View Full Version : FBI Closes TEXT ONLY Erotic Story Website
10-08-2005, 06:04 PM
PITTSBURGH — Online erotic stories host Red Rose Stories announced on its site Friday that the FBI had forced it to shut down.
According to a posting on the site’s main page, Red Rose Stories is facing obscenity charges for posting stories that allegedly involved bestiality, water sports, scat, bondage and domination, S&M, slavery, threesomes, orgies and sex with children.
According to Rosie, who runs the site, such topics have opened the door to her prosecution.
“Trust me on this. I found out the hard way. I never thought I'd be in trouble for the written word," Rosie told XBiz via email. “I had no pictures of a sexual nature on my site, adult or otherwise. [It seems] the only legal sex stories are those that involve a man and a woman consenting to missionary position sex in a dark room.”
Rosie said officials came to her house when she was not home and seized a number of items.
The men in black took all of my computer equipment and many of my diskettes, and have access to all my files and site information,” she wrote. “I am sorry to inform all interested parties that Red Rose Stories is a dead site.”
Rosie said that chat services on the site, as well as some parts to its forum, would remain open, and suggested subscribers contact the Pittsburgh FBI office if they “want to ask the feds for a refund.”
As of this writing, calls by XBiz to the office were not returned.
News of the site’s closure comes just days after the offices of Max Hardcore’s Max World Entertainment were raided under the authority of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the Justice Department, and little more than a week after the FBI launched an anti-obscenity squad at the behest of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to increase obscenity prosecutions throughout the country.
10-08-2005, 06:45 PM
Holy shit, this getting worse and worse. I can't see how the case will have a chance since the supreme court has already ruled that cartoons and other drawings depicting "obscene" material is not illegal. And stories involving underage kids or incest? Better round up all the copies of Hamlet and Romeo And Juliet. Of course the feds will agrue the old "works without value beyond titilation" or something.
It reminds me of awhile ago when I read on the AVN site that a guy and his wife got arrested for a web site called They lost their house, all their money, their source of income, their lives were totally ruined and they were thrown in prison. For video taping college girls willing performing a completely natural act. Unbelievable. I was going to make a documentary about the whole situation, did all the research and then. . .sat around drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and thinking up other ideas to make a documentary about.
Anyhoo, it's an outrage. I wish I knew some realistic way to do something about it.
10-08-2005, 07:35 PM
completely insane
but it wont hold up in the courts i think
goes to sh ow you how this wonderful administration is spending tax dollars
10-08-2005, 08:41 PM
Its starting. Once thought ... and its simplest expression (the written word) is subject to criminality, we have begun the slide to a very very dark society where freedom (and its very expression) itself ... is soon to be criminalized.
10-08-2005, 09:10 PM
it will come back to bite the FEDS in the ass, trust me
just like these countersuits against RIAA popping up
they struck 1st, but the people strike harder second
just watch & wait
10-09-2005, 12:24 AM America?
To qoute Kurt Russel in Escape from L.A.
"Freedom in America died a long time ago." :evil:
10-09-2005, 12:40 AM
Though the stories maybe fictional, I do not like stories fictional or non-fictional that involve sex with children and animals. IMO, this oversteps the freedom of speech. As far as the other type of stories are OK as far as freedom of speech, though I do not like some of topics (scat, bondage, domination, S&M, slavery and watersports).
I do not like what the Bush Administration is doing as far as our rights and liberties granted under the Constitution. I still do not understand how he continues to frame judges that stick to the framework of the Constitution, while he continues to degrade our bill of rights. It will only pave the way to try to get rid of abortion and porn, IMO (only time will tell - though I do not think they will totally abolish porn, but will try to tone it down).
10-09-2005, 02:25 AM
What it comes down to is, does the constitution mean anything or not? Does freedom of speech mean you can say or write anything you want? I think it does.
"You can't yell 'fire' in a movie theatre" is gonna come up. I think that's a dumb law, if it is a law. People should be smart enough to determine on their own if a theatre is burning down or not. Is it illegal to shout "look out, it's right behind you!" at a blind person? No. It's stupid to do, but it's not illegal.
Nazi propoganda, gay bashing material and many other things are just plain wrong, but they should be allowed. When you put training wheels on a society and remove all the "bad" stuff, people get lazy and don't feel the need to fight back anymore. Fighting back to insure your freedom should be required of everyone. If you don't like something, say something about it, but don't make stupid laws regulating what can and can't be said.
Blah blah blah, I'm drunk. Going to bed at 7:30. This drinking early might not be such a good idea after all.
In fact, there should be a law against it! heheh
10-09-2005, 03:17 PM
Honda: The idea behind not screaming "fire' in a crowded building is that you can't use speech to place people in clear and present physical danger. The reason that's against the law is that screaming that may start a stampede that may injure or kill someone.
Personally, this is an attempt to throw more red meat at the fundies. What I don't get about these people is that heterosexual procreative sex is so natural, why are they trying to make it so that *any* other kind of sex has life-altering properties, up to and including serious injury or death? Kinda sounds like they're trying to make their point by force to me.
Actively petition your congressional leaders and tell them that censorship will not be tolerated, and it's their jobs that are on the line. You must do it. Corporate interests know that sexual freedom results in people who would rather fuck than fight, eat, drink, smoke, and generally ruin themselves in a way from which they cannot profit.
Money is aligning against you, but your voice is your salvation. Speak up even if no one is listening yet. There are many who agree but have not put it plainly enough for the masses to understand. Do not be silent!
10-09-2005, 07:55 PM
Thanks illuminati and z, both good posts. It's one of those "where do you draw the line?" questions. I suppose that's why we elect people, to figure these kinds of things out. I think we should start a third political party based on the ideals presented in these forums, or better yet a utopian state and succeed from the nation.
Hmmm, actually that idea has come up a couple times already. If only that damn cricket hadn't got whacked. . .
10-09-2005, 09:04 PM
Though the stories maybe fictional, I do not like stories fictional or non-fictional that involve sex with children and animals. IMO, this oversteps the freedom of speech. As far as the other type of stories are OK as far as freedom of speech, though I do not like some of topics (scat, bondage, domination, S&M, slavery and watersports).
I do not like what the Bush Administration is doing as far as our rights and liberties granted under the Constitution. I still do not understand how he continues to frame judges that stick to the framework of the Constitution, while he continues to degrade our bill of rights. It will only pave the way to try to get rid of abortion and porn, IMO (only time will tell - though I do not think they will totally abolish porn, but will try to tone it down).
Dubya is kissing the rightious asses of the religious right. He's our most religious president ever. Hell, he already tried several times to amend the constitution. He's thinking he can do anything cause he has the bible belt backing him up. :roll:
It will only pave the way to try to get rid of abortion and porn, IMO (only time will tell - though I do not think they will totally abolish porn, but will try to tone it down).
Somehow I don't think their idea of toned down porn includes shemales.
10-13-2005, 04:19 AM
The whole thing is probably a ruse. Bush nominates this Mier's chick, the democrats think "she's a stooge, but not so bad", the republicans shoot down the nomination.
Bush shrugs, "I tried", Attorney General Gonzales gets nominated next. The moral majority thinks "Hey, he's the guy who waged war on that filthy porn!", public perception to shore up senatorial re-elections in the red states gives the guy the green light and he's on the court. Young, conservative, and a choice that's not the typical "white guy" to show the republicans aren't a bunch of jerks (for the most part).
Just a theory. Maybe the're saving Gonzales for the next slot to open up.
The War On Porn won't last. The internet gave everyone a glipse inside the, what use to be, seedy doors of the porn shop. It's a diminishing returns deal. The more people really get to discover porn, the less the're going to hate it.
Everybody likes to watch a pretty girl get fucked in the ass and her face sprayed with cum. They do. People who deny it are lying.
It's a primal thing.
10-13-2005, 08:35 PM
I don't believe in ANY restrictions on the written word. I think libel suits can settle any problems
in the press beyond shoddy reporting.
By restricting our writing they are trying to restrict our thinking.
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