View Full Version : Paranormal experiences?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:08 AM
Someone sent me a PM and asked about my interest in the paranormal. That gave me an idea for this thread. Thanks Arnie! :P

Paranormal is a general term that describes unusual experiences that lack a scientific explanation, or phenomena alleged to be outside of science's current ability to explain or measure. In parapsychology, it is used to describe the potentially psychic phenomena of telepathy, extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, ghosts, and hauntings.

Anyone on here have a 1st hand experience with any paranormal activities growing up?

Ok guys..let's have a go at it! lol ;)



06-08-2009, 01:15 AM
Actually I have had many, but that said I am not a believer in many alien and UFO stories. On that tip, I think when aliens come, we will all know... But I have had many magical spiritual and unexplainable experiences and xxxperiences too hehe!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:17 AM
Actually I have had many, but that said I am not a believer in many alien and UFO stories. On that tip, I think when aliens come, we will all know... But I have had many magical spiritual and unexplainable experiences and xxxperiences too hehe!

Kewl..earthquakes and having sex with shemales are not paranormal activities and doesn't count! lol ;)



06-08-2009, 01:23 AM
I think earthquakes should count and some really uncontrolable multiple orgasms should count too!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:26 AM
I think earthquakes should count and some really uncontrolable multiple orgasms should count too!

lol oh yeah? Multiple huh? ...



06-08-2009, 01:27 AM
Life after death, there would be contact between them and us?
It would be a normal or paranormal?Intuition, mediunity, paranormal or normal?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:31 AM
Life after death, there would be contact between them and us?
It would be a normal or paranormal?Intuition, mediunity, paranormal or normal?

You mean, like a séance? Have you ever done it personally?



06-08-2009, 01:33 AM
yeah, multiple unexplainables and a few multiple orgasms along the way...

06-08-2009, 01:33 AM
Life after death, there would be contact between them and us?
It would be a normal or paranormal?Intuition, mediunity, paranormal or normal?

You mean, like a séance? Have you ever done it personally?



Not in a séance, but naturally, at home, school, job, driving, by intuition.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:35 AM
Life after death, there would be contact between them and us?
It would be a normal or paranormal?Intuition, mediunity, paranormal or normal?

You mean, like a séance? Have you ever done it personally?



Not in a séance, but naturally, at home, school, job, driving, by intuition.

Elaborate...this spirit of the dead calling you were saying. ;)



06-08-2009, 01:36 AM
Life after death, there would be contact between them and us?
It would be a normal or paranormal?Intuition, mediunity, paranormal or normal?

You mean, like a séance? Have you ever done it personally?



Yes i had, in a séance and naturally at home or job, by intuition, like a better angel talk.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:38 AM
yeah, multiple unexplainables and a few multiple orgasms along the way...

Could you explain the cause of blueballs? lol :P



06-08-2009, 01:38 AM
Sometimes i would have dreams and later, like maybe weeks or months later what i dreamt would happen.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:41 AM
Sometimes i would have dreams and later, like maybe weeks or months later what i dreamt would happen.

Premonitions! I get those too sometimes. They say a premonition is much stronger if it involves family. How true?



06-08-2009, 01:48 AM
I have never had one about family but i dreamnt of a friend once. In my dream he was floating in an innertube in green water and he was gone. 3 months later he drowned , he had been fishing and fell in the water. The water was green because of algae. Thats creepy.

06-08-2009, 01:55 AM
The closest I have experienced is Deja Vu (not the strip club chain in this instance) every so often. Its usually a situation with random people and places doing certain things that I know I have not done before but seemed so vividly familiar that I will stop and try to remember how it seems so familiar. I'm pretty sure Ive dreamed about them.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 01:58 AM
I have never had one about family but i dreamnt of a friend once. In my dream he was floating in an innertube in green water and he was gone. 3 months later he drowned , he had been fishing and fell in the water. The water was green because of algae. Thats creepy.

I'm sorry to hear. That's sad. Don't you wished you could have warned him?

This just reminds me of that tv show with the brunette girl (dusku or something).



06-08-2009, 02:01 AM
Or have you ever smelled something and it brought back a memory? Like certain cookies baking and BAM you remember when you were little. Not really paranormal , more olfactory memory recall but still cool.

06-08-2009, 02:02 AM
the house i lived in during high school was def haunted....i would say things would happen every day that i lived there...from turning on of tvs , stereos , ceiling fans, and doors slamming ....i used to just try to tune it out...i had seen it like twice..not one of those corner of your eyes experiences...like u re focus your eyes a few times and it is still there and see it clear as day...my family would never talk about it but it was so bad my stepfather packed up his things and moved out and left us ...we eventually left soon after...i remember returning to get my drafting table like a year later ( my stepbrothers still lived there ) i noticed no one lived upstairs where most of the activity happened...it was not something violent or anything but this shit happened all the time during the day and night...was glad to get out of there though...

06-08-2009, 02:07 AM
I told him about the dream. He said " Dude dont be a fag man , i dont want you dreamin about me. " Oh well ...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 02:08 AM
Or have you ever smelled something and it brought back a memory? Like certain cookies baking and BAM you remember when you were little. Not really paranormal , more olfactory memory recall but still cool.

Yes, all the time. I used to (well still do) smell my grandma's scent sometimes. And when I do, I know she is in the room (watching over me).

Other than that, a particular scent brings back good memories like apple cider, sandalwood etc.




Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 02:13 AM
the house i lived in during high school was def haunted....i would say things would happen every day that i lived there...from turning on of tvs , stereos , ceiling fans, and doors slamming ....i used to just try to tune it out...i had seen it like twice..not one of those corner of your eyes experiences...like u re focus your eyes a few times and it is still there and see it clear as day...my family would never talk about it but it was so bad my stepfather packed up his things and moved out and left us ...we eventually left soon after...i remember returning to get my drafting table like a year later ( my stepbrothers still lived there ) i noticed no one lived upstairs where most of the activity happened...it was not something violent or anything but this shit happened all the time during the day and night...was glad to get out of there though...

That's pretty interesting. I also believe in spirits and ghost. When I was a kid (maybe 4/5 years old,) I used to see what appears as black dwarfs in our back yard. One was male the other female. Their faces were blurry. Probably about 3-4 feet tall. Every afternoon, I would see them playing by a nearby mound and holding hands climbing up and then down. It was pretty eerie.



Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 02:46 AM
The closest I have experienced is Deja Vu (not the strip club chain in this instance) every so often. Its usually a situation with random people and places doing certain things that I know I have not done before but seemed so vividly familiar that I will stop and try to remember how it seems so familiar. I'm pretty sure Ive dreamed about them.

It is said that 60 to 70 percent of us admit to getting this feeling at least once in our lives. The sight, sound, taste or even smell of something makes us think that we've experienced it before, although we know that we couldn't have. Causes of dejavu range from reincarnation to glitches in our memory processes.



06-08-2009, 05:41 AM
Back when I was about 15, my grandfather got sick and we had to go back to the UK to see him before he died. Well, he passed a couple of days after we got there. We were staying at his house in the country in January, so all the windows and doors were closed when we left. Well when we came back from hospital the day he died, there was a huge black bird in his house!

It didn't make any noise or anything, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a crow or a raven either. We opened the door and it hopped out, then flew away. A few days passed, no more black bird. Then after the funeral, on the day we were packing up to go back home. It was back in the house.

We talked about it on the way back home a little, how it was Gran checking up on us. When we got back home in the states, there was a black bird in our house too!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-08-2009, 11:40 PM
Very interesting Tom. I didn't know you were part English? Thanks for sharing babe. ;)

Any others?



06-09-2009, 12:13 AM
My old house used to be a church. I lived there for 14 years and my room was in the basement. Sounds kind of creepy, but yeah, nothing has ever happened there. It used to freak me out when I was like 8 but I got over it. All those teen years growing up...watching porn and masterbating....in God's house.

06-10-2009, 04:23 AM
Like someone else said, deja vu is the closest thing I've experienced.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-10-2009, 04:35 AM
My old house used to be a church. I lived there for 14 years and my room was in the basement. Sounds kind of creepy, but yeah, nothing has ever happened there. It used to freak me out when I was like 8 but I got over it. All those teen years growing up...watching porn and masterbating....in God's house.

That must have been pretty cool growing up in an old church/cathedral. I would have peed my pants though if doors open and slammed on it's own and it's not even windy or chandeliers shaking as if there was an earthquake (think the exorcist)! :twisted:



06-10-2009, 10:36 AM
When I would meet people for the first time and tell them where I lived, I'd always here. "Oh you live in the old church" and I'm like "yep." Because my room was downstairs in the basement, when I was little I used to think they kept dead people down there and it was uneasy for me. So for the first year or so living there, I would sleep upstairs on the couch. I never liked being alone there when I was younger. But like I said, nothing has ever happened there and I got over it as I grew up.

06-10-2009, 11:25 AM
I often have Deja Vu experiences.

Periodically, I will experience a real life event and while it is happening to me I will remember that I have dreamt this very scene vividly and exactly about six to twelve months previously. At the time that I dreamt it, after I woke up from that dream, I thought that it didn't make sense, because I am not familiar with those people or that place as it occurred in the dream. Its a place I haven't been yet.

When it first started happening during my teens it really freaked me out. But now I am used to it and when it happens I just put it down to some grand cosmic scheme being on track and heading in the right direction.

Never dreamt anything useful like the winning lottery numbers or anything, though.

06-10-2009, 11:32 AM
girl, your thread just gave me the chills because it reminded me of something..i've had about 3 or 4 nightmares of myself being possessed..first i would see like a light or blur coming towards me in the nightmare..then it get's inside of me and i can't move..the scary part is that i wake up and can't move for a few minutes..i try to scream or yell and i can't..WORST FEELING EVER!!! omg so scary!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-10-2009, 06:36 PM
girl, your thread just gave me the chills because it reminded me of something..i've had about 3 or 4 nightmares of myself being possessed..first i would see like a light or blur coming towards me in the nightmare..then it get's inside of me and i can't move..the scary part is that i wake up and can't move for a few minutes..i try to scream or yell and i can't..WORST FEELING EVER!!! omg so scary!

OMG, that's scary. Something like that happened to me and a friend. It was late and we got hungry. We've decided to go to a nearby 7-11 to buy some food and smokes. I think we were like 19 at the time. So anyways, we were walking down the road which was pretty dark and decided to take a short cut when we saw a lady hanging by a tree, No she wasn't hanging by one of the brances..she was suspended on air next to the tree. WTF? We were scared shitless, we tried to run but we weren't even moving (not even an inch), we tried to scream but no matter how loud, there were no voices coming out! It was just one of the weirdest and scariest experiences I've had ever!!




06-10-2009, 06:50 PM
girl, your thread just gave me the chills because it reminded me of something..i've had about 3 or 4 nightmares of myself being possessed..first i would see like a light or blur coming towards me in the nightmare..then it get's inside of me and i can't move..the scary part is that i wake up and can't move for a few minutes..i try to scream or yell and i can't..WORST FEELING EVER!!! omg so scary!

OMG, that's scary. Something like that happened to me and a friend. It was late and we got hungry. We've decided to go to a nearby 7-11 to buy some food and smokes. I think we were like 19 at the time. So anyways, we were walking down the road which was pretty dark and decided to take a short cut when we saw a lady hanging by a tree, No she wasn't hanging by one of the brances..she was suspended on air next to the tree. WTF? We were scared shitless, we tried to run but we weren't even moving (not even an inch), we tried to scream but no matter how loud, there were no voices coming out! It was just one of the weirdest and scariest experiences I've had ever!!




omg are you serious? that's some scary shit right there..lol

06-10-2009, 06:58 PM
Hey Jen , Maybe you were abducted by aliens. Did they probe you lol ?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-11-2009, 12:23 AM
girl, your thread just gave me the chills because it reminded me of something..i've had about 3 or 4 nightmares of myself being possessed..first i would see like a light or blur coming towards me in the nightmare..then it get's inside of me and i can't move..the scary part is that i wake up and can't move for a few minutes..i try to scream or yell and i can't..WORST FEELING EVER!!! omg so scary!

OMG, that's scary. Something like that happened to me and a friend. It was late and we got hungry. We've decided to go to a nearby 7-11 to buy some food and smokes. I think we were like 19 at the time. So anyways, we were walking down the road which was pretty dark and decided to take a short cut when we saw a lady hanging by a tree, No she wasn't hanging by one of the brances..she was suspended on air next to the tree. WTF? We were scared shitless, we tried to run but we weren't even moving (not even an inch), we tried to scream but no matter how loud, there were no voices coming out! It was just one of the weirdest and scariest experiences I've had ever!!




omg are you serious? that's some scary shit right there..lol

Yep, it's one thing I'll forever remember..pretty scary!



06-11-2009, 05:55 AM
Honestly I think certain people are more prone to these things. Like if you go looking for the paranormal....you'll end up finding it. But I dunno if the average joe has weird experiences like this. A lot of people claim, the closer to God you are the more likely things like this will happen. Like it's the Devil's way of fucking with you for playing on the other team. I'm borderline Atheist and I've never experienced anything like what you guys are talking about. I guess my question to HTG and Jen is....are you guys religious?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-11-2009, 06:11 AM
Honestly I think certain people are more prone to these things. Like if you go looking for the paranormal....you'll end up finding it. But I dunno if the average joe has weird experiences like this. A lot of people claim, the closer to God you are the more likely things like this will happen. Like it's the Devil's way of fucking with you for playing on the other team. I'm borderline Atheist and I've never experienced anything like what you guys are talking about. I guess my question to HTG and Jen is....are you guys religious?

Well, I came from a predominantly religious (catholic) family background. But I'm not religious myself (I don't think)..Sure I go to church and hear mass on holy days and my birthday to give thanks. But that's about it. My grandma though, my aunts and mom are quite the same as me..in the sense that they too have seen and experienced things I have growing up. Those visions (of seeing things) sorta disappeared once I've gotten a lil older. So I dunno.
