feels almost robotic, emotionless, and i find it hard to believe the things that come out his mout are true. He never invites me out anywhere, we've never been on a real date, but he DOES call me everyday to see how im doing and tell me how his day went. its a shame that this alone makes him a keeper. Most guys just bang u and bounce and wont call unless they want some.

I went behind Rob's back and met a guy off the internet JUST AS FRIENDS that flourished QUICKLY into more. He's my bf now. But he's very immature, childish and ghetto, and he has severe anger issues and doesn't treat me the way i feel i deserve to be treated. But he's very affectionate and when we cuddle, we just fit perfectly. There are times where i ask myself "WTF were u thinking when u said YES" but there are other times where i really enjoy being with him. The truth is though, i dont see this going anywhere so i ask myself why am i still in this?

Its sad really... the things we have to learn to accept and deal with simple because we are trannies

06-25-2009, 03:05 AM
The social structure of this country.

That means you are a man, you marry a woman. This is constantly beaten into your head from Ozzie and Harriet to The Family Guy.

This country is about 100 years away from social acceptance of everybody and everything. Look how long Blacks have waited to be come equal and we're still not there yet and if you point toward Obama I'll slap this shit out of you, call your local NAACP and ask them how positive race relations have become since the election... Its been in the media I shouldn't have to tell you, even killing an abortion doctor is acceptable in some circles.

Once you understand that you can attack your problem HEAD ON.

Most of the post here by the ladies are proof positive of the delusional "American Woman's" Mind. Being "Queer" and isolating yourself is NOT THE answer either.

I don't know what makes Jihara think or in fact any of the seriously attractive women here THINK that the NORMAL, AVERAGE, ATTRACTIVE MALE (usually Caucasian) would PICK a Transsexual women OVER a Genetic Women, when your pretty different sides of the same coin.

You do the SAME things other women do, you cross off seemingly boring guys. You know the guy that works a BS job someplace, personally hates it but likes the people he works with as they are all suffering, and misery loves company.

Look the facts remains you're not going to shack up with a Brad Pitt Copy, Clone or Knock Off. When given Lemons, you make Lemonade.

Dating your "Fan Base" won't solve anything either, as one person posted, they are "in love" with the image you created, just as most men here view TS as only sexual objects and nothing more.

There are several factions of the LGBT movement that are troublesome in their own right and until they get behind ONE common goal which should be total and 100% acceptance, they'll have to be happy with things like "Civil Unions"

Just what is WRONG with some of the nice guys I know that are on this forum? Many of them have taken nothing but abuse from other T girls why should they even give anybody a chance? In some cases GG's are less bothersome and nobody would question your sexuality EVEN if she was woefully ugly.

Standards are a tricky thing, but many have such strict standards that it hardly lets any light through.

Relationships are about compromise, you can't have it all your way, you have to give to get sometimes.

06-25-2009, 03:10 AM
They always say the grass is greener on the other side. We all have faults and flaws but if you love someone you accept them regardless. I'm not saying settle for anyone you dont really want , but if you keep looking for perfection then your going to be very lonely.

Solitary Brother
06-25-2009, 03:16 AM
Danielle my heart is with u girl! U r a strong person to not be jaded by the whole lifestyle yet and still have hope that MAYYBE your day will come and i hope it does because u deserve it. u are a beautiful woman and i love the fact that you're willing to share these emotions so openly.

Its so easy these days to believe the negative and just brush off the positive.

Its funny how u can KNOW that u are a gr8 person on the inside who is deserving of so much more, yet u wait and wait and it just doesn't come.

Its almost like, we have to settle for a relationship with someone we are not physically attracted ie: client type, or be worked for our money/sex/home by a broke ass ctie. To know that your beautiful, and hear it on a ddaily basis from so many men with alterior motive is so frustrating, KNOWING that u deserve more! You shouldn't have to settle for someone just because they like u, u should be able to o out there and take ur pick!

It isnt fair. I applaud u for still having the HOPE that one day u will find what u are looking for. That takes a lot of strength.

I really should have been the first person to post in this thread

I was dating a guy named rob whos pretty sweet but all he does is sleep around the house all day and when he says things to me, or feeds me compliments, it feels almost robotic, emotionless, and i find it hard to believe the things that come out his mout are true. He never invites me out anywhere, we've never been on a real date, but he DOES call me everyday to see how im doing and tell me how his day went. its a shame that this alone makes him a keeper. Most guys just bang u and bounce and wont call unless they want some.

I went behind Rob's back and met a guy off the internet JUST AS FRIENDS that flourished QUICKLY into more. He's my bf now. But he's very immature, childish and ghetto, and he has severe anger issues and doesn't treat me the way i feel i deserve to be treated. But he's very affectionate and when we cuddle, we just fit perfectly. There are times where i ask myself "WTF were u thinking when u said YES" but there are other times where i really enjoy being with him. The truth is though, i dont see this going anywhere so i ask myself why am i still in this?

Its sad really... the things we have to learn to accept and deal with simple because we are trannies

I was with you "sort of" until this.......

"I went behind Rob's back and met a guy off the internet JUST AS FRIENDS that flourished QUICKLY into more. He's my bf now. But he's very immature, childish and ghetto, and he has severe anger issues and doesn't treat me the way i feel i deserve to be treated. But he's very affectionate and when we cuddle, we just fit perfectly. There are times where i ask myself "WTF were u thinking when u said YES" but there are other times where i really enjoy being with him. The truth is though, i dont see this going anywhere so i ask myself why am i still in this?"

You see....and I am going to try and be constructive...this is the pattern that Daneille was speaking of.
I try to be honest with you Ruby because you know what....I DO THINK YOU DESERVE MORE.
But when I read this I think YOU are the problem because you leave a bad guy for the WORST POSSIBLE guy.
There is no advice I can give if this is a pattern because from what Ive seen its something thats hard to break.
What you can do is .....WORK ON YOU...be the best possible person you can be and TRY(this is the hard part) not to settle on losers!

06-25-2009, 03:16 AM
Danielle, thank you for your poingant and touching post.. I was headed
out to dinner, but instead I was drawn into readiing all 9 pages of it,
even when it has digressed from your original theme.

A number of great points have been made, and I will try to respond
briefly to each.

Alot of women, both trans and natal use sex as the bait to obtain love.
Sometimes it works, most time is doesn't as the guy has now gotten
the milk without buying the proverbial cow.

Then there are people of all genders who will engage in meaningless or
casual sex, just to have that brief moment of human contact.

On the issue of men just wanting transwomen for casual sex and then
kicking them to the curb, or that men will treat a transwomen differently
once he finds out her status, I have a few responses:

1. Men are sexual creatures, and if a woman is quick to give up the sex,
the man is quick to take it, but usually he won't stick around.

2. I think men and society have bought into the perception that
transwomen are promiscous and quick to have sex.

On the topic of women in the sex industry, I would say that it indeed
changes how a woman looks at intimate relationships.

I have been out the game for decades, but it took alot of work for me
re-learn how to love and trust again.

I do have a few additional thoughts, but I promised to be brief, and
dinner is calling.

I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread, and I hope that it stays on the
course that you intended it to.

06-25-2009, 03:18 AM
What a joke, Danielle is gonna get people booted because she doesn't like what they said in her thread? So is she going to try and get me booted for telling her she was lucky she wasn't physically harmed and advising that if she meets a guy who she doesn't want to know she's a porn star that she shouldn't use the Danielle name?

Nicole, I can't wait for you to twist my words again sugar booger, please don't disappoint.

Bye Bye darling - only one day in your secrete identity and you already got your ass whopped
How? And trust me Danielle, you don't make me secrete anything. Danielle, you're just as warped upstairs as my girlfriend Nicole if you think I was slamming you in any way.HEY!!! BACK OFF MY MOTHER YOU STUPID FAGGOTT!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Back off of what? Stay out of my business, this is between my girlfriend and Danielle and me.

Nicole, I count the hours until we can be together.

06-25-2009, 03:24 AM
this so needs to be discussed in chat
if only folks in here were brave enough to log on to it

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 03:28 AM
Relationships are about compromise, you can't have it all your way, you have to give to get sometimes.

I agree, but that's if he's worth it. Waiting for a lazy, unambitious guy to become someone he's never gonna be is no good for either person.

Also, I would NEVER trust a man to stay with me from pre to post op. If a man loves ALL of you, as you are, you can't hold your breath hoping he can make that jump with you. I wouldn't even hold it against him. And that's why my soul-mate is nothing I'm looking for right now. Eventually I suspect that, years from now,I will have SRS. Until then, I'm not letting anyone get that close again. I've had one semi-decent relationship since I've been fulltime, that didn't fuck me yup too badly. I consider that to have been a nice experience, but its definitely over and I am not banking on finding more of them.

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 03:32 AM
Back off of what? Stay out of my business, this is between my girlfriend and Danielle and me.

Nicole, I count the hours until we can be together.

Then my suggestion would be that you come to me under the pretense of being a client. Come be with me asap. :twisted:

06-25-2009, 03:33 AM
Love will find YOU when you least expect it. Maybe he will drop a gallon of milk on your foot at the market or somethin.

06-25-2009, 03:36 AM
Relationships are about compromise, you can't have it all your way, you have to give to get sometimes.

I agree, but that's if he's worth it. Waiting for a lazy, unambitious guy to become someone he's never gonna be is no good for either person.

Also, I would NEVER trust a man to stay with me from pre to post op. If a man loves ALL of you, as you are, you can't hold your breath hoping he can make that jump with you. I wouldn't even hold it against him. And that's why my soul-mate is nothing I'm looking for right now. Eventually I suspect that, years from now,I will have SRS. Until then, I'm not letting anyone get that close again. I've had one semi-decent relationship since I've been fulltime, that didn't fuck me yup too badly. I consider that to have been a nice experience, but its definitely over and I am not banking on finding more of them.

Then you should wait until your SRS, its unfinished business. You want a man to accept the "Final product, not the half-baked one...

Nobody said you should accept a guy with no goals or drive, but sometimes that drive need guidance and its more than welcome from the person that loves and accepts ALL your faults.

06-25-2009, 03:39 AM

06-25-2009, 03:40 AM
... :trolls

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 03:40 AM
Then you should wait until your SRS, its unfinished business. You want a man to accept the "Final product, not the half-baked one...Exactly. Who said I was looking for love? lol

Nobody said you should accept a guy with no goals or drive, but sometimes that drive need guidance and its more than welcome from the person that loves and accepts ALL your faults.
I accept faults. I like boys with scars and who like to fight. lol

06-25-2009, 03:42 AM
All you need is love.

06-25-2009, 03:44 AM
well solitary, Rob and i were just seeing each other exclusively because i wanted to get to know him to see if we would be compatible in a relationship.

When i met my bf, i had already come to the conclusion that Rob and i were a no-go, and i did have that conversation with him before i proceeded with the hubby. When he first met me he was holding my hair out the toilet bowl for god sake lol. i never expected anything to become of this.

He's really sweet and affectionate, the sex is amazing, he's doesnt have issues with being seen in public and actually brags about being with me all over his AIM away msgs. I've seen him go off on one of the prettiest well known trannies he used to mess with because she felt that he went downhill after her by dating me and he totally defended me and our relationship. He has proven to me that he is serious aout wanting to make a relationship work, which is my main reason for still pushing forward with him, even though he's 5 inches shorter than me lol.

A part of me still feels like im settling. He says the dumbest things sometimes and he's really immature when he gets angry. Im sure if i were a female, i wouldn't even give him the time of day, honestly.

My point is that being a tranny u either have to just be alone, or settle, unless u llike middle aged overweight divorced men, or enjoy financially taking care of a young hot body rican papi... in which case ur good!

Danielle, i have found comfort in my circle of friends and come to terms with the fact that i may never be really and truly happy in a committed relationship with someone i am both physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually connected to. Its hard enough for "normal" hetero's to make it work in this day and age, it's 50x harder for us. I can deal with a lot, so long as i have a really good friend by my side

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 03:47 AM
Its hard enough for "normal" hetero's to make it work in this day and age, it's 50x harder for us. I can deal with a lot, so long as i have a really good friend by my sideExactly.

06-25-2009, 03:52 AM
It's not any easier for a man to find a tg girlfriend ya know.

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 04:03 AM
It's not any easier for a man to find a tg girlfriend ya know.You're right. And most guys don't appreciate that. Mine didn't.

06-25-2009, 04:04 AM
It's not any easier for a man to find a tg girlfriend ya know.

you have to look in the right places

06-25-2009, 04:08 AM
Oh i've found a girl that i'm madly in love w/. She makes me want to be a better person and i'm pretty good as is.

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 04:19 AM
you have to look in the right places
But we're still more rare. Especially attractive trannys. I sometimes think that the guys who look at porn don't always appreciate that there are also plenty of passable ugly trannys out there. ;) That's why fantasies are for sale, and rightfully so. If we can compete with GGs and each other, you are more likely to see us online.

I love the girl with the "la la land" quote. That says it all. lol

06-25-2009, 04:22 AM
Oh i've found a girl that i'm madly in love w/. She makes me want to be a better person and i'm pretty good as is.

my bf says the same thing about me :P

06-25-2009, 04:25 AM
Oh i've found a girl that i'm madly in love w/. She makes me want to be a better person and i'm pretty good as is.

I too recently met a girl like that, i had to wife her up tho.

06-25-2009, 04:31 AM
Ruby maybe it's true. I know that when i talk to her my heart is filled w/ joy. :)

06-25-2009, 04:37 AM
well i dont believe a word that comes out of ANY man's mouth, anybody can say anything. I rely on actions, i can tell how u feel based on what u do. Dont tell me, SHOW me!

It is one of the sweetest compliments though

06-25-2009, 04:41 AM
i'm taking notes fo real!

06-25-2009, 04:47 AM
Actions do speak louder ...

Solitary Brother
06-25-2009, 05:41 AM
well solitary, Rob and i were just seeing each other exclusively because i wanted to get to know him to see if we would be compatible in a relationship.

When i met my bf, i had already come to the conclusion that Rob and i were a no-go, and i did have that conversation with him before i proceeded with the hubby. When he first met me he was holding my hair out the toilet bowl for god sake lol. i never expected anything to become of this.

He's really sweet and affectionate, the sex is amazing, he's doesnt have issues with being seen in public and actually brags about being with me all over his AIM away msgs. I've seen him go off on one of the prettiest well known trannies he used to mess with because she felt that he went downhill after her by dating me and he totally defended me and our relationship. He has proven to me that he is serious aout wanting to make a relationship work, which is my main reason for still pushing forward with him, even though he's 5 inches shorter than me lol.

A part of me still feels like im settling. He says the dumbest things sometimes and he's really immature when he gets angry. Im sure if i were a female, i wouldn't even give him the time of day, honestly.

My point is that being a tranny u either have to just be alone, or settle, unless u llike middle aged overweight divorced men, or enjoy financially taking care of a young hot body rican papi... in which case ur good!

Danielle, i have found comfort in my circle of friends and come to terms with the fact that i may never be really and truly happy in a committed relationship with someone i am both physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually connected to. Its hard enough for "normal" hetero's to make it work in this day and age, it's 50x harder for us. I can deal with a lot, so long as i have a really good friend by my side

Listen to how you sound....
I cant believe this.
You with a guy who YOU KNOW you have no future with because the sex is amazing?
What are waiting for him to give you a disease?
He probably doesnt work either........
Im trying to be positive but this is a scandal.
THIS IS WHAT I mean by being SUPERFICIAL.....
Dont you think almost EVERY heterosexual guy wants some hot stripper or porn star for "amazing sex"?
In the hetero world most people realize these kind of relationships DONT LAST and are not GOOD FOR YOU.
I remain CONVINCED about the underlying motivations of some of you girls and thats sad.

06-25-2009, 05:55 AM
Alright, well I guess I'm still new here...but these are the kind of threads that made me join this forum, so I'm going to put in a few words. Let me first say that I'm somewhat new to the community and young...but I'm very interested for the sake of my gf. I was actually looking for a support forum, but most of them are filled with much older people. And though most of this forum is about promotion and such, there's still some pretty good conversation which helps me out a lot...so thank you all for that.


I think everyone experiences situations that make them feel unwanted, humiliated, and minimizes their existence...etc. I can't empathize with you, because I know those experiences are exponentially worse being ts. Though, I will say that it is what drew me in to the community. I really believe that because of your trials, it makes you all more romantic at heart than most "gg". You appreciate every great moment with so much more enthusiasm.

Every ts woman I've met or even talked to, has been jaded from their past experiences. But if you begin to dig, there is usually extraordinary lady under it all. And when you show them love and respect, true love…ts’ (again, in general and from my experience) will love you back so much more than you ever could ever expect.

However, this is why I’m getting to the point where I’m against the escorting and porn businesses. And it’s not that I believe it’s morally wrong either…it’s what it does to the girls involved. It hardens the heart. It’s not just girls in the business, but I do believe it speeds up the process. Most of it is that guys know they can take advantage of a situation and everybody craves intimacy. But besides the stereotypes that the sex work businesses give the ts community in mainstream society; how many good guys out there would date a porn star, ts or gg?...much less a sex worker, and more so an active one. So, you see, it really adds up. I hate that it sounds like I’m judging… I’m trying to just state what I’ve seen & learned…

It really kills me to see anyone lonely like this, everyone deserves love. I’ve faced a lot in my very young 23 years…. and I’ll admit, it’s really tough for a guy to admit to himself that he could truly fall for a ts…knowing the social ramifications and at least at first, questioning his sexuality. Actually, my gf wants me to make a YouTube vid about what guys like me experience…and I still have doubts just about that, but who knows it could help. Though guys like myself, and I know they’re out there (a few on this forum), know that it’s worth it.

Hmmm…I didn’t say everything I wanted to, and it’s all one big rambling mess …such a douchey post too (pardon me Danielle)…oh well, fuck it
Take care

Oh and some of the posts scream abusive relationships…know your worth, it’s higher than you think

06-25-2009, 06:03 AM
Its threads like this that turn me off TS in general, really.

Why do I have to be the "tough guy". Tough guys usually find out sooner or later there's somebody tougher than them or that some people don't take beat downs well and whip out a gun....

No I believe that is the deeply seeded need for some man to defend your honor if your clocked. I guess that means you like confrontation as well.

Americans are too eager to solve problems of the world with violence firstly and lastly.

Like I go around beating the tar out some moron that calls me a Nigger, I don't. I ignore it, there is nothing I can do, no threats, no ass beating that would chance his/her mind anyway, what's the point?

I work hard, I stay out of trouble and make decent money, for CS I'm DJ'ing someplace twice a week on top of my regular job(s).

Yet this isn't "Good" enough for most GG's in Los Angeles and I'm starting to think its not good enough for TS either.

Which is why I'm starting to spend more and more time OUTSIDE OF AMERICA.

06-25-2009, 06:05 AM
Alright, well I guess I'm still new here...but these are the kind of threads that made me join this forum, so I'm going to put in a few words. Let me first say that I'm somewhat new to the community and young...but I'm very interested for the sake of my gf. I was actually looking for a support forum, but most of them are filled with much older people. And though most of this forum is about promotion and such, there's still some pretty good conversation which helps me out a lot...so thank you all for that.


I think everyone experiences situations that make them feel unwanted, humiliated, and minimizes their existence...etc. I can't empathize with you, because I know those experiences are exponentially worse being ts. Though, I will say that it is what drew me in to the community. I really believe that because of your trials, it makes you all more romantic at heart than most "gg". You appreciate every great moment with so much more enthusiasm.

Every ts woman I've met or even talked to, has been jaded from their past experiences. But if you begin to dig, there is usually extraordinary lady under it all. And when you show them love and respect, true love…ts’ (again, in general and from my experience) will love you back so much more than you ever could ever expect.

However, this is why I’m getting to the point where I’m against the escorting and porn businesses. And it’s not that I believe it’s morally wrong either…it’s what it does to the girls involved. It hardens the heart. It’s not just girls in the business, but I do believe it speeds up the process. Most of it is that guys know they can take advantage of a situation and everybody craves intimacy. But besides the stereotypes that the sex work businesses give the ts community in mainstream society; how many good guys out there would date a porn star, ts or gg?...much less a sex worker, and more so an active one. So, you see, it really adds up. I hate that it sounds like I’m judging… I’m trying to just state what I’ve seen & learned…

It really kills me to see anyone lonely like this, everyone deserves love. I’ve faced a lot in my very young 23 years…. and I’ll admit, it’s really tough for a guy to admit to himself that he could truly fall for a ts…knowing the social ramifications and at least at first, questioning his sexuality. Actually, my gf wants me to make a YouTube vid about what guys like me experience…and I still have doubts just about that, but who knows it could help. Though guys like myself, and I know they’re out there (a few on this forum), know that it’s worth it.

Hmmm…I didn’t say everything I wanted to, and it’s all one big rambling mess …such a douchey post too (pardon me Danielle)…oh well, fuck it
Take care

Oh and some of the posts scream abusive relationships…know your worth, it’s higher than you think

Well Said...

06-25-2009, 06:09 AM
Alright, well I guess I'm still new here...but these are the kind of threads that made me join this forum, so I'm going to put in a few words. Let me first say that I'm somewhat new to the community and young...but I'm very interested for the sake of my gf. I was actually looking for a support forum, but most of them are filled with much older people. And though most of this forum is about promotion and such, there's still some pretty good conversation which helps me out a lot...so thank you all for that.


I think everyone experiences situations that make them feel unwanted, humiliated, and minimizes their existence...etc. I can't empathize with you, because I know those experiences are exponentially worse being ts. Though, I will say that it is what drew me in to the community. I really believe that because of your trials, it makes you all more romantic at heart than most "gg". You appreciate every great moment with so much more enthusiasm.

Every ts woman I've met or even talked to, has been jaded from their past experiences. But if you begin to dig, there is usually extraordinary lady under it all. And when you show them love and respect, true love…ts’ (again, in general and from my experience) will love you back so much more than you ever could ever expect.

However, this is why I’m getting to the point where I’m against the escorting and porn businesses. And it’s not that I believe it’s morally wrong either…it’s what it does to the girls involved. It hardens the heart. It’s not just girls in the business, but I do believe it speeds up the process. Most of it is that guys know they can take advantage of a situation and everybody craves intimacy. But besides the stereotypes that the sex work businesses give the ts community in mainstream society; how many good guys out there would date a porn star, ts or gg?...much less a sex worker, and more so an active one. So, you see, it really adds up. I hate that it sounds like I’m judging… I’m trying to just state what I’ve seen & learned…

It really kills me to see anyone lonely like this, everyone deserves love. I’ve faced a lot in my very young 23 years…. and I’ll admit, it’s really tough for a guy to admit to himself that he could truly fall for a ts…knowing the social ramifications and at least at first, questioning his sexuality. Actually, my gf wants me to make a YouTube vid about what guys like me experience…and I still have doubts just about that, but who knows it could help. Though guys like myself, and I know they’re out there (a few on this forum), know that it’s worth it.

Hmmm…I didn’t say everything I wanted to, and it’s all one big rambling mess …such a douchey post too (pardon me Danielle)…oh well, fuck it
Take care

Oh and some of the posts scream abusive relationships…know your worth, it’s higher than you think

Well Said...

Solitary Brother
06-25-2009, 06:10 AM
Its threads like this that turn me off TS in general, really.

Why do I have to be the "tough guy". Tough guys usually find out sooner or later there's somebody tougher than them or that some people don't take beat downs well and whip out a gun....

No I believe that is the deeply seeded need for some man to defend your honor if your clocked. I guess that means you like confrontation as well.

Americans are too eager to solve problems of the world with violence firstly and lastly.

Like I go around beating the tar out some moron that calls me a Nigger, I don't. I ignore it, there is nothing I can do, no threats, no ass beating that would chance his/her mind anyway, what's the point?

I work hard, I stay out of trouble and make decent money, for CS I'm DJ'ing someplace twice a week on top of my regular job(s).

Yet this isn't "Good" enough for most GG's in Los Angeles and I'm starting to think its not good enough for TS either.

Which is why I'm starting to spend more and more time OUTSIDE OF AMERICA.

You are normal.
You should feel this way....your not wrong.
I would not give up on GG's though.

Solitary Brother
06-25-2009, 06:11 AM
Its threads like this that turn me off TS in general, really.

Why do I have to be the "tough guy". Tough guys usually find out sooner or later there's somebody tougher than them or that some people don't take beat downs well and whip out a gun....

No I believe that is the deeply seeded need for some man to defend your honor if your clocked. I guess that means you like confrontation as well.

Americans are too eager to solve problems of the world with violence firstly and lastly.

Like I go around beating the tar out some moron that calls me a Nigger, I don't. I ignore it, there is nothing I can do, no threats, no ass beating that would chance his/her mind anyway, what's the point?

I work hard, I stay out of trouble and make decent money, for CS I'm DJ'ing someplace twice a week on top of my regular job(s).

Yet this isn't "Good" enough for most GG's in Los Angeles and I'm starting to think its not good enough for TS either.

Which is why I'm starting to spend more and more time OUTSIDE OF AMERICA.

You are normal.
You should feel this way....your not wrong.
I would not give up on GG's though.

06-25-2009, 06:33 AM
Had some additional thoughts over dinner:

1. Realized that I hadn't answered the original question about being

While I'm not in a relationship at the moment, I would say that I'm
far from lonely.

2. I don't feel jaded or fearful that I won't find a suitable mate. I've
been in loving, quality relationships and I'm optimistic that it will happen

3. Upthread the conversation digressed to the issue of telling your trans-
status. I've posted my philosophy on this many, many times.

When I was pre op, the person and I would get to know each other well
before I would divulge my status and / or before we became intimate.

As a post op, if it's a casual encounter I may not confide. If it's headed
to something serious then I would divulge that information.

However, in most instances, the person and I get to know each other, and
I tend to avoid meaningless sexual encounters.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-25-2009, 06:38 AM
Had some additional thoughts over dinner:

1. Realized that I hadn't answered the original question about being

While I'm not in a relationship at the moment, I would say that I'm
far from lonely.

2. I don't feel jaded or fearful that I won't find a suitable mate. I've
been in loving, quality relationships and I'm optimistic that it will happen

3. Upthread the conversation digressed to the issue of telling your trans-
status. I've posted my philosophy on this many, many times.

When I was pre op, the person and I would get to know each other well
before I would divulge my status and / or before we became intimate.

As a post op, if it's a casual encounter I may not confide. If it's headed
to something serious then I would divulge that information.

However, in most instances, the person and I get to know each other, and
I tend to avoid meaningless sexual encounters.

Great post Peg! Especially the one's in BOLD.. :P



06-25-2009, 06:47 AM
Its threads like this that turn me off TS in general, really.

Why do I have to be the "tough guy". Tough guys usually find out sooner or later there's somebody tougher than them or that some people don't take beat downs well and whip out a gun....

No I believe that is the deeply seeded need for some man to defend your honor if your clocked. I guess that means you like confrontation as well.

Americans are too eager to solve problems of the world with violence firstly and lastly.

Like I go around beating the tar out some moron that calls me a Nigger, I don't. I ignore it, there is nothing I can do, no threats, no ass beating that would chance his/her mind anyway, what's the point?

I work hard, I stay out of trouble and make decent money, for CS I'm DJ'ing someplace twice a week on top of my regular job(s).

Yet this isn't "Good" enough for most GG's in Los Angeles and I'm starting to think its not good enough for TS either.

Which is why I'm starting to spend more and more time OUTSIDE OF AMERICA.

You are normal.
You should feel this way....your not wrong.
I would not give up on GG's though.

I haven't, I never did, its what I prefer

AW just have way too many issues and downstream from the good-looking quality, truly nice women are the nutcases, single mothers and BBW's making dating in America highly dubious.

06-25-2009, 06:53 AM
Had some additional thoughts over dinner:

1. Realized that I hadn't answered the original question about being

While I'm not in a relationship at the moment, I would say that I'm
far from lonely.

2. I don't feel jaded or fearful that I won't find a suitable mate. I've
been in loving, quality relationships and I'm optimistic that it will happen

3. Upthread the conversation digressed to the issue of telling your trans-
status. I've posted my philosophy on this many, many times.

When I was pre op, the person and I would get to know each other well
before I would divulge my status and / or before we became intimate.

As a post op, if it's a casual encounter I may not confide. If it's headed
to something serious then I would divulge that information.

However, in most instances, the person and I get to know each other, and
I tend to avoid meaningless sexual encounters.

Great post Peg! Especially the one's in BOLD.. :P



Thanks Hara.

How have you been sweetie?

06-25-2009, 07:06 AM

Responding to your OP, there's no reason that you can't enter into a meaningful and lengthy relationship.

The fact that you have a few "dark pages" from the past shouldn't be an issue. Anyone who hasn't made mistakes hasn't really lived. It's all about learning from those dark pages that create character and determine who we are today.

The fact that you were born male but have undergone SRS may put some guys off, but that says more about them than it does about you. You've been faced with the harsh reality of gender reasignment, and have undergone the emotional, physical and social pains associated with making you a wonderful person. If a guy can't accept you for who you are then he doesn't deserve to be part of your future.

I would say that continuing in the porn industry, in whatever capacity, will make some guys nervous. Always best to be honest. If you're role is purely behind the camera then it may be easier for the relationship.

It's clear that you are a beautiful, intelligent, resourceful and driven woman. What do most guys look for in a relationship? They look for the same as you - an emotional, intellectual and physical union that works. Girls only looking for money from a relationship are prostitutes on a lifestyle rather than transactional basis. From what I read in your OP this is not the key driver for you.

So, although you may feel periods of loneliness at times, you have as much chance as anyone - indeed more than most - in finding a meaningful long-term relationship that meets your emotional, intellectual and physical needs.

The people I feel sorry for are those who are in a committed relationship yet still lonely.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-25-2009, 07:55 AM
Had some additional thoughts over dinner:

1. Realized that I hadn't answered the original question about being

While I'm not in a relationship at the moment, I would say that I'm
far from lonely.

2. I don't feel jaded or fearful that I won't find a suitable mate. I've
been in loving, quality relationships and I'm optimistic that it will happen

3. Upthread the conversation digressed to the issue of telling your trans-
status. I've posted my philosophy on this many, many times.

When I was pre op, the person and I would get to know each other well
before I would divulge my status and / or before we became intimate.

As a post op, if it's a casual encounter I may not confide. If it's headed
to something serious then I would divulge that information.

However, in most instances, the person and I get to know each other, and
I tend to avoid meaningless sexual encounters.

Great post Peg! Especially the one's in BOLD.. :P



Thanks Hara.

How have you been sweetie?

You're welcome! I've been good..thanks for asking. Just been busy as a bee working crazy long hours. How are you hun? I haven't really seen you on her as much lately.



Hannibal Lecter
06-25-2009, 03:50 PM
Controversial and contradictory ignorant bastard as i am, i'm gonna say something:


There is a difference between straight men and straight men. A straight plumber
thinks totally different from a straight well educated man with good job
and social status. A plumber-kind-of man generally speaking thinks in rudimentary
simple terms and has most likely hardly red any book throughout his entire life.
So, simply speaking, while straight savage not only is incapable of accepting some
facts that it's mind cannot absorb but even potentially can be very dangerous for
your existance in general, the straight humanoid can accept you as you are, to much
higher extent (although not without difficulties). Please observe that i'm not talking
about involvement in porn industry, but only about the "T" thing in it's essence.

So, be carefull in your choices. You are not a superficial girl. So avoid superficial
men as well.

My thought.

06-25-2009, 05:10 PM

There is a difference between straight men and straight men. A straight plumber
thinks totally different from a straight well educated man with good job
and social status.

A plumber-kind-of man generally speaking thinks in rudimentary
simple terms and has most likely hardly red any book throughout his entire life.

"Hey, I resemble that remark."




06-25-2009, 05:13 PM
You're welcome! I've been good..thanks for asking. Just been busy as a bee working crazy long hours. How are you hun? I haven't really seen you on her as much lately.



Great to hear.

Ditto on the busy, work and other obligations have been keeping
me tied up.

Nicole Dupre
06-25-2009, 07:11 PM
Minus the nonsense posts, from whoever that HungDevils dweeb is, the two basic replies here seem to be either "Don't settle" or "You're a tranny porn star, so you get what you deserve. Deal with it."

Well, I'm suggesting that she never "settles", and that anyone writing her off as some 1-dimensional slut, based over her porn career, is just plain retarded.

That's exactly why so many guys who start getting to know us as models and/or providers are at a disadvantage. They can't put their fantasies in the proper perspective.

I see the way some of you comic book-brained bitch-asses think! Well life is not a coloring book, with dirty naked pics of shemales. If you're just a retarded fan boy, buy your porn and behave yourselves. You're lucky any hot trannys are even posting ANYTHING for your anonymous jizzed-on asses to read, you goddamn geeks. Keep it cute. lol

Of course Joe Six-Pack can't fathom the depths of a tranny who did porn. JFC. That's why he can't hook up with a GG either. He's a dim bulb in the marquee of life. lol WTF are we? Consolation prizes for sexual retards? I don't fuckin' think so. lol

06-25-2009, 07:25 PM
I can look at her pics and porn and fantasize all day, but i would enjoy meeting the real her ... not the porn star. There is more to a relationship and life in general than just sex.

06-25-2009, 07:56 PM
Is it fair that I should have to settle or be lonely? Is this what I deserve?

06-25-2009, 08:03 PM
Nobody should be alone. And you shouldn't have to settle. But dont pass on a good guy because you think a better one is around the corner.

06-25-2009, 08:19 PM
Is it fair that I should have to settle or be lonely? Is this what I deserve?

Stop searching. You are very young, come on now. You are 18 only. Guys will come to you.

06-25-2009, 08:26 PM
I am only Lonely sometimes....would be nice to have a cuddle now and then i guess :)

Until that day i have my Dave the Bear toy :)

06-25-2009, 08:31 PM
Sometimes i got so lonely that i thought about suicide. And it's about just having someone in your life not only a sex partner but a friend ... and i had neither.

06-25-2009, 08:34 PM
Minus the nonsense posts, from whoever that HungDevils dweeb is, the two basic replies here seem to be either "Don't settle" or "You're a tranny porn star, so you get what you deserve. Deal with it."

Well, I'm suggesting that she never "settles", and that anyone writing her off as some 1-dimensional slut, based over her porn career, is just plain retarded.

That's exactly why so many guys who start getting to know us as models and/or providers are at a disadvantage. They can't put their fantasies in the proper perspective.

I see the way some of you comic book-brained bitch-asses think! Well life is not a coloring book, with dirty naked pics of shemales. If you're just a retarded fan boy, buy your porn and behave yourselves. You're lucky any hot trannys are even posting ANYTHING for your anonymous jizzed-on asses to read, you goddamn geeks. Keep it cute. lol

Of course Joe Six-Pack can't fathom the depths of a tranny who did porn. JFC. That's why he can't hook up with a GG either. He's a dim bulb in the marquee of life. lol WTF are we? Consolation prizes for sexual retards? I don't fuckin' think so. lol Maybe hooking up with a fan hasn't/isn't an option for you (or Kelly Shore for that matter). Maybe past experiences have jaded the both of you but you paint a pretty broad stroke for every man and how his fantasies won't live up to the reality. If a guy was dead set on dating or just playing around with a tranny wouldn't it stand to reason that once she's post-op his "kink" would dwindle or disappear and he'd lose interest eventually? Then again maybe not. Ever consider that maybe the guy doesn't want any children and with a gender re-assigned person he'd be guaranteed that (for argument's sake). I'm sure there's the odd case of a couple where one of the people in the relationship has had gender re-assignment that might have persued adoption. Physically (excluding below the waist) you can project woman (and let me tell you I've seen some way more attractive TS's than some naturally born women), maybe emotionally and mentally you're a woman but genetically you're men. I sense a bit of a contradiction on here by some of you ladies. You want a man to accept you for who you are BUT you want to hide or withhold the true nature of yourself until you feel safe or secure in divulging that info. You want honesty from men but are guarded in showing that same trait/quality in return. From what little I know about your world (that of being a TS/TG individual) you're kind of in your own niche. You're not lesbians and they aren't particularly fond of you same goes for the gay men community so where does that leave you girls? Do you fit into the bi-sexual classification? As I understand it you're attracted to men. So where do you find a mate? From which pool do you fish? The heterosexual pool? If a man is hetero but he's attracted to TS/TG does he still qualify as a hetero? Once he find out you're a TS/TG or post-op and still accepts you for who you are is he still a hetero? Or does he out right have to reject you for him to retain his hetero status and if he does reject you where do you then go to fish? I can see Nicole Dupre lambasting me for my use of "labels". Look beyond the labels and ask yourselves the questions I pose. Again for all you lovely ladies I'm not a hater but I do enjoy thought provoking good natured debate. I am curious though Nicole you seem to have a real disdain for "fanboys" yet aren't these same individuals the very people who pay the money for all the little nips and tucks, and eventually gender reassignment? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Maybe not in your case but in a lot of them.

06-26-2009, 12:01 AM
nobody ever puts all their cards on the table when they first meet, male female and ts alike.

I've noticed that guys i've met and told str8 away that im a ts and/or in the adult industry tend to become rude immediately after. They ask idiotic sexual questions and its hard to build respect from them afterwards

while guys who i have not told, get to know ME and when i tell them, they are usually disappointed, but that doesnt last long because at that point they value our relationship/friendship and whatever stereotypes or negative views they have on TS/Adult stars MAY STILL REMAIN, but i will be the exception for them

kinda like "I dont like trannies, but i do like u" And thats good enuf 4 me

06-26-2009, 12:08 AM
nobody ever puts all their cards on the table when they first meet, male female and ts alike.

I've noticed that guys i've met and told str8 away that im a ts and/or in the adult industry tend to become rude immediately after. They ask idiotic sexual questions and its hard to build respect from them afterwards

while guys who i have not told, get to know ME and when i tell them, they are usually disappointed, but that doesnt last long because at that point they value our relationship/friendship and whatever stereotypes or negative views they have on TS/Adult stars MAY STILL REMAIN, but i will be the exception for them

kinda like "I dont like trannies, but i do like u" And thats good enuf 4 me
That would be why I would suggest that when Danielle Foxx meets a plumber that she's attracted to that she not tell him her name is Danielle Foxx. I'm not saying that she did, but the guy did google her and found her porn career. Don't use porn info with strangers and you won't get clocked.

But rather than accept that advice she's going to threaten to have me banned, but I'm still here. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hannibal Lecter
06-26-2009, 12:24 AM
That would be why I would suggest that when Danielle Foxx meets a plumber that she's attracted to that she not tell him her name is Danielle Foxx. I'm not saying that she did, but the guy did google her and found her porn career. Don't use porn info with strangers and you won't get clocked.

But rather than accept that advice she's going to threaten to have me banned, but I'm still here. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You should never underestimate a plumber! He always finds out shit so easily. Especially the senior one, a lot of experience there..

06-26-2009, 02:42 AM
Don't assume every plumber is a brain dead, knuckle dragging, moron!!

Some people feel more fulfilled working in a career using their hands, and not just pushing paper.

But I will say that any female, (GG or TG) who works in the sex industry will have serious problems forming meaningful, long-term romantic relationships.

And some of you TGs need to learn a few lessons from your GG sistahs; no GG with a solid head on her shoulders chooses a man exclusively for how he looks or what kind of body he has.

If your criteria is only skin deep, don't be shocked if that's the extent of your relationship.

06-26-2009, 04:22 AM
so many hetero marriages are formed for the wrong reasons. Most females i know marry for financial stability and because they think the man will make a good father and husband. Not because of love. Sure they may grow to appreciate the guy, but mostly its just a level of comfort and security

Most guys i know are married cuz they were trapped in by pregnancy, or because they knew she would make a honest wife, good cook, gr8 mother. Funny thing is i see more men marrying for love than women.

i think a relationship is to be taken seriously, and u shouldn't jump into one based soley on physical. But the physical is a really big part of attraction and longevity in any relationship.

Funny thing is u can meet a semi attractive guy with an amazing personality that will just make u look @ him and think he's so much cuter. But that only works for guys with personality. Thats why i love so-so guys. The hot ones usually dont have much inside and depend solely on their looks but a semi-attractive guy works harder and treat women better. I hate cocky men, its such a turn off. i like a modest REAL person that i can actually converse with

06-26-2009, 04:24 AM
Ruby the wise

06-26-2009, 05:00 AM
Don't assume every plumber is a brain dead, knuckle dragging, moron!!

Some people feel more fulfilled working in a career using their hands, and not just pushing paper.

But I will say that any female, (GG or TG) who works in the sex industry will have serious problems forming meaningful, long-term romantic relationships.

And some of you TGs need to learn a few lessons from your GG sistahs; no GG with a solid head on her shoulders chooses a man exclusively for how he looks or what kind of body he has.

If your criteria is only skin deep, don't be shocked if that's the extent of your relationship. Sadly nowadays most look at the bank account and go from there.

Nicole Dupre
06-26-2009, 05:27 AM
Don't assume every plumber is a brain dead, knuckle dragging, moron!!

Some people feel more fulfilled working in a career using their hands, and not just pushing paper.

But I will say that any female, (GG or TG) who works in the sex industry will have serious problems forming meaningful, long-term romantic relationships.

And some of you TGs need to learn a few lessons from your GG sistahs; no GG with a solid head on her shoulders chooses a man exclusively for how he looks or what kind of body he has.

If your criteria is only skin deep, don't be shocked if that's the extent of your relationship. Sadly nowadays most look at the bank account and go from there.I look at everything. Don't underestimate me. And I'm not Kelly. I have no fanbase. But I do provide fantasies, and don't tell me that my professionalism does not require a certain degree of compartmentalization. Every man that I have any type of exchange with is more than welcome to charm me. But cyber cat calls are not uber charming. "You're hot." "Let's chat." etc. You just can't see that stuff from my perspective, which is that the majority of Nicole Dupre enthusiasts have one-track minds. And I appreciate that, fellaz. I truly do. Because, yes, I'm genuinely horny and love to fuck. But that's not all I am.

FYI I have been staying in a friend's apartment for a week, helping him recover from a stroke. Nothing AT ALL glamorous about that, fellaz. Trust me. But my detractors label me as a nasty bitch, because I'm a shitty liar and I like to kid around a lot. So you guys are always projecting an image on me. Good or bad, hot or not, real or imagined.

06-26-2009, 05:37 AM
fans wanna date us because of the image, and gag when reality settles in, mud masks go on, mood swings come into play la la la. They forget that we r real people with real lives.

I've dated a few before, and they always get confused because of our work. Just because im an escort doesn't mean im a horny slut 24/7. If anything, i require much more MENTAL stimulation from my signif. other. If ur not buying it, trust and believe u have to WORK for it

I dont think i'll ever date a fan again, but u never know.

06-26-2009, 05:40 AM
As someone in the caregiver industry it is very hard , especially to see someone you care for have bad days. ( grams ) Hang in there Nicole

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-26-2009, 05:42 AM
fans wanna date us because of the image, and gag when reality settles in, mud masks go on, mood swings come into play la la la. They forget that we r real people with real lives.

Ain't that the TRUTH? lol ;)

It's sad really. The guys expect to see you picture perfect (whore looking) all the damn time..Totally unrealistic! :roll:

As someone in the caregiver industry it is very hard , especially to see someone you care for have bad days. ( grams ) Hang in there Nicole

And you're such a man aren't you? I admire that. That's rare in a man. I honestly don't see a lot of men who are as passionate and caring to their elderly's these days.



06-26-2009, 05:56 AM
She raised me after my parents died and i'm all that she has. It's not easy though ... she lashes out and can be abusive. But i forgive her and continue to take care of her.

06-26-2009, 06:22 AM
[quote="RubyTS"]fans wanna date us because of the image, and gag when reality settles in, mud masks go on, mood swings come into play la la la. They forget that we r real people with real lives.

I've dated a few before, and they always get confused because of our work. Just because im an escort doesn't mean im a horny slut 24/7.
They cant seperate your business life from your private life. I think you ladies would be as glamorous in jeans & tshirts since true beauty is inside. But i'm just a simple guy.

Nicole Dupre
06-26-2009, 07:10 AM
I like complicated guys with strong personalities. My man has got to stimulate me in EVERY way. lol

06-26-2009, 07:33 AM
I like complicated guys with strong personalities. My man has got to stimulate me in EVERY way. lol

lmao then u would LOVE my bf, hes full of drama! Sometimes i forget he's not a butchqueen

06-26-2009, 07:37 AM
I like complicated guys with strong personalities. My man has got to stimulate me in EVERY way. lol

I'm here hun :wink:

06-26-2009, 07:50 AM
fans wanna date us because of the image, and gag when reality settles in, mud masks go on, mood swings come into play la la la. They forget that we r real people with real lives.

I've dated a few before, and they always get confused because of our work. Just because im an escort doesn't mean im a horny slut 24/7. If anything, i require much more MENTAL stimulation from my signif. other. If ur not buying it, trust and believe u have to WORK for it

I dont think i'll ever date a fan again, but u never know.

So true!

"My Profession is not my Lifestyle"

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-26-2009, 07:59 AM
I like complicated guys with strong personalities. My man has got to stimulate me in EVERY way. lol

I'm back on hormones..so I know I'll be a walking pms in a few days. lol So I prefer my man to be submissive (but with a mind and opinions of his own)! So I can go punish him whenever I didn't like what comes out of his mouth! *Whip!!




06-26-2009, 08:07 AM

By experience I can tell you that you should simply stop "looking", when one looks hard for something it will bring lots of disappointment. Let it come to you, let it happen, regardless of your past someone will simply accept you not caring about what you did in the past. Believe me, there are men out there who will see from Present to Future with you! It has happened to others (me) so it will happen to you! The plumber was simply not the person destiny has in store for you...see him as just another lesson learned and a try out :)
You can't change the past, that is why one should really considered how to proceed in the present; however, don't you ever let the past stop you from getting to where you want to go in the future! Again, let love come to you, and it will....when you least expect it!

P.S May be changing your name now would be a good idea, a name not easy to find by Google :)


06-26-2009, 08:32 AM
i dont believe god but i do have faith in a person's heart

Nicole Dupre
06-26-2009, 08:37 AM
lol hey, Miss Ruby. :) xo

Actually, I probably meant to use the word "complex". I tend to like artistic and creative men. So when I say 'complicated', I don't mean a drama queen.

Because there's only room for one potential drama queen in any of my relationships, and that's me. ;)

06-26-2009, 08:45 AM
fans wanna date us because of the image, and gag when reality settles in, mud masks go on, mood swings come into play la la la. They forget that we r real people with real lives.

I've dated a few before, and they always get confused because of our work. Just because im an escort doesn't mean im a horny slut 24/7. If anything, i require much more MENTAL stimulation from my signif. other. If ur not buying it, trust and believe u have to WORK for it

I dont think i'll ever date a fan again, but u never know.Rubes you know we all love ya here but ill cut you lmfao(old chat day) lol...you do have to admit though sometimes girls take their Porn or social fame to the point where they think that even if a belowaverage,above average or just average guy likes them and lets just say for instance the guy is serious and not some hehe haha bullshitter, well sometimes girls take that for granted and dont take the time to realize hey this person is being genuine not just trying to get laid,you understand what I mean by that?

06-26-2009, 10:58 AM
Hi Danielle,
You have lots of friends on this site. I'll be your friend as well, if I may.
Many of us feel lonely, too, and feel for you as we know what it feels like - to long to know and be known, to love and be loved. We have the opposite problem to yours; some of us "fans" would be quite open to having a LTR with a trans girl, but the chances of meeting one by circumstance are very small.
It must be particularly difficult for famous people, for rich people, for talented people like yourself to find true love, and once they have it, to keep it. The tabloids are full of such stories of famous people with this difficulty.
Your encounter involved someone who didn't just have to deal with a tg girl, but quite a famous one at that. Imagine the movie "Notting Hill" but with an extra twist.
Don't give up. Some day your prince will come.

06-26-2009, 08:07 PM
I like complicated guys with strong personalities. My man has got to stimulate me in EVERY way. lol

I'm back on hormones..so I know I'll be a walking pms in a few days. lol So I prefer my man to be submissive (but with a mind and opinions of his own)! So I can go punish him whenever I didn't like what comes out of his mouth! *Whip!!




if it's out of his mouth , he certainly deserves to be punished :twisted:

06-26-2009, 08:52 PM
it was interesting thread to read , filled with your special way of thinking , beautiful ladies , and you most certainly do think like women 8)

we all know about the penis envy that GGs have , some of them for sure , "let me tell you sis , we went too far in this envy dream " :wink:

you have very high standards , mainly because the not so easy life , that you all have.
the question is : are the standards too high? are they realistic? maybe part of the reason is the fact that first YOU have to accept yourself as you are , before anyone else 8)

and ladies , there are some guys who do love you 8)

06-26-2009, 09:04 PM
Like me :)

Nicole Dupre
06-26-2009, 10:35 PM
it was interesting thread to read , filled with your special way of thinking , beautiful ladies , and you most certainly do think like women 8)

we all know about the penis envy that GGs have , some of them for sure , "let me tell you sis , we went too far in this envy dream " :wink:

you have very high standards , mainly because the not so easy life , that you all have.
the question is : are the standards too high? are they realistic? maybe part of the reason is the fact that first YOU have to accept yourself as you are , before anyone else 8)

and ladies , there are some guys who do love you 8)

For me anyway, peoples' idiosyncrasies have to mesh and become copacetic with one another. It's about chemistry.

Even if my dating goals are well-thought out and are almost a sure thing, I always reserve the right to change my mind about such matters. But my mental checklist of 'deal breakers' and 'potential pluses' is usually pretty helpful.

06-26-2009, 10:37 PM
Examples Nicole ... please.