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05-27-2009, 03:02 AM
My mom recently started working in a new doctor’s office.
The other girls that work there are telling her about certain patients.
They mention a transman who they refer to as ‘it’.
My my asks a question about the patient and refers to him in his correct pronoun.

They ask ‘why are you referring to it as him?’

To which my mom answers- Because he’s transgender.
And goes on to explain briefly, why he is to be referred to as such.

They all ask how does she know so much about being TG.

(here’s where it gets good)

She points at the picture on her desk of her daughter,
whom they all have commented how beautiful she is, and how much she looks like her mom.

‘because my daughter is transsexual’

(God, I love this woman)

She went on about our relationship, and essentially, the validity of my gender.

They all go on about how embarrassed and sorry they are if they offended her.
To which she says
“Don’t be sorry for me, be sorry for yourself for being ignorant.”


05-27-2009, 03:18 AM
Very awesome. Love how they pushed them into the corner by showing them your photo. They can't say jack shit after commenting on it all this time.

05-27-2009, 03:23 AM
:D That put the biggest smile on my face. Your mother schooled them, and maybe now they can school others. High Five for mom on that one!!!

05-27-2009, 03:29 AM
Wow, your mum's a total badass. That's seriously one of the best things I've heard, can't believe how ignorant those others were though.

05-27-2009, 03:34 AM
:peanutbutter :claps :rock2

Quiet Reflections
05-27-2009, 03:38 AM
your mother sounds real cool. i love to hear a good uplifting story

05-27-2009, 03:45 AM
Great story Alyssa, always good to hear ignorant people like those get their asses handed to them like that.

05-27-2009, 03:49 AM
co-workers = pwned!

05-27-2009, 03:50 AM
Your Mom is awesome! I love it.

05-27-2009, 04:36 AM
Best Mom EVER

05-27-2009, 05:18 AM
That's a beautiful account, Alyssa. My hat's off to your mom. She demonstrated class, intelligence, and wit. Kudos!

05-27-2009, 05:20 AM
is probably why u are so cool

05-27-2009, 05:26 AM
is probably why u are so cool


05-27-2009, 05:33 AM
GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR MOM SWEETY,, all day everyday!!!!!!!!

They better come correct!!!!..

05-27-2009, 05:41 AM
i'm happy for you Alyssa that you have a loving mother who cares for you and supports you emotionally to be beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.

05-27-2009, 05:44 AM
Yo, that's awesome. 8)

05-27-2009, 06:43 AM
i'm gonna pass this along.

thanks ppl

05-27-2009, 06:50 AM
My mom recently started working in a new doctor’s office.
The other girls that work there are telling her about certain patients.
They mention a transman who they refer to as ‘it’.
My my asks a question about the patient and refers to him in his correct pronoun.

They ask ‘why are you referring to it as him?’

To which my mom answers- Because he’s transgender.
And goes on to explain briefly, why he is to be referred to as such.

They all ask how does she know so much about being TG.

(here’s where it gets good)

She points at the picture on her desk of her daughter,
whom they all have commented how beautiful she is, and how much she looks like her mom.

‘because my daughter is transsexual’

(God, I love this woman)

She went on about our relationship, and essentially, the validity of my gender.

They all go on about how embarrassed and sorry they are if they offended her.
To which she says
“Don’t be sorry for me, be sorry for yourself for being ignorant.”

OKK. You are truly blessed to have an understanding, and acepting mom. Some of us wish we could have had that in our lives growing up

05-27-2009, 07:19 AM
Doesn't get any better than that....

My mom didn't want me to bring my transsexual girlfriend to my Dad's birthday party because work folks would be there... and my sister in law and lesbian sister agreed. It is just so inspiring to hear some family is not afraid to stand up at the work place after my own disappointment.

05-27-2009, 08:16 AM
My mom recently started working in a new doctor’s office.
The other girls that work there are telling her about certain patients.
They mention a transman who they refer to as ‘it’.
My my asks a question about the patient and refers to him in his correct pronoun.

They ask ‘why are you referring to it as him?’

To which my mom answers- Because he’s transgender.
And goes on to explain briefly, why he is to be referred to as such.

They all ask how does she know so much about being TG.

(here’s where it gets good)

She points at the picture on her desk of her daughter,
whom they all have commented how beautiful she is, and how much she looks like her mom.

‘because my daughter is transsexual’

(God, I love this woman)

She went on about our relationship, and essentially, the validity of my gender.

They all go on about how embarrassed and sorry they are if they offended her.
To which she says
“Don’t be sorry for me, be sorry for yourself for being ignorant.”

SLAM DUNK MOM!Heh that would be great to record to rewatch...Yes alyssa slam dunk and then some :lol:

05-27-2009, 08:20 AM
You're mom sounds awesome. I am lucky that my mom would say the same thing as well : )

05-27-2009, 12:22 PM
My eyes welled-up. Thanks for sharing this story Alyssa.

05-27-2009, 05:07 PM
Love to have seen their faces when your mum spilled the beans. But in your case Iam not surprised they didn't realise, I couldn' tell either from a pic.

It's amazing the sorts of people who spout such ignorant nonscense too. At the barbers there are two girls who cut my hair and they are complete hippies dreads in their hair , go to protests . One in fact is a dyke. And we were talking and somehow the convo got onto transexuals , I think some footballer had been shagging one. Anyway you should have heard the stuff they were coming out with.

05-27-2009, 05:43 PM
if only every transgendered and gay kid out there could have a mom like your's. especially in cultures where it's such a stigma

05-27-2009, 06:36 PM
The whole world changes one person at a time. The reason transexuals exist is to help to teach mankind how to love. It may take a thousand years, but it is coming, one person at a time. This shows why it is so important for us to see good in others in our community and ourselves. And it also demonstrates, why we should be thankful for those that love us. And thank you Alyssa87!

05-27-2009, 08:38 PM
The whole world changes one person at a time. The reason transexuals exist is to help to teach mankind how to love. It may take a thousand years, but it is coming, one person at a time. This shows why it is so important for us to see good in others in our community and ourselves. And it also demonstrates, why we should be thankful for those that love us. And thank you Alyssa87!

My sentiments, exactly. :claps

05-27-2009, 08:44 PM
if only every transgendered and gay kid out there could have a mom like your's. especially in cultures where it's such a stigma or if people would have the common fucking courtesy to not talk badly about peoples way of life...I mean I dont care if someone talks shit about a dumbass person,but about a group of people who have never made a negative impact on ones life wtf comes to mind.

Floyd R
05-27-2009, 09:00 PM
Alyssa, thanks for relaying this story. Your mother is a positive and open minded person and be thankful that you have someone like that in your life.

05-27-2009, 10:08 PM
oh i'm very thankful.

we're best friends. we do everything together.
at 21, i have no real plans to leave home.lol http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/30.gif

05-27-2009, 10:10 PM
oh i'm very thankful.

we're best friends. we do everything together.
at 21, i have no real plans to leave home.lol http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/30.gif

Free cable, free net..enjoy it while you can. :)

05-27-2009, 10:14 PM
oh i'm very thankful.

we're best friends. we do everything together.
at 21, i have no real plans to leave home.lol http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/30.gif

Free cable, free net..enjoy it while you can. :)

i pay for both those things.
and we split the rent..so there :P

05-27-2009, 10:19 PM
oh well then you are an adult now. (it's a song). :)

05-27-2009, 11:21 PM
Wow, that is great, Alyssa. You have one awesome and loving mother!

05-27-2009, 11:22 PM
Wow, that is great, Alyssa. You have one awesome and loving mother!