View Full Version : Makes me want to cry

06-21-2009, 12:35 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

06-21-2009, 12:51 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.:

Please fuck off and die, you insufferable piece of shit. People like you make me absolutely sick.

Women do not exist only for your pleasure, scumsucker, and I'm sure Miss Bonkar couldn't care less that a vile, verminous little cock-hound like you disapproves of her actions. Fuck you, you selfish bastard.

A woman finally gets what she has always wanted been saving for for years, and all you can think of is yourself.

You're a whining, self-centred, dick-obsessed little cunt and you should be ashamed of yourself.

:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

06-21-2009, 12:54 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.:

Please fuck off and die, you insufferable piece of shit. People like you make me absolutely sick.

Women do not exist only for your pleasure, scumsucker, and I'm sure Miss Bonkar couldn't care less that a vile, verminous little cock-hound like you disapproves of her actions. Fuck you, you selfish bastard.

A woman finally gets what she has always wanted been saving for for years, and all you can think of is yourself.

You're a whining, self-centred, dick-obsessed little cunt and you should be ashamed of yourself.

:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

But seriously, tell us how you're really feeling. Be honest :lol:

06-21-2009, 01:10 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

So you believe in a doctor refusing to treat a patient then just so you can still wank over her? What a selfish individual you are. Do you have any idea how some TS's feel about their sexual identity? Some love their cocks but others it really bothers them.

There are plenty of others for you to expend your sperm over without thinking about what goes on for them off the porn shoot. I love a nice cock on a pretty woman either real or plastic for some variety but never would I put my fantasies above a girls mental stability.

You lot are another to add to my list of types of weirdos and idiots who populate this site 'the cockmongers'. Why is it any business of yours what she does with her life? Are you her boyfriend, her family or close friends ,who care about her? No you are just someone who just uses her as jackoff material.Why should any doctor take any notice of you?

Good luck to her .

06-21-2009, 01:14 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

So you believe in a doctor refusing to treat a patient then just so you can still wank over her? What a selfish individual you are. Do you have any idea how some TS's feel about their sexual identity? Some love their cocks but others it really bothers them.

There are plenty of others for you to expend your sperm over without thinking about what goes on for them off the porn shoot. I love a nice cock on a pretty woman either real or plastic for some variety but never would I put my fantasies above a girls mental stability.

You lot are another to add to my list of types of weirdos and idiots who populate this site 'the cockmongers'. Why is it any business of yours what she does with her life? Are you her boyfriend, her family or close friends ,who care about her? No you are just someone who just uses her as jackoff material.Why should any doctor take any notice of you?

Good luck to her .

:claps :claps :claps :claps

06-21-2009, 01:24 PM
best of luck to Karol Bonkar who finaly made it :claps

06-21-2009, 01:38 PM
Important things first: Good luck and a happy life to her.

Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock.
Actually its not cut off.

Its used to form the new vagina, so its still there... :lol:

Makes me want to cry. :cry:
YOU make me want to cry, egocentric bastard.

06-21-2009, 01:41 PM
Since I prefer post ops,I guess I won't be complaining about this surgery. :D

...and,oh yes, fuck off and die noob! :mrgreen:

06-21-2009, 02:49 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

06-21-2009, 02:58 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

Sounds like you live for cock. Just go on Craigslist, plenty of MEN who will feed you their cocks and sperm. You silly little cock lubber. :roll:

06-21-2009, 03:00 PM
Important things first: Good luck and a happy life to her.

Absolutely agree. Sometimes these petty, self-obsessed cock-hounds just make me see red and I forget that the important thing is that a girl has achieved an enormously important milestone. I wish her all the happiness and success that life can give her.

06-21-2009, 03:08 PM
Important things first: Good luck and a happy life to her.

Absolutely agree. Sometimes these petty, self-obsessed cock-hounds just make me see red and I forget that the important thing is that a girl has achieved an enormously important milestone. I wish her all the happiness and success that life can give her.

i feel the same way good for her

06-21-2009, 03:11 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

Did you realize there was a thin line being walked here, whereby people on the forum -or elsewhere- promoted themselves as a marketing product (to make money, to gain clients)...but then, in the end, had real feelings and longed to reach their emotional and lifestyle goal, freeing themselves from this 'I-am-a- sexual-object' frame to actually live their lifetime dream?

Do not submit individuals to your personal fantasies. Or else, I reckon you should go buy an inflated doll. And cry in her cold, plastic arms. :roll:

Ts CinthyaNY
06-21-2009, 03:12 PM
Honestly, so happy for this girl...



06-21-2009, 03:20 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry: YOURE A BIG CUM GUZZLING DOUCHEBAG!!!!! i hope you go to prison and get RAILED BY BIG BUBBA!!!!!

Ts CinthyaNY
06-21-2009, 04:06 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry: YOURE A BIG CUM GUZZLING DOUCHEBAG!!!!! i hope you go to prison and get RAILED BY BIG BUBBA!!!!!

LMAO... Then he will not be sorry , having that kind of cock at all times...



06-21-2009, 04:28 PM
he probably would. :puke

06-21-2009, 07:37 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

So you believe in a doctor refusing to treat a patient then just so you can still wank over her? What a selfish individual you are. Do you have any idea how some TS's feel about their sexual identity? Some love their cocks but others it really bothers them.

There are plenty of others for you to expend your sperm over without thinking about what goes on for them off the porn shoot. I love a nice cock on a pretty woman either real or plastic for some variety but never would I put my fantasies above a girls mental stability.

You lot are another to add to my list of types of weirdos and idiots who populate this site 'the cockmongers'. Why is it any business of yours what she does with her life? Are you her boyfriend, her family or close friends ,who care about her? No you are just someone who just uses her as jackoff material.Why should any doctor take any notice of you?

Good luck to her .


06-21-2009, 07:49 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry: YOURE A BIG CUM GUZZLING DOUCHEBAG!!!!! i hope you go to prison and get RAILED BY BIG BUBBA!!!!!

Somehow I think he'd LIKE that! :shock:

06-21-2009, 08:22 PM
It will not be good to say that to someone whos planning to undergo GRS/SRS, better be more supportive of her.

If shes happy with it, it will be nice to support her. You know how much courage a TS girl needs to take just to undergo SRS/GRS. I really want to have a pussy someday but im also still thinking about it still dont have the gutts to undergo that operation. Goshhh

06-21-2009, 08:23 PM
I understand that the general public misunderstands how penile inversion is performed, but you'd think this jack-off would have learned a thing or two by now from hanging around these boards.

Actually, I'm surprised I entertained the idea that this fuck wad would know anything about anything.

06-21-2009, 08:37 PM
if all you want is the cock you should be going for men

06-21-2009, 08:39 PM
I was with my first post-op last week. Amazing.

06-21-2009, 08:56 PM

Love that everyone has shown how pathetic, insecure, and prejudice they are by this simple thread. I knew what I could expect from assholes like MacShreath and Arnie666. They constantly spend their days browsing a transsexual website posting derogatory comments to and about anyone who likes transsexuals.

Then there are the others who comment about being just into cock that a big black bubba in prison would be the same. Obviously these people can't distinguish the difference between a preop transsexual and a gay male. And the amazing thing is many TS women her seem to agree.

THe fact that this forum is on a webpage called HUNG angels and everyone hates the preop is ironic. I guess in your warped fevered inbred lives the HUNG is a metaphor for all the stereotypes that have been "HUNG" around an angels neck. Perhaps this website should be renamed...www.sensitivethoughtonSRSandwhyitfulfill sthetranssexualjourney.com

And that last pathetic group are the ones that are so insecure all you have to do is write a tongue-in-cheek (or for you a cock-in-cheek) comment like "cut off her dick"...see I didn't even use the pronoun his, which was clue...to try to inform me of the difference between castration and penile inversion. LMAO. Well....first you hollow out the testes and use the skin to form the labia major and then by removing a section of the colon and relocationg the sphinctor....thereby preserving the glans and creating the clitoris....blah blah blah.

I thought the average IQ of the common posters was around 25 or below and you've proven me correct.

So, I'll fix my user name to MacShreath2 let me see if I can fully grasp this modern day Einstein.....

You fucking cockhound!!!! You love dick in your ass and mouth!!! You sick fucks like you need to be raped by a louisville slugger, that's the same as a tranny, you sick fuck!! Did I call you a sick fuck yet?

"HUNG" angels!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

06-21-2009, 09:03 PM
if all you want is the cock you should be going for men

Thanks for proving my point!!! Yes, preop ts are JUST like guys. lol.

06-21-2009, 09:10 PM

Love that everyone has shown how pathetic, insecure, and prejudice they are by this simple thread. I knew what I could expect from assholes like MacShreath and Arnie666. They constantly spend their days browsing a transsexual website posting derogatory comments to and about anyone who likes transsexuals.

Anyone? No, just the ones that think doctors should refuse to perform srs. :roll:

06-21-2009, 09:12 PM
I understand that the general public misunderstands how penile inversion is performed, but you'd think this jack-off would have learned a thing or two by now from hanging around these boards.

Actually, I'm surprised I entertained the idea that this fuck wad would know anything about anything.

LOL. Thank you also for proving my point. Yes, like YOU, I frequently get my information and get enlightened from reading the inane thoughts of other morons on webpage forums like this. Can't think of a better place. So, please inform me of the intricacies of gender reassignment surgery. I mean who better to give medical advice than idiots that inject "medical" silicone into their asses, tites and legs because implants cost too much. "teee heeee heee...brake fluid works the same....heeee heee".

06-21-2009, 09:12 PM
It will not be good to say that to someone whos planning to undergo GRS/SRS, better be more supportive of her.

If shes happy with it, it will be nice to support her. You know how much courage a TS girl needs to take just to undergo SRS/GRS. I really want to have a pussy someday but im also still thinking about it still dont have the gutts to undergo that operation. Goshhh I agree with Alyssats. The point is to be SUPPORTIVE and respectful for any
decision a girl takes. She wants to keep her masculine attributes, it's OK. She want to get a surgery, it is OK too. Human beings are more than a piece of skin.

06-21-2009, 09:13 PM

Love that everyone has shown how pathetic, insecure, and prejudice they are by this simple thread. I knew what I could expect from assholes like MacShreath and Arnie666. They constantly spend their days browsing a transsexual website posting derogatory comments to and about anyone who likes transsexuals.

Anyone? No, just the ones that think doctors should refuse to perform srs. :roll:

Obviously you haven't seen their other posts.

06-21-2009, 09:15 PM

Love that everyone has shown how pathetic, insecure, and prejudice they are by this simple thread. I knew what I could expect from assholes like MacShreath and Arnie666. They constantly spend their days browsing a transsexual website posting derogatory comments to and about anyone who likes transsexuals.

Anyone? No, just the ones that think doctors should refuse to perform srs. :roll:

Obviously you haven't seen their other posts.

Oh I have, that's how I know he doesn't respond to everyone.

06-21-2009, 09:16 PM
There are plenty of girls who are more than happy to keep their wangs.

Move on. She has.

06-21-2009, 09:28 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

Not sure where you got the quote "unusable", I never used that word. And as for your deduction that there's "no way [I'd] be caught dead dating Karol now", proves what a simpleton you are. Don't try to read between the lines when you can't READ period.

06-21-2009, 09:33 PM
Now I realize why I have started coming here less and less.


06-21-2009, 09:41 PM

06-21-2009, 09:43 PM

Love that everyone has shown how pathetic, insecure, and prejudice they are by this simple thread. I knew what I could expect from assholes like MacShreath and Arnie666. They constantly spend their days browsing a transsexual website posting derogatory comments to and about anyone who likes transsexuals.

Then there are the others who comment about being just into cock that a big black bubba in prison would be the same. who said the big bubba was BLACK??? OR IS THAT YOUR WISH YOU BIG COCKHOUND!!! :lol:

06-21-2009, 09:43 PM
Maybe HA needs a sub-forum for TGs who love their cock!!

That way we can avoid these ugly confrontations.. :(

06-21-2009, 09:48 PM
Maybe HA needs a sub-forum for TGs who love their cock!!

That way we can avoid these ugly confrontations.. :(

Nah, we just need an automatic ban on vermin who start threads deliberately intending to insult and demean women who have achieved their ambition of GRS. No exceptions.

06-21-2009, 09:52 PM
who said the big bubba was BLACK??? OR IS THAT YOUR WISH YOU BIG COCKHOUND!!! :lol:

lol. finally someone with some sense of sarcasm and humor. You got it. I'm just glad to realize, thanks to the panel of psychologists here that when I loved Danielle Foxx's preop videos, I was a gay cock hound, and I might as well have just watched gay porn, but now that she's had SRS, and I still like her, I'm now NORMAL again. Oh thank you thank you thank you. Now I can go back to watching Janine and lesbian porn for the love of pussy.

06-21-2009, 10:02 PM
Maybe HA needs a sub-forum for TGs who love their cock!!

That way we can avoid these ugly confrontations.. :(

:lol: Yes!!! HUNG ANGELS...HUNG ANGELS with banners depicting women with MONSTER cocks and hawking dvd's with porn starlets with MONSTER COCKS needs a sub forum for people who love HUNG ANGELS, Girls with MONSTER COCKS.


No, HA needs a subforum for guys who are so insecure with their own sexuality that they need girls that have had SRS so they won't have to confront their own gay feelings.

She thinks she's female, her mind has always been female, and now she's altered her body to appear female, so I AM NOT with a male. whew. Now I won't feel guilty when I wack off to her.

06-22-2009, 12:22 AM

Love that everyone has shown how pathetic, insecure, and prejudice they are by this simple thread. I knew what I could expect from assholes like MacShreath and Arnie666. They constantly spend their days browsing a transsexual website posting derogatory comments to and about anyone who likes transsexuals.

Then there are the others who comment about being just into cock that a big black bubba in prison would be the same. Obviously these people can't distinguish the difference between a preop transsexual and a gay male. And the amazing thing is many TS women her seem to agree.

THe fact that this forum is on a webpage called HUNG angels and everyone hates the preop is ironic. I guess in your warped fevered inbred lives the HUNG is a metaphor for all the stereotypes that have been "HUNG" around an angels neck. Perhaps this website should be renamed...www.sensitivethoughtonSRSandwhyitfulfill sthetranssexualjourney.com

And that last pathetic group are the ones that are so insecure all you have to do is write a tongue-in-cheek (or for you a cock-in-cheek) comment like "cut off her dick"...see I didn't even use the pronoun his, which was clue...to try to inform me of the difference between castration and penile inversion. LMAO. Well....first you hollow out the testes and use the skin to form the labia major and then by removing a section of the colon and relocationg the sphinctor....thereby preserving the glans and creating the clitoris....blah blah blah.

I thought the average IQ of the common posters was around 25 or below and you've proven me correct.

So, I'll fix my user name to MacShreath2 let me see if I can fully grasp this modern day Einstein.....

You fucking cockhound!!!! You love dick in your ass and mouth!!! You sick fucks like you need to be raped by a louisville slugger, that's the same as a tranny, you sick fuck!! Did I call you a sick fuck yet?

"HUNG" angels!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Actually cockweazel I really couldn't give a shit what someone likes to do with transexuals. Would be rather hypocritical for me to do so when I am a known fan of girls with meaty pleasers. I like to give and take with the girls I play with and to be honest Iam of the school of thought that labeling people as more Gay than someone else because of something they like to do with a ts is unhelpful when off this board the vast majority of people think we are all queer trannys included.There is no sliding Gay scale we are all shirtlifters.It doesn't matter what the law says about gender identity or what stages girls are at with their transition. The general public doesn't understand us. I think it is far better for us all to try and accept each others preferences.

Even the militant cockmongers I will tolerate when I think some belong on the Gay sites or at bathouses.

I never to my knowledge have ever made a nasty comment about someone liking the cock and solely the cock so you have obviously been sniffing to much glue or whatever it is you do. But your post caught my eye when you made such an utterly selfish and vomit inducing remark and thus showing your disregard for a human being.

Ps If you think I was being nasty to you in that last post you really haven't seen anything when I have had a few drinks and post on here you big baby.

06-22-2009, 12:24 AM
Maybe HA needs a sub-forum for TGs who love their cock!!

That way we can avoid these ugly confrontations.. :(

:lol: Yes!!! HUNG ANGELS...HUNG ANGELS with banners depicting women with MONSTER cocks and hawking dvd's with porn starlets with MONSTER COCKS needs a sub forum for people who love HUNG ANGELS, Girls with MONSTER COCKS.


No, HA needs a subforum for guys who are so insecure with their own sexuality that they need girls that have had SRS so they won't have to confront their own gay feelings.

She thinks she's female, her mind has always been female, and now she's altered her body to appear female, so I AM NOT with a male. whew. Now I won't feel guilty when I wack off to her.

06-22-2009, 12:26 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

Not sure where you got the quote "unusable", I never used that word. And as for your deduction that there's "no way [I'd] be caught dead dating Karol now", proves what a simpleton you are. Don't try to read between the lines when you can't READ period.
Good point.
There is a difference between dating a TS and watching TS porn.

06-22-2009, 12:26 AM
And I'll tell you something else, petal; your thread, and your credibility, are both well and truly fucked.

06-22-2009, 12:28 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

Not sure where you got the quote "unusable", I never used that word. And as for your deduction that there's "no way [I'd] be caught dead dating Karol now", proves what a simpleton you are. Don't try to read between the lines when you can't READ period.
Good point.
There is a difference between dating a TS and watching TS porn.

If you think that justifies the hate that the OP spewed, you're as bad as he is.

Danielle Foxx
06-22-2009, 12:29 AM
Now she is perfect!

That is just how I feel when I look at my vagina. I am in love with her, I pamper her, she is spoiled all over the place.

Good for this girl I wish her all the happiness that came my way and doubled.

06-22-2009, 12:33 AM
No, HA needs a subforum for guys who are so insecure with their own sexuality that they need girls that have had SRS so they won't have to confront their own gay feelings.

She thinks she's female, her mind has always been female, and now she's altered her body to appear female, so I AM NOT with a male. whew. Now I won't feel guilty when I wack off to her.
Excellent point!

06-22-2009, 12:35 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

Sad.. some men still do not understand the real meaning of being a transsexual woman... obviously she sees herself as post-op transexual woman.... so selfish from some guys! So the doctors should refuse to give her the surgery that would make her feel complete and be stable psychologically just because some men prefer her with a penis?? Seriously dude....geesh! Some of these trans-women do what they do to save up enough for this last step in their transition.. not all of them want to keep a penis to fulfill men's fantasies.

06-22-2009, 12:38 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

Not sure where you got the quote "unusable", I never used that word. And as for your deduction that there's "no way [I'd] be caught dead dating Karol now", proves what a simpleton you are. Don't try to read between the lines when you can't READ period.
Good point.
There is a difference between dating a TS and watching TS porn.

If you think that justifies the hate that the OP spewed, you're as bad as he is.
I think he was referring to her as a porn star. I think he's saying he will miss her as a pre-op TS performer.

06-22-2009, 12:41 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

Not sure where you got the quote "unusable", I never used that word. And as for your deduction that there's "no way [I'd] be caught dead dating Karol now", proves what a simpleton you are. Don't try to read between the lines when you can't READ period.
Good point.
There is a difference between dating a TS and watching TS porn.

If you think that justifies the hate that the OP spewed, you're as bad as he is.
I think he was referring to her as a porn star. I think he's saying he will miss her as a pre-op TS performer.

What do you think of the comment he made about the doctors refusing to treat her so he could keep drooling at the sight of her cock?

Over stepped the line in my view even for a cockmonger.

06-22-2009, 12:42 AM
now she is what she always felt she should of been a girl and good for her. We should support her for following her dream of being a girl.Cause no matter what she does to the outside she will always be a girl on the inside. She is just completed herself in her eyes. best of luck to girl

06-22-2009, 12:43 AM
I think he was referring to her as a porn star. I think he's saying he will miss her as a pre-op TS performer.

Let me reprise what he said:

Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

I think it's fine to give the benefit of the doubt, but in this case there is none.

06-22-2009, 12:44 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

Not sure where you got the quote "unusable", I never used that word. And as for your deduction that there's "no way [I'd] be caught dead dating Karol now", proves what a simpleton you are. Don't try to read between the lines when you can't READ period.
Good point.
There is a difference between dating a TS and watching TS porn.

If you think that justifies the hate that the OP spewed, you're as bad as he is.
I think he was referring to her as a porn star. I think he's saying he will miss her as a pre-op TS performer.

What do you think of the comment he made about the doctors refusing to treat her so he could keep drooling at the sight of her cock?

Over stepped the line in my view even for a cockmonger.
Do think he was serious? I really think he was joking.

06-22-2009, 12:49 AM
Here's my 2 cents.

I think anyone who has spouted their disgust needs to cool off. He probably didn't realise how ignorant his message was nor realise what backlash there may have been. I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say "there's a guy who likes Karol Bonkar's knob".

That's not to say I condone the other junk about refusing her surgery or guys being insecure about their sexuality (and indeed, this is junk), but I can see the op for what it is. Anything posted subsequently can be classed as a) indignant lynching or b) an attempt to defend a pretty dumb op. Why doesn't everyone just let it go!

06-22-2009, 12:49 AM
THe fact that this forum is on a webpage called HUNG angels and everyone hates the preop is ironic.
The people here dont "hate" the preop part...

Am i "sad" that she had the operation?
We wont have more pics or vids of her with a cock, i like TS with cock, so in a way i am "sad".

Am i happy for her that she finally is the woman she wants to be?
Absolutely 100% yes.

She thinks she's female, her mind has always been female, and now she's altered her body to appear female, so I AM NOT with a male. whew. Now I won't feel guilty when I wack off to her.
If that is how you think about TS, then what the fuck are you doing here?

06-22-2009, 12:50 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

You need help. The fact that someone is "unusable" because of choice that's against your wishes is pathetic. In essence what you're telling us is there's no way you'd be caught dead dating Karol now? Yah I'm sure she'll be crying over that one.

Not sure where you got the quote "unusable", I never used that word. And as for your deduction that there's "no way [I'd] be caught dead dating Karol now", proves what a simpleton you are. Don't try to read between the lines when you can't READ period.
Good point.
There is a difference between dating a TS and watching TS porn.

If you think that justifies the hate that the OP spewed, you're as bad as he is.
I think he was referring to her as a porn star. I think he's saying he will miss her as a pre-op TS performer.

What do you think of the comment he made about the doctors refusing to treat her so he could keep drooling at the sight of her cock?

Over stepped the line in my view even for a cockmonger.
Do think he was serious? I really think he was joking.

Well every single person in this thread took him serious and he never said he was joking when he made further posts. This kind of behaviour is symptomatic of an extreme cockmonger. The utter disregard for anything but the cock. The girls mental and physical health does not matter as long as he gets to gawp at that throbbing stick of gristle.

06-22-2009, 12:54 AM
She thinks she's female, her mind has always been female, and now she's altered her body to appear female, so I AM NOT with a male. whew. Now I won't feel guilty when I wack off to her.
If that is how you think about TS, then what the fuck are you doing here?
He was talking about about some of guys here. Read more carefully.

06-22-2009, 12:55 AM
. Anything posted subsequently can be classed as a) indignant lynching or b) an attempt to defend a pretty dumb op. Why doesn't everyone just let it go!

So are you saying that you think GRS is "a pretty dumb op?" Just giving you the benefit of the doubt.

06-22-2009, 12:59 AM
She thinks she's female, her mind has always been female, and now she's altered her body to appear female, so I AM NOT with a male. whew. Now I won't feel guilty when I wack off to her.
If that is how you think about TS, then what the fuck are you doing here?
He was talking about about some of guys here. Read more carefully.

Actually, he was trying to slime his way out of the hole he'd dug himself into by a blatant attempt to divert the blame. Teydyn read it just fine.

06-22-2009, 01:00 AM
. Anything posted subsequently can be classed as a) indignant lynching or b) an attempt to defend a pretty dumb op. Why doesn't everyone just let it go!

So are you saying that you think GRS is "a pretty dumb op?" Just giving you the benefit of the doubt.

OP being original post. You're a touch defensive MacShreach?

06-22-2009, 01:02 AM
. Anything posted subsequently can be classed as a) indignant lynching or b) an attempt to defend a pretty dumb op. Why doesn't everyone just let it go!

So are you saying that you think GRS is "a pretty dumb op?" Just giving you the benefit of the doubt.

OP being original post. You're a touch defensive MacShreach?

Ah, gotcha. I didn't think it was like you, my mistake.

06-22-2009, 01:05 AM
. Anything posted subsequently can be classed as a) indignant lynching or b) an attempt to defend a pretty dumb op. Why doesn't everyone just let it go!

So are you saying that you think GRS is "a pretty dumb op?" Just giving you the benefit of the doubt.

OP being original post. You're a touch defensive MacShreach?

Ah, gotcha. I didn't think it was like you, my mistake.

No worries man. I'll reiterate what I said, some guys (myself included) will lash any pic of a babe on here and feel a compulsion to write something. Unfortunatley this guy wrote something thoughtless and, apart from certain people's sensitivities, it's done no harm. Later.

06-22-2009, 01:08 AM
Wow. I saw this post this morning and thought, hmm, nice picture, but this thread just isn't going to go anywhere.

How wrong I was...

06-22-2009, 01:16 AM
oh my

Felicia Katt
06-22-2009, 01:42 AM
Anyone who thinks a t girl is nothing but her dick
or is nothing without it
is a dick who knows nothing about t girls


06-22-2009, 05:54 AM
showing your disregard for a human being.

Ps If you think I was being nasty to you in that last post you really haven't seen anything when I have had a few drinks and post on here you big baby.

I didn't show any disregard for a human being, I just preferred her pre, it's like taking a knife and cutting off Mona Lisa's smile. But get drunk, I'm sure that's how you get through the rest of your pathetic life and bring it on, because I couldn't give a shit what your opinion is or what you say. But because the scope of the smallness of your mind fascinates me I wonder exactly what you decided was "vomit inducing" about my comment, considering I just liked her the way she was and didn't see any reason to change. When your brain cell splits and you have two, you'll understand sarcasm.

It's really too easy, and no challenge to beat down the mentally defunct here. This thread is done.

06-22-2009, 06:03 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.:

Please fuck off and die, you insufferable piece of shit. People like you make me absolutely sick.

Women do not exist only for your pleasure, scumsucker, and I'm sure Miss Bonkar couldn't care less that a vile, verminous little cock-hound like you disapproves of her actions. Fuck you, you selfish bastard.

A woman finally gets what she has always wanted been saving for for years, and all you can think of is yourself.

You're a whining, self-centred, dick-obsessed little cunt and you should be ashamed of yourself.

:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :pukeI can understand your defense of the ladies, but c'mon. Why so harsh?? You could have voiced your opinion in a more civilized manner. Telling people to F off and die? C'mon.

06-22-2009, 06:04 AM
She thinks she's female, her mind has always been female, and now she's altered her body to appear female, so I AM NOT with a male. whew. Now I won't feel guilty when I wack off to her.
If that is how you think about TS, then what the fuck are you doing here?

That's not what I think. Geeeesh. In the context, that's how the patrionizing postop lovers are acting.

It is amazing how people will make up things I'm supposed to have said, or wrote, and then argue about it.

06-22-2009, 07:29 AM
For what's it's worth, I think she looked better with a cock also.

The thing about TGs that most guys, including myself, tend to forget, is that if the fairie Godmother of GRS floated down into the bedroom of most TGs one night and gave them the option of having a prick or a pussy, one morning there would suddenly be no such thing as transgendered women or porn, except for gay dudes in drag!!

06-22-2009, 07:38 AM
The thing about TGs that most guys, including myself, tend to forget, is that if the fairie Godmother of GRS floated down into the bedroom of most TGs one night and gave them the option of having a prick or a pussy, one morning there would suddenly be no such thing as transgendered women or porn, except for gay dudes in drag!!

I'd agree that most would go through with it, but there would still be some that would not go all the way.

As for this thread I knew it was going to be a disaster as soon as I read the OP lol. I'm not going to delve into the long and convoluted topic of being attracted to pre-ops, or being a bottom or top. What matters is that another human being attained something that obviously was quite important to her, and we should all wish her well.

06-22-2009, 09:52 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.:

Please fuck off and die, you insufferable piece of shit. People like you make me absolutely sick.

Women do not exist only for your pleasure, scumsucker, and I'm sure Miss Bonkar couldn't care less that a vile, verminous little cock-hound like you disapproves of her actions. Fuck you, you selfish bastard.

A woman finally gets what she has always wanted been saving for for years, and all you can think of is yourself.

You're a whining, self-centred, dick-obsessed little cunt and you should be ashamed of yourself.

:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :pukeI can understand your defense of the ladies, but c'mon. Why so harsh?? You could have voiced your opinion in a more civilized manner. Telling people to F off and die? C'mon.

Don't like it? Hmm. Tough. Don't read my posts.

06-22-2009, 09:58 AM
I didn't show any disregard for a human being,

Bullshit. You're a barefaced liar who is now trying to slime his way out of the corner he got himself into. You don't even have the courage to stand by your own statements.

06-22-2009, 10:07 AM
I think alot of these girls take what some of these guyz say to personal.....therefore maybe a lot of them should keep their little peckers,so that they can go fuck themselves. :twisted:
you know not all of you are GOD'S GREAT GIFT to the earth like you think..
I came here to just look at some pictures of hot Shemales.......
I dont read much of the shit that spills from anyones mouths........
AND Heaven forbid someone state one wee thing thats in their minds,cause if you dont agree........FUCK ME. I am sure youz will let them know with both barrels.................
Most will just die of old fucking age,sorry they cut off their little dicks because,,,,,,,they were really the only true friends they had...........
C can't
U understand
N normal
T thinking
S stupid fucks
:evil: :evil: :evil:

06-22-2009, 10:09 AM
For what's it's worth, I think she looked better with a cock also.

The thing about TGs that most guys, including myself, tend to forget, is that if the fairie Godmother of GRS floated down into the bedroom of most TGs one night and gave them the option of having a prick or a pussy, one morning there would suddenly be no such thing as transgendered women or porn, except for gay dudes in drag!!

There you go believing in fairies again. :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously, even if EVERY TS woman who intended it, decided tomorrow to have her GRS, there would still be plenty of TG women who have no desire to lose their penises, to satisfy the cock-hounds. TS women are only a tiny proportion of TG women, a point routinely misunderstood here, and even of those, not all desire GRS.

And of course that makes the OP's villainous attack on one of them even more despicable.

In any case, even if there were no women with penises left at all, so what? It's hardly essential equipment for a woman.

06-22-2009, 10:34 AM
I think alot of these girls take what some of these guyz say to personal.....therefore maybe a lot of them should keep their little peckers,so that they can go fuck themselves. :twisted:
you know not all of you are GOD'S GREAT GIFT to the earth like you think..
I came here to just look at some pictures of hot Shemales.......
I dont read much of the shit that spills from anyones mouths........
AND Heaven forbid someone state one wee thing thats in their minds,cause if you dont agree........FUCK ME. I am sure youz will let them know with both barrels.................
Most will just die of old fucking age,sorry they cut off their little dicks because,,,,,,,they were really the only true friends they had...........
C can't
U understand
N normal
T thinking
S stupid fucks
:evil: :evil: :evil:

Are you drunk or just an idiot?

Never mind, this'll keep you quiet for hours....

11-12-2009, 04:20 PM
Is there a post-op pic of Karol?

11-12-2009, 04:48 PM
Hey get over it and admire a new pre op lol

11-12-2009, 06:58 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.:

Please fuck off and die, you insufferable piece of shit. People like you make me absolutely sick.

Women do not exist only for your pleasure, scumsucker, and I'm sure Miss Bonkar couldn't care less that a vile, verminous little cock-hound like you disapproves of her actions. Fuck you, you selfish bastard.

A woman finally gets what she has always wanted been saving for for years, and all you can think of is yourself.

You're a whining, self-centred, dick-obsessed little cunt and you should be ashamed of yourself.

:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

You guys are fucking retarded. Women DO exist for ones own personal pleasure if they decide to become a fucking porn star, transsexual or not.

That's right, in the world of PORN, women, transexuals, or otherwise, are nothing but objects that are fun to look at. Sure, they might be great people, with great personalities, and their own needs and desires, but that's not perspective people jerkin off shooting a load to them are coming from. And it's not the perspective porn stars are coming from when they decided to (selfishly) have sex for money.

It's no different than talking about banging a guy/girl with your buddies; that actress you want to fuck up the ass, or how that female porn star shouldn't have gotten that tit job. Only difference here is, we're talking about transsexuals so everyone get's all sensitive all of a sudden.

Some of you guys need to quit taking everything so literal, quit taking everything so personal, and quit taking everything so fucking serious. Go to a human rights board if you're bitch about shit like this. Otherwise shut the fuck up and continue fapping.

Seriously, chill out you motherfuckers. OP was only half serious.

11-13-2009, 12:26 AM
Women DO exist for ones own personal pleasure if they decide to become a fucking porn star, transsexual or not.

That's not really true, the product (movies, pictures, etc) is for the consumer's personal pleasure, the girl itself isn't. If someone wants her to do something she doesn't want to do (i.e. beastiality, skat, blood, etc.) that's too fucking bad, she can say "go find someone else" whenever she wants.

Only difference here is, we're talking about transsexuals so everyone get's all sensitive all of a sudden.

No, the difference is here we're talking about what a girl did AFTER working in the industry. Guys can't expect girls from porn to look like they did in their porn shoots forever. People grow old, people change- what happens after they make porn is irrelevant. If its a buzz kill for a guy to learn that the actress he jerks off to every day has since gotten SRS, that's tough shit. If it's that big of a problem, find someone else to jerk off to. It's not like there isn't more porn out there to choose from.

Jim Brown
11-19-2009, 04:41 AM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:
no, really,noo, that gaddamn whore!

Women do not exist only for your pleasure.....blah, blah, blah, you selfish bastard.

really what purpose do they serve? ... its it the bible.

11-19-2009, 09:56 AM
Id be happy for her if the operation was 100% successful and it was as good as the genetic thing.

Sadly its not and until the tech catches up, its too risky.

11-19-2009, 12:15 PM
Can't believe that Karol Bonkar would cut off this beautiful cock. Sometimes doctors should just plain refuse to do work no matter how much the patient wants it or the money offered.

Should have made the trip to Milan. Now I'll never get to taste that glorious specimen of TShood. Gone forever.

Makes me want to cry. :cry:

Shame to waste a perfectly good cock. Well, bring on the next fresh tranny queen!