View Full Version : Transsexual in Iran

06-02-2009, 10:40 AM
Transsexual in Iran

More SRS operations are performed in Iran than almost any other country, second only to Thailand.

Anyone seen this documentary before? Made in the USA, with captions.

For any other Aussies checking out this forum, it is airing on Australian Television tonight on SBS at 10pm EST.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, a country with strict social mores and traditional values, sex-change operations are legal. Over 20 years ago, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa making sex change permissible for "diagnosed transsexuals."

06-02-2009, 04:33 PM
Can't work that country out, they stone you to death for being gay but make laws that allow sex changes.. Hey eclipse Im also downunder, missed the doco but sounded like it would have been interesting.

06-02-2009, 04:51 PM
Can't work that country out, they stone you to death for being gay but make laws that allow sex changes.. Hey eclipse Im also downunder, missed the doco but sounded like it would have been interesting.

I tuned in and out while watching it. Mixed reactions...

A lot of Farsi (Persian-Iranian), so hard to follow in some parts.

Covered both mtf and ftm transitions.

Iran is the first country to legalise and recognise people who have transitioned from one sex to another. Yet they maintain zero tolerance towards homosexuality.

Seemed to indicate that Shariah Law in Iran forces people to choose either male or female, no in between. Zero tolerance towards gay or lesbian behaviour. Morality police patrol the streets arresting single women walking alone, so if you transition from ftm you want to transition asap to be accepted into the female cliques built in to Shariah Law society. So I inferred that a lot of the pressure for some TS is to be able to legally enter into relationships with their own gender, and to become partway accepted by their family and society.

A lot of discussion was about how the family reacts to those who choose to transition. To some, it is their way of becoming accepted. "I'm not gay, I'm really a woman. That's legal."

There were thought police everywhere monitoring the filming, so we don't know the whole picture. This included the doctor, who intervened to counsel the family members about what was appropriate and inappropriate to say.

If you missed it, you didn't miss much. Mildly informative.